1069: It’s time to introduce a partner to host.

After finishing the bowl of noodles angrily, Bai Leshui lost the mood to continue having fun, threw down his chopsticks and left. As soon as Shi Qi raised her head, the handsome boy not far in front of her disappeared. She could only sigh helplessly and set her sights on others.

Can go to the second floor for a while, Shi Qi thought. It was so big here, she didn't believe she couldn't find a suitable thigh to hug.

Bai Leshui was not in mood to pay attention to what this woman would do next, and missed the opportunity to know the truth. Now he just wants to go back to his room and chat with 1069.

Room 3802.

"Xiao Jiu." Bai Leshui said.

1069 quivered, it's coming, settling accounts after autumn, will self-destroy the system!

No, it doesn't want to die yet, it wants to save itself, wants... to express its endless love for its host.

"Host, this system's favorite..."

"You say is Rong Zheng trying to step on two boats." Bai Leshui said angrily.

1069: "...Huh?" Aren't you going to settle accounts with it ma?

Bai Leshui: "What did you just say?"

"What this system said, was stepping his feet... It's not right ya, host, you are not together. Whether he is dating a man or a woman, if he dates several men or several women doesn't matter at all ba." 1069 finally found his logic code, "It just so happens that next time you encounter this gangster who provokes you, give him a slap in the face for the reason that he is careless and disrespectful."

Bai Leshui:...

What you said makes sense, that's what I originally thought (to comfort) myself.

But the chest just feel uncomfortable, super uncomfortable.

1069 is sensitive to host's mood fluctuations. Such high range of mood swings, host is very unhappy.

No matter what the reason is, everything that makes host unhappy must be taught a lesson or destroyed!

"Host, let's go put on a sack!" 1069 said immediately.

Bai Leshui: "Ah?"

1069: "Find an opportunity to find him alone, put a sack on him and beat him up."

Bai Leshui: "Won't we get caught ma?"

"Don't worry, it's just the main system monitoring. This system comes with a shielding plug-in, which can barely block it for a while. And as long as the damage caused is not up to standard, the case will not even be filed. Don't punch or kick, but pinch the tender meat. The kind that hurts but leaves no scars. Or pinch his dingding, just can't cribble him, that's a first-degree injury, just let him feel the pain." 1069 said excitedly, "This system can arrange it for host now."

Bai Leshui: "...Am I crazy ma?"

Because of the inexplicable discomfort in his heart, he put a sack on him (RZ) for no reason and pinched his dingding for no reason?

Although the other party is chasing him, pursuing him passionately and boldly, as long as he doesn't accept it, the other party has the right to change the target and ignore him. Bai Leshui knew rationally that he shouldn't interfere or even question. He is not qualified.

Bai Leshui lay on the bed: "I just want to chat with you to vent some depression."

1069: "Oh."

Okay ba, it is host's best trash can, any unpleasant nonsense can be dumped. Accept all without question, absolutely considerate.

It's just such a great system.

"It doesn't matter, host. Go through dungeon a few more times and forget about this person completely. As time goes by, all feelings will fade away. Then you can find your true ghost love, stay together and fly around to abuse players." 1069 said cheerfully.

Bai Leshui:...

Wasn't this the policy he used before to make Rong Zheng forget about himself ma?

Sure enough, the way of heaven follow a cycle.

"Forget about that person, what is host going to do now?" 1069 asked.

Bai Leshui turned on the TV, lay on the bed, and hugged his little pillow tightly: "Watch TV, sleep." Then quietly went out to play tomorrow and checked out the room in advance.

That's right, it was the unbearable imbalancement of being suddenly ignored that made him feel sour in his heart.

How could it have any other meaning.

Bai Leshui was also not interested in finding true love in the ghost camp. If you have time, why not travel more and earn some game currency to buy a return ticket to go back home.

The other world is not his way back.

Not far next door, room 3803.

Rong Zheng was looking through the cards in his hand. Although he wanted to use the card [Peeping on My Beloved] again to know the other person's current status, but after taking a look at the only two remain times left, Rong Zheng still endured. The time appart now is not too long, he can endure. As for that white card [Expressing My Love to You]'s description, it was rather vague. Rong Zheng didn't plan to use it now, and he intuitively felt that it would be more interesting to use it in a copy.

Then there is the card package he got before. he has been focusing on the golden card, so he didn't have time to open it. Now is just the time. He didn't know when Xiao Bai would enter a dungeon. Before then, he needed to be fully prepared.

Opening the card pack, shaking it, four cards fell out. There is one orange card, two purple cards, and one blue card.

Rong Zheng remembered that not counting the fragment, the highest card level S rating can drop was orange, so he can count to have a pretty good luck ba. And there are two purple ones.

Rong Zheng first turned over the orange card. The orange card was called [Your time is gone]. This card can stop the time of up to ten targets, can only be used in copies. The total duration of stagnation can be up to ten hours, the consumption time of multiple targets does not overlap. During the time when the target is stagnant, there's no memory. The time of being stagned can not exceed ten minutes at a time, the interval between card use must be one hour. Seems like it can be used for a long time.

Rong Zheng only thought about it for a moment and understood this card was indeed an orange card. Holding it, Rong Zheng was almost invincible when facing enemies in the copy. As long as anyone attacks, he can use this card to stop the other person's time. He can stop the other person's time for ten minutes at a time. During this period, he can do whatever he wants.

