The question arises, who will the fugitive be?

"What should we do now?" The woman in the young couple asked in a low voice. She held her boyfriend tightly with her hands and looked panicked.

Kang Xingyu: "Let's find the hotel first ba. Wasn't it said to just stay in the hotel ma?"

Angelina curled her lips: "Take this thing to the hotel? Stop joking, try to find a way to find the location of the morgue and such ba."

"Didn't he say to can go to the mayor ma? Where is the mayor?"

All of a sudden, the passengers were all talking and couldn't agree on anything.

"Hey, you guys." A hoarse voice sounded, obviously not belonging to anyone here.

The quarreling stopped suddenly, and everyone turned back to look at the old man on crutches who had arrived here at some unknown time.

"You are tourists from the train ba." The old man asked. "Hungui Town welcomes you. I am the mayor here. You are tired from the journey and need a rest. I will take you to the only hotel in our town."

The mayor said to himself, then turned around and left with his cane.

"Wait a minute." Angelina called him out, "Actually, we still have another person, no, it's a corpse. He committed suicide on the train. The chief attendant asked us to bring the corpse for burial. May I ask how should we deal with it now?"

"Corpse?" The mayor turned around slowly, took two steps forward with wide eyes and asked, "Did you just say corpse?"

Angelina was startled by the old man's excitement: "Yes, what's the matter? Are corpses not allowed to be buried here ma? Or is it that outsiders are not allowed to be buried in the town's cemetery?"

The mayor shook his head: "No, we don't have such rules. We welcome anyone to join us, I mean join our cemetery." The old man seemed very happy, and his fingers on the crutch kept moving back and forth.

Ma Letian: "Where should we move him now?"

"Move? No no no, you don't need to do anything, just leave it here." The mayor said.

Rong Zheng: "Leave it here?"

The mayor nodded: "Yes, I will ask someone to help carry him away later. Then choose a place to bury him. If you are willing, you can come and help..."

"Not interested." Kang Xingyu replied immediately, "I want to go back to the hotel to rest early, is that okay ma?"

The mayor glanced at Kang Xingyu and smiled: "Of course it's okay, you are guests from afar ma."

"I want to help." It was Rong Zheng who spoke, "The chief attendant asked us to take him and let him have a good burial. At least I want to confirm this scene with my own eyes."

This sentence made everyone present feel excited, they all remembered what the chief attendant said before.

But after all, he didn't say that they wouldn't be allowed to come back unless they saw the corpse buried with their own eyes. Moreover, this person's suicide was an accident and was not within the scope of the game settings. It shouldn't matter ba.

Many people hold this idea.

In the end, about half of the passengers decided to watch the burial.

What surprised Rong Zheng and Bai Leshui was that the guest in Room 3, who was obviously a ghost, was also one of the helping members. Instead, it was Room 7, as the son of a middle-aged man who was about to be buried, the boy expressed no interest in the funeral.

After seeing so many people choosing to help, the smile on the mayor's face visibly faded a bit. He stared at the people present for a long time and said, "Follow me ba."

Rong Zheng took the lead to follow, and the others also came to their senses, followed closely behind. Angelina glanced at the body bag on the ground tangledly, when no one paid attention, she left it alone.

She is a weak woman who does not have the strength to move such a heavy body, and she does not want to move it, even if she intuitively thinks that there may be some trouble after leaving the body here.

Everyone left, at the edge of the town, which became quiet and deserted again, only a body bag was left on the ground. After a while, the nearest door opened, and a black figure walked out with stiff movements, dragging the body bag on the ground into his room.

Rong Zheng, Bai Leshui and others were led away by the mayor for a long time, almost from one side of the town to the other, then came to an old three-story building.

The old man slowly pushed open the old door, making a creaking sound. Bai Leshui even suspected that the door would collapse in the next second.

"Come in ba." The old mayor said to the guests behind him.

A group of people followed in, as soon as they stepped in, they smelled a very bad smell, which was the smell of old and decaying houses.

"Have the windows never been opened here ma?" The woman in the couple pinched her nose and asked, "How many years has it been since they were opened? Oh my God, is it really possible to live here?"

Mayor: "Can live in. This is the best house in our town. It's a pity that the place is remote and no one will come except the train you take."

"It doesn't matter where to live." Rarely, the old man in Room 2 said, "Give me a room, I want to sleep. As I get older, I can't help but be tired."

The mayor said: "There are five rooms on the first floor, two rooms on the second floor, and one room on the third floor. You can choose whatever you want."

Bai Leshui: "Why are the number of rooms on the three floors different?"

