
It is inevitable to go to the church to steal gasoline, but who will go is a problem.

Aunt Ming shook her head first: "I have been around the town for a long time, almost everyone knows me. As soon as I show up, I will be caught immediately, there will be no chance of escape."

"If the person you are talking about is really Ann, then she has seen all of our faces, you are not the only one who is in danger." Da Yang said without caring.

Even so, Aunt Ming refused to accept.

Chu Wenhai asked Da Yang in a low voice: "Hey, our face shapes are different from those of the people here. There is no need to specially distinguish them at all ba. At least we can be easily recognized a."

Da Yang shook his head: "No, people here won't think we look special. This is the protection of the game settings." After all, there are so many game maps with Western backgrounds. If Oriental people are remembered because of their facial shapes, then what hope is there for victory ne?

If Aunt Ming doesn't go, Da Yang won't force her, Fast will definitely not be able to go. He and Chu Wenhai looked at each other, then both of them looked at Nicole.

Nicole's heart was flustered. He looked at the two people looking at him and immediately shook his head.

In any case, after watching two friends die one after another, he didn't want to take any risks. No matter what Da Yang and Chu Wenhai said, it was useless.

Da Yang only mentioned a few words, if Nicole didn't want to go then forget it. If possible, Da Yang hope this man to live. After all, the game copy specially arranged outsider NPCs. Da Yang believed that apart from the traitor Hasen, the identities of these four people should have other intentions. For example, it can bring him more clues.

It is also possible that protecting this person will come handy at the end.

In any case, keeping him is definitely not the wrong choice.

Then naturally the only people left who can take action are Da Yang and Chu Wenhai. It's too dangerous to do this alone, so it's safest to go together with two people.

Taking out the map and looking at it, Da Yang asked: "Where is the road?"

Fast pointed out the thin line: "Here. This town has been renovated, all the building windows that can see this path have been sealed. At night, as long as no one is wandering around here, It's safest to go from here."

Da Yang lowered his head, noticed the road was very close to the square, asked: "Won't it be seen by people in the square ma?"

"No." Fast shook his head, "On the contrary, the people in the square can be seen clearly from that road."

Da Yang said oh and said nothing more.

Thinking about it for a while, then said: "This road will not work."

Fast asked: 'Why?"

"Now that there is an epidemic in the town, no one will stay honestly at home as they used to." Da Yang explained, "One more thing, this road should be used by Ann and them now. We using it is equivalent to appearing in front of them openly."

Aunt Ming: "She told us that the square was safe in the first place, actually just for..."

Da Yang: "We all stay in the square for surveillance. We won't notice anyone walking this way just by wandering outside."

Chu Wenhai quietly came over and said, "It's okay, big shot. Can't we just use that card ma?"

Da Yang glanced at him, said nothing, just rolled up the map and stuffed it into his arms. Let out a sound and left. Chu Wenhai immediately followed, grinning.

Da Yang admitted that Chu Wenhai was right. As long as he used that invisibility card, it would be easy to go anywhere. But that invisibility card is a purple-quality card that can make you and your partners invisible. It is expensive. Although the time use can be frozen, it is still limited, so use it a little less. And the more people who will be invisible, the time of use is reduced faster exponentially.

The value of this card is high. If used too much here but don't earn many coins, wouldn't he lose money ma?

If possible, he hoped he wouldn't have to use this card again.

The situation in the town is really messy. You can see many people wandering outside, some robbing people, some running away crying, and some attacking people everywhere.

In this chaotic situation, disguise is not so necessary. So Da Yang and Chu Wenhai only carefully avoided those guys who hurt others indiscriminately and moved forward slowly.

It's just that the closer they get to the church, the less this kind of situation happen, it is because the number of people is gradually decreasing.

Da Yang thought it was strange until he saw a wooden fence blocking the road ahead.

He wanted to go around and take other roads, but found the roads going to the church were also blocked. Morever there are people patrolling with weapons.

After careful observation, Da Yang discovered that, people from the sanatorium actually expanded their territory around the church and used fences as boundaries to divide their territory, they lived in the church and the houses in the territory.

As for the original owners of the houses, they must have been driven away long ago, or even... died.

Seeing someone walking by, Da Yang took Chu Wenhai and hid behind the house, but this place was not safe enough at all, so he had no choice but to use the concealation card.

