The ghost card is in my hand.

"Police work is dangerous ba." Angelina said casually, throwing away a pair of cards in her hand.

Qi Chengxun: "Yes a, I get up earlier than a chicken and go to bed later than a dog. If something happens in the middle of the night, I have to leave immediately. There are so few holidays. Because of this, I don't even how many boyfriends have run away."

Angelina: "Boy... friend?" Male friend? It's not ba, since he can run, it should be lover.

Rong Zheng and Bai Leshui also looked at him with incredible eyes. Qi Chengxun scratched his head and laughed and said, "I accidentally let it slip. Do you think it's strange ma?" He raised his head casually, and just happened to meet Bai Leshui's eyes.

Qi Chengxun raised his eyebrows at him, the corners of his lips raised in a teasing way.

Bai Leshui leaned back slightly.

"Okay." Rong Zheng put his hand in front of Qi Chengxun, blocking the eye contact between the two, "It's time for me to draw card."

"Oh, please." Qi Chengxun raised the cards in front of him.

Rong Zheng's fingers clicked the cards in Qi Chengxun's hand one by one from left to right, and said: "Since you can scare away so many boyfriends, I think besides career issues, you should look for the reason within yourself ne?"

"For example?" Qi Chengxun asked.

Rong Zheng glanced at him: "Too frivolous." After saying that, he took away the three of spades, looked at the cards in his hand, threw down the pair, then handed the cards to Bai Leshui for him to choose.

Qi Chengxun took back his hand and glanced at the little ghost card still in his hand, and said: "Really ma, you just know that I am a frivolous person? Do you want to know more about me ma? Maybe I am unexpectedly a dedicated and serious person ne."

Rong Zheng: "Not interested."

Qi Chengxun sneered.

Do you think I'm interested in you ma.

Angelina's eyes wandered around the two of them. She wanted to participate in this activity of drawing ghost card. First of all, it was because the chief attendant said she should find something to do by herself. Don't stay in the room for a long time, for fear of getting into some kind of dead trap. Seeing that these two people are suspected of being big shots, she came with them. The second thing is to try to see if she can get some information from the chat. But...why did the topic develop in a strange direction?

"That..." Angelina said, "Same whatever, maybe because there are easily such groups in that circle, and recently there are often artists who consider selling rotten to attract fans, so I know a little bit. We don't have anything to do with it, with a career like yours, is it difficult to choose this path?"

"So I resigned a." Qi Chengxun said, "Anyway, I didn't do well in the first place, and I was often blamed by my boss for not being suitable for this job. I have been idle at home recently, resting on my laurels ne."

Rong Zheng glanced at him and judged whether his words were true or false.

Qi Chengxun looked at Rong Zheng: "Speaking of which, I didn't guess what your occupation is. Judging from your appearance, you should be in business, and your business is quite big. Platinum cufflinks, you are really rich a."

As soon as Qi Chengxun finished speaking, Bai Leshui and Angelina looked at Rong Zheng's cuffs. Sure enough, the low-key and luxurious platinum cufflinks were stuck on his sleeves, inlaid with scattered diamonds, emiting a dazzling light.

Rong Zheng smiled, he admitted his current identity generously: "I have a small company under my name, I have made a little money. Now that the company is listed and everything is stable, I will find time to travel for a few days to relax. Compared to me, it must be very difficult for this gentleman who doesn't have much money to book a carriage on this train ba."

The smile on Qi Chengxun's lips, who didn't have much money, gradually disappeared. He lowered his head and glanced at his casual clothes, which were made of a material that was neither new nor old, and said nothing.

This was the best clothes he could find.

The character he played this time wore multiple layers of vests. The outermost one is an accountant. After pulling off this layer of skin, he becomes a fugitive who has replaced the accountant. After peeling off this layer of skin, is exactly a ghost.

But now, Wu Xuanyuan, whose character is named Qi Chengxun, has manually put on another layer of vest - a resigned police officer.

