Bai Leshui: Look at me for what!

Rong Zheng chose a place by the window. He liked listening to the sound of rain outside while listening to Shi Qi telling the story.

Bai Leshui chose the farthest location to ensure that Rong Zheng would not discover him, but also where he could see the two people. Unfortunately, that position was behind Rong Zheng, so he could only see Rong Zheng's back, and because of the distance, he still couldn't hear anything.

He didn't need to hear, he could judge the relationship between the two just by seeing their movements.

It's a lover ba, it must be a lover ba.

On a rainy day like this, looking out the window at the hazy rainy night, coupled with a candlelight dinner, it's simply...

Rong Zheng looked at the candles on the table, beckoned to the waiter, and asked him to take away the candles, flowers, and anything ambiguous.

He just negociated a deal with the woman in front of him, exchanging money for information. Of course, the first candlelight dinner was reserved for his dear.

Bai Leshui looked at it from distance, he let out a disdainful sneer from his nose.

Even if you take away the candles and flowers, a candlelight dinner is still a candlelight dinner! It can not be limited to the literal meaning! Don't think that this can hide your true relationship, I have seen through everything!

The man whose chest turned sour is just so unreasonable.

"You speak ba." Rong Zheng glanced at the time and said, "Try to be brief."

Shi Qi looked at the empty table: "Don't you think it would be more interesting to talk while eating?"

"Okay." Rong Zheng moved to the side. This small dining table can seat four people. He was originally sitting face to face with Shi Qi, but he moved to the side and was separated from Shi Qi.

Shi Qi was silent for a while, holding back and not asking, 'do you dislike the fact that I may spit into your food when talking?' Although the food has not been served yet.

No matter how many charming thoughts she has, even if the person in front of her is rich and handsome, it can't stop him from always talking about his dear. It doesn't matter if he doesn't regard herself as a woman, Shi Qi sometimes doubted whether the other party regarded her as a human being.


Shi Qi picked up the menu and ordered seven or eight extremely expensive dishes in one go before she was satisfied. After ordering, she glared at Rong Zheng. She is just so able to eat!

Rong Zheng didn't receive her death gaze. He opened the menu and ordered a few dishes and handed them to the waiter. He also said in particular: "Her dishes are in front of her and mine are in front of me. Don't make mistake."

The waiter nodded in response.

Shi Qi:...

Very good, this is not called eating together at all, this is called sharing a table and talking by the way.

The other side.

"Excuse me, have you decide on your order ma?" The waiter asked.

Bai Leshui, who had been paying attention to that side, came back to his senses and said casually: "Here is a bowl of noodles."

"What noodles?"

"Any kind of noodles is good, spaghetti, ramen, cold noodles." Bai Leshui said quickly, "Go, don't disturb me here."

"Okay, sir." The waiter left quickly.

Seeing the other side didn't notice here, Bai Leshui breathed a sigh of relief and continued to observe. When he saw Rong Zheng getting up, he was so frightened that he almost squatted down on the table. Then he found that Rong Zheng just changed his position, he felt relieved.

Change a good position for what, it startled him.

Bai Leshui picked up the scenic spot guide booklet on the shelf next to him, covered half of his face, and continued to observe.

Rong Zheng changed his position and said, "Is it okay now ma?"

Shi Qi covered her broken heart: "It's okay."

She also wanted to finish talking early, separate from the person in front of her early, and use the remaining three days to enjoy herself here.

I never want to see this person again in my life.

"The real name of the ID Big Handsome Guy is Nan Zean. He claims to be an actor. But in fact, he just plays minor role." Shi Qi slowly told what she knew about this man and his lover.

Shi Qi felt that the player in this parallel world who knew the most about this man was probably herself ba.

Shi Qi and Nan Zean were the same group of players who came to the parallel world. At that time, there were not so many people in this world. She and Nan Zean, came from the same novice copy.

Of course, they didn't know each other in the original world.

