Bet your pants and have a fight

Box No. 2.

Since returning to the box, the old man has been lying on the bed motionless. The nanny walked around the room, pondered for a long time, then spoke.

"Should we go for a walk?"

The old man had no intention of getting up. He only raised his hand and said, "What are we doing out there? What fun is there on this train? I'm old, don't want to move."

The nanny said carefully: "But, the chief attendant said..."

"Is he the guest or am I the guest?" The old man sat up impatiently. He was old, but his eyes were not cloudy at all, but shrewd, "Remember your identity, If you want Min Cheng to inherit my company from now on, you have to listen to me."

The nanny's eyes flickered, she clasped her hands in front of her chest, and said tentatively: "But isn't the company now in the hands of your eldest son ma?"

"That boy..." The old man's face showed a bit of disdain, "He only knows how to support celebrities and doesn't have much ability. The final result of leaving him the company will not be much better. It is better for me to take care of Min Cheng for a few years. Min Cheng is also my son. Although he is only in junior high school this year, he can be of great use if he is taught well. It is not like that boy, who was not brought up by me since he was a child. He is not obedient at all. "

The nanny smiled and did not continue talking. She had a preliminary understanding of her current identity and situation.

Her current character looks about forty years old, she appears to be this old man's nanny, but in fact... she is his lover. Moreover, the two have an illegitimate child, who has just entered junior high school.

The old man is very rich and owns an entertainment company, which is now in the hands of his married son. However, the old man is very dissatisfied with this son and recently plans to raise the illegitimate child born from her character to inherit the company's property.

So, is the person who was mentioned in her mission as 'the person who will hinder her great future' related to the person who inherited the company?

Who will it be ne?

While the nanny was thinking secretly, the old man had fallen asleep and snored loudly. Her expression changed, she wanted to call the person out, but suddenly thought of the other person's expression just now, and withdrew her hand.

She had tested this person before. He was just an NPC. Unlike player, every move he made was normal. Moreover, it has never been done before to arrange two players who don't know each other into such close characters, so it should be impossible.

In this case, there is no need to worry too much, no matter what he does, just protect yourself. The nanny packed a few necessary things and took them with her before going out. As soon as she walked to the door, she heard two knocks, someone was knocking on the door.

The nanny's face changed. Remembering what happened last night, she carefully took two steps back and moved back into the room without daring to open the door.

What to do?

Who is that outside the door?

Chief attendant? Attendant? NPC? Player? Or...BOSS?

No matter who it was, she would never open the door on her own initiative.

The nanny held her breath and walked away from the door, waiting for the person at the door to leave. However, the person outside the door knocked several times somewhat anxiously, then just began to twist the door handle hard, trying to violently open the door.

At that moment, the nanny looked very frightened.

What to do? Hide? Or run?

There is no way to run, if it's hide... The female nanny looked around the box, but did not see a suitable hiding place. The faster the door handle turned, the more anxious she became, finally something caught her attention.

She didn't plan to hide there if she could. Thinking about it carefully, it was the only place that could barely be considered safe.

"Forgot." A hoarse voice sounded outside the door, "I have the key a."

The sound of the key being inserted into the door hole was clearly audible. The nanny had no time to think about it, so she immediately climbed onto the bed and got into the old man's quilt. The whole person was nestled in the old man's arms, motionless.

If the BOSS comes in, in case the BOSS chooses to attack, the old man can be used as a shield immediately.

With a click, the door opened. The nanny was huddled under the quilt, she could hear the old man's snoring and the footsteps of a person walking in.

"So messy a, this room is so messy a." Said the person who came in.

The voice was low and hoarse, with a feeling of broken bellows. The nanny could not tell whether the speaker was a man or a woman.

"The table is so dirty, the chairs are so dirty, they need to be wiped clean." The sound of something like metal being placed on the ground sounded.

"Table, chair, be...why is there someone there?" That person's footsteps approached and stopped in front of the bed.

The nanny covered her mouth and did not dare to utter a word.

"Asleep ma? Awake ma?" That person lowered their body and whispered in the old man's ear, "Getting up ma? Playing ma?"

Then, start to hum a tune.

The music was intermittent, it was difficult to hear what was being sung. It just felt a bit of sadness in the music.

While the nanny was listening to the music, suddenly, the quilt covering her body was abruptly lifted up, the old man and the nanny lying on the bed were exposed to the air, a light cool breeze blew.

The mysterious visitor was still singing in low voice, but this time it was not in the ears of the old man, but in the ears of the nanny.

In addition to the music, the nanny also smelled a stench. She had smelled this smell several times when walking through dungeons before. It was the smell of corpses.

"Are you asleep ma? Want to wake up ma?" The visitor repeated the question several times.

The nanny pretended to be dead.

After a while, don't know whether they believed that the nanny was really sleeping, or whether they felt bored. The visitor stood up straight, turned around and left.

The footsteps gradually faded away, the door slammed shut, and the room was quiet, except for the old man's snoring that still sounded in her ears.