Qi Chengxun smacked his lips and said: "I do have no much money a, but money and such, I can make it again. Finding a lover is a lifelong matter ba. I had my fortune told before I came here. On this train I will meet my true love, for which I have spend all my savings, I've also come..."

"It's my turn to draw cards." Rong Zheng squeezed his shoulders, "Bring over the cards."

Qi Chengxun whose shoulder hurt from being pinched:...

This person must be angry ba.

Angelina who watched silently: ...

What's going on a? These two, are serious about playing games ma?

Bai Leshui, who never had a chance to speak:...

Suddenly want to go home.

"Ahem, that..." Angelina abruptly changed the subject. She decided to ignore these two strange guys and wanted to talk to Ren Si, who was 90% likely to be an NPC: "The chief attendant said before, a train had a serious accident, right ma? Were the casualties very serious ma?"

Recalling the group of demons dancing wildly in carriage No. 13, Bai Leshui nodded: "Very serious."

Angelina was in high spirits: "Is it derailment ma?"

"About this..." Bai Leshui tilted his head, "I don't know much, because I just came to work on this train." He paused and said, "The head chef may know something. Her qualifications is older than me."

Angelina: "Head chef? I've never seen her. Where is she a?"

Bai Leshui: "She always stays in the kitchen and doesn't usually go out. If you ask the head chef to send snacks to your room, maybe..."

"No need." Angelina interrupted, she jeered a few times, "I am an actress, I need to stay in shape. There are many things I can't eat, especially those high-calorie snacks."

Bai Leshui looked pityful: "The head chef's cooking skills are very good. She cooked all the meals for the past two days. Having many things that can't be eaten is a pity."

Rong Zheng looked dissatisfied at Bai Leshui, who was chatting happily with Angelina, and pointed his finger at the table: "It's your turn."

"Oh." Bai Leshui came back to his senses and saw that Rong Zheng only had the last card left in his hand. With no choice, he took that card away, it happened to match the one in his hand, throw them out.

The game of drawing ghost cards will soon end. Angelina dropped both cards in her hand, and the three people with empty hands looked at Qi Chengxun. Qi Chengxun sighed helplessly and turned over the last card in his hand to show everyone. Sure enough, it was the ghost card.

"The ghost card is in my hand." Qi Chengxun said to Bai Leshui, "It's a pity that I lost."

Bai Leshui's eyes moved from the ghost card to Qi Chengxun's face, hummed: "Do you still want to continue ma? Sir? Or do you need me to get you a cup of tea?"

Qi Chengxun: "Okay a."

Bai Leshui stood up and said, "Alright, I'll go prepare right now. Guests please wait a moment."

"Wait, I'm with you..." Qi Chengxun just raised his butt, only to be pushed back by Rong Zheng next to him, who suddenly looked at him with wide eyes.

Rong Zheng said to him politely: "No need to bother, I'll just go with him. Whatever you like to drink, I can make you."

Qi Chengxun:...

His purpose was not to drink tea.

Rong Zheng: "What about you ne, Miss Angelina?"

Angelina: "Huh? Oh, I'm fine with anything..."

"Okay, let's continue playing when we come back from making tea." Rong Zheng said with a smile, "About your police work, I'm quite curious."

Qi Chengxun:...

This bastard, did he notice something?

Why does he speak in such a weird tone?


In fact, I planned to leave after playing this round of cards.

Bai Leshui, who originally planned to find an excuse to have a private chat with Qi Chengxun, turned around and saw Guest No. 1 following him, a little dumbfounded.

Rong Zheng smiled: "Aren't you making tea ma? I'll help you."

Bai Leshui: ...Oh.


Outside the door of box 3.

The baby-faced Kang Xingyu held a piece of steel wire in his hand and was trying to pick the door lock, but he didn't open the door for a while. He was so anxious that his forehead was covered with sweat.