Shi Qi stopped studying after graduating from high school and worked outside. Because she had good looks and was good at makeup, she worked as a waiter at the cosmetics counter of a store, earning a meager salary. Nan Zean, on the other hand, was acting as a minor role in various small film crews. He would go wherever there was work and earn one or two hundred yuan each time. If he was lucky, he could even get a small shot.

Shi Qi's dream is to be noticed by a very rich man, and Nan Zean's dream is to become a successful person one day.

Then one day, these two people crossed here.

They can make money by playing games, although the game copies are a bit dangerous, death is not really death. 1 game coin can be exchanged for 10,000 in money. This world has everything that can be purchased and is not much different from the original world. A large number of job NPCs can satisfy any need.

No matter how they though about it, this is a perfect world.

Shi Qi likes here very much, and Nan Zean likes here even more.

They feel like this is a world made just for them.

Because the two supported each other in the novice dungeon, they became friends after being released from the dungeon, made an appointment to play together and reach the peak of life together.

Then during the second copy, the two chose to form a team and entered the game.

"That game was the beginning of the breakdown of my relationship with him." Shi Qi said with some emotion, "I saw him, this person, clearly from that copy, and he also knew that I was an unreliable waste." Her tone was somewhat sarcastic.

The novice copy is really not that difficult, just be careful not to seek death. Their so-called support for each other is just to remind each other and hold each other in hand when they escape together. And at that time, the situation was not very dangerous.

The second dungeon just won't work. Maybe it was due to bad luck. They won the battle royale as soon as they started. There is a monster in the town that kills people every night. As for the conditions for killing, players need to explore by themselves. And it only kill one every night, even if it is different from the expected target, the monster will give up.

By the way, the game lasts only ten days and has ten players.

Of course, this is not a dead end. It is limited to sunrise and sunset. When it gets bright, the monster will stop moving. It is absolutely safe during the day.

Don't think it'll be safe if you hide for one night. The monster's number of kill will add up. If they are not killed on the first night, the number will become two on the second day. If they still avoid on the second day, the number of people the monster has to kill on the third day will become three.

Danger is increasing by safe avoidance.

Most of the people in the dungeon were newcomers with little experience. They were immediately frightened out of fear and made a very unwise choice. They drew lots to decide who would be the bait to attract the monster's attention. As a bait, just avoid and it'll be all. If you can't avoid then... accept the bad luck.

Anyway, no one will die in this game.

"The minority obeys the majority." Shi Qi said, "We used this plan, then... Nan Zean got the bad draw and secretly exchange it with me."

Shi Qi is not the protagonist, she failed to escape. Even now, she can vaguely recall the fear when she was almost torn apart by the monster.

Because of this incident, she angrily separated from Nan Zean, and secretly wanted to take revenge on him, so she paid close attention to Nan Zean's news.

This person is despicable and shameless. He has done many things like abducting girls to work hard in dungeons then piting others. Naturally, he became famous here. Some people even specifically reported him. Unfortunately, in the copy, some tricks were considered normal competition methods, so the report was invalid.

However, the pited people was a lot, Nan Zean just like this made a name little by little. No one wanted to team up with him. Gradually, Nan Zean became unconfortable in dungeons. Life has become increasingly difficult.

"He met the ghost about three years ago ba." Shi Qi recalled, "He was a very stupid man. I have seen him a few times. He is tall and thin, the apparence is very ordinary, and does not look very smart. Name or something, I don't remember, I saw him (NZA) hugging that person when he went to the store, affectionately calling him Ming Jun. It might just be a nickname, or it might be the name. "

"After meeting that ghost, Nan Zean's life got better. He bought a house, a car, and even started playing with antiques." Shi Qi sneered, "The so-called antiques in this world are all high-end imitations, he still proudly said these were genuine, which was really stupid."

Rong Zheng: "... Information about the ghost. What I am most curious about is this, appearance, age, name, characteristics, when he came, how he left, I need all the information related to the ghost. Rather than ordinary emotional gossip."