The nanny waited for a long time, there was no sound at all. She opened her eyes carefully, there was no person and such in front of her. She breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at the old man who was still sleeping, glared at him with disgust, moved her feet to get off the bed, and was surprised to see a bucket left on the ground.

This is what the mysterious visitor did not take away. The nanny took a curious look inside. It was full of blood-red things. When she was wondering what it was, a round thing floated up and spun around. It turned out to be a round eyeball.

The nanny was stunned on the spot.

Then, the door lock was opened again, a 'person' covered in blood and flesh, unable to see the original appearance walked in, covering the right eye: "Bad, forgot..."

That thing walked into the house and happened to catch sight of the nanny sitting by the bed.

The 'person' smiled, revealing their cold white teeth: "You saw it."


Chess and card room.

Bai Leshui and the four of them had already sat at the table and played at least a dozen rounds of the ghost-drawing card game.

Really tired of it a. No matter how interesting this game is, playing it for so long is really enough a. My butt is numb, okay ma? Didn't anyone bring up the idea of ending it? Can we stop playing ma?

Bai Leshui was complaining crazily in his heart, but he still had to smile on his face and continued to draw cards.

If he didn't want to uphold his character, he would have gotten up and left early.

However, a qualified attendant can not just leave a passenger who wants to play cards and leave alone.

The guest is God.

God damn it.

Bai Leshui was unhappy, and Angelina was even more unhappy. She had already said enough polite words, there was nothing more she could ask about later. An hour ago, she had achieved her goal and could leave.

However, neither of the two people in front said they wanted to leave. It was like they were addicted to playing game. Whenever the game was over, the other person would immediately snatch away the cards and start shuffling them, saying enthusiastically: "Let's continue."

At first she thought it was for safety, so she stayed as long as possible, but now how do she feel that the two of them are in conflict ne?

She regretted coming here. Even if she went to the bar with the young couple to chat and talk nonsense, it would be better than playing unlimited drawing ghost card here a.

Now can't do it anymore, after sitting for so long, the waist hurt badly.

"Should we continue ma?" Angelina said, "I've been playing for almost two hours. I think it's time..."

"Okay ba, you should be tired of playing draw ghost card." Rong Zheng smiled and put down the cards.

Qi Chengxun: "There are just four of us. How about we play mahjong? I remember this table is a mahjong table. The kind that can automatically stack cards. It is very convenient."

Rong Zheng: "You know this kind of game very well a. Do you usually go to gambling tables ma?"

Qi Chengxun: "I used to be half a civil servant ba, so how could I gamble a? Mahjong is just a hobby, an ordinary entertainment activity."

Rong Zheng smiled: "I understand. After all, you don't have that much money to gamble, you will lose your pants."

Qi Chengxun raised his eyebrows: "Are you provoking me? Then let's bet our pants and see who will lose his pants?"


Bai Leshui:...

That's enough a you two.

Angelina: "If you want to bet you bet, I won't bet my pants." Besides, she didn't wear pants, all her clothes were skirts.

Qi Chengxun: "Of course we are the ones betting on our pants, you guys don't need to."

Rong Zheng: "Don't worry, there is only one person here who will lose his pants."

Qi Chengxun: "Are you talking about you ma?"


Bai Leshui:...

Can we skip the topic of pants ma?

Bai Leshui held his forehead, he needed someone to save him. He wanted to leave this table and go anywhere, even if he was going to clean now it's also...

A person suddenly pushed open the door of the chess and card box and shouted: "Tongtong? Where are you?"

Bai Leshui's eyes lit up, he turned to look at the middle-aged man from Box No. 7 who came in the chess and card room. He immediately stood up and walked a few steps to his side: "Excuse me, sir, did somethong happened ma?"

The three people who had already opened the mahjong table, but were left in place:...

The middle-aged man gasped, his eyes lit up when he saw Bai Leshui, he held his (BLS) hand tightly: "My son is lost. I took him to walk around on the train, but who would have thought that just the time to turn around, he was gone."

Bai Leshui: "Where did you get separated from your child?"

Middle-aged man: "In the aisle of Box 5."

Bai Leshui: "Okay, I will help you find your son, please don't worry."

Middle-aged man: "It'll bother you please."

Bai Leshui gave the middle-aged man a reassuring smile, walked to the mahjong table and politely apologized to Rong Zheng and the other two. The general meaning is that he can't play with them anymore beacause the matter of finding the child is more important, please understand.

Then, he happily left the mahjong table and went to find the child with the middle-aged man.

Angelina looked at the two people around her and asked: "Do we still play mah ..."

Qi Chengxun: "I'm tired. Let's do chess and card games later ba."

Rong Zheng stood up and said, "I'll win against you later, for the time being it's a truce."

Angelina, who was ignored and left at the table:...

Want to curse.

The author has something to say:

Angelina: I feel like I, this beauty, is fake.

  1. polite
  2. Polite