Mayor: "This house was not originally built to be used as a hotel. It was a wealthy family in the city who wanted to live in seclusion here. The design is very interesting. The first floor has the most and smallest rooms, followed by the second floor. There is only one bedroom on the third floor and it is very luxurious. It's a pity that they've never come to live here."

Angelina: "Does it matter if we just live in this place ma?"

"It doesn't matter." The mayor said seemingly unintentionally, "They are all dead anyway. This place belongs to the town. Unfortunately, places with dead people are always not popular, so they are used to entertain guests."

The young couple was horrified by what they heard, and the man asked, "They shouldn't have died here ba?"

"Of course not." The mayor smiled, "They all died in criticism and struggle in the city, so they couldn't come over."

Ma Letian frowned: "Criticize? That will also kill people?"

Kang Xingyu poked the big bro Ma Letian, who had little education, and whispered: "Maybe it's the Cultural Revolution." Unlike Ma Letian, who was admitted to a random university, then went out to do business to make money, Kang Xingyu had just graduated from college, morever he happened to be studying history, so he was extremely sensitive to these two words, he suddenly thought of a historical record he had read. If the background of this copy is derived from the original world, then this guess is likely to be true.

At that time, there was not need much reason to criticize.

There is no need to be picky about the target, even if he was a hero who participated in the war.

They have never died in the hands of the Japanese, but died in the hands of their own people after the war.

Not just one or two people responded to this statement.

Ma Letian stopped talking.

Everyone fell silent, Bai Leshui had a doubt in his mind. That dark period was many years ago. The train they took was technologically advanced, indicating that at least the era they were in now should be a modern era with advanced technology. So how many years of history does this house have? At least more than fifty years ba.

Mayor: "The keys to all the doors are inserted on the door. Each of them has two. You can allocate it to yourself where to live and who to live with."

Shan Qiaoqiao, who had been silent all this time, laughed after hearing this and said to Kang Xingyu, "We'll live together ba. Just like on the train."

Kang Xingyu said quickly: "No need. Uh... I mean that is very inconvenient. I live with him." Kang Xingyu pulled Ma Letian and said to Shan Qiaoqiao: "I think there should be a bathroom here ba, you lived with us and didn't get to take a bath, but now living by yourself, you can takes a good bath. Don't you like taking a bath the most ma?"

Shan Qiaoqiao's smile disappeared, she said lightly: "Oh." Taking a bath? What it hates most is water.

Ma Letian acquiesced to Kang Xingyu's words and asked, "Where should we live?"

Kang Xingyu: "First floor."

The young couple also immediately stated that they wanted to go to the first floor, which was of course a room. The old man in room No. 2 claimed that he didn't like climbing stairs because he was old. No matter how luxuriously decorated this old house was, it couldn't get away from the fact that it didn't have an elevator. Naturally, the nanny shared a room with him.

The fatherless boy in Room 7 smiled and carried the doll to the second floor without any intention of discussing the allocation with other passengers. Angelina thought for a while and decided to follow the crowd and live on the first floor. Shan Qiaoqiao said with a smile that she wanted to stay on the first floor even if she was alone.

Then the five rooms on the first floor were immediately occupied.

The only ones who have not confirmed where they live are the man in Box 3 whose identity was taken over by a ghost, as well as Rong Zheng and Bai Leshui.

"I'm going to the second floor." The man in Box No. 3 said in a deep voice. He went upstairs and lived next to the boy in Box 7.

Rong Zheng: "There is only one room left."

Bai Leshui: "Mmh."

Rong Zheng: "Shall we live together?"

Bai Leshui:...

Do I have any other options ma?

He has no objection to living together, but it's a little uncomfortable to have no choice like this.

The train has in total eight boxes, and this hotel has eight rooms. Who would have thought that the three people in box 6 could actually make a split ne.

Probably because they knew what they were doing was unreasonable, Kang Xingyu and Ma Letian in Room 6 escaped very quickly. When the others were thinking about returning to their rooms, the mayor who was about to leave paused, turned around reluctantly and said: "For those who want to help bury that person, I will come over in an hour, help me do things." After saying that, he opened the door and left.

The woman in the young couple muttered: "Who will go a." Then pulled her boyfriend away.

The others also dispersed completely.

Rong Zheng and Bai Leshui walked to the third floor. The third floor was equipped with a bathroom and a kitchen. Compared with the first floor with only a row of doors, it was more comfortable and more like a home than a hotel. The bedroom is very large, with a soft double bed, a huge sofa, old-style lamps, and calligraphy and paintings hanging on the walls.

As a comfortable room, except for the commonly used major appliances, it basically has everything needed.

There are many books on the bookshelf in the corner.