Shi Qi: "Oh, about the ghost. His age... looks quite young. I doubt he is twenty years old. Nan Zean is already thirty years old. Old cow eats young grass."

Rong Zheng, who is also almost thirty:...

"I heard Nan Zean say that he met Ming Jun in a dungeon. Because the other party's acting was very poor. They were obviously a dungeon from ancient times, but he (MJ) accidentally said very modern lines, so he (NZA) knew he was a ghost. Nan Zean said that when dealing with such a young ghost, you should not expose it directly. You must learn to be considerate and tolerant, show your charm to him, send a wave of heads, then imply to the other party that you knows his identity and wants to help him, pester him a little more, it's very easy to deceive anyway la."

Rong Zheng:...

"And the very lucky thing is, Nan Zean quickly discovered the ghost's true identity in the parallel world and arranged several chance encounters." Shi Qi smacked her lips, "He is really a very easy to deceive little boy."

Rong Zheng: Fortunately, this is different from them. He don't know dear's identity at all. Can't get involved in the parallel world, it's also not so easy to meet by chance.

Bai Leshui, who was eating noodles behind while staring closely at him:...

Say what neDao dao dao talking without stoping, say what ne?

What are you talking about?

You guys have a lot to say.

This noodle is delicious, I can order another one tomorrow.

Still talking, don't need to drink water to moisten your throat ma!

When the dishes were served, Shi Qi picked up the chopsticks and wanted to take a few bites. Rong Zheng reached out and pressed them down: "Finish talking first."

Shi Qi swallowed and put down her chopsticks. Okay, it's the boss who gives the money. She will be hungry first.

Isn't it because your food hasn't been served yet that you don't let me eat it ma! Shi Qi was dissatisfied.

"Nan Zean is truly a scumbag. He quickly hooks up with other family's little boy, and his attitude is hot and cold. He makes people feel uneasy. He (MJ) always gives him things for fear of being dumped. It's really stupid. Nan Zean didn't like men from the beginning, he even said that the other was sick several times behind his (MJ) back." As she spoke, she nodded her head, only then did she remember when she saw the gloomy face of the big shot in front of her, that this man is also a gay, so saying that gay is sick or something, it's simply seeking death.

Shi Qi coughed and continued: "He took Ming Jun's money to hug left and right. In this world, there are not many people with moral integrity. Even female players with poor skills are willing to spend a night with him, and they can get a lot of things that they would normally be reluctant to buy. My previous roommate stayed with him for a while, then drove away with a sports car."

Shi Qi was a little envious and also a little disgusted.

In short, she wouldn't rush to do this business.

It's just that she feels this boy is very pitiful.

By the way, she was waiting for when Nan Zean will capsize.

Nan Zean was indeed an idiot. He was so arrogant that he even wrote all his experiences online, showing off that he was being raised by a ghost. Knowing that ghosts can not log into the players forum, he had no fear or scruples.

"It didn't feel good to see his virtue, so I tricked him." Shi Qi said. Ghost can't log into the player forum, but she, a player, can. She logged into the forum, took a screenshot of the interface. Taking advantage of Ming Jun searching for Nan Zean while Nan Zean was away, and showed the screenshot to the boy.

The boy didn't believe it at first, but after watching Shi Qi log in to the forum and read the entire content, he became furious and went to settle the score with Nan Zean.

How they quarreled, Shi Qi didn't know. But she was certain that the two had broken up.

Without Ming Jun, Nan Zean, who had been spending money lavishly, suddenly returned to before liberation. It was okay at first, he could eat what he originally bought. Later, when he ran out of food, he sold his things to exchange them. All the things sold to NPCs second-hand can only get about 30% of the money. The assets have shrunk greatly, and the days were getting worse and worse.

Unable to survive, Nan Zean went to Ming Jun to ask for forgiveness.

The boy did not forgive him. Shi Qi once encountered these two people making a scene on the street.

