
That chasing crowd didn't retreat, and Bai Leshui others didn't dare to leave on their own initiative. They just waited like this, until a bell rang.

It was a very loud sound. Because the town existed in a mountain col, the bells echoed in the middle of the night, it was difficult to tell where the bells were ringing.

Everyone in front of them looked up at the sky, then turned around and slowly left in one direction.

After a while, the hundred of people blocked here dispersed cleanly.

"They...where did they go?" Angelina said to herself in surprise. She didn't expect anyone to answer.

Bai Leshui: "When I walked through the town, I didn't see a bell anywhere."

Maybe he didn't see it. Anyway, when Bai Leshui and the man went to find the shop, doors were mostly closed wherever they walked. There was nothing to see except walls and doors. There was no square in such a small town, Bai Leshui couldn't guess where the bell would be placed.

"What to do now?" Kang Xingyu asked.

Rong Zheng answered decisively: "Two choices. Chase and see where the bell is. Deliver the coffin."

Everyone present unanimously chose the second option.

Who wants to watch a bell with hundred of non-human beings a?

Seeing everyone's expressions of strong desire for survival, Rong Zheng felt a little regretful.

Because of the hundred of jiangshi blocking the way, Bai Leshui and others took the coffin to the promised grove to the west nearly half an hour later than scheduled. The old mayor was already waiting impatiently. When he saw them arriving, he held his crutch and poked the ground hard: "Don't young people today know how to be punctual ma? You have made me, an old man, wait for so long. Look, what at time is it, do you know that you have to look at the time when burying people ma? It will be hindered if it is too late. "

The old mayor cursed unhappily for a long time.

Wen Ji's face turned ugly, and she muttered in a low voice: "Isn't it because we were blocked, it's not like it's our fault..."

The old mayor may not have heard, but anyway he ignored Wen Ji and said to several people: "Come with me push the coffin. It's right in front."

Several people responded and pushed the coffin forward.

The night was already dark, don't know what time it was. Although the bamboo forest was close to the town, it was still some distance away. The lights in the town were already dim. After walking into the woods, the light behind was gradually obscured by trees, only a little dim light shines through gaps, the woods quickly became dark. As they walked, mist started to rise all around them.

No one spoke, for a while the only sound that could be heard was the rustling of soil and leaves as they walked.

The fog is getting heavier and heavier, it is gradually difficult to see the distant scenery. Slowly, the people a little further away from them can no longer even be seen. Can only see the people walking next to them. For fear of falling behind, everyone follows closely behind the person in front.

Then, the surroundings became quieter and quieter, even the rustling sounds of walking seemed to gradually disappear.

Among the group of people, the old mayor was naturally the one leading the way, followed by Ma Letian who was holding the coffin in front, and Rong Zheng who was pushing the coffin behind. Next to Ma Letian was Kang Xingyu, and next to Rong Zheng was Bai Leshui. Because these four people stayed close to each other, they did not fall behind from the beginning to end.

Compared with them, the situation of the young couple and Angelina is not so good.

Angelina had been following Bai Leshui a little too closely, and was glared by Rong Zheng several times. She subconsciously distanced herself and saw the man in the couple in room 4 wearing a light blue hoodie. He is very identifiable, so she just followed him.

After walking for a while, she found that the other party's pace had slowed down, he kept turning around and looking around, as if he was looking for something. Angelina was a little panicked. She could only see the back of the man in front of her. Because of the thick fog, the back became a little blurry. When she saw the man's sudden strange behavior, Angelina even doubted the person in front of her for a moment, is not the man in room 4 she followed.

When this thought came to mind, the hairs on Angelina's back stood up. Just when she was thinking about whether to shout loudly, the man turned around and saw Angelina.

Angelina also saw the other person's face. It was indeed the man in Room 4. He looked a just little anxious, but there was no other problem.

"You walk so slowly." The man walked up to Angelina and complained, "I almost thought you were lost ne."

Angelina looked at the man confusely, wondering what strange words he was saying.

Although they are passengers on the same train, they are not familiar ba.

The man grabbed Angelina's arm in a familiar manner: "Hurry up, or you'll lose them."

Angelina was dragged back to the team by the man in confusion. The fog seemed to dissipate a little, and she could finally see Rong Zheng's group clearly again. Then she scanned the circle carefully, but could not find the woman in the couple in room 4.

Angelina thought of a possibility. She turned around and asked the man who was holding her arm in a low voice: "Do you know who I am ma?"

"Xiao Ji a, what are you talking about?" The man looked confused.

Angelina swallowed: "You recognized the wrong person, I am Angelina."

The man smiled: "I know you are Xiao Ji."

Angelina stopped talking.

The man's eyes and ears were blocked by the mysterious power. Angelina guessed that her appearance and voice looked like that woman in the man's eyes, and even her words would be changed. So, nothing she said was of any use.

