Pit each other

Following memory, they easily returned to the suburban house where the coffin was made. Since they didn't have a watch, they didn't know the time, so Rong Zheng walked up and knocked on the door.

It took a while before there was a response. It was still the familiar crack in the door, but this time Rong Zheng could see clearly the appearance of the person in the crack.

This man is no longer young, and is probably older than the old mayor. He has gray hair, dark skin, and deep wrinkles like knife carvings. He is not only an old man, but also a hardworking man who was weather-beaten.

"Not done yet." The old man answered after opening the door and seeing the people outside.

Rong Zheng: "How long will it take?"

The old man said: "At least half an hour, just wait ba." After that, he closed the door with a bang.

Rong Zheng said to the person behind him: "Half an hour."

Neither long nor short. There's nothing to do anyway, so just wait bei.

The door closed, but Rong Zheng did not go back. After telling the time, he observed the yellow talisman on the door with interest. When he came here before, he couldn't see clearly from a distance, but now he can clearly see, yellow talisman paper with cinnabar characters. Although it's not clear what's draw, this kind of talisman paper has two uses, killing demons and exorcising evil spirits.

Both can be classified into the same category, both are good tools for dealing with dark things.

Rong Zheng stretched out his hand to touch the talisman paper, then touched a handful of dust. Judging from the thickness of the dust, it must have been there for a long time, but the color of the talisman paper was as bright as new. In this game copy, it should be a really useful exorcism tool ba.

Unfortunately it was sticked tightly, no way to tear it off completely.

Rong Zheng suddenly remembered that the old mayor did not dare to get too close to the house. Was it because of the talisman ma?

"What are you doing?" Seeing that the person was standing at the door, Bai Leshui walked over and asked.

Rong Zheng stepped back: "It's nothing, I just saw something interesting."

Bai Leshui glanced at the door and also noticed the yellow talisman paper. He was about to step forward to take a look, but was pulled back by Rong Zheng.

Bai Leshui glared, but there're the young couple in room 4 and Angelina in room 8, so he didn't say anything.

"Did you find anything ma?" Angelina asked.

The young lovers all looked at Rong Zheng, Rong Zheng said, "I found that the person in the house is an old man who is older than the mayor."

Several people present were silent. What kind of discovery was this? The fact that the person in the room was an old man could be judged from the sound.

Rong Zheng pulled Bai Leshui and whispered, "Come over there with me."

Bai Leshui:? ?

Wen Ji saw Rong Zheng's little move and raised her voice: "Is there anything you can't say directly ma? Why are you so secretive?"

As soon as she said this, the man and Angelina both looked at the two of them, their faces full of questions and curiosity.

Rong Zheng showed a kind smile to Wen Ji: "Solve physiological problems, I don't mind if you want to come together."

Wen Ji was stunned for a moment before realizing what Rong Zheng was talking about, her cheeks turned red.

Man: "Hey."

He was still there ne, teasing his girlfriend to do what.

Solve physical problems? Wen Ji didn't believe this, but the other party had said so, could she insisted on following? In desperation, she just pulled her boyfriend and said, "You haven't gone to the toilet for a long time too ba, or solve the physical problem together?" She said still gave a wink at her boyfriend.

She had quietly talked to her NPC boyfriend before, saying that she suspected she had seen the fugitive from that year, so she asked her boyfriend to agree to separate. Even after they converge, her boyfriend shook his head to show that the man in room 5 was not the fugitive, Wen Ji was still worried.

She knew very well how easy it was to fool her NPC boyfriend.

Alright ba, if she can't follow you when you solve your physical problems, shouldn't her boyfriend be able to follow ma?

If she hadn't always been pretending to be an NPC to passed the level with the minimum guarantee game coins, and couldn't even prepare an eavesdropping card, she wouldn't have made this move.

Although he didn't understand what was going on, the boman y nodded obediently and said he would come together. Then he was rejected by Rong Zheng, who pointed to another patch of grass and said, "You go over there ba, don't follow us."

Wen Ji was unhappy: "Why? Isn't it safer to be together?

Rong Zheng replied: "I like men." How would you let your boyfriend solve physical problems in front of a man who likes men?

Man: ...

Wen Ji: ...

Angelina: Ha.

Wen Ji's face almost stiffened, she pointed at Bai Leshui and said, "He just doesn't matter ma?"

Rong Zheng put his hand on Bai Leshui's shoulder affectionately and nodded: "Doesn't matter a."

Three people who understood it instantly:...

Wen Ji refused to admit defeat and left her last words: "Don't you ever go to public toilets ma?"

"This place is not a public toilet." Rong Zheng, "You don't have to ask him to follow me ba. I don't play 3some."

Wen Ji: I won't give you my boyfriend either! ! !

She intuitively thought that what these two people were going to say might be important. Interrupt their private communication or eavesdrop on them are all fine. However, the plan of inserting people failed, and it was completely impossible to go quietly. After all, there was still Angelina there.

"Really ma, then just forget it. I only hoped that someone will accompany my boyfriend when he goes to the toilet to make it safer." Wen Ji twitched the corner of her mouth and gave a reason for her previous nonsense.

Rong Zheng: "Are you afraid and don't accompany him? Then you can let Angelina accompany him."

Wen Ji:...

Her boyfriend let another woman to accompany him to the toilet. You are on purpose ba.

Angelina: What does this have to do with me.

"No, I'm not scared at all. I'll accompany him to the bathroom right now." Wen Ji chuckled a few times and took her boyfriend, who didn't want to go to the bathroom at all, to the grass on the other side.

