Promotion copy?

Systems also have communication. Since their birth.

When each system is born, except for the world background, tasks given by the main system and the rules to follow, which are engraved in the heart, everything else is blank. There is no memory and no emotion has been generated, just like a newly born child.

They all belong to growth-type intelligence.

The birth time of each system is different. 1069 is not the earliest batch, nor is it the latest batch. The time of its birth is in the middle period when the world begins to save itself and create systems.

Before being put into use, all systems must first receive teachings from their seniors. Each of those seniors is a system bound by a ghost big shot, the experience is rich.

Learn how to make a good customer service system and how to deal with problems caused by players. If there is a big mistake on the job and you are transferred to monitor city smart NPC loopholes and organize copy data, you should also adjust your mentality, don't be depressed. Work hard, there will always be a time when the punishment period is over and to go back adjust.

Of course, these contents are far less than the amount of knowledge that needs to be learned when binding ghosts to become an exclusive system.

The study time is neither long nor short, three months is enough.

Teacher, class, classmates. That's probably what it feels like. The network of 1069 people started to accumulate from that time.

From the perspective of this group of systems, monitoring loopholes and organizing data are nothing. The customer service system is busy and tiring, it's just processes a little more information. What is really their official job is becoming the exclusive system of a ghost. Once bound, it is for life and will not be unbound unless the personalities are really incompatible.

Easy, hassle-free and well treated.

And given the terrifying ratio of players to ghosts, there are really very few who are lucky enough to be an exclusive system. Whenever someone who is qualified to become a ghost appears, many systems will compete for it. Whoever binds first wins.

1069 tried to grab it year after year, but failed every time. Then in order to be faster, it manually modified its own programs, at the expense of lowering its IQ.

Then, it grabbed it.

Obtaining the serial number 1069.

The serial number of each ghost is randomly generated and has no special meaning, but 1069 likes it very much. For them, this is the official name. Rather than a long series of letters and numbers.

It was very happy, especially when it beat system s3876269493, which was the top student in their promo, it was ten times more proud. After binding to host, 1069 informed all the systems with which it had a good relationship, including the seniors who taught it, of the good news. The senior also gave it a small program plug-in as a celebration gift. By the way, by all mean, look well after its host, don't follow the old path of 2544.

2544, it was originally the binding system for ghost Ming Jun. Because it failed to persuade the ghost it was bound to, he was bewitched by a player and gave away points every day. In the end, the secret was accidentally leaked, making Ming Jun realize that there was no hope in life and committed suicide by jumping off the building.

1069 did not take the senior's words to heart and did not think that such an unfortunate thing would happen to its lovely host. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be even worse than 2544. At least he (MJ) had blend in copies a few times. Although the results were not good, he managed to survive for a few games before he was unfortunately deceived by a cunning player. As for they, it was in a novice dungeon he just met a rogue and was remembered.

Originally, it would be fine as long as its host was not tempted, but now it seems that host has foolishly taken interest.

This is definitely the most unacceptable thing for 1069.

Even if the opponent looks different from that player, only rushing to send points in consideration.

So what! This is a trap!

The player who deceived Ming Jun was also rushing to give away points at first, but later earned back tenfold to a hundredfold!

Everything must be nipped in the bud, taking advantage of the fact that host hasn't noticed his mood yet, must remedy the situation immediately.

First, contact his predecessor, system 0017.

1069: [Senior, Senior 17, are you here? Request help a! It's a matter of life and death! ! ]

0017, as a big shot ghost's system, is relatively quiet on weekdays. It's rare to see a student send a message to it. It immediately remembered this familiar ID and quickly replied: [What's wrong?]

1069: [Help! My host seems to have a crush on a player.]

0017: [Oh, my condolences.]

1069: [No, don't say condolences a! There is still a chance to make amends. Host has not noticed his novelty yet, and that gangster does not know the true identity of host. It is still not too late. I don't want to be recycled!]

0017: [What are you afraid of? Recycling is not the end for us.]

1069: [Wash out all the data and start over. Is there any difference ma? Is that still me ma? No, I refuse, my host is so cute, I don't want to leave him! !]

0017: [Okay ba, how can I help you?]

1069: [Introduce an object.]

0017: […I don't pimp.]

1069: [No, just let host realize that there are better men in this world! In the last two copies, host encountered only rubbish, so he felt that the rogue was very good in comparison. It would be better to have a better one more excellent, just let him recognize the excellence of ghosts. Even if he is dumped by the ghost, it is better than being cheated by player. The latter is fatal a!]

0017: [So it's still pimping. Wait, him? Man? Your host is a male who fall in love with men?]

1069: [Yeah.]


1069: [Senior?]

0017: [I happen to know a system, it is worried about its host's love.failure Its host is a male, likes men. You can contact it and try.]

1069: [Who?]

0017: [0521, the host it is bound to is very outstanding, now is a high-level ghost. And know the truth.]

1069: [He knows? 0521 told him?]

0017: [The other party is an orphan, so it doesn't matter. He think it would be nice to start a family here. And since he likes men, he has no intention of having children.]

1069: [But my host doesn't know a.]

0017: [You and 0521 discuss about this and it will good.]

1069: [...Oh.]

0017: [My host is about to be release from the copy. It's really great. Another S. The enemy players were wiped out. My host is indeed the best in the world, I can't find anyone better than him...]

1069 silently broke off contact. As long as senior talked about its host, senior immediately changed from a cold senior to a talkative one ne.

But the host bound by senior, is really very powerful. He was the first person to discover the truth, and he also single-handedly created the first alliance of ghosts. He organized all the ghosts who knew the truth and decided to stay here together. They could eat, chat, find a partner, and even grind the game together to abuse players. Living a very moisturing life.

