Escape copy

Room 7. Bai Leshui remembered that a father and son lived there.

Because of a temporary situation, Bai Leshui stopped chatting with the chief attendant and rushed to box No 7. When he came to the aisle of box No 7, he saw a group of people standing at the door of the box. Bai Leshui glanced around and found that most of the passengers were here, including Qi Chengxun and Rong Zheng.

Noticing Bai Leshui's arrival, Rong Zheng twitched his lips to Bai Leshui in a vague way as a greeting.

Bai Leshui snorted in his heart and turned around as if he hadn't seen him.

Rong Zheng:...

Qi Chengxun funnily watched the show.

Bai Leshui followed the chief attendant into the box. The furnishings in the box were no different from those in other rooms. What was really different was that there was a bunk bed in the box, and the middle-aged man living in this box, with a rope tied around his neck, was hanging from the iron armrest of the bunk bed.

The upper bed just have a relatively high iron frame bed designed because the space inside the house is slightly smaller to avoid bumping when walking. The middle-aged man was also short, so he was just at the height to hang someone.

But that's it. The middle-aged man's feet were not far from the ground, and there were handrails behind him. If he wanted to break free, he could still find a way. Therefore, the chief attendant made a judgment: "Suicide."

Is it really suicide ma?

Bai Leshui turned around and saw the child in box No. 7. He had been standing silently next to him, staring at the man's body with eerie eyes, with resentment in his eyes.

Bai Leshui looked away and pretended that he didn't see anything.

Someone outside the door looked ugly. Kang Xingyu stood at the front. He could see clearly what was going on in the room, including the child's expression. He secretly tugged at the corner of Ma Letian's clothes and gave him a look to look to his right.

To Kang Xingyu's right, stood 'Shan Qiaoqiao'.

Of course, Ma Letian knew what he meant, he didn't say anything. He just blinked and indicated that he would go somewhere else to chat later. After the chief attendant here said that he would find a way to deal with it and let everyone disperse, Ma Letian made an excuse, left Shan Qiaoqiao alone, and went to other places with Kang Xingyu.

As soon as he arrived at a remote place and confirmed that there was no one around, Kang Xingyu pulled Ma Letian's arm anxiously: "What to do a? That child, has indeed been replaced like Shan Qiaoqiao ba. Is it okay if we continue to share a room with her ma? Is it possible that one day we will wake up and become like that man..."

"Calm down." Ma Letian pulled down the hand holding his arm, "This is just a game."

"I know, but the psychological pressure is too great ba." Kang Xingyu murmured in a low voice, "Will intermediate dungeons in the future be like this ? There is no way to clear the level a, let alone those few terms. I don't even know where the death trap is. It's still the primary copy who is simple."

"Don't forget that you brought us here to advance to the dungeon this time." Ma Letian also had a bad expression on his face, "Just take it one step at a time ba. If you really feel uncomfortable, you can first exit the dungeon..." Ma Letian said this for a moment, he thought for a while and said: "Hey, is the man in room 7 a player a?"

Kang Xingyu raised his head: "Probably."

Ma Letian stood thinking for a while and said, "Maybe he really committed suicide."

Kang Xingyu: "Ah?"

"I've heard people say, some dungeons put too much psychological pressure on people. Before they can't bear it and collapse, it's best to commit suicide. At the moment of suicide, they will pop up the dungeon, this way they can avoid further mental shocks." Ma Letian said, "There are almost no one in primera dungeons that do this. How much pressure can such a simple dungeon with protection of puppet system cause. Only in dungeons above the intermediate level, some people will leave the dungeon early because they can't stand it anymore."

Kang Xingyu: "Suicide? Why?" Just because the person in the room is a little monster?

Then the ability to withstand stress is too fragile ba.

Ma Letian: "Maybewhen at the mysterious site, he traded his child for souvenir ba."

Whether it was the fear of seeing the child return 'intact' or the unbearable guilt that rarely emerged in his heart, in short, he escaped from this copy.

Ma Letian said his guess, before Kang Xingyu could breathe a sigh of relief, he said: "He must have escaped from the copy because the child did or said something that made him unable to bear the pressure in his heart, whether it was fear or guilt. In short, don't be careless."

Kang Xingyu's originally relieved heart suddenly rose again: "Then what to do? Do we still have to go back to the room to sleep ma?" Don't look at 'Shan Qiaoqiao' for now, she is quite honest and has not caused trouble. Who knows what will happen in the future ne.

There are still several days left in this trip ne.

It's not okay to be so worried all the time a.

"Let me think about it." Ma Letian frowned.

The other side.

The chief attendant picked up the body with one hand and put it into a black bag. Bai Leshui could already watch this scene without changing his expression, and asked, "What should be done next?" Could it be to just throw it away like this?

"The next mystery stop is not far away," the chief attendant said. "When we get to the stop, please ask the passengers to help take him out for burial."

Bai Leshui: "Looking for a random place?"

The chief attendant: "Whatever they want. Just don't stay here. It's such a waste to have to commit suicide when you live a good life." This sentence was basically muttered. Bai Leshui didn't hear it clearly at first and looked sideways at him: "What?"

