The second mystery site

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Bai Leshui received the order to assemble the players from the chief attendant.

Except for the guests in Rooms 6 and 8 who were spread out, the other players stayed in their own rooms. Bai Leshui started to notify the guests from box No. 8. When it was the turn of box No. 5, he walked into the box door.

Qi Chengxun used the card [Role Swap], and after a burst of white light flashed, Bai Leshui lowered his head and looked at his appearance, simple clothes, tall and strong figure, and confirmed that he had indeed changed his identity.

Looking at the person dressed as an attendant in front of him, Bai Leshui said: "This feeling is quite fresh. It turns out that the character I played looks like this a."

"Hmm? Haven't you seen it ma?" Wu Xuanyuan, whose character was changed to Ren Si, thought about it after finishing speaking, "Right, this character cannot look in the mirror."

Bai Leshui: "Yes." He stared at Wu Xuanyuan's current 'Ren Si' face: "It looks nothing like me."

"Of course it can't be like." Wu Xuanyuan said, "Wouldn't it be troublesome if the role played by the ghost in the game copy is similar to their own appearance? However, the range of the difference will not be particularly large, after all, some people will not be used to it."

Bai Leshui: "For example?"

Wu Xuanyuan: "For example, if the ghost is a male, the dungeon character he plays will not be female. The ghost is 1.8 meters tall, so the dungeon character they plays will be at the lowest only 1.6 meters. The ghost is already in their forties, the role played will not be that of a teenage boy or girl. The contrast is too great and it will be difficult to integrate into the role. These are all shortcomings."

Bai Leshui asked: "Then you can judge my own appearance through my image?"

Wu Xuanyuan: "From your character's appearance, the only information I can determine is that you are a male, with a height ranging from about 1.7 to 1.85 meters, and an age between 18 and 28 years old, medium build, but there are a lot of people like this in the parallel world, it is simply not enough to find someone. So you can rest assured."

Bai Leshui thanked him, thinking of Rong Zheng's appearance, he asked more: "Are such rules also valid among players ma?"

Wu Xuanyuan: "Players are different from us. Because we are ghosts, we must hide our identities and cannot be found in the parallel world. After they enter the dungeon, their bodies and faces will remain the same as before, unless they use a disguise card. Use before entering the copy."

Bai Leshui thought of Rong Zheng's face, which was different from the previous two copies.

"I don't know if it's a coincidence, or if he is really prepared for you." Wu Xuanyuan once again dug a pit for Rong Zheng, "In short, just use this person, don't trust him too much, he's not a good thing."

Box No. 1, Rong Zheng, whose not a good guy: Nose is so itchy.

Bai Leshui expressed his gratitude, his heart suddenly felt heavy.

"Okay, now I, as the attendant, will call out the guests in the first four boxes." Wu Xuanyuan, who played the attendant Ren Si, said to Bai Leshui, "You go and gather ba."

Bai Leshui: "It should't be discovered ba."

"Don't worry about me, I'm an old ghost after all." Wu Xuanyuan said, "Qi Chengxun's character is relatively solitary. The only person who needs to deal with the relationship is that person in Room 1. Anyway, he know, don't worry about anything else, just to cope with various situations, I haven't had much communication with other passengers."

Bai Leshui nodded: "I understand." After speaking, he opened the door and walked to the restaurant. Wu Xuanyuan, who was pretending to be an attendant, walked to the first few boxes.

The journey was smooth, until arriving at box No. 1.

Rong Zheng only glanced at Wu Xuanyuan and recognized him: "Changed."

Wu Xuanyuan: "I don't think I can hide it from you for a long time, but it's also too quick to find out when I just came in and you only took a glance ba. I thought I disguised myself very well." He paid special attention to pretending to be the attendant played by Bai Leshui. From the way he walks to the tone of his voice, Wu Xuanyuan never felt that he had talent for acting, but at least he had been in this game world for several years and had accumulated experience, so it was okay to put on an act. If he could go back to his original world, Wu Xuanyuan would definitely recommend himself to his superiors for undercover work, he would definitely be able to do it well without being exposed.

Obviously very confident.

"It's true that the disguise is quite similar." Rong Zheng replied. He reached out and touched his own eyes, "But there is one thing that can't be deceiving. The way he looks at me is completely different from the way you look at me."

Wu Xuanyuan sneered: "Oh, how does he look at you, and how do I look at you?"

Rong Zheng: "Of course he is full of love when he looks at me, but the way you look at me, is like looking at garbage."

Wu Xuanyuan: "Concerning the former, I think you are blind. As for the latter, I think your description is very appropriate. By the way, in order not to expose the fact that he and I have changed our identities, please hide your love for him a little bit later, as well as when looking at me, completely regarding me as a love rival."

Rong Zheng frowned: "It's very difficult."

Wu Xuanyuan: "Which one?"

Rong Zheng: "All of them."

Wu Xuanyuan:...

I advise you to be a blind man who cannot see, will you consider?

"Just in case, before you leave the train, don't make eye contact with me." Wu Xuanyuan said.

Rong Zheng: "As if I am happy to see you."

Wu Xuanyuan:...

Reaffirm once again, this guy is really annoying.

The words were not said conmpletly, but the cooperation had already been made clear. In order to prevent himself from getting angry and fighting with this person on the spot, Wu Xuanyuan decided to remain silent and took Rong Zheng to the restaurant where they were meeting.

As usual, the guest in Room 1 was the last to arrive at the restaurant. Everyone sat in their seats, including Bai Leshui, playing Qi Chengxun, who also sat quietly and obediently in the seat of the guest in box No. 5. Rong Zheng's eyes lightly glanced over Bai Leshui, sat down.