Bai Leshui felt a little awkward after following Rong Zheng into the room, but Rong Zheng walked to the bookcase naturally and started to read the books.

Bai Leshui: "What are you doing?"

Rong Zheng quickly looked at the title of the book and flipped through the content: "Mmh? Look for clues. Books are the easiest place to find information. There it is." He took out a black and white photo from a book. Because it was old, this photo has started to turn yellow.

Bai Leshui curiously leaned over and took a look. It was a photo of a family of three. The background was a luxurious room. The young couple were sitting on chairs. The man was wearing an old-style suit, and the woman was wearing a cheongsam and a fur shawl. The boy in the middle, about ten years old, was wearing a very ordinary coat and trousers, and was holding a handful of flowers in his hand.

Turn the photo over and you can see the time written in pen: 1956. 3. 12.

Rong Zheng put the photo back and continued to look through other books, but found nothing else.

Bai Leshui sneered, turned to leave.

Rong Zheng immediately came to his senses: "Are you angry?"

Bai Leshui: "No."

"As expected you're angry." Rong Zheng thought for a moment before remembering a question that he almost ignored, "Is it because of the woman met in the hotel?"

"No!" Bai Leshui, who was about to lie down and take a rest, immediately stood up and said, "I won't be angry because of this matter."

Rong Zheng: "Actually, she is just..."

"Can you not mention it ma?" Bai Leshui glared at him.

Rong Zheng: "..."

Bai Leshui turned around and lay down, after a while asked, "Are you really going to continue helping me?"

Rong Zheng walked to the bed and sat down. Bai Leshui's back was facing him, so he only felt one side of the bed suddenly lowered, was a little nervous. Then he heard Rong Zheng say: "I want to be with you."

Bai Leshui:...

The man was as straightforward as ever.

"I know you don't want to hear it, but I need to explain it clearly. I don't want this to be an obstacle to my pursuit of you." Rong Zheng climbed onto the bed and lay down not far or near Bai Leshui and whispered, "I know you and I are opposites, but I want to know something about you. So I asked a lot online, then met a player who knew a lot about it. I made an appointment with him and booked a hotel there." Rong Zheng concealed the word ghost, but he knew that the person in front of him understood it.

Bai Leshui: ...Then that's really a lot of fate a.

Rong Zheng: "Meeting that woman was an exception. Because she knew a little bit of information. In exchange, I also booked a room for her because she wanted to experience the feeling of a luxury hotel. It is easy for us to earn game currency, but not everyone can be as powerful as we are, she is very poor, so she exchanged information with me." As for the fact that the woman wanted to hook up with him, Rong Zheng didn't dare to mention it now.

Bai Leshui told himself that he didn't want to hear it, it didn't matter, but his ears were raised high and he didn't miss a word.

"Including buying her a diamond necklace?" Bai Leshui asked.

"Diamond necklace?" Rong Zheng was confused, "What diamond necklace?" After thinking for a while, he remembered that he had taken the woman to a jewelry store. That jewelry store specialized in diamonds, the sign outside was also shiny.

Rong Zheng blushed with shame. He wanted to ask you how long you had been looking at it, and from when to when did you watch?

"She wants it. I can't give her that kind of thing. I just bought the cheapest silver necklace to fool her." Rong Zheng quickly explained, "Actually, I went in to choose something for you. I also brought..."

Bai Leshui turn around.

Rong Zheng stood up and dug into his pockets, feeling empty. After a moment of silence, he suddenly remembered that due to the settings of the dungeon, none of the belongings he brought into the dungeon were there. He also changed his clothes, and the jade string he bought was naturally not on him either.

Bai Leshui turned back angrily.

The he who had such a second of expectation, was really foolish!

"The dungeon doesn't allow me to bring anything in." Rong Zheng said helplessly, "When the dungeon comes out, can I hand it over to you personally?"

Bai Leshui: "No necessary, I don't want to see you!"

Rong Zheng naturally knew Bai Leshui's concerns. He touched his chin, thought for a while and said, "Then I will hand it over to the counter and let the counter transfer it to you, okay ma?" The service staff at the counter are all NPCs, so there is no need to worry about them cheating thing.

Bai Leshui:...

He was a little tempted.

"Your system serial number, is it 1069?" Rong Zheng asked in a low voice.

Bai Leshui suddenly turned around and looked at him with wide eyes, with an expression of 'how do you know'.

Rong Zheng smiled: "After I exited the copy, I'll go to check out and hand the things to the counter. You can pick them up to the counter after watching me leave. I will name and ask to hand them over to 1069, you can take them."

Bai Leshui: "How did you know my serial number?"