Then they saw two people walking over, stopping not far away and talking.

"There's a group of people who have already left the town." The tall man said.

The short one said: "Can they survive until they get to the nearest town ma?"

"The vast majority should not be able to, but a small number should be able to ba."

The tall man said: "I hope this place will be cleaner tomorrow so we won't have to evict them again."

"It doesn't matter. Cleaner or not doesn't have importance. Ann said that as long as Fast dies, we can continue with the following things. Then we won't have to stay here." The tall man answered.

"I hope this day comes sooner."


Da Yang listened attentively, hoping that the two of them could tell more useful things. Who would have thought that at this time, a half-crazy infected person ran over, those two people left and ran over as soon as they saw it, and drove the infected person away.

But this bit of information is enough. Da Yang is convinced that Fast is a key figure. After confirming this news, as long as Fast is kept, it will not be far away to pass the level with a high rating.

If the invisibility card is used only a little bit, he may not lose much.

Da Yang whispered to Chu Wenhai: "You hide here. Don't talk, don't make a sound."

Chu Wenhai: "Big shot, what about you ne?"

"I'll go invisible to look for the thing. When I come out, you provide support."

"Then I'll go with you." Chu Wenhai said excitedly, "Two people going together, isn't it safer ma?"

Da Yang said: "My card has a time limit, so two of us will have to double the time flow rate." He did not continue, Chu Wenhai also knew, he seemed to be the draging hind leg.

"Okay, then big shot, I'll wait here." Chu Wenhai said honestly.

Da Yang nodded, looking at the weeds nearby, then he asked him to hide in: "I will get the things and meet you. Don't say anything. No matter what happens, just wait here."

Chu Wenhai nodded in agreement, carefully curling up into a ball, feeling bitter in his heart.

Even if he is a new player trumpet, he will also feel sad if he is rejected like this.

Want to become stronger.

Da Yang left Chu Wenhai behind and dive into the church smoothly in his invisible state. He saw people patrolling in the church, saw Ann and Pearson, and also saw Rong Zheng and Green sitting on a chair.

Even though he knew he was in an invisible state, Da Yang still carefully avoided Rong Zheng. He still remembered the man's cunning act of locking the cell door even though he was clearly invisible.

In addition, he himself has hidden card, don't know if this person also has any other cards.

Whatever thought came to his mind, Rong Zheng was cutting fruit for Bai Leshui when he suddenly made a move and turned his head to look this way.

In order to not accidentally bump into something that would reveal his whereabouts, Da Yang was walking close to the wall. Being watched like this, he was like a frog being stared by a snake. He froze in place and did not dare to move.

Bai Leshui, who noticed Rong Zheng's strange behavior, tilted his head: "What's wrong? Did you find something wrong there?"

"Well, maybe." Rong Zheng placed the fruit in front of Bai Leshui, and walked towards the invisible Da Yang with a fruit knife in his hand.

Da Yang has already begun to think about how to escape after being discovered. Who would have thought that this man suddenly squatted down when he came here, picked up something from the ground, and walked back again.

Da Yang:...

Almost suffocated with fear.

Bai Leshui looked at the small stone in Rong Zheng's hand strangely: "You went around here just to get this kind of junk?"

Rong Zheng smiled: "Yes, someone must have accidentally dropped it ba."

"I believe no one would drop such a thing." Bai Leshui said.

Da Yang, who was only thinking about how to escape the whole time, didn't even notice what Rong Zheng picked up, and the thing was too small. When Rong Zheng picked it up, he held it tightly in his hand, Da Yang didn't even have a chance to look at it. He could only see Rong Zheng's back facing here, and the disdainful expression on the face of the man named Green.

What on earth is that thing?

Da Yang was curious but didn't dare to look. At that moment, he decided to give up considering this meaningless question and concentrate on the following things.

The mission comes first.

Rong Zheng played with the thing in his hand and pinched it for a while, until Bai Leshui, who had finished eating the fruit, couldn't help but dislike it with the words of 'throw it away, so dirty', only then he threw away the stone in his hand.

"Arrived." Rong Zheng lowered his voice and said to Bai Leshui.

Bai Leshui looked at him, leaned over and whispered, "Are you sure they arrived?"

Rong Zheng: "Mmh."

