
Ma Letian, Kang Xingyu and Angelina three people quietly walked forward from the edge of the town.

There was not a single jiangshi on the empty streets.

Obviously the doors of all the houses on the street are open.

Angelina asked in a low voice: "Those... where are they?" She carefully concealed the word jiangshi, as if she didn't guess what those were without saying it.

Ma Letian whispered: "Gather where the bell rings ba."

Angelina gave a mmh, and three of them walked forward quietly. She glanced at the sky, there was not a single star in the dark sky. Only the cold wind blew through the night, and the white lantern hanging at the door swayed slightly.

Got windy?

"What time is it now?" Kang Xingyu asked in a low voice.

Ma Letian: "Maybe two or three in the morning ba."

In fact, it's not long before the train opens.

"Will it go well ma?" Kang Xingyu murmured to himself.

At the first stop, they arrived just in time. They had no choice but to escape from many ghosts and monsters. It took so much time that they didn't even think about time. It would be good if they could hold on and escape.

And now, will the second site be easier than the first site? Can they really get back on the train early?

"It's too early to go back now, the door won't open. Let's go to the hotel to rest ba." A soft female voice sounded.

After hearing this, Ma Letian immediately replied dissatisfied: "If you want to go back, you can go back by yourself, we won't..." He paused and suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Angelina, where you talking just now?" Ma Letian asked.

The three of them lined up and walked forward against the wall, with Ma Letian in front, Kang Xingyu in the middle, and Angelina in the back. Ma Letian never looked back. When he heard the voice of a woman behind him, he immediately thought it was Angelina, but he felt something was wrong after he was halfway through the conversation.

This voice was so familiar that he didn't realize at the first moment that it was not Angelina's voice, but Shan Qiaoqiao's voice.

And Shan Qiaoqiao has already...

Standing behind Angelina, Shan Qiaoqiao had a extremely gentle smile on her face, Ma Letian had never seen this kind of smile on Shan Qiaoqiao's face.

Shan Qiaoqiao's left hand was placed on Angelina's shoulder. Angelina, who had already guessed that Shan Qiaoqiao might be replaced by something, looked horrified.

"Why didn't you tell me when you left?" 'Shan Qiaoqiao' asked softly, "We are lovers, right?"

Ma Letian trembled all over. He wanted to speak, his mouth opened stiffly, but not a single word came out.

At the intersection ahead, several stiff-walking people came out from the corner. At a glance, there were more than a dozen of them, they all tilted their heads and looked this way.

Sweat broke out on Ma Letian's forehead.

Is that the end ma?

Kang Xingyu cursed, took out a wooden stick from somewhere, turned around and whipped it, grazing the top of Angelina's head and hitting 'Shan Qiaoqiao' in the face.

The place where 'Shan Qiaoqiao' was hit by the wooden stick made a sizzling sound, the rotten smell came out, and her hand loosened. Angelina escaped from Shan Qiaoqiao's hands in embarrassment. Her clothes had been torn where she was grabbed on the shoulder, the exposed skin had bruises in the shape of finger prints.

From the grimace on Angelina's face, we knew it must be very painful.

Seeing that the blow was effective, Kang Xingyu grinned happily. He raised the wooden stick and wanted to hit again, but Ma Letian grabbed his wrist: "Run!"

Ma Letian held one in each hand and ran past Shan Qiaoqiao quickly.

Shan Qiaoqiao covered her face and wailed. When she saw people running away, she angrily roared in the direction in which the three people fled.

Kang Xingyu glanced back, just in time to see that the area where Shan Qiaoqiao was attacked had festered and cracked, revealing the furry inside. He felt a chill in his heart. It looked like this thing had put human skin on itself to disguise itself as a human.

Like a painted skin ghost.

But the skin they wear, should be human skin.

Kang Xingyu: This is a game setting, this is a game setting, this is a game setting! ! !

As expected, it's really scary!

The thing that let people most disgusted is that this kind of weird copy is not the only one!

Those dungeons that let players kill each other and eliminate each other to advance are better than this!

Ma Letian grabbed the two people through seven turns and eight turns, threwing away jiangshi and Shan Qiaoqiao. Then he took the opportunity to see that no one was nearby. He immediately grabbed the people and hid in a house with the door open, and then slammed the door close and lock it.

Angelina was still in a trance, she didn't come back to her senses until she entered the yard: "It's not good to hide here ba, what if there is someone in this house..."

"No." Ma Letian leaned against the door and slid to sit on the ground, "Those guys are out."

Go out hunting.

Angelina swallowed her saliva and stared at the dark room against the door. Sure enough, there was no movement at all. She breathed a sigh of relief and then noticed the wooden stick in Kang Xingyu's hand and asked, "What is that?"

Kang Xingyu: "Peach wood."

Angelina: "Item card?"

Kang Xingyu nodded: "What I got in the previous copy, a item that can be turned into card and brought out. It has no big effect, but it can cause a little damage bonus when facing ghosts and monsters."

Just like what happened just now, that little damage can create a chance for oneself to escape. It is simply a dream to think of fighting or even winning against ghost alone with this stick.

Fortunately, there are no so-called usage restrictions for item cards. Just be careful not to damage them. After all, they are just items. Being able to turn it into a card is only convenient for portability.

"I originally planned to set a trap in the hotel to kill it." Kang Xingyu buried his head in his knees. As a result, he didn't have time to do anything, so he became passive everywhere now.