Wu Xuanyuan, who became an attendant, stood behind the chief attendant.

No one noticed that the two men had exchanged identities.

The chief attendant clapped his hands, attracted everyone's attention, then said: "The train will arrive at the second mystery stop in forty-five minutes. Just like last time, the train doors will open at six o'clock in the evening, the train doors will close after guests leave. The train doors will not open again until five o'clock in the morning the next day. Everyone has one hour to get back on the train. The train will leave on time at six o'clock in the morning. Everyone please do not be late in any case."

"The mystery stop of the train this time will be in a town's stop station. In view of how exhausted everyone was last time, this train has negotiated with the hotel in the town and provided every guest with a hotel room to stay. This event is to participate in the town's festival. Of course, participation or non-participation, is all voluntary."

As soon as the word 'voluntary' came out, Bai Leshui heard the young couple whispering.

"Voluntary? No need to get something before getting on the train like last time ma?"

The chief attendant heard it, so he smiled and replied: "No, as long as you can come back. No other requirements."

Bai Leshui lowered his eyes and looked at the table in front of him. It would be great if they could come back. The simpler the request, the scarier it would be.

This shows that it is very difficult to come back.

The man in the young couple breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's great. I don't wantto be like last time fo the sake of some souvenirs... Hey, won't mention it."

The woman in the couple didn't say anything, but her face looked obviously ugly, and the smile that had been hanging on her lips was gone.

"Because there is an emergency on this train, there is one more thing I have to ask everyone for help." The conductor pointed to the body bag behind him and said, "There is a funeral parlor in the town this time. Please take this poor man over there and hand him over to the people over there for a good burial."

The poor man's son in Room 8 didn't even raise his eyelids, concentrating on playing with the doll in his hand.

"Just need to be send over, good ma?" said Angelina in Room 8.

The chief attendant replied: "You should discuss specific matters with the people in that town ba. If you have any questions, you can also ask the mayor."

Angelina lowered her head and remained silent.

"There should be no problem ba." The chief attendant asked.

No one spoke.

The chief attendant stood there smiling like a sculpture and waited for three minutes, but still no one said anything. Three minutes later, the chief attendant said: "Very good." He glanced at the time, "In fifteen minutes the train will arrive at the second mystery station. I hope everyone can have a pleasant visit in this town with long culture and history." After saying this, he clapped happily.

Of course, no one responded.

The situation was a bit awkward, but the chief attendant didn't notice it at all. He even told some cold jokes before the train arrived. He didn't shut up until the train stopped and the door opened wide.

Everyone gets off the train according to their room number.

Bai Leshui was walking in the middle. As soon as he got off the car, he felt a gust of cold wind blowing by, feeling a chill in his bones.

Obviously it should be summer now.

He didn't feel anything when he went to the previous mystery site.

Is it because his character design was not human when he was on the previous site?

Bai Leshui shrank his head, Rong Zheng saw how he was afraid of the cold, so he moved to the side and stood in front of Bai Leshui, blocking the cold wind.

Feeling a little better, Bai Leshui raised his head and heard the chief attendant on the train behind him drop a huge object on the ground with a bang: "You forgot to take it away. Remember, dead are the biggest, must let him rest in peace."


While saying that the deceased was the biggest, he threw the body out like garbage.

The train door slammed shut, and silence fell all around.

After a while, the man in the young couple said in a trembling voice: "So, how do we take it away?"

"The town is just ahead. Two strong people each grab one side and carry it over?" Angelina said.

Strong man.

After looking around at everyone here, finally focused on Rong Zheng in Room 1, the man in Room 3, Bai Leshui in Room 5 who used the identity of Qi Chengxun and had a tall figure, and Ma Letian in Room 6.

As for Kang Xingyu, although he is also an adult man, he is unfortunately thin in stature and has an immature face. He looks like a student who has just graduated from college, and does not look like he is capable of manual labor.

The man couple in room 4 is only slightly better than Kang Xingyu.

"Women, elderly and children excluded." Ma Letian said directly, "As long as the rest are men, they will take turns in groups of two according to the room number. What do you think?"

As a woman, Angelina closed her mouth appropriately.

In fact, it was not much different from the plan proposed by Angelina. Several men looked at each other and finally hit the hammer to agree.

Otherwise, what else can be done? The elderly and children cannot help at all. Women may not be able to lift a body weighing more than 100 kilograms if they are weak. Men with strengh can take turns and no one will suffer.

Once decided, it goes very quickly.

At first, Bai Leshui was worried that he would not be able to do it, that he was too weak to walk very far. However, when it was his turn to help, his mentality calmed down after he started to help. He did not know whether it was due to the influence of his setting, he feels that he is much stronger than before.

At least lifting people isn't a problem.

Ma Letian is very good at calculations, and this place is very close to the town. It only takes three minutes to walk. After all the men took a turn, they arrived at the edge of the town.

Although it is said to be a town, it is actually not much larger than a rural area. This town is built in a mountain nest and cannot develop due to geographical constraints.

Even the houses in the village are old-fashioned blue brick houses, full of the flavor of the old times.

The author has something to say:

Rong Zheng: Although he is my sweetheart, but thinking that this face originally belonged to that guy, then was very dissatisfied.

Exchanging roles play, should also invite himself to exchange, don't be with that kind of guy...

That kind of guy, Wu Xuanyuan: Your brain circuits will become strange when encountering such things. Why?

Rong Zheng:...

Probably, because of dissatisfaction with desire ba.