"Why did it take so long a?" Shan Qiaoqiao urged in a low voice while keeping watch, "Hurry up, that guy may be back at any time."

Kang Xingyu: "Shh, don't talk. It will be good soon."

Ma Letian said: "If I had known that I would encounter this situation, I should have bought an unlocking game card to prepare."

"Don't be kidding." Shan Qiaoqiao said, "I've seen it. The card [I'm a Little Lockpicking Expert] is worth three hundred game coins. It can only be used three times. One hundred game coins per time. It's so expensive who can afford it a?"

Ma Letian: "After advancing to intermediate level, you can get one thousand game coins with the minimum clearance requirements."

Shan Qiaoqiao: "You also said that it was an intermediate dungeon, low-level dungeon is only 100. If that doesn't work, just violently pick the lock. Anyway, there is no need to consider compensation for anything damaged in the game dungeon."

Ma Letian: "Tsk, hurry up, is it done or not?"

"Done." Kang Xingyu wiped the sweat from his forehead and pushed the door open. "This lock is different from ordinary locks in the previous low-level dungeons. It took a little time. I hope that the locks in the intermediate dungeons will not be this difficult, I still have some luck in being able to open it now..." This is because he used to do lockpicking work. Unfortunately, he couldn't bring a tool boxes and such in most copies, so he had to collect usable tools by himself.

"Okay, don't be jabbering. It's hard to say whether we can advance this time ne. You still consider so many things." Ma Letian pushed Kang Xingyu away and walked into the room first.

Kang Xingyu: "It looks more spacious than our room."

"That's because there are three beds in our room." Ma Letian said. After entering the box, he opened the cabinet and desk and began to rummage quickly.

Kang Xingyu: "It doesn't matter ba, didn't the NPC say to try..."

"That means we are not allowed to stay in our room." Ma Letian violently opened the cabinet door, "This game basically requires players to kill each other. If I guessed right, the purpose of leaving our room is to give a chance to find each other's identity. Why are they all clothes a?"

"There are books over here." Kang Xingyu opened the drawer and said.

"Let me take a look." Ma Letian rushed over, grabbed the book in his hand and started to read it. After confirming what the content of the book was, the man's expression became happy, but when he realized something, his face turned ugly.

"Hurry up, someone seems to be coming." Shan Qiaoqiao reminded.

"Go." Ma Letian put down the book and pulled Kang Xingyu out of the No. 3 box angrily. After slamming the door, he walked in the opposite direction from where the footsteps came from.

Shan Qiaoqiao asked in a low voice: "How's it going? Have you found anything?"

"Yes." Ma Letian nodded, "The person in box 3 is my target. That book is the Encyclopedia of Laws, he is the lawyer."

"Then after you eliminate him, you can advance directly." Kang Xingyu said excitedly, "This time's promotion copy is very simple a."

"Simple a fart." Ma Leqian scolded, "Do you think the person in box 3 is still human ma?"

Shan Qiaoqiao and Kang Xingyu's expressions froze, they both thought of other's weird eating appearance at breakfast today.

Ma Letian: "If the other party is no longer a human being, does the identity of a lawyer still have a meaning ma? Do you think the additional term still count?"

Shan Qiaoqiao's face turned pale: "If the opponent steps on the trap of the game and is eliminated, the clearance conditions of the players related to them will be affected? Doesn't that force people to make decisions earlier ma? Take action earlier than game NPCs, otherwise the target will be destroyed, isn't there no clearing options left?"

Ma Letian nodded.

Promotion dungeon, has always been more difficult to pass.

He is now worried that this game may have more than one trap.

The author has something to say:

Rong Zheng: Two people alone? Think beautifully! !

  1. From the term rotten girl/boy, people who enjoy seeing men together.
    Basically us
  2. 群魔乱舞 (qún mó luàn wǔ) = rampant activities of a group of bad people
    In this case, it's probably the litteral meaning.