My surname is Bai

The last thing Da Yang saw in the copy were dots of fire.

Then the next second, he was ejected from the dungeon and came to the game rest room, where he saw Lin Song who also looked depressed, and Tu An who looked unhappy.

On the chairs on the other side, Hao Jie and Nan Yun were sitting.

"Why did you come out?" Lin Song was undoubtedly the most surprised when he saw Da Yang. He was caught and put in prison, then a sudden fire caused him to be eliminate in the underground prison. When he came out, he faced Hao Jie who was comforting Nan Yun. Lin Song was not shocked. He had long thought that these two female players would be eliminated.

If you want to get out of this dungeon safely, you have to have a good relationship with Da Yang. There is nothing wrong with following him.

Unexpectedly, he now saw Da Yang here.

Even the veteran player in this alliance didn't survived this simple primary copy.

This is just a primary copy a.

"I was calculated." Da Yang was not angry either, he just walked to the side, sat down and sighed. If there wasn't Rong Zheng, there would be no problem for him to leave this dungeon, at least he would survive to the end without any suspense. It's a pity that he met such a guy who doesn't play by common sense.

Tu An: "I just said that this dungeon is very dangerous and cannot be dealt with by ordinary people." He muttered a few words there, then carefully asked Da Yang: "Then my assessment...should not be counted a?"

Da Yang glanced at him: "We'll talk about it when we go back."

Tu An touched his nose and remained silent.

Then just go back and talk again, just go back and talk again. Even if he really fails, as long as he doesn't have bad behavior that is posted in the parallel world notice, the worst he can do is change to another alliance.

Looking at this alliance, it doesn't look that great either.

Otherwise, a majestic alliance veterant, even a primary dungeon can't be passed, can he still call himself an experienced player? How many old players stay in the primary copy?

Tu An was very disdainful.

Lin Song knew Da Yang's strength, so he quietly stepped forward to ask. Da Yang sighed and said in a low voice: "Rong Zheng's method is to make good friends with NPC to pass the custom clearance."

This sentence alone is enough.

Befriending an NPC is, at best, an NPC, and at worst, a BOSS.

This type of players, to other players who have cleared the level normally, are like ghosts on the surface, simply causing trouble for them.

Lin Song couldn't help but curse secretly when he understand. He had already guessed that he had been tricked when he was caught, but there was nothing he could do except curse secretly. The most he can do is post people on the wall.

Can he still beat someone up? Rules are strict in the parallel world, and even more so in the game. Let alone hitting people in this rest room, he will be punished if he moves his hands even a few times. The light one will deduct game currency, the heavy one will ban you from entering dungeons. Otherwise, when Hao Jie and Tu An saw him before, they wouldn't just scold him for making up lies and not giving vaccines.

"Now the only ones left in the dungeon are Chu Wenhai and Aunt Ming ba." Lin Song said. As for Rong Zheng, he is no longer considered a member of the player camp, so he simply ignore him.

"It should be eliminated soon." Tu An said.

Not just him, everyone thinks so.

In the game copy.

The sky-wide firelight illuminated half of the sky.

Chu Wenhai squatted in the dark and observed, and naturally saw the light all over the sky. Why did a fire suddenly burst out? He was secretly suspicious in his heart, when he heard someone going to put out the fire. After a while, they came back and said to people here the whole story. It was a thief that came in and was accidentally burned by oil. It was not a big deal.

These words of advice all reached Chu Wenhai's ears. His eyes widened in fright, he turned around intending ran away.

As a result, as soon as he ran away, he was exposed, someone immediately came to catch him. Fortunately, there were not many people here, and Chu Wenhai was very agile. After he rushed into the chaotic crowd, he was like a fish entering the sea, with nowhere to follow. With good luck, he ran away.

Chu Wenhai found a place to hide, breathing heavily, thankful that he had escaped.

The other side.

Rong Zheng said to Bai Leshui, "Another one has been solved."

Bai Leshui nodded and counted with his fingers: "There are two left."

"We'll catch them early tomorrow morning. There's still time," Rong Zheng said.

Without gasoline, this group of people couldn't run away even if they wanted to, so the remaining time would be better spent resting.

Bai Leshui was also tired, so he went to rest as he said.

When they were about to go to bed at night, Pearson allocated two rooms to them. Although the two rooms were close to each other, it was still two rooms. Rong Zheng was very dissatisfied and insisted on changing to one room, claiming that he and Bai Leshui were lovers.

Where was Bai Leshui willing, this was basically letting a wolf into his home. He said everything to refuse. Who would have thought that Pearson thought for a moment, patted Bai Leshui on the shoulder and said, "I know you always like to say opposite words. This time, you are willing ba. Then I will change the room for you guys."

It's good for lovers to be together.

Bai Leshui:...

He finally knew how the child who cried wolf every day felt when he told the truth but was not believed.

It was a rare night where he kept telling the truth. Can you believe even once ma? If you don't believe at other times, can you believe here once ma?

As expected, telling lies is intolerable.

Sometimes true and sometimes false is intolerable.

Doesn't this make him a duplicitous person?

That night, Rong Zheng came to Bai Leshui's room happily and saw this man lying down and occupying the entire bed. He only prepared a bedding roll for Rong Zheng on the floor. His meaning was clear: You lay the floor for me.

Rong Zheng looked at the bedding roll on the ground aggrievedly, then looked up at the 1.8-meter big bed.

Bai Leshui shifted again, and drew a diagonal line on the big bed.

Rong Zheng: "I don't like sleeping on the ground, it's too cold."

Bai Leshui: "It's summer now."

Rong Zheng: "It's not good for the waist."

