Find the few of them to converge!

The arrival of uninvited guests was about half an hour after Rong Zheng, Bai Leshui and others left with the old mayor. Kang Xingyu had already thought about which card to use and what kind of plan to make to eliminate 'Shan Qiaoqiao'. If he's lucky, he might be able to directly achieve the additional term.

Although Shan Qiaoqiao's role has been confirmed to be replaced by a ghost, it is not clear whether the results of people possessed by ghosts are valid. It is only considered that the possibility of the result being valid is extremely low.

No matter how low it is, at least there is.

Kang Xingyu rarely does anything so-called outrageous. This time he plans to go all in for the promotion dungeon. Anyway, one of his teammates has already been eliminated. When a teammate is less and the sitation in the copy is so difficult, the chance of passing the level is very small. Therefore, Ma Letian didn't bother to restrain him and just let him go as he pleased.

However, before the fun was over, there was a knock on the hotel door. Kang Xingyu also took a special look at the time, which happened to be nine o'clock at night.

The door of the hotel is closed but not locked. If it is another passenger staying in the hotel, there is no need to knock on the door, it can be opened by turning the door handle. The old mayor didn't knock on the door when he came in.

Then, the only ones who knock on the door are visiting guests.

"Can we come in ma?" The guest outside the door asked politely.

Under normal circumstances, even if you don't know who it is, if you are knocked on the door by such a polite guest in a place like a hotel that is half a public space, you will say 'please come in'.

However, this is a game copy, it is still kind of weird and terrifying. Any situation cannot be treated using common situation.

At this time, the only people staying in the hotel lobby were Kang Xingyu and Ma Letian. The old man and the nanny in Room 2 have never come out since they entered the house. The boy in Room 7 has never come downstairs. Everyone else has left. As for Shan Qiaoqiao, she opened a gap to the door of her room, obseving Ma Letian and Kang Xingyu.

It was her attitude of always staring closely on that made Kang Xingyu unbearable.

Shan Qiaoqiao, who had the door open, naturally heard the sounds outside the hotel door, but turned a deaf ear and only stared at Kang Xingyu and Ma Letian with a strange smile on her lips.

It seems like they are waiting for their next move, is it abuse? Or open the door?

As an adult, Kang Xingyu would not choose either one.

There are windows in the hotel lobby. Kang Xingyu did not dare to appear directly in front of the window and look out openly. Instead, he hid his figure against the wall and carefully looked outside through the window.

Don't know when it started. Large white lanterns were lit at the door of the houses outside. Several were lit at the door of the hotel to clearly illuminate the appearance of the visiting guests.

The visitor was wearing old clothes that looked like they were worn in the 1980s, but they were washed very clean and looked quite handsome. He was a handsome young man, if it weren't for his pale face and blood-red eyes.

Novel contact lenses?

You'd really be a fool to think so.

Never heard of an NPC in any game copy carrying this thing, and it doesn't require makeup, so if eyes are red, it must be true.

Pink eye?

Pink eye won't turn red like that.

Perhaps it was because he had been severely suppressed by Shan Qiaoqiao recently, his obersensitive resistance level had skyrocketed, he still suspected of being blocked by inhuman creatures, but he was still in the mood to think about have and haven't.

Calmness, handling affairs without alarm, are all the states that come after being frightened and going crazy.

"Is anyone there ma? I want to go in and have a rest." The visiting guest still knocked on the door and shouted.

Kang Xingyu confirmed there was only one person outside the door and breathed a sigh of relief. He walked to Ma Letian in small steps and asked in low voice: "The door is not locked. Do you want to lock it now ma?"

Ma Letian glanced at the door and nodded to do it. He moved to the door in small steps and gently closed the door valve.

The door made a slight metallic clang.

That one sound, almost made Kang Xingyu's hair stand up in fright.

When the guest outside the door heard this, red eyes widened even more, and he no longer pretended to be polite. He his clenched their fists and knocked on the door loudly: "Open the door. I know you are inside. I am just a passing guest. Open the door a!! Quickly open the door!!"

A passing guest? This is a small, broken town deep in the mountains and old forests. What kind of road do you, guest, pass by?

Kang Xingyu didn't believe it at all. He moved back to the window and looked out carefully. He saw the guest at the door with red eyes and bared fangs, banging the door. Because the sound of his slamming door was too loud, Kang Xingyu saw people wearing similar styles slowly shifting over on the other side of the street.