Rong Zheng snorted coldly and pulled Bai Leshui away.

Angelina was the only one left there. A cold wind blew by, she hugged herself pitifully.

She who always liked to walk alone in the dungeon suddenly felt so lonely and cold.

Bai Leshui was pulled into the grass by Rong Zheng, making sure that the couple had not followed, and asked in a low voice: "What exactly did you find?"

"This is a Jiangshi Town." Rong Zheng replied in a low voice.

Bai Leshui's eyes widened. He had thought that maybe there were all non-human beings here, but jiangshi... thinking of what the chief attendant said before, it was not impossible.

"How did you find out?" Bai Leshui asked.

Rong Zheng: "The condition of the proprietress of the tailor shop's body. Her chest is not rising and falling. The old mayor has a slightly stiff posture when walking. The white lanterns that will be hung up late at night. There's also the talismans just pasted at the door. The ground is sprinkled with something as well. I didn't look carefully, I just crushed it with my feet, the grains looked like rice."

Judging from all the conditions combined, this is a jiangshi town.

Rong Zheng: "The only living person was the old man making coffins. When he was talking, I deliberately moved closer and caughted a heavy breath. He was breathing."

The reason why he lives so far away from the town is because he is a human, and everyone in the town is not a human.

The old man knew this fact and is even acquainted with the old mayor. Although he did not know his identity, he could confirm from what he had said to the old mayor before that this town was not a jiangshi town before. People here used to be ordinary living people like the old people, then turned into jiangshi for unknown reasons. Only the old man escaped and lived in seclusion here.

"Does the unknown reason, have anything to do with the subsequent burial of the body ma?" Bai Leshui asked.

Rong Zheng: "Not sure. What is certain is, the burial of the corpse must be related to the secrets of the town. Otherwise, the old mayor's complexion would not be so ugly just because we want to help." The old mayor hopes that they will not participate in the matter of burying corpse. Maybe they wanted to turn the corpse into their companion, so they didn't want Rong Zheng and others to know.

Bai Leshui always felt that as a ghost, he didn't need to know so many secret truths about the dungeon. Rong Zheng's opinion is opposite to Bai Leshui's. He believes that only by mastering more information can he better guide other players... to court death.

If you know exactly where the pit is, you can kick the player down, avoid the pit position, and pretend that everything is bad luck.

Compared with Rong Zheng's black heart, Bai Leshui can only see the other rider's dust with no hope of catching up.

"So is participating to the funeral a good thing or a bad thing?" Bai Leshui asked.

Rong Zheng: "Both. If you go well, you can not only escape, but also decipher the secrets of the site. If you go badly, you will be attacked by jiangshis."

Speaking of jiangshi attacks, Bai Leshui thought of an important question: "You became a model for burial clothes?" This kind of behavior that was obviously giving away head, how did you do?

Rong Zheng recounted the story of how he secretly changed the data: "The burial clothes had to be made. In that case, it was inevitable that I would become a model. I have considered this type of problem, but I don't know on whose body will fall into the trap if the data is changed."

Bai Leshui pondered: "It should fall on her body ba." Although the measuring tape was for Rong Zheng's size, the clothes made were Wen Ji's size. Shouldn't everything be based on the clothes ma?

Thinking of the apples he told the man to prepare, Bai Leshui told Rong Zheng about it. Rong Zheng smiled: "Apple a, this method is not bad."

Rong Zheng had an idea in his mind, waved to Bai Leshui and whispered a few words in his ear. Bai Leshui's slightly narrowed eyes widened, he looked at Rong Zheng in shock, then nodded.

The other side.

Wen Ji was questioning her boyfriend about Bai Leshui. Of course, the man's suspicion was immediately dismissed by Bai Leshui, so she didn't get any valuable information at all. At that moment, Wen Ji looked at her NPC boyfriend like she was looking at trash.

Man: "Did I do something wrong? I really don't think that person is a bad person."

Wen Ji: "Will bad people write these two words on their faces ma?"

The man stopped talking.

Wen Ji sighed: "Beg you, maybe I was wrong." If it were so easy for an NPC to find out important information, the dungeon might be full of players who were desperately trying to conquer NPC ba, and a player like her who is bound to an NPC from the beginning is only one step away from clearing the level?

Sure enough, you still have to figure everything out yourself.

Since we don't know who it is, let's just eliminate them all. The person in room No. 1 became a model for the burial clothes, and would definitely be in danger later on. All she had to do was use the right stumbling blocks. The question was how to pit the other person.

"This burial will definitely not be peaceful." Wen Yan murmured to herself in a low voice, "And it is very unusual that there is no one on the street now. The town should..."

Before she finished speaking, she heard noisy sounds, which seemed to be people shouting, and the sound of running.

I just finished saying that no one could be seen on the streets of this town, and now I heard the sound of hundreds of people running wildly. Isn't this a slap in the face a little too fast?

  1. 饱经风霜 (bǎo jīng fēng shuāng) = having experienced the hard ship of life
  2. Reminder: the chief attendant said there's a Maoshang sect in this town.
    What does it have to do with jiangshi? Well jiangshi are considered dead body manipuled by someone (that's why jiangshi are represented mostly with a talisman stick on their forehead). Of course it is an evil art.
  3. 望尘莫及 (wàng chén mò jí) = to be far inferior/ lags far behind
    How 4 caracters became this sentence when translated is really a chinese wonder.