You can change camps?

Her stomach made a growling sound at the right time. Angelina pursed her lips and touched her belly. She was very embarrassed, she couldn't help but glance at the apple in the man's hand again.

The man noticed her gaze and handed the apple over: "Do you want to eat ma?"

Angelina hesitated: "Don't you want to give it to your girlfriend ma?"

The man smiled: "I've hidden quite a few ne." He took out one, waved it in front of Angelina, took a bite and started eating.

Angelina thanked him and took it without thinking too much. She just assumed that the man got it from the train, morever the fruit that the old mayor threw down just now was a pear. Seeing the man eating it too, Angelina completely put aside her doubts and started chewing on the apple.

In the dark forest, the sound kabakaba of apples being eaten was very clear.

Bai Leshui looked at them with very miraculous eyes.

"Are you hungry too ma?" Rong Zheng noticed that Bai Leshui kept turning his head to look over there, and asked in a low voice.

Bai Leshui: "Not hungry at all."

Now he was more curious about what would happen to these two people after eating apples.

Listening to the two people eating, Kang Xingyu also felt a little hungry and asked, "Are there any apples left ma?"

Ma Letian: "You want to eat too a?"

Man: "There are two more."

Bai Leshui: Is this the rhythm of taking one-pot ma?

"Do you still have time to eat thing ma? Don't know what time it is now. Get ready earlier to get back to the train." Ma Letian reached out and patted Kang Xingyu on the head. Kang Xingyu: "I'm just asking."

Bai Leshui turned away sadly.

Ma Letian snorted and turned to look at the old mayor standing next to him. The old mayor's whole body was covered by the night and turned into a black shadow. The expression on his face could not be seen clearly. He could only vaguely see the direction he was facing, which seemed to be directed at Angelina and the man, staring fixely at them.

"Okay, everything is done, let's leave quickly ba." Ma Letian said hurriedly. All this really made him panic, unable to calm down.

Then at this moment, the old mayor spoke again: "A festival is being held in the town. Interested guests can go and watch it."

Bai Leshui: "What festival?"

The old mayor didn't answer. He just used crutches and led those two people away quickly.

He left everyone on the spot, walking too fast. Bai Leshui even tried to follow but couldn't keep up, he just disappeared into the darkness.

Kang Xingyu asked in a low voice what to do. He saw two people leaving together and stopped them quickly: "Where are you going?"

Bai Leshui turned around and replied, "Go back a."

Kang Xingyu: "Go back? Now the hotel is all..." No, wait, those guys chased them out of the hotel, so the hotel should be empty now. Maybe it's a good idea to go back.

Ma Letian asked the other two people: "What do you plan to do?"

The man replied: "Xiao Ji must have gotten lost in the woods. I'll go look for her."

Angelina didn't have an idea in mind, so she thought for a moment and said, "Can I go with you guys ma?" Of course, she was talking to Ma Letian. The two super bend men in rooms 1 and 5, she didn't want to see them anymore.

"Okay." Ma Letian agreed casually. One more person is better than one less person. People like to have more people and stick together in times of crisis. They subconsciously think that this will be safer.

"If it's going back, we can go together." Ma Letian said to Rong Zheng and Bai Leshui.

Who would have thought that Rong Zheng actually said: "We are going back to watch the excitement, not go to the hotel."

Kang Xingyu's eyes widened, watching the excitement? Aren't you afraid of looking until exiting the copy? Looking back at the other person, he didn't hear Bai Leshui's refusal sound.

So, these two people are really going to watch the excitement?

Crazy ba.

The mystery site was just a small survival chechpoint. He didn't think there were any clues or truths to find here, so isn't it fine to just stay alive until it was time to get back on the train ma.

Why challenge?

Kang Xingyu didn't understand, but Ma Letian figured it out. He said 'jiayou' to the two of them, turned around and left.

The game world is just a game, but because it is too real, many people are afraid. In addition, clearing the level is closely related to the game coins for returning home, so there is a lot of psychological pressure. But there are always a few unique people who enter the game world not to clear levels, nor to think about game currency or going home. Everything they do is to find excitement or challenge themselves.

If they are all players, they should belong to this group of people ba.

If they were NPC, they would probably be the kind of person whose curiosity killed the cat ba.

Either way, Ma Letian didn't want to take risks with them, but he didn't want to choose the way back to the hotel. After all, there was Shan Qiaoqiao there, who knew if it was really safe. Ma Letian decided to leave the town and find his way back to the train. Even if they didn't open the door, he would find a safer place nearby, wait until five in the morning to got back on the train.

After thinking about it, Angelina decided to follow Ma Letian and guard the train first. It was safer than watching the excitement.

The group of people was divided into three waves. The man stayed alone in the woods and continued to search for his girlfriend who was suspected to be missing but was actually buried in the coffin. Ma Letian, Kang Xingyu and Angelina had to carefully pass through the town, go straight to the train station. Bai Leshui and Rong Zheng went to watch the fun.