"Nothing." The chief attendant smiled and said, "Come here to help me, take him to the restaurant first."

Bai Leshui:...

It will affect the mood of passengers while eating.

However, it has nothing to do with him, he doesn't eat anyway.

Bai Leshui helped carry the body bag and carried the body bag to the restaurant with the chief attendant. Under the shocked eyes of the young couple of Room 4 in the restaurant, they moved to the back corner to put it.

The woman in the couple was immediately frightened: "Wait, you just put him here?"

Chief attendant: "There is no morgue in the train, so it will be placed here for the time being."

The woman was anxious: "How do you want us to eat from now on a?"

"Is there a problem?" The chief attendant was puzzled, "I put it in the very back corner a."

"It's just that it's the big problem if you put it in the back a!" the woman said in horror, "I don't want to know while I'm eating there is something behind me ...ahhhhhh!!!"

Bai Leshui: "After the next mystery stop, he will be sent away."

The woman turned to look at Bai Leshui: "Really ma?"

Bai Leshui smiled: "Really."

Chief attendant: "At that time, I'll trouble you guys."

The woman was stunned and looked at her boyfriend. The man asked, "You mean, you want us to..." He pointed in the direction of the corner with his trembling hand.

The chief attendant smiled and nodded.

The woman wished she could faint on the spot.

The chief attendant smiled and nodded to the young couple, then left the restaurant with Bai Leshui one behind one in front. As soon as Bai Leshui stepped out of the door, the young couple immediately followed. They originally planned to go to the restaurant to pour themselves a glass of milk to suppress their shock, it was now poured, but they were even more shocked. They didn't even dare to enter the restaurant again.

"Can you reveal, what kind of place the next mystery stop will be a?" the woman asked in a low voice.

Bai Leshui shook his head.

Can't be revealed, morever he didn't know too.

When leaving, he saw Qi Chengxun and Rong Zheng heading towards the bar. Bai Leshui passed them by without looking back.

Very strong-willed.

Rong Zheng turned his head and glanced at Bai Leshui.

Qi Chengxun: "Pay attention to your eyes." Fortunately, this is only a promotion dungeon from primary to intermediate level. There are no savvy old players. If they are in an advanced dungeon, an extra look or movement can make other players or even ghosts guess a lot of informations.

Once it is guessed that Bai Leshui is from the ghost camp, everything will be lost.

Rong Zheng turned his eyes back to Qi Chengxun: "Many thanks for letting me know."

He will pay attention in the future.

The players he met were all of that level, he admitted that he was not cautious enough.

Qi Chengxun: "I don't see much gratitude in your eyes."

"I'm sincere."


"Have you found your target ma? Who should we start with?" The two of them were sitting at the counter in the corner of the bar, even though there was no one else here. Qi Chengxun took back two glasses of low-alcohol wine from the counter and asked casually while placing them on the table.

Rong Zheng took it and tapped the table four times with the index finger of his other hand.

"That shouldn't be your target ba." Qi Chengxun said. The young couple in room 4 didn't look like targets for a businessman to eliminate.

"It's valuable only if it's not." Rong Zheng replied.

Qi Chengxun: "Right o, you don't need to clear the level at all. When."

"Next stop." Rong Zheng said.

After experiencing one battle, Rong Zheng felt that he understood the true meaning of the existence of mystery stations. The space on the train was limited, and everyone was wary, leaving little room for action. So the real time to take advantage of other players is the time after getting off the bus at the mystery station.

The time on the train is the time of investigation.

For Rong Zheng, investigation doesn't make much sense. All players except himself have to be eliminated.

"Not a bad time." Qi Chengxun crossed his legs.

Rong Zheng drank a glass of wine and asked, "How do I give him points? Even if I eliminate someone, without his intervention, or if he and I are not in a undercover relationship, there is no way for him to get points ba."

Qi Chengxun: "You actually know about the undercover card. Have you used it before?"

Rong Zheng nodded.

Qi Chengxun: "He and I are in a team relationship, you just let me rub and it'll be fine."

Rong Zheng looked at Qi Chengxun with a long face, very disgusted.

Qi Chengxun: "What expression do you think I want to be with you?"

Rong Zheng: "Can it be changed ma?"

Qi Chengxun: "What?"

Rong Zheng: "You guys' character setting."

Qi Chengxun leaned on the soft backrest of the chair and stared at Rong Zheng: "If I hadn't confirmed that there were only two in this copy, I would have thought you were also from our side ne."

Rong Zheng: "It seems there is."

"Of course there is." Qi Chengxun replied, "There is a card that can deal with this situation. [Body Swap] When two people team up to assume different roles, this card allows the two people to temporarily switch roles and act separately. But why should I use it?"

Rong Zheng: "If you don't want to be tricked by me at the next stop like the last stop, how about being pushed into the ghost market and kicked in front of a old monster?"

Qi Chengxun:...

Great, you succeeded in convincing me.

The author has something to say:

Rong Zheng: Dear, let's form a team for the next stop.

Bai Leshui: Do you know that I am still angry? ! !