There is only a time interval for use. After using it once, the card must wait one hour later to be used.

It makes sense when you think about it. If there is no time interval, the applicable targets can be stacked up to ten people, so wouldn't Rong Zheng be invincible in the dungeon ma?

Can clear the dungeon at will with just one card. This king of game bug will not be allowed.

Putting down this card, look at other cards.

Purple card [My strengh became bigger] card. Enhancement card, disappear after use, can permanently enhance your strength by three points. Can be used anywhere, anytime, with lifetime guarantee.

This is Rong Zheng's first time coming into contact with enhancement cards. He is not surprised. He has heard about enhancement cards from Hao Jie. They are very rare cards. Some of them can be purchased in the mall. Of course, the prices are outrageously high, comparable to orange cards. Even so, there are players who want to save game currency to buy them. The value of these is far better than those effect cards. After all, those things are only temporary and will disappear after use. Enhancement cards will permanently enhance your physique, can allow you to survive better in dungeons.

Rong Zheng was only curious about the last two words: lifetime guarantee.

He knocked on the system.

Perhaps it was because Rong Zheng's previous achievements were brilliant, and the person himself seemed to have the will to become a ghost. In short, s3876269493 came out happily this time, and did not make Rong Zheng wait any longer. He still asked in a softer tone: "What's wrong?"

Rong Zheng: "I have a question about the last sentence of this card. Does lifetime guarantee mean that no matter what happens, the effect will not disappear ma?"

s3876269493: "Yes."

Rong Zheng: "Even if I have bought a go home ticket and went back? Even if I never return to the parallel world again?"

s3876269493: "Yes."

Rong Zheng: "Even if I turn into a ghost?"

s3876269493 hesitated for a moment, as if thinking that this answer should not be taboo, said: "Yes."

Rong Zheng said, "Many thanks."

"You're welcome, glad to serve you." s3876269493 said and ended the contact.

After getting the answer he wanted to know, Rong Zheng naturally used the strengh enhancement card. After using it... he didn't feel any change.

He looked around and saw the table placed in the room. It was made of solid wood and looked very heavy. Estimating the weight, Rong Zheng felt that he could lift half of the table's legs with just one hand ba.

And now... Rong Zheng walked over and tried, he could almost lift the back feet slightly, although only a little.

But he still didn't have much idea about the value of three points of strength.

Too bad there is no grip dynamometer here.

In one breath, he flipped over the remaining two cards. The purple card [I didn't lie] can only be used on yourself. Can be used three times, the effect lasts for three hours each time. Every word spoken during this period, whether true or false, will be instinctively trusted by others. Unless it's an obvious lie.

Blue card [I put on make-up today], a disguise card, used when entering a dungeon. It can change your appearance, including height, skin color, hair color, facial features, and voice line, ensuring that even if your mama see you, she won't be able to recognize you. Can be used three times, each time can change your appearance until the end of the instance. You cannot change your appearance twice in the same instance.

Rong Zheng raised his eyebrows. This disguise card was exactly what he needed. If he didn't draw it, he was going to go to the mall to buy one. Although one piece costs several hundred game coins, the price is not cheap.

But there is no other way. Who told him to sneak in this time ne? It would be bad if dear suddenly finds out and becomes wary.

After sorting out the cards, he took a look at the weather forecast and confirmed that it would not rain tomorrow. Then he sent a text message to the netizen who claimed to have ghost news, suspected to be from Nan Zean. After confirming the time to meet tomorrow, Rong Zheng turned off the light to sleep.

Go meet his beloved wife in dream.

Little did he know that in the room not long far from him, Bai Leshui was slowly falling asleep, while cursing Rong Zheng for choking on his food, falling while walking, fall down while going to bed.

Except for the last sentence, which is a bit harsh, the rest are just harmless little curses.

1069, who was watching, was all worried for him.

Having a crush on anyone else is not good, why of all people is it a player ne? Still such a cunning player.

Beg host not to follow Ming Jun's footsteps a. Liking a player will not have a good end.

After all, from the beginning, you guys were not destined to be together a.

1069 is very sad. You must know that not only Ming Jun did not have a good end, but the system that bound him also did not have a good end.

It's decided, tomorrow it will find a way to introduce host to a few more reliable ghosts. Although the number of ghosts is small, most of them are of good quality, whether in terms of appearance, personality or brains. Their system also has a social circle, it is very simple to introduce a few reliable ones.

Just get out of singles as soon as possible!

1069 silently encouraged itself, it didn't want to end up like Ming Jun's system being recycled.

Absolutely no.

The author has something to say:

1069: A system that cannot protect its host is not a good system! ! !

  1. 秋后算账 (qiū hòu suàn zhàng) = settle scores at an opportune moment
  2. In case it was not clear:
    Total freeze time is 10 hours = 600 minutes
    You freeze 1 target for 10 min : 600 - 10 = 590 min left of freeze time
    Then if you freeze 10 targets for 10 min: 590 - 100 = 490 min left of freeze time
    RZ can use this card until there's no more freeze time.
  3. 指鹿为马 (zhǐ lù wéi mǎ) = Pointing to the deer, said it was a horse
  4. Same meaning as: you don't fell in love with anyone but have to fell in love for such a person.