"You have a bad waist at young age, you can't do it a." Bai Leshui mocked.

Rong Zheng:...

Just wait, I will let you know if my waist is good or not later.

Rong Zheng murmured with a face of dislike, either the bedding was not thick enough or the pillow was not soft enough. After rambling on, Bai Leshui rolled his eyes in anger and said, "If you dislike things again then go out to sleep. How happy it is to have a room alone ne."

Rong Zheng shut up. He rolled in the bed roll lying on the ground for a while, then suddenly sat up and squatted beside Bai Leshui's bed, whispering: "At least tell me something, even if you only reveal a little, otherwise I won't be reconciled."

Bai Leshui stood up and raised his eyelids: "Reveal what?"

"What's your name? How old are you? Where do you live?" Rong Zheng asked three questions in a row.

Bai Leshui lay back and refused to answer.

Rong Zheng whispered: "If you don't tell me, I will keep asking. Once asked clearly, I will feel at ease, lest I feel itchy and crawl into your bed late at night."

Bai Leshui exploded in an instant. He sleep deeply. He really couldn't tell if this animal would come up and do something in the middle of the night. He thought about it and said, "I'll tell you something, you be more honest for me."

Rong Zheng nodded.

"My surname is Bai." Bai Leshui said, then quickly lay down.

Rong Zheng rolled the word 'Bai' around his mouth, wanting to ask for a specific name, but when he saw that Bai Leshui ignored him, he just let it go and lay down.

But there are quite a few people with the surname Bai.

Surname is Bai, a student at school, has studied acting.

Located in Beijing...

Performing arts student of Beijing University.

Unfortunately, Rong Zheng felt that this information was not enough.

If he was still in the original world, such information could be used to find someone. However, in this world, everyone, whether they are working or going to school, now they all become full-time player. Few people mentioned their past, and the only thing that could be guessed based on this information was the approximate age of the other person.

"Good night, Xiao Bai." After thinking for a long time, when the person on the bed was about to fall asleep, Rong Zheng suddenly said this.

Rong Zheng's answer was a pillow thrown over by Bai Leshui.

Just like this, one night was spent without talking, sleeping peacefully.

On the other side, Fast three people here stayed up all night, no one went back.

There is no news about either Da Yang or Chu Wenhai.

Aunt Ming thought about it for a while and decided that the two of them were dead and the plan to steal oil had failed. She thinks the current situation is very bad.

Except for Rong Zheng, the player who defected to the BOSS, she was the only remaining player in the game, and she was accompanied by two important NPCs. Aunt Ming thought about it again and again, and believed the worst situation would be that the other party not only eliminated those two people, but also mastered the position here.

Since it's like this, then she can't remain there.

Furthermore, she didn't think she could deal with this group of lunatics, the conditions for solving the puzzle and saving the world were too difficult for her, so Aunt Ming decided to protect herself wisely.

It's just that she can't tell these two people clearly.

So Aunt Ming made a worried look, stood up and said to Nicole and Fast: "They haven't come back. I'm a little worried. I'll go check out the situation."

Nicole huddled in the car, unwilling to get out. After hearing Aunt Ming's words, he immediately became vigilant. Seeing that she had no intention of finding him to go out, he breathed a sigh of relief. After Aunt Ming left, he immediately locked the car door, hid in the small room at the back of the RV, closed the door, nestled in bed and chanted.

"It's okay, they are all dead, but I am very lucky. Nothing will happen. Absolutely not. I won't die just like that..." Lying on the bed in fear, Nicole kept repeating these words.

Fear let his psychological defenses completely collapse. He no longer trusts anyone, including Fast, who did such a terrible experiment.

Fast sighed dejectedly. Nicole didn't think too much, but he could see clearly that this woman was not going to check the situation, and simply left them two troublesome guys to ran away.

"Is this really the end ma?" Fast leaned back in his chair and sighed.

He has led so many experiments, done so many unethical things, his scalpel is stained with blood. He knows very well that those people will never let him go. No matter how many fighting and self-defense techniques he has learned, there is still no chance of winning with one against a crowd. The car had no gas, he couldn't run.

Taking out the hidden germs from his bosom, Fast murmured: "I can't contact them there a. I still want to study this carefully. If there are complete test records... As long as we can know its degree of completion..." Then even if he die, he will be willing.

Experimental subject, complete data.

Germs in his hands, needle, and... Nicole hidden in the car.

Fast's eyes were deep, finally he showed a hint of smile: "Why hesitating? I've stopped being human a long time ago ma?"

He stood up and walked towards the small room at the end of the RV.

It's just a small door, it can't stop him.

The author has something to say:

Rong Zheng: One day I will let you know how good my waist is.

Bai Leshui: How far your dream can go, is how far you will roll.

(Beepbeep quietly: To be honest, when you grow up, you realize that your dreams are really far away.)


I saw some people saying that the plot is too long a, actually I also think the plot is too long a.

So I simplified and merged the contents of the manuscript I wrote at the end of July, hoping to finish it within thirty chapters.

However, it was not achieved.

There are many things that cannot be omitted. The story must be complete, and I can't really make it 10k per chapter, so I'd better take my time ba.

Forget it, let's leave it like that ba, as long as it's not too procrastinating, that's fine.

  1. Lobby, not toilet. (Who decide to name toilet restroom? It's so confusing.)
  2. Old players who stay in low level copy so they can have an advantage over newcomers but don't dare to go to higher levels.
  3. I'll assume it mean to post the deed online.
  4. 小白 (xiǎo bái) = little white
    It sound like a pet (litterally) name and can mean noob.