"Then just now..." Bai Leshui asked.

Rong Zheng: "I just feel something was wrong. Went and take a look. No matter how hard a person hides, at least the sound of breathing can not be hidden." And unfortunately, his five senses are very sensitive.

Have an invisibility card, and among the two person who were not caught, no matter how one thought about, only Da Yang met these conditions.

As for the reason for coming, it was naturally for oil.

That RV is burning gasoline, but the gasoline in the oil drum in the basement was replaced by diesel, but the name on the outer packaging remained the same.

Once a car that burns gasoline starts burning diesel, it won't be able to move at all.

So, it doesn't matter if it's taken away.

And he also made a second-hand preparation, a very rough but very effective method.

Da Yang found the gas quite smoothly, he even opened to look at it. He just put it away after a cursory glance. Anyone who has not been specifically exposed to such things can not tell the difference between diesel and gasoline.

After taking the things and returning the same way, Da Yang saw the only entrance was covered with a thick layer of flour.

Da Yang paused, stood at the edge of the flour and probed out, he then saw Bai Leshui and Karl holding wooden sticks in their hands, staring at the ground, waiting to see shoe prints to sap him.

This attitude made Da Yang feel panicked. He didn't understand how Rong Zheng explained the matter of the game and cards to a game NPC, but obviously, he was exposed.

When he asked Tom and Nicole to rescue him and Chu Wenhai from prison, they were not invisible. Moreover, it is obviously something beyond the understanding of NPC here, and these person actually believes it.

In any case, Da Yang is absolutely unwilling to send himself to the door and be knocked down. He had no choice but choose another place to escape. There is only one window in this room, which is small and narrow. It is only a few centimeters high from the grass outside.

Originally, half of this room was underground and used for storing sundries. Da Yang didn't think there was anything strange about the window being open.

Da Yang made a choice right away. The invisibility card time was limited, he simply couldn't afford to wait. He took the risk and chose to get out by the window. He only got halfway out with the oil drum in his arms when there was a sudden crash, a bag of flour was sprinkled from the top of his head, revealing his figure even in invisible state.

Knowing that hiding was ineffective, Da Yang didn't waste time, froze the invisibility card, and turned to look at the person wearing black clothes hiding in the shadow.

Ann smiled and fiddled with her hair: "I heard that you have the latest technology that can hide your body like a chameleon. I didn't believe it. I didn't expect it to be true. I have been here for a long time, could it be that I can't recognize the world that is changing so fast ma?"

Da Yang tugged at the corner of his mouth helplessly. Nothing was said.

"Hand over the thing." Ann said to Da Yang, "Then I will let you go."

The thing? High technology that can make people invisible? How could such a thing exist, how could it be handed over? Da Yang couldn't explain, so he could only treat it like a scalded dead duck with a tough mouth and said nothing.

Ann asked several questions but didn't get an answer. She became impatient and sneered: "Forget it if you don't hand over. But you can't leave. Otherwise, with such ability, you will cause me a lot of trouble."

She said that then snapped her fingers.

A man stepped forward and snatched the oil drum from Da Yang's hand, opened it, and dumped it. The dark oil covered Da Yang's body.

Ann's brother, Hasen, stepped forward, took out a box of matches, lit one, and threw it.

Dots of firelight fell in front of his nose, which was the last scene that Da Yang saw in this game copy.

Then the flames ignited in an instant and illuminated the surroundings. Ann and others stood there, watching everything quietly.

After confirming the person in the flames was really silent, several basins of water were poured down. On the charred ground, there was only a charred human figure.

Player Da Yang, was eliminated.

Ann raised her chin contemptuously: "Whether you were sent by them or not, you are really stupid to want to fight with me."

The author has something to say:

Bai Leshui: The task is as enjoyable as taking a free ride.

Rong Zheng: Car drive?

Bai Leshui: ...Put me down, won't drive.

  1. Honestly I think author got the wrong name. Pearson, Teni or Bourne would make more sense since if there's BLS, there's RZ.
    (And BLS won't directly act)
  2. Used to describe a person who is stubborn, unwilling to accept weakness, and unwilling to admit mistakes no matter what.
  3. Driving car is also a slang for having sex. An experimented driver can mean someone with a lot of experience when it come to bed. (Be careful with the context)