It should have been smooth sailing.

It was simply a disaster.

Ma Letian was convinced that since he came to this world, every dungeon he had walked through, no matter whether he successfully passed the level or failed, these dungeons had never been as exhausting as this one.

First, they encountered a large number of jiangshi in the hotel. After finally escaping and meeting other passengers, they had to help carry coffins to bury people. He thought that retreating was a good choice, but he didn't expect to be intercepted by jiangshi halfway. Although the woman in Room 8 escaped with them for a while, he fell down halfway and his arm was bruised. In the end, just like Angelina, he fell from the roof and was kidnapped by jiangshi.

At least alive.

If you are alive, you will have a chance to leave here, if you die, you will be eliminated.

What a simple and clear game rule.

In any case, being surrounded by a group of guys who are obviously not living people is definitely not a good experience.

After being kidnapped, Ma Letian discovered that it was not just them and Angelina who had been kidnapped, but also the man from the couple in room 4, his condition was even worse than them. Don't know what happened in the woods, the body was covered in blood and his consciousness was confused.

Maybe this is not bad, at least he doesn't have to face a group of jiangshi drooling at him, and he doesn't have to know what he will face after being roughly pulled down and dragged away by jiangshi.

It's nice to end it all in sleep.

This person is not a player, otherwise Ma Letian would be very envious of him.

Being eliminated without knowing anything is a happy thing in a way.

Angelina was not so happy. After the man, she was the second person to be dragged away. The poor woman's tears were streaming down her face. Even though Ma Letian advised her that it wouldn't be much pain and she would exit the copy soon, the woman didn't stop trembling.

Because she was caught here a little earlier than Ma Letian two people, she already knew what she was going to face next from the jiangshi's mouths.

There is a thousand-year-old jiangshi in this town, this jiangshi is the ancestor of these jiangshi. All jiangshi spoke of their ancestor with reverence. This town respected the ancestor. Every year on his birthday, a ceremony would be held to present their best gifts to the ancestor.

The living people from the train passing here are the best gifts.

The ancestor likes dark places, so his lair is placed in the basement of the most luxurious building in the town, which is also on the first floor of the hotel.

They were sent here to live for no without reason. From the very beginning, when they entered the town, they were already prey.

There are still a few people left in the hotel, although they are either players replaced by ghosts or NPCs. Ma Letian didn't ask about their ends. Anyway, it didn't change his current situation.

Soon after Angelina was dragged away, it was Kang Xingyu's turn.

The round-faced young man had already given up on this dungeon. He said 'see you in parallel world' to Ma Letian quickly and neatly, and left happily.

It's over.

Ma Letian leaned against the corner and looked at the dark sky, thinking to himself.

So tired a.

Really want to go home.

Finally, it was his turn. Ma Letian followed the jiangshi who led the way honestly. He couldn't run away anyway. His arms were tightly bound, and his feet were tied with hemp ropes, just like the anklets used in the past. They were not heavy, but it's still not possible to take steps and run. Due to the length of the rope between his feet, he could only move in small steps like a boudoir lady.

In the dark basement, he saw a jiangshi wearing ancient clothes, with long silver hair, a gray face, and black eyes.

Then, lying on the ground, there were several fragmented corpses. In addition to Kang Xingyu three people, Ma Letian also saw the remains of the old man in Room 2. As a living NPC who had not been replaced by a ghost, this was the result of staying in the hotel.

He was really the only one left in the three-person team. Ma Letian thought to himself.

Hope it will be a bit more happy.

However, what surprised Ma Letian was that the thousand-year-old Jiang just smiled and said, "I'm full."

Ma Letian:...

"Keep it, use it as a food reserve ba." Thousand-year-old Jiang pointed at Ma Letian and said.

Ma Letian, who was already preparing to leave the dungeon:...

People's doing?

Is it a good thing not to die ma?

The premise is that if this is not a game, if the train will not leave soon, if there are still several days left in the game, otherwise this is not a good thing at all a!

This means that if he doesn't get back on the train within the next hour and half, he'll spend the rest of the game in this goddamn jiangshi town until this big shot gets hungry and eats him up, or when the entire game time is over.

Even if all other players were eliminated during this period, the same would be true for him, the remaining player who was destined not to pass the level.

Is this some new type of punishment play ma?

Ma Letian gritted his teeth and cursed secretly. He refused this kind of treatment.

"Can I ask for death ma?" Ma Letian asked.

Then, he was ignored by the thousand-year-old Jiang.

People don't talk to food.

Ma Letian felt very aggrieved.

The feeling of waiting for death is the most uncomfortable. Instead of enduring like this, it is better to take a gamble. Ma Letian gritted his teeth and took out a purple card.

Even if the final result is not clearing the dungeon, it is better than leaving a psychological shadow that will affect the next dungeon.

The only way back to the train is on the east side of town.

Bai Leshui: "It's should be almost time ba."

Rong Zheng: "Here comes someone."