Rong Zheng lied casually: "Didn't I work as your undercover ma? At that time, it was the default team status. Just ask the customer service system to help check the records."

Bai Leshui clicked his tongue, believed.

Rong Zheng breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

Bai Leshui asked again: "Have you found the target ma?"

Rong Zheng: "Well, the two people in room No. 4."

No. 4, is the young couple. Bai Leshui asked confusedly: "Why, shouldn't be No. 6 ma? Or No. 8."

Room No. 6 didn't hide their affairs as players at all. Maybe it was because they were not experienced enough, or maybe they were not thoughtful enough. In short, their affairs as players were already known to all players who entered the dungeon. Although No. 8 was not exposed that much, he could guess a little bit. As for the couple in Room 4, Bai Leshui always thought that they were unrelated players.

Rong Zheng: "A hidden player who hides deeply, likes to pretend, refuses to cooperate, and is wary of everyone else."

He has seen people talking about it on the website. Such players always like to be alone and do not team up with anyone. As long as there are conditions, they will disguise themself as an NPC and complete tasks quietly. They are person who makes a lot of money quietly.

This kind of person in the early stage are a bit hard, but they will become like a fish in water later on. There are many such players in intermediate and advanced dungeons. As long as it doesn't hinder them or the task is contradictory, many players basically don't bother to deal with such people.

However, Rong Zheng is different. He is now helping Bai Leshui increase his points. Compared with Ma Letian and others who can observe every move on the surface, this kind of hidden players makes Rong Zheng more wary, so he plans to get rid of them first

Bai Leshui: "The other person ne?"

Rong Zheng: "That one is not."

He has observed and tested the man in the couple, and is sure to be an NPC. If he is also a player, that kind of level of involvement and acting skills, would all make the movie king lose.

Bai Leshui: "What are you going to do?"

Rong Zheng: "It depends on the situation ba. We don't know the situation of this site yet." After finding out clearly, it's time to dig pits for others.

On the first floor, in the room of the young couple in box number 4.

"This place is a bit dirty." The man wiped the table with his index finger dissatisfied, then turned to his girlfriend and said, "To come to this kind of place, was the choice wrong?"

Wen Ji didn't say anything, she looked down at the card in her hand.

"It's also not bad to just stay for one night then leave." The man said while lying on the bed, "You have to reward me well after taking this train. If you didn't insist on coming, I wouldn't choose a place like this."

Wen Ji was thinking about the content of her mission.

Seeing that his girlfriend kept looking down into space, the man frowned and walked over to hug her shoulders: "What's wrong?"

Wen Ji came back to her senses, and the card almost fell to the ground when her hand shook. She put everything in the bound package and asked, "Huh? What?"

Man: "You've been acting weird since you got on this train."

Wen Ji was startled and smiled softly: "Where it is weird? Am I not the same as before ma?"

The man curled his lips, looked at Wen Ji's smooth face, and leaned forward to kiss her.

Wen Ji suddenly turned sideways and hid. Seeing the man's dissatisfied frown, smiled and said, "The activities on this train are not as fun as expected, and recently... I'm a little nervous."

"Are you still having nightmares ma?" the man asked.

Wen Ji: "Huh? Nightmare?"

The man rested his chin on his hand: "Yes a, in a few days, it will be the anniversary of his death. I know you are in a bad mood. So I haven't touched you recently."

Wen Ji's face turned slightly red when she remembered that they were a couple. Indeed, although the man hugged and embraced her from time to time after getting on the train, he did not do anything more in-depth. This reassured Wen Ji a little, she thought that she would have to pay the first time in the dungeon, but... death anniversary?

"Whose death anniversary?" Wen Ji asked.

The man's eyes widened: "Your little brother's death anniversary, have you forgotten ma? It's been almost a year, he was very happy to say that he would attend our wedding before. However, the fugitive who killed your brother has not been caught yet."

Wen Ji immediately became energetic, she remembered the additional term in her mission: She was originally traveling with her lover, but accidentally met a person whom she hated so much that she decided to make him disappear completely on this train.

Wen Ji had never been sure who she should hate so much, but now she guessed that it was the fugitive who killed her brother.

As long as the additional term are completed, she can advance and leave the instance.

So the question is, who will the fugitive be ne?

  1. 魂归 (hún guī) = soul return
  2. 批斗 (pī dòu) = to drag sb before a public meeting to denounce, humiliate and physically abuse them (esp. during the Cultural Revolution)
  3. A Revolution launched by Mao Zedong (1966-76). It's goal was to purge remnants of capitalist and traditional elements from Chinese society that doesn't conform with communist.
    It may be wrong so do your own recherche if interested.