Finally be promoted to... head chef?

Bai Leshui wanted to help the middle-aged man find the child, after asking clearly that they were separated in the aisle outside Box 5, he immediately returned to the aisle of Box 5 with the middle-aged man and searched all the way. Of course, he did not see the child's figure. Instead, they met the trio from Box 6 there.

Bai Leshui stopped them immediately, said hello with a smile and asked, "Have you seen the child from box No. 7?"

"Child? No." Ma Letian shook his head.

Bai Leshui: "Thank you, disturbed you."

"Wait a minute." Ma Letian called to stop Bai Leshui, "That child is missing?"

Bai Leshui: "Yes, he was separated from his father here."

Kang Xingyu and Shan Qiaoqiao looked at the anxious middle-aged man and looked at each other. Shan Qiaoqiao said, "Let's help look for him too ba."

"Okay." If someone helps, Bai Leshui will naturally not refuse. So a group of five people continued to walk forward.

There was no hiding place in the aisle outside the box. Bai Leshui just took a look without much effort. What he really wanted to see was the cockpit. Whether it is the child or the players, he believe they are all very curious about it, it may be possible to find someone there.

"When did your son disappear?" Shan Qiaoqiao asked.

The middle-aged man wiped the sweat from his forehead and estimated the time: "Almost half an hour ago."

Kang Xingyu eyes widened: "You haven't found him after so long? This train isn't that big ba."

"Yes, I thought I would find him soon, but no matter how long I searched for him on the train, I never saw him." The middle-aged man swallowed his saliva, glanced at the big and tall Ma Letian, and whispered to Bai Leshui, "I think my son might be in a box somewhere ba."

Ma Letian and the other three quivered and looked at the middle-aged man warily.

Bai Leshui still asked with a smile: "Why do you think so?"

The middle-aged man sommoned his courage and said: "It's just a guess. After all, the public space is just so big. I searched many places without result. Maybe someone's room door was not locked, so my son went in out of curiosity, then didn't come out... "

Shan Qiaoqiao sneered: "So, the main reason you are looking for the attendant is to ask him to help you open the doors of other passengers' boxes?"

The middle-aged man continued to wipe the sweat from his forehead, he really thought like this.

Bai Leshui said regretfully: "I'm very sorry, guest, if you want to check other guests' boxes, you must get that guest's permission. We have no right to invade the privacy of any guest. No matter what happens."

Shan Qiaoqiao nodded and said, "Yes, and the doors here can be opened from the inside. If your son really hides in a certain box, if you shout outside the door wouldn't he just come out ma?"

After speaking, she paused, pointed to the door next to her, and said, "We just happened to reach the door of a box. Or let's knock on the door and ask?"

Bai Leshui turned around and saw the number '2' clearly marked on the door. This was box No. 2.

If he remembers correctly, there should be someone here. The old man insisted that he was tired and took the nanny back to the room to rest. Don't know how it's going now.

While Bai Leshui was thinking secretly, Shan Qiaoqiao had already started knocking on the door: "Is anyone there ma? Is the child from Room 7 here?"

Kang Xingyu pulled Shan Qiaoqiao's arm: "Hey, what to do if there's that... inside a."

Shan Qiaoqiao's move halted, turned to look at Bai Leshui, and said in a low voice: "No way ba." The attendant was standing here. They probably wouldn't have stepped on any death trap now just to be unlucky ba.

The middle-aged man coughed and said, "My son's name is..."

Before he finished speaking, the door of box 2 opened with a creak. The nanny stood at the door and looked at Shan Qiaoqiao expressionlessly: "What's the matter?"

Shan Qiaoqiao took two steps back, pointed at the middle-aged man and said, "His son is missing. Is he here with you ma?"

The nanny slowly turned her head to look at the middle-aged man: "Your son?"

The middle-aged man nodded: "Sharing a box with me. We are in Box 7. While eating..."

"Oh~" The corners of the nanny's mouth slowly raised, "I remembered. That child, right ma?"

The middle-aged man nodded: "Yes. He is the only child on this train."

The nanny said: "He's not here. I haven't seen him all along. It's a pity."

Middle-aged man: "Really?"

"Don't believe me?" The nanny turned sideways, "You can come in and have a look."

Several people present looked at each other, Shan Qiaoqiao whispered: "She let us in?"

Kang Xingyu nodded. Ever since the door opened, he had been curiously looking inside. Of course, he was just curious. His and Shan Qiaoqiao's mission targets are each other, and Ma Letian's mission target is suspected to have been eliminated, so the three of them no longer have an urgent need to explore the identities of other people. Now all their focus has to be on surviving until the end of the game and solving puzzles, the only thing they need to be wary of is whose target Ma Letian will be.

However, being able to know the identities and goals of other players would be more beneficial to oneself in clearing the level, but letting them in so generously made them hesitate to enter, for fear that there might be some trap lurking inside.

Ma Letian trio hesitated for a long time without moving. The middle-aged man could no longer hold himself back. He said "Excuse me" the just took a step in to enter.

The double room was the same as Box 6. The furnishings in the room were not much different. The only difference was that the middle-aged man saw a metal bucket filled with clean water and a long mop in the corner of the bathroom.