Yes, shift.

That strange walking posture, the feetweren't lifted at all, wishing to walk rubbing the floor. It can really be described as shifting.

There are more and more other strange people, getting closer and closer, they are all heading towards the hotel.

Kang Xingyu retracted his head and squatted down, then found that the knocking on the door had stopped. Just as he was about to look outside, he met a pair of blood-red eyes outside the window.

It turned out that the red-eyed guest did not break the door, but came to the window and looked in through the window, and happened to make eye contact with Kang Xingyu.

Kang Xingyu was so frightened that he retreated and sat on the ground.

Won't do, he still somewhat couldn't bear it.

The guest outside the window saw Kang Xingyu, raised his stiff arms and slapped the window, his pale face pressed tightly against the glass window, and his blood-red eyeballs hate to no be able to bulge out and glare at Kang Xingyu.

"Open the door, I am a guest, open the door..." The owner of the red eyes kept repeating.

Seeing the man speak at close range, Kang Xingyu discovered that his tongue was black and very stiff, as if it was a piece of hard meat that didn't move or bend when he spoke.

Kang Xingyu was dumbfounded. This time, Ma Letian reacted first and pulled Kang Xingyu away.

Can't go upstairs, so go back to the room first. The room has a window and is still on the first floor. If the hotel is really breached, at least there will be a place to escape.

Fortunately, the window here are not guarded by those 'people'.

Seeing the two of them running back to their room and closing the door, Shan Qiaoqiao let out a long and weird laugh, then looked at guys outside the hotel getting more and more.

In the bedroom.

"What on earth is that?" Kang Xingyu was panicking, "Vampire ma?"

Ma Letian replied: "The background of this game copy is in the east. From that point of view, jiangshi are in contrast closer ba."

Kang Xingyu: "Aren't jiangshi the kind of guys that jump around with their arms stretched out ma?"

Ma Letian: "That's just the most common kind. Jiangshi are also called walking corpses, dead body who walk. Do you understand ma?"

Kang Xingyu: "I don't have any glutinous rice."

Ma Letian: "Who knows if glutinous rice works ma? And where can I find rice in this place? Didn't I say before ma? There isn't even a kitchen."

Kang Xingyu's face suddenly fell.

At this moment, hearing what seemed to be a commotion coming from outside, Ma Letian carefully opened a crack in the door and looked into the front hall of the hotel. After just one glance, he shuted the door with a peng, still cursed mother.

Kang Xingyu: "What's wrong?"

Ma Letian locked the door and said loudly: "Damn it, the guy who replaced Shan Qiaoqiao opened the hotel door."

One sentence, was enough for Kang Xingyu to imagine what the situation was like outside.

While blocking the door with something, Ma Letian opened the window and said, "If I had known better, I would have left with them. Now that I think about it, we may be the only two players left here."

Kang Xingyu: "Huh? Isn't there another room in Room 2?" The two people staying here are the two people in Room 2, the two of them in Room 6, and the child in Room 7. He knows the child's very strnge matter and is very likely to be replaced. But no problem has been found in Room 2 so far.

Ma Letian: "The role replacement is basically the same as our original age. There are no players aged 70 or 80 among the players. The old man in room 2 can only be an NPC. The nanny may be a player, but now I think... there is a high possibility of being replaced."

If you think about it this way, they are not the only ones left in the hotel.

Hell, that should have been considered in the first place.

In other words, he should have thought of this situation when he saw the young couple in room 4 suddenly changed their tune and wanted to follow along.

Fortunately, they live on the first floor, which is very convenient.

Kang Xingyu jumped out of the window and escaped with Ma Letian, asking, "Where are we going now?"

Ma Letian: "Find a few of them to converge!"

This site, may be most beneficial to act with others.

  1. 谩骂 (màn mà) = to hurl abuse / to deride / to call sb names
    Don't ask me, I don't know what the author was trying to say.
  2. 僵尸 = stiff corpse / zombie
    Occident people tend to call them chinese vampire, which is of course so false. Jiangshi doesn't suck blood but life force, the one that drinks blood are not traditionnal jiangshi but influenced by western culture (there's other difference but you can do you're own research).
    Only uncultured people would call jiangshi chinese vampire, calling them zombie is acceptable.
    Think of Qiqi in Genshin Impact
  3. Believed to be able to cause damage to jiangshi and a common tool for exorcism.