Bai Leshui was startled and immediately stood up to look at the town. There was indeed a person slowly walking over. There were also a few jiangshi wandering on the edge of the town. All the jiangshi ignored her existence and allowed her to pass through the middle of the town, come in front of Bai Leshui.

It's the nanny in room 2.

Seeing Bai Leshui, the nanny gave Bai Leshui a rare smile, then continued to hum while boarding the train.

"Where is that old man ne?" Bai Leshui asked.

The nanny slowly turned her head, with a smile in her dark eyes: "Being eaten."

Bai Leshui: "Eaten?"

The nanny sounded regretful: "I have told him, don't go out casually, but he didn't listen and insisted on going out, so he was caught by jiangshi."

Bai Lexui didn't stupidly ask like 'Why didn't you care about him?' or 'Why weren't you caught?' He responded without saying anything more.

The nanny looked at Bai Leshui with a smile. Seeing that he stopped asking, she continued walking forward humming a song.

From a distance, he could see Wu Xuanyuan, who had exchanged identities with him and became an attendant, opening the train door. Bai Leshui and Rong Zheng set off together and returned to the train.

Wu Xuanyuan smiled meaningfully and said: "Welcome back, two guests. I hope your short journey goes smoothly."

Rong Zheng raised his lips: "Of course it went smoothly."

Wu Xuanyuan smiled and said nothing.

For more than half an hour after that, except for the nanny, Bai Leshui and Rong Zheng, no one came back.

Even Wu Xuanyuan, as an old ghost, had to admit that the efficiency of these two people was amazing.

There are no other players on the train. As long as Rong Zheng is voluntarily eliminated by Bai Leshui, this dungeon will be...

At this moment, an accident happened. There were still ten minutes before the train started, a shrill wailing sounded in the town.

Still five minutes before the train started, a figure was running towards this side in a panic.

Still one minute before the train started. Ma Letian, who finally escaped from the town, rushed into the train at a sprint speed of 100 meters and slammed directly into the wall of the carriage.

With a bang, the door was closed by the conductor.

The broadcaster's voice informed everyone that the train continued to move forward, heading to the third mystery stop.

At this moment, Rong Zheng looked at Ma Letian, wishing he could eat people.

This guy should have been kicked just now.

Unfortunately, the conductor had been standing by the train door and did not give him this chance.

"It should have been smooth sailing." Rong Zheng whispered dissatisfiedly.

So where did it went wrong.

Ma Letian was panting heavily, he was glad that he could catch up, and didn't notice what Rong Zheng said.

Wu Xuanyuan's eyes wandered around Ma Letian with the same dissatisfaction, smiled and asked everyone to rest, then quietly returned to room No. 5 with Bai Leshui.

Not even the chief attendant asked a question about the other passengers who had not returned.

"The original nanny has already been eliminated, the one remaining is a phantom." Wu Xuanyuan said, "The only players left are Ma Letian in Room 6 and that guy in Room 1."

Bai Leshui finally changed back to his own identity and was sorting out his uniform to get used to this role. After hearing this, he said, "I know. I thought the second station would end everything, was careless."

Wu Xuanyuan sighed with emotion: "You have done a good enough job. When I first became a ghost, it didn't go so smoothly."

Bai Leshui: "The next step is to make plans for the third site."

"There is no third station." Wu Xuanyuan said, "When you guys went to the second station, I used this identity to hang out with a group of people on the train to learn a little bit about things on the train. Have you ever tried talking to the guys in the last car?"

Bai Leshui asked, "Are you talking about carriage No. 13?" He shook his head. Given the miserable state of the group of 'people' in Carriage No. 13, it would take a lot of courage to look up into their eyes, let alone communicate. At least Bai Leshui didn't want to at all.

Wu Xuanyuan: "If you communicate more with the surrounding NPCs, you will get unexpected results. For example, this train had an accident before it arrived at the third mystery station, causing everyone to look like that."

Bai Leshui was shocked and thought about his character setting: "'I' want this train to reach the end, so should I warn the players to prevent the tragedy from happening?"

"That's right." Wu Xuanyuan said, "Ghosts are not completely used as backgrounds in the game background. In order to better integrate into this character and not be suspected by the players, you will do some actions that are beneficial to the players, such as giving them warnings. Early stage dungeon games will give you more character settings and restrict some of your behaviors. Later, you will basically be able to control them yourself."

Bai Leshui: "The character settings... are actually for the players to see."


"Mmh, I understand."

It is enough for the player to think that he wants the train to reach the end of the road well.

The author has something to say:

This copy is unexpectedly long a. The novels I write are getting longer and longer_(:3∠)_.

It doesn't matter, it will be over soon.

Then, it's time to meet in parallel world hahaha.

Are you looking forward to it ma?

  1. 千年老僵 (qiānnián lǎo jiāng)
    僵 from jiangshi, mean rigid/ stiff (corpse). I'll keep it that way.
  2. 人干事 (rén gànshi) is an abbreviation of 这是人干的事吗 (zhè shì rén gàn de shì ma) which mean 'is this people's doing?'
  3. I've verified the raw, it said conductor/train manager not chief attendant.