"I heard them talking about the matter of the game. In order to help Nan Zean earn game coins in the dungeon, Ming Jun couldn't live with ghosts. Then he said that everything was a lie, it's impossible for ghosts to go home." Shi Qi said.

Rong Zheng: "Wait a minute. The 'it's impossible for ghosts to go home' you said. Who said that?"

Shi Qi recalled: "That boy said it."

Rong Zheng rubbed his temples: "You continue."

"I don't know what happened next. That boy came rarely. He seemed not to want to see Nan Zean again. Only than one last time, the day he died."

Rong Zheng looked at her.

Shi Qi carefully moved over there, Rong Zheng took a step back. The air was stagnant for a moment. Shi Qi pulled the corner of her mouth in embarrassment and said, "He collapsed. I don't know what he went through, he specially came to the building opposite the apartment where Nan Zean lived and jumped off."

Rong Zheng: "Falled to death?"

Shi Qi shook her head, with a little fear in her eyes: "The weirdest thing is this. He didn't fall to death, I also don't know whether he is dead or not. The building had more than thirty floors, and he didn't fall to the ground. While he was mid-air, his whole body emitted light, then dissipated."

Rong Zheng's eyes widened: "Dissipated? Are you sure?"

Shi Qi nodded: "Absolutely true, I was just there watching. There's no need to lie to you."

Rong Zheng: "I haven't heard any news about this matter."

"That's because the only people who saw it were me and Nan Zean, it happened in just an instant." Shi Qi said, "That guy didn't have the guts to tell anyone at all. After all, the other person was forced to death by him. If it was known, anyone would look down on him. I... I don't dare to say this, I still can't believe my eyes. Obviously this is not the case when players die."

"Have you ever seen a player die?" Rong Zheng asked.

Shi Qi: "Yes, I've been here for several years ma. The place where I live is surrounded by players who are as incompetent as me. There are a lot of messy things. In the past, I encountered people who ran dungeons together and ended up turning against each other. After being released from the copy, they tried their best to get revenge. I didn't see the process, but I saw the afterwards. There was blood on the ground, and the staff here carried the body away in black bags. They also took away the murderer."

Rong Zheng lowered his head and fell into thinking.

Players will die, there's blood, leaving behind a body.

Ghost jumped off the building, disappeared.

Is this the difference between players and ghosts?

Shi Qi: "I've finished talking. Can I eat ma?"

"Whatever you want." Rong Zheng said.

Shi Qi picked up the chopsticks and ate quickly while saying, "How about it, my news is valuable ba."

"Well, actually you only need to say the last thing." Rong Zheng stood up and said.

Shi Qi: "You have to explain the cause and effect ba, or else just say that the ghost committed suicide and disappeared?"


Shi Qi was speechless: "Okay ba, where are you going?"

"Finished asking, I'll have someone take the food back to the room to eat." Rong Zheng said, "By the way I..."

"Miss your dear." Shi Qi continued, "You go ba, and miss slowly." Enough is enough. Go away with your loving affection ba. She has to spend these three days to hook up with a rich big shot here.

After Rong Zheng left, Shi Qi ate without any pressure and looked for a handsome guy.

When she looked up, she saw a very beatiful little handsome guy sitting on the table in the corner. He was a little younger than herself and looked very cute.

Not bad, just him.

Bai Leshui, who had just finished eating and was about to leave, accidentally made eye contact with Shi Qi: Look at me for what!

The author has something to say:

Shi Qi: I will definitely find the right thigh this time!

Bai Leshui: Look at me for what!

Shi Qi: (raising eyebrows, smiling, blinking) Tease a bit.

Bai Leshui: ...Is she provoking! ! !

Hair about to explode.

Rong Zheng, who knew nothing about all this: Once again miss Xiao Bai, whom he had not met yet.

  1. 南则桉
  2. 明珺
  3. 老牛吃嫩草 (lǎo niú chī nèn cǎo) = romance where one partie is significantly older than the other
  4. Sound for chattering like blablabla
  5. Be discovered cheating
  6. Return to the original state