Unless the man wakes up on his own.

Angelina simply stopped struggling. She just needed to know that she was safe. As for the whereabouts of the woman who couldn't guess whether she was an NPC or a player, what does it have to do with her ne.

No, there's no enterely nothing to do with her. At least Angelina wanted to know when and why the woman who acted with her most of the time was targeted ne.

Knowing this, she can avoid falling into the same trap herself.

The group of people continued to move forward. They didn't know how long they walked. The old mayor who took the lead finally stopped. The surroundings were already dark and they couldn't see anything clearly. They could only vaguely confirm the figures around them.

Ma Letian and Rong Zheng followed the old mayor's command and lowered the coffin. After putting it down, Ma Letian immediately slipped to the back. He vaguely saw a deep pit in the ground in front of him.

Rong Zheng held Bai Leshui's hand immediately. In such a dark place, if he didn't grap people, he was afraid of losing the person.

Bai Leshui shook it but didn't shake it away, just letting him hold.

Rong Zheng squeezed Bai Leshui's fingertips in good mood.

Bai Leshui gave Rong Zheng an elbow in dissatisfaction, which made the man calm down.

The small movements between the two were concealed in the darkness, no one noticed.

"Now, give me the burial clothes and sacrifices." The old mayor said.

Bai Leshui handed over fruits honestly, Rong Zheng followed and send over burial clothes. Two people walked out from behind the old mayor and took what they had in their hands.

The appearance of those two people startled Bai Leshui. He didn't know when they were here. The people who had not breathing were indeed very hidden.

"We will help her change into burial clothes." The old mayor tapped the ground with his cane, "Now, open the coffin."

With a bang, the wooden coffin was pushed open, and the fishy smell became even worse, making people suspect that something strange was placed in the coffin.

Unfortunately, it was pitch dark and nothing could be seen. Morever they have been pushing the coffin forward continuously. Naturally, they are not sensitive to the weight and cannot know whether there is anything extra inside.

"Send the people in." The old mayor said.

The two silent men put the person who had been changed to burial clothes into the coffin.

Bai Leshui was standing next to the coffin. He didn't know if it was his imagination, but he always felt that the figure of the person thrown in looked much thinner.

"Bury ba." The old mayor said.

With a bang, the coffin was pushed up tightly, and without setting the nails, it was pulled directly by ropes and sank into the pit.

Bai Leshui always felt that the moment the coffin was closed, there seemed to be a humming sound coming from the coffin, followed by several gudong, and finally silence.

"Bury the soil, send the sacrifices." The old mayor said.

Rong Zheng offered to help fill in the soil. The old mayor only glanced at Rong Zheng and gave him shovels without saying anything. Rong Zheng and Bai Leshui helped. Seeing that the two of them moved, Angelina who did not dare to leave the team, helped fill the soil too. Ma Letian duo followed everything because of the previous incident. In the end, they led a temporary team of people. With more people working, they buried the coffin completely.

After the burial, the sacrifices were thrown, a symbolic mourning was held, and it was over.

The moment he dropped the shovel, the man's vision returned to clarity. He turned around to look for his girlfriend, but he couldn't find her anywhere. He looked at the people around him doubtfully: "Have you seen my girlfriend Xiao Ji ma? She was filling in the soil here just now ne."

When asked, Angelina's eyes drifted slightly, then she replied calmly: "Don't know, I didn't pay attention."

The man frowned, looked at Bai Leshui.

Bai Leshui had always paid close attention to these two people, so he naturally knew that they disappeared for a while in the thick fog then came back. Of course, three people disappeared and two people came back, missing one Wen Ji.

Thinking about what Rong Zheng said about changing the size of the burial clothes, and the thin person who had just been thrown into the coffin, Bai Leshui had reason to suspect that what was thrown in was not the body of the man in Room 7 at all, but it was Wen Ji who was still had a trace of life and might be in a coma.

You just buried the person in the coffin with your own hands. Bai Leshui thought to himself.

In addition, things were going too smoothly, he was a little worried about whether he could get points for filling in soil.

He thought it would be difficult to solve, but didn't expect that she would be eliminated so easily. The apples he specially asked the man to leave behind were all in vain.

"Don't know." Bai Leshui's answer was naturally only this one, "Maybe she left when you weren't paying attention."

The man scratched his head in confusion. He didn't think his girlfriend would leave when burying soil. Now that he couldn't find her, he could only believe it for the time being and go back to look for her.

He lowered his head and touched his pocket. There was still an apple that he hadn't had time to give to her. For some reason, he felt a little depressed.

Angelina glanced at the apple in the man's hand and touched her stomach. After walking for such a long way, she was a little hungry.

  1. 咕咚 = sound for heavy object falling