It contacted senior with the intention of pushing host in, but it seemed that... it was not trusted, the other party did not mention this kind of help.

However, it would be nice to give a threshold for introduction.

Although it has not contacted 0521, 1069 said that it can try any kind of efforts for the sake of host and not to be recycled.

It sent three messages to 0521 in one go, it took an hour for the other party to reply.

0521: [Introduced by 17?]

1069: [Yes!]

0521: [Well, I understand the situation. Let me mention it to host ba. After all, it is host who is looking for a partner. If he is not interested, there is nothing I can do.]

1069: [Okay.]

After a while, the other party sent a message.

0521: [Host is someone looks at the face and asks if the other person looks good ma? Of course, I told him about the situation. For example, your little host doesn't know the truth about the ghost's identity, and it's still unclearly involved with a player.]

1069: ...It's not unclearly involved.

It's because the other party is impossible to unravel!

0521: [But he said he doesn't mind. He likes challenging things. Don't say it's just ambiguous. Even if there is something, it's pretty good to steal people.]


It wonder if it has found the wrong object.

0521: [Of course, the truth will not be told directly to the other party. Generally speaking, newcomers can not accept this kind of thing ba. We will wait for him to get used to this world. Moreover, host also said that if he wanted to get in touch with him, he would just observe the other person secretly. Why not meet in the dungeon? Ghost as companion, are also the closest partners to brush players in dungeon. Just right they can try out whether they are in tune with each other in the dungeon.]

1069: [But my host is just a novice ai.]

0521: [My host is a high-level ghost. If they want to meet, host can only downgrade one level to intermediate dungeon. You can let your host team up with my host, enter the dungeon together.]

1069: […But how do I explain to him that he suddenly changed to an intermediate dungeon this time? Tell him directly, he will definitely resist. It's too early. There is no puppet protection system in the intermediate dungeon, which is very scary.]

0521: [It is also scary to be deceived by a player, deceive the body, cheat the heart, cheat the game currency, and finally commit suicide. I had suggested to 2544 at the beginning that it should directly upgrade to a higher-level dungeon and not meet that player again. But it has to worry about its host's mood. Between the fear of being scared and the sadness of being deceived, the latter hurts more ba.]

1069 felt like it was about to be convinced.

0521 thought for a while and started to come up with a bad idea: [How about telling him that it is a promotion copy? Didn't you say that your host is excellent ma? Furthermore whether he was promoted by himself or directly jumped to intermediate level because he was led by a high-level ghost, as long as he left the dungeon and was not eliminated, he will be a ghost from the intermediate dungeon from now on. It saves a lot of effort, doesn't it ma? As for the team formation, we did it in secret, he wouldn't find out. Don't worry, my host brought him in and will definitely protect him throughout the process.]

1069: [Okay ba.]

It's rare to have a big shot take charge, so maybe this result will be good.

And the player who followed host only brushed dungeon twice is definitely not qualified to jump to intermediate dungeon. Even if they are next to each other, they will never meet in the next dungeon. Otherwise it just...just...

Forget it ba, there have been too many flags recently, it's going to have a psychological shadow.

After discussing it with 0521, the matter was settled.

When Bai Leshui woke up the next day, 1069 felt a little guilty. It talked to host with a hint of flattery. Bai Leshui was stunned for a while.

Bai Leshui: "Xiao Jiu, your condition today seems a bit..."

1069: "The condition is very good a. It must be influenced by host. Host is happy traveling, so this system's mood is also high!"

Bai Leshui:...

Recalling what he saw yesterday, his face immediately darkened.


Why didn't he feel it?

1069: "That, host a, there is one thing..."

Bai Leshui: "Let it go."

1069: "...This system checked host's data and found that the next copy of host can be promoted."

Bai Leshui came back to his senses: "Promoted?"

1069: "Yes a, as mentioned at the beginning of this system, game dungeons are divided into three levels, primary, intermediate and advanced. Before, it was all primary dungeons. The more copies you complete, the higher your points are, naturally the grade of copy you have to go will go up, it's the same for both players and ghosts. It's just that ghosts will level up faster."

Bai Leshui: "That's also too fast ba."

1069, who felt even more guilty, coughed and said, "Didn't host get an S rating ma? S is the highest score."

Bai Leshui: "Oh." He doesn't understand these, so he believes whatever 1069 says and doesn't think the system will harm him.

"Intermediate dungeons give out ten times more game coins than low-level dungeons, and eliminating players will get more money. But correspondingly, the difficulty will increase. Not only are the players veterans, but each of them holds at least ten cards in their hands. The in-game protection mechanisms are also gone."

Bai Leshui: "Protection mechanisms?"

1069: "Yes, what is left after death is not a puppet, but a corpse. Of course it is fake la. Players will still not die, but the softness of the skin, the color and smell of the blood are all extremely realistic. Compared with the primary copy, the psychological pressure will increase. Moreover, the rule that ghosts will never be harmed will change depending on the requirements of the dungeon and the mission."

Bai Leshui: "As a ghost, I will also be attacked?"

1069: "If the ghost has to play the role of a 'player', then yes. So, it changes according to the dungeon and mission ma."

Bai Leshui: "Okay ba, what preparations do I need to make?"

1069: "Holographic horror film, do you know? The kind without coding."

Bai Leshui:...

The author has something to say:

1069: In order for host to find a good partner, this system can do anything!

  1. Mean words that are said but the person don't think it'll happen, only to be slapped on the face (to be proven wrong).
  2. Mosaic/Censure