There was a news newspaper on the table. The middle-aged man only glanced at it. It was entertainment industry news.

He was not interested and looked away after a cursory glance, not finding his son.

The middle-aged man shook his head and sighed.

The middle-aged man went in and walked around without encountering any danger. Ma Letian trio also went in boldly, and followed the example of the middle-aged men and wandered around the house. It seemed that they were looking for the children, In fact, their eyes are always looking at the newspapers on the table.

Bai Leshui stood at the door from beginning to end, without taking a step forward.

Seeing several people had all come out, he asked, "Have you found him ma?"

The four of them shook their heads.

"Then let's go take a look in front." Bai Leshui said.

The middle-aged man hummed and continued walking forward.

The nanny smiled as she watched several people leave the room and slowly closed the door. She seemed to be in a good mood, humming an unknown tune.

After passing box No. 1, is just the direction of the cab. Of course, Bai Leshui would not take them to the cab. Instead, he asked the broadcaster sitting in the compartment.

The broadcaster straightened her back, put her hands on her knees, and had a stiff smile on her face. She sat upright like a sculpture. When she heard Bai Leshui's question, she slowly twisted her neck: "Child?"

Bai Leshui: "Yes, have you seen him?"

The broadcaster turned her head back: "No. No one has been here, no one is allowed here too. You can take the guests to find other places."

"Okay." Bai Leshui nodded and said to the people behind him, "Let's go ba, look elsewhere."

Bai Leshui made the judgment easily, but the middle-aged man refused. He insisted: "Maybe my son ran into the cab. I have to go and take a look."

Bai Leshui stopped him: "This guest, outsiders are not allowed to enter or exit the train cab. Your child will not enter."

"Then why do you have to come here to ask?" The middle-aged man said impatiently.

Bai Leshui: "I just came here to inquire. Your child will not be allowed to enter the cab."

The middle-aged man raised his feet and planned to rush inside: "Maybe she lied, my child may be in here. I have searched other places before, but I haven't search here yet!"

"This guest, I request you to leave!" Bai Leshui pulled the middle-aged man and said.

The middle-aged man refused and pushed Bai Leshui to go inside.

Ma Letian trio stood there and watched, neither of them helped.

Bai Leshui was so angry that he wanted to curse, he only felt a surge of anger rushing to his head. He grabbed the middle-aged man's arm with all his strength: "This guest, please don't make trouble unreasonably!"

"Ah!" Shan Qiaoqiao, who had been staring at Bai Leshui, exclaimed, "His eyes..."

"Shh." Ma Letian reminded.

Shan Qiaoqiao shrank her head, stopped talking, and also didn't dare to look up at Bai Leshui. In fact, she had always thought this handsome boy was very handsome before, but now... she would never fall in love with a handsome boy whose eyes would turn blood red.

When Bai Leshui became angry, his strength became extremely strong. The middle-aged man's arm was so painful from being grapped that he stepped back and begged for mercy: "No, I won't make trouble anymore. Let go now, it's about to break!"

Seeing that the man finally calmed down, Bai Leshui let go of his hand, calmed down, smiled again and said, "Then, let's go in the opposite direction this time to look for him ba."

The middle-aged man lowered his head and did not dare to say anything.

When walking back, the speed was a little faster. Don't know what happened, but Shan Qiaoqiao, who was still able to say a few words, actually shut up, and when walking, she was a little farther away from Bai Leshui. Not as close as before, morever the middle-aged man suffered a loss from Bai Leshui and didn't say a word, resulting that along the way it was silent like a chicken.

They didn't speak, and Bai Leshui naturally had no intention of starting a conversation. He just walked silently past guests' boxes and came to the bar.

Then just saw a child sitting on a high stool in front of the bar counter, happily drinking a glass of iced milk.

"Tongtong!" The middle-aged man ran over excitedly after seeing the child.

Bai Leshui looked confused. He remembered passing by the bar after coming out of the chess and card room. The child was not there at that time. There was only the young couple drinking and flirting in the corner.

The child turned to look at the middle-aged man. The child who had just finished drinking milk still had a milky white beard around his mouth, which looked very funny.

After Ma Letian said he was bored, the three of them went straight to the chess and card room.

Bai Leshui walked to the counter: "Founded, congratulation."

The middle-aged man did not dare to raise his head and said humbly: "Thank you."

Bai Leshui: "You're welcome. Although it's fun on the train, please also pay attention to your companions."

The middle-aged man nodded repeatedly.

The child raised his head and said, "I didn't run around. The big sister here invite me to have some snacks, so I followed to get them."


Bai Leshui looked at the child's hand. Sure enough, he was holding a piece of pastry, but half of it had been eaten by the child, there wasn't much left.

Middle-aged man: "Sister? The broadcaster?"

"No." The child shook his head, "It's the sister who cooks. She said she was finally promoted to head chef, she was very happy. So she made a lot of snacks, this one was given to me to try."

Middle-aged man: "...This way a."

Bai Leshui:...

Finally be promoted to... head chef?

Big sister?

Then the original head chef is called aunty ne?

Bai Leshui shuddered secretly, he didn't dare to think about it anymore.

The author has something to say:

Bai Leshui: Don't want to know where the original head chef has gone at all.

  1. polite
  2. polite