The truth about ghosts

"What do you mean by that?" Rong Zheng had a suspicion in his mind. He didn't dare to confirm it was true, so he asked, "Is it true that you are already dead ma?"

"Dead." Qi Chengxun shrugged, "Completely buried."

Rong Zheng's hands trembled slightly. He thought of Bai Leshui and asked, "So, he too?"

"Not necessarily." Qi Chengxun knew who Rong Zheng was asking. He considered his words and carefully explained, "There are many reasons for becoming a ghost. For example, I was in a car accident and didn't make it at the hospital bed. But no matter how different the reasons are, the existence after coming here is the same, and the fact that it is impossible to go back is also certain."

Rong Zheng quickly asked: "Are there other possibilities?"

Qi Chengxun touched his chin, looked at Rong Zheng and said with a smile: "I can't tell you that news for nothing. What will you give me in exchange? First of all, let's make an agreement. It's useless to threaten me. Even if you vote me out of the dungeon, I just failed once. It's not a big problem."

Rong Zheng raised his eyebrows: "What do you want?"

Qi Chengxun tilted his head and thought carefully before replying: "I'm not short of money, and of course I won't be short of anything. Morever I don't want to see you in the parallel world at all, so I don't need to meet you. There is nothing to trade in the copy. Why don't you be our ally and help us eliminate the players here. Of course, it's free work, I won't pay you anything. Even when you are the only one left in the dungeon, you will be eliminated honestly, how about it?" These few clauses, they are truly overlord clauses, he was not willing to suffer at all.

Rong Zheng quickly replied: "I agree. But you must tell me enough information, about ghosts."

Qi Chengxun nodded: "As long as you don't ask me about my identity or how to hurt a ghost and track a ghost, I can tell you everything else."

Rong Zheng: "What is the essential difference between ghosts and players?"

"Soul and body." Qi Chengxun replied, "This world is a parallel world to our original world, but its spatial nature is different. Our original world was a four-dimensional space, and this parallel world is a seven-dimensional space."

"The soul cannot be detected and appear in the four-dimensional space, but it can appear and exist in the seven-dimensional space, and there is no difference in appearance from the three-dimensional person." Qi Chengxun continued, "Of course, the essential difference still exists, for example, in this world, we do not have life and death, only existence and disappear."

Rong Zheng remembered the woman in the hotel talking about the ghost that jumped off the building and disappeared in the air, and asked: "How to disappear?"

Qi Chengxun: "When you want to disappear, you can disappear. When you despair and want to die, the soul will cease to exist according to its wish."

Rong Zheng: "The soul flies away and scatters kind?"

Qi Chengxun nodded: "That soul flies away and scatters kind."

Rong Zheng's face turned even darker and he continued to ask, "You said before, there is more than one reason for becoming a ghost."

Qi Chengxun nodded: "Yes, I asked my binding system, because I have discovered the truth and accepted it, so it told me everything.

People who become ghosts are mainly divided into three categories. One is the soul whose body has died when they are pulled over. The other is the soul who is scheduled to be pulled over to become a player, but encounters an accident due to some relationship, as a result, the body suffered serious injuries when pulled over, only the soul can come to this world. The last category is when pulled over, there is a problem in this side, only the soul is brought over, leaving the healthy body in the original world.

There are very few causes for the third type, but there are a few. Because it is the fault of this party, they are given special care after becoming ghosts. They seem to have special privileges. They can choose dungeons and character settings. Even if they OOC, it's just a warning, they are handle with care. So good a, everyone is obviously a ghost. "

Rong Zheng: "Can't the last category go back ma?"

Qi Chengxun shook his head: "The soul traveling through time and space is easily dissipated by the influence of time and space storms, and the danger is as high as 90%. No matter which way you come, the end result is the same. Can't go back."

Rong Zheng: "You should have return tickets in your mall ba."

"Oh, that a." Qi Chengxun chuckled, "That's a lie. The price of return tickets in the ghost mall is scary high. Although ghosts earn game coins very quickly, compared with the price of return tickets, the difficulty of making enough money is still much higher than that of players. And every binding system will make the host spend a lot of game coins to prevent them from saving enough game coins to go home."

Rong Zheng: "Could it be they just don't have enough money ma?"

Qi Chengxun: "Have a. There will always be one or two. When such a person are meet, three choices are given. First, let them fall asleep and return to a false world to see false relatives in their dream. Second, wash away their memories of the original world. If they don't have it, they won't miss them. Third, tell the truth honestly. Under normal circumstances, implement the third one first. If the third one doesn't work, suggest the second one to the host, and finally the first one. If the first one is also rejected, we can only unbind the system and send them back, but 90% of the time they will die."

Rong Zheng: "The result ne?"

Qi Chengxun cupped his cheek and said, "I don't know. Anyway, I haven't heard of anyone choosing to go back. It seems that everyone cherishes their lives."

Rong Zheng: "Didn't they have relevant memories when they traveled through ma? So easily deceived?"

Qi Chengxun: "After the soul travels through, it will have some impact on the memory, and if there is a sudden death, the soul will have no idea of the fact that it is dead unless it is awakened. You will know it after you die once."