Angelina's eyes lit up: "You plan to set a trap, then do you still have cards to deal with ghosts?"

Kang Xingyu looked up at her.

Ma Letian said dissatisfied: "If you have cards, you can use them yourself. Don't use his things. We don't have many cards."

Angelina: "But my cards are all auxiliary, there are also escape cards. I have used up all the number of times at the previous station. There are no cards specifically to deal with this kind of thing. Don't you want to pass the level ma? You will never drop the level after you advance. We've come this far, it's worth to take risk a."

Ma Letian snorted: "No, if luck is good, can pass then pass. If can't pass, there's no need to worry about wealth. We were not prepared this time, and we lost a teammate. So it doesn't matter if we fail to pass."

Angelina's eyes widened, seeing Ma Letian's firm face, she lowered her head helplessly.

"I'm going to pass." Angelina whispered, "I've anough of the days of passing through dungeons again and again. I want to go back and act well."

Kang Xingyu looked at her: "Are you an actress? I've never seen you a."

Angelina sneered: "On the 18th line, not many people know about me."

Just as Kang Xingyu was about to speak, the door behind him was slammed, and the bodies of three people leaning against the door panel were shaken.

Outside the door, several jiangshi were surrounding that place.

Ma Letian: "F*ck, how did they get here?" Could it be they are just like dogs, sniff the smells?

Or were their lowered voices were still heard?

"Climb over the wall." As soon as Ma Letian finished speaking, he saw several heads protruding from the wall.

Kang Xingyu: "They can also climb over walls!"

Two walls and the door in the yard of this house were blocked. The only way left seemed to be to escape into the house.

Is this really a good choice ma?

Catch a turtle in an urn, they got in, but can they get out?

If you miss the train, you will really be eliminated.

Angelina quickly drew a card and used it, then grabbed Ma Letian and Kang Xingyu: "Follow me, jump!"

Ma Letian: "What?"

"There's no time to explain, just jump." Angelina said quickly, "One time only last three minutes!"

Kang Xingyu: "Ultraman transformation ma?"

Angelina: "There will have only two minutes left if you speak again!"

Kang Xingyu shut up. Although he didn't know what Angelina used, he just obeyed. The three of them clasped hands and followed Angelina to the wall with the fewest jiangshi and jumped hard. They actually jumped more than five meters high. Kang Xingyu was so frightened that he shouted loudly.

"Which direction is the train?" Angelina asked loudly.

Ma Letian: "Left!"

Angelina changed direction, grabbed the two of them and turned to the left, jumping over houses and roads, jumping farther and farther like rabbits. They left the jiangshi that could only walk on the ground behind.

The other side.

East side of town.

"Do you think this is the best place to catch the sacrifices ma?" The old mayor transformed into jiangshi asked, standing on the edge of the town with a cane, "I remember this is where they got off the train and came to the entrance of the town ba."

Rong Zheng replied: "Yes, they come and will have to go. They will always go back. As long as this place is blocked, can catch the sacrifices and give them to the ancestor."

The old mayor: "What you said makes sense. I am not an unreasonable person. They don't have to stay behind, for the sacrifices they've eaten, as long as they pay it back it's fine."

This is a high-sounding statement. It's just a few apples, but there is no need to sacrifice one's life. Moreover, when the old man made a speech in front of the hotel, he meant to find a few flesh-and-blood people in the hotel to prepare a meal for the ancestor.

As for the identity of the ancestor, Bai Leshui guessed that he was the culprit who turned this entire town into a jiangshi town, an old jiangshi who had been practicing for who knows how many years.

Bai Leshui: "There are two other people traveling with us, why not leave them together."

Old mayor: "Who?"

Bai Leshui: "A man with a very tall height and build, and a very thin young man."

Old mayor: "I have an impression. They were the guys who went to bury people together. I remember there were two other people."

Rong Zheng: "It's a pity that they have already left, can't be caught."

The old mayor looked at Rong Zheng suspiciously: "Left?"

Rong Zheng smiled and nodded: "Left."

Old mayor: "Are you...really people from our town ma? Why can't I remember your faces?"

Bai Leshui couldn't answer this, so he could only look at Rong Zheng who was blessed by the [I didn't lie] card. Everyone who hears it will instinctively believe everything Rong Zheng says who has been blessed by the card.

Rong Zheng said: "Because we rarely go out except when offering sacrifices."

Old mayor: "That's it."

Rong Zheng asked: "The ancestor won't make move himself be."

The old mayor nodded: "As long as the sacrifices are delivered on time, the ancestor will not get angry."

During the time of the sacrifice, Bai Leshui remembered that the old mayor mentioned that the ancestor's meal time was four o'clock in the morning.

The train opens at five o'clock in the morning.

As for the current time, Bai Leshui had already confirmed it with the old mayor, it was three o'clock five in the morning.

If all players are successfully trapped here at this site, this promotion copy will basically end here.

  1. Ghosts who use a skin they paint to disguise themself as humain.
    From 'The painted skin', a short story by Pu Songling, in the collection 'Strange Tales'.
  2. 七拐八拐 (qī guǎi bā guǎi) = Many bends, constantly changing direction
    I always thought the saying was 'seven bends and eight turns'.
  3. Peach tree are said to be able to ward off evil so a lot of warrior used to craft weapon with peach wood.
  4. 瓮中捉鳖 (wèng zhōng zhuō biē) = The object you want to capture is already in your grasp/ to set oneself an easy target