The three waves of people then parted ways.

Bai Leshui and Rong Zheng walked back in the direction they came from. Although it was getting late, it was not difficult to find the original path as they headed in a bright direction. After a while, the two returned to the edge of the woods.

The surrounding scenery was illuminated by the light of the town, and no one was here except the two of them.

Putting aside the man, don't know if Ma Letian trio managed to leave the woods successfully.

If not, then that's too great.

Isn't it a bit like take joy in calamity and delight in disaster to think so?

There is no way, who told him to be a ghost ne.

Bai Leshui was thinking leisurely in his mind, Rong Zheng next to him said with a hint of regret: "How stupid."

Bai Leshui turned to look at him.

The expression on Rong Zheng's face seemed to be helpless: "Thought of several ways, but in the end they ended up going on the dead road themself."

It felt like fighting with someone. I had several strategies in my mind and half of them were implemented. However, before the final fist could be raised, the opponent kicked his left foot and fell to the ground.

The heart felt empty.

Bai Leshui commented: "Very worry-free."

It would be great if it could be so worry-free in the future. Lying down is so confortable a.

"Angelina ate the apple. The two people in Room 6 were with Angelina." Bai Leshui said while counting his fingers, "Will they be implicated ma?"

Rong Zheng: "Don't know."

Wen Ji disappeared silently, and her boyfriend didn't even notice when he was walking beside her. In the end, he was deceived.

Until the results come out, everything is unknown.

Bai Leshui nodded, and two of them had already walked to the town.

As before, there was no one on the street. Recalling the direction where the bell rang, the two quietly walked towards the center of the town.

"The woman in room 4 have been eliminated. Do we still need to go to the town center ma?" Bai Leshui asked softly.

Rong Zheng: "There is another Angelina."

Bai Leshui understood, and two of them walked together for a while, he suddenly remembered what Rong Zheng asked the old man when he pushed the coffin out when the coffin was just finished. Bai Leshui asked: "What was the meaning of what you and the old man making the coffin said?"

Rong Zheng replied briefly: "I saw a book signed on the bookshelf in the hotel room, the last name was Duan."

Bai Lexui: "Is that old man the owner of that hotel?"

Rong Zheng: "Well, the child in the photo you saw should be the old man. Counting the time, he is almost eighty years old."

Bai Lexui recalled what the old man looked like, he was about this age.

Rong Zheng continued: "The old man looks much older than the old mayor, but the old mayor spoke to him without the slightest respect, and with a tone of speaking to a junior. The appearance of a person will not change after becoming a jiangshi, how long do you think this town has been turning into a jiangshi town?"

Bai Leshui: "It should've been at least thirty years ba. Is this time important ma?"

Rong Zheng: "Maybe it's not important. I'm just curious, what opportunity did this town take to become like this, and why is there still a person who is not infected?"

You don't need to know too much, as long as you can grasp the key information, you can escape from this site safely. On the contrary, knowing where the safe spot is and occupying or destroying it yourself can prevent other players from escaping.

The time still long ne.

Rong Zheng didn't think it was a good idea to stay by the train in advance. Those people will always come back.

Rong Zheng broke down what he guessed and what he wanted to do bit by bit, explaining it to Bai Leshui clearly and distinct.

Bai Leshui went through the information in his mind. Then realized that this person was teaching him, and felt very complicated in his heart, so he said casually: "You are more suitable to be a ghost than me."

Rong Zheng smiled and asked, "If I were a ghost, would you be willing to team up with me ma?"

Bai Leshuo nodded decisively.

Putting aside that little thought, this guy is very good both in terms of brains and credibility.

Rong Zheng said meaningfully: "You said it, don't regret."

Bai Leshui stopped and glanced at him: "You can change camps?"

Rong Zheng: "Game ma."

Nowadays, many games can be transferred as long as you have enough krypton gold ma.

It's just that what this game want is not gold, but lives.

Fortunately, he can afford it.

Bai Leshui had doubts in his mind, could he really switch sides? Go back must ask.

The topic ended here, and the two of them were silent because they had already touched the place where the bell rang, which was at the door of the hotel where Bai Leshui and others lived.

Don't know when a bell was placed here. It was built with a black wooden frame and had a rolling wheel underneath that could be moved. The big black metal clock was hung up with a thick iron chain, and there was a child with red eyes sitting on the huge crossbar next to it. The old mayor had returned here at some point and was standing by the bell, leaning on a cane and saying something in a loud voice.

Apart from a pair of red eyes, a cyan complexion, and fangs exposed in his mouth, the old mayor looked the same as before.

  1. 一锅端 (yī guō duān) from 连锅端 (lián guō duān) = to take even the cooking pots (idiom) / to clean out / to wipe out
  2. Honestly I can't remember if I used jiayou, come on or add oil for this one.
  3. 幸灾乐祸 (xìng zāi lè huò) = to rejoice in other people's misfortune / Schadenfreude