Rong Zheng: ...I don't want to try this.

"Do you know how players become ghosts ma?" Rong Zheng asked.

Qi Chengxun was startled and looked at Rong in astonishment: "Are you serious?" After saying that, he smiled: "Is it because the benefits of ghosts are so good that you are tempted? If you have no relatives or friends in the original world, you can transfer here a. If you have, forget it, I tell you, it's sad to know that you won't be able to see your loved ones for the rest of your life."

Rong Zheng: "Do you know or don't know?"

Qi Chengxun: "No one has asked this question, and I have not asked the system. However, if you want to become our kind, the only possibility is death ba."

Rong Zheng:...

Death? He didn't think it would be that simple and easy.

Otherwise, wouldn't players who died in a parallel world due to fights or other reasons become ghosts on the spot and join the ghost camp?

"Do you know any ghosts who were transferred from players ma?" Rong Zheng asked.

Qi Chengxun: "Haven't heard of it."

Seeing Rong Zheng turn around to leave, Qi Chengxun asked, "No more questions?"

Rong Zheng turned around and said, "I've asked everything I wanted to ask. No more questions."

Qi Chengxun raised his lips: "Okay, remember our agreement."

Rong Zheng nodded.

The door closed softly, Qi Chengxun lay on the bed: "Actually want to become a ghost, really dare to say it."

If he really tried or even succeeded, he would admire this man very much.

"The matter of blind date, let's still forget it ba." Qi Chengxun muttered.

Against someone like this, he can't possibly win.

In addition, if this person can really become a ghost, wouldn't the problem of 1069's fear disappear ma? There was no place for him to intervene.

It's really hard to find a suitable partner.

Let's go back and look again ba.


Bai Leshui squatted in the workroom, thinking about the blind date for a while, then about Rong Zheng, and the scene he saw in the hotel. He was sometimes angry, sometimes embarrassed, and sometimes annoyed. His face changes back and forth, it's so beautiful.

The chief attendant tilted his head and looked at him: "Ren Si, are you okay ma?"

Bai Leshui lowered his head and continued to clear away the debris.

The chief attendant called out his character's name again, Bai Leshui came back to his senses, stood up straight and said, "Here? What?"

"I see your expression changing back and forth. What are you thinking about?"

Bai Leshui: "'s nothing."

Chief attendant: "Didn't have a dispute with the passengers ba."

Bai Leshui shook his head quickly.

The chief attendant nodded: "Then that's good. If you quarrel with passengers, I don't even know who to defend. Help the passengers ba. I feel sorry for you. After all, we have a good relationship. Help you ba, I am also afraid that I will lose my job if a passenger complains. The end result might be... to be an hepless spectactor?"

Bai Leshui waved his hand: "No need, I won't quarrel with the guests."

"That's good." The chief attendant said, "I know you are a stable person. The passengers this time are all strange, I am very worried."

Bai Leshui asked in a low voice: "Strange? Where?"

The chief attendant replied: "Do you know the actress in room 8 ma?"


Crew chief: "Yes, that's her. Some time ago, the tabloids said that she was hanging out with a rich second-generation man named Qun, and she got a lot of roles by taking advantage of him. I suspect that the person, is the son of the old man in Room 2."

Bai Lexui was dumbfounded: "Huh?"

Chief attendant: "That old man is the boss of an entertainment company. No, the former boss. Now the company has given to his son."

Bai Leshui: "Well, what next ne?"

"I heard that it has been reported in the news recently that Lao Qun always has an illegitimate child, and he plans to use the illegitimate child to replace his current son. If this is true, the rich and golden thigh that the actress finally embraced, wouldn't it be like draw water with a sieve?"

Bai Leshui nodded: "Oh."

This kind of drama is quite common in the entertainment industry where he came from.

But the biggest thing is not that the thigh of a rich man is worthless in a blink of an eye, but that the thigh that is not yet hugged, is taken away by one's friends or even best friends.

Before travel through, the news was still reporting this kind of informations ne. There are many people watching the fun.

Bai Leshui was also one of those watching the fun. Now, the excitement is gone.

"The guest in Room 7 has been acting strange recently." The chief attendant continued to gossip, "That child of his..."

"Chief attendant!!!"

Before he finished speaking, he heard someone making a loud noise. The chief attedant frowned and came over: "What's wrong?"

The person who came was the couple in room 4. The woman's face was pale, and the man's expression was also very ugly: "Something happened in room 7. Go quikly have a look ba."

The author has something to say:

Rong Zheng: My dear, for you, I can choose to die.

Bai Leshui:...

This love is a little heavy.

  1. 消亡 (xiāo wáng) = to die out / to wither away
  2. Little summary (from my understanding):
    1st: body already dead when pull over
    2nd: body suffer injuries before being pulled, the pull gave the last hit
    3rd: no problem with the body but problem when pulled over, soul pulled and body enter permanent coma
  3. Does it remind you of someone?
  4. 竹篮打水一场空 (zhú lán dǎ shuǐ yī chǎng kōng) = all in vain