Accident recurrence

Bai Leshui left box No. 5. Because passengers from several boxes were left at the second mystery stop, the train seemed quiet. Walking from box No. 5 towards the front of the train, box No. 4 that originally belonged to the couple and box No. 3 were already empty, there was only one nanny left in box No. 2.

The door of box No. 1 opened, Rong Zheng leaned against the door frame with his arms folded, waiting for Bai Leshui.

Seeing Bai Leshui coming, it only took him a few seconds to identify the person and confirm that the two of them had changed their identities. He immediately showed a smile on his face and said, "Where are you going? I'll accompany you."

Bai Leshui looked at him intently, after a while he said: "Go to the cab for regular check. In case the deputy pilot need something..."

"I'm with you." Rong Zheng said.

Bai Leshui did not refuse his proposal, so the two of them walked forward together, passing the small broadcast room.

Different from the stiff smile in the past, this beautiful broadcaster seems to have gained a little popularity. She is holding a mobile phone in her hand and looking down frequently, with a little sadness on her face.

Rong Zheng noticed her abnormality immediately and asked, "What's wrong?"

The broadcaster was startled and dropped her phone on the ground. She looked up in surprise: "Ah? No..."

Rong Zheng leaned over and picked up the phone. When he picked it up, he saw a chat interface with a person on the screen. The other person typed a long paragraph, at the end of the paragraph were the following words: Let's break up ba.

Returning the phone to the broadcaster, Rong Zheng tried his best to speak in a gentle voice: "He can make up his mind to break up with a beautiful lady like you. It seems that his determination is very strong. Such a man does not need to be redeemed."

Tears immediately filled the broadcaster's eyes. She shook her head and whispered: "No, it was just a misunderstanding. He thought the captain and I...actually we had nothing."

She sniffed, squeezed out a smile and said: "It's just a boring talk, please don't pay attention to it. Rather than this, let's go and take a look inside the cab ba. It seemed like there was a quarrel just now, because... he was too scary, so I also didn't dare to rush forward to persuade him, morever I must stick to my position."

Bai Leshui said, 'I understand,' left the broadcaster behind, walked to the cab, and knocked gently on the door.

A fierce quarrel was indeed still breaking out inside, the sound was so loud that it drowned out the knocking on the door.

"You can't do it, just can't do it. Don't think that this will be your world after I retire in a few years! Hum, I can leave you without food at any time with just a word from me!"

"Have you said enoughof your long-winded word ma? You just rely on that bit of relationship. Don't think you yourself are really so great. Let me tell you, no one on this train takes you seriously. No, everyone on this train, hate that you don't die quickly!"

"What did you say?"

"I know a lot. You often harassed the new broadcaster, and spread rumors that she had slept with you long ago because she saw your background. You also bullied other employees on the train and treated Ren Si as a servant, Xiao Gao wants to be chief attendant, he has already had enough qualifications. But you just took the opportunity to threaten that if he doesn't give yourself a gift, you will tell people above that he is slacking off at work, and..."

"I think you just want to die ba!!!"

Captain Wang's angry roar came from the cab.

The knock on the door could no longer be heard. When Bai Leshui was getting anxious, Rong Zheng raised his foot and kicked the door hard. There was a loud bang, there was immediately silence in the cab.

The door was opened, the deputy pilot Xiao Zhou stood at the door, not daring to look up at two of them, his eyes drifting: "When did you...come here?"

"Just now." Bai Leshui said, his face as calm as if nothing happened before, "I wanted to ask you if you need me to bring some food and water."

"No, I'm not hungry." Xiao Zhou said.

"He's hungry! He's dying of hunger. Give him something to eat quickly, let his stinky mouth shut up!!" Captain Wang, the pilot, shouted with a red face. In his hand, he was still holding the wine that Bai Leshui had exchanged for at the first stop, it seemed that he had been constantly drinking at the second stop, and was full of alcohol smell.

Due to excessive alcohol intake, this man's eyes were a little dazed.

Sure enough, just as Qi Chengxun said, the third mystery station will not come. In the original setting of this game, after passing the second mystery station, due to the conflict between the two drivers, an extremely horrific accident occurs.

This is a train that is destined to never reach its destination.

As one of the only two player in the game, Rong Zheng has already discovered this fact, the rest is just to warn Ma Letian in room 6.

After telling the two people in the cab that he would bring meals later, Bai Leshui closed the door and turned around to see the brodcaster covering her mouth and staring at the cab with anger and resentment.

Bai Leshui:...

She must have heard what was just said.

Because of the captain's random rumors, her boyfriend heard the signs and thought his girlfriend was unfaithful, so he broke up with her.

This... maybe what happens next is not a fight between two people, but a murder of one person by two people ba.

Feel like he might have guessed the truth.

But what does this have to do with him ne.

Taking advantage of the next incident, kick Ma Letian out, is what Bai Leshui wants to do.

In order to facilitate his actions without being suspected, Bai Leshui left Rong Zheng where he was and went to look for Ma Letian alone.

After knocking on the door of Box 6 first, but getting no response as expected, Bai Leshui went to the public entertainment area and found Ma Letian in the bar as he wished.

Looking at the wine on the counter, Bai Leshui had an idea. He took the high-end wine from the top of the cabinet, filled a cart with it, then stopped when he pushed the cart past Ma Letian, who was sitting in the corner.

"Sir, would you like a bottle of wine ma?" Bai Leshui leaned over and asked.

Ma Letian stayed in the bar but did not drink. He just wanted to stay in a darker space, as if this would not make him too lonely. He raised his head after hearing Bai Leshui's question: "No need, I don't want to drink now."

Bai Leshui: "You can take it with you when you leave the train. Normally this is not allowed, but this time... various things happened on the train. It can be considered as some compensation to the only remaining passengers ba."

Ma Letian raised his head: "The only remaining passengers?"

Bai Leshui showed a hint of worry at the right time: "With the driver's behavior, it may be a little difficult to reach the end. I hope this journey will be safe."

Ma Letian remembered the requirement in his mission to reach the end point, immediately stood up and asked hastily: "Why do you say that?"

Bai Leshui pointed to the wine in the cart and said: "These are what the captain asked for. He has already drank so much wine, he still wants to drink. I'm really worried."

Ma Letian didn't want to listen to this 'NPC' anymore. He stood up suddenly and ran towards the cab quickly.

Bai Leshui smiled slightly, put down the cart happily that he had accomplished his task.

As for the wine, he wouldn't really send it over ne. Even if Ma Letian asks, he still has something to say.

Of course, the premise is that he still has a chance to talk to himself.

Bai Leshui did not follow Ma Letian to the cab. He knew that even if he went, it would be meaningless. Judging from the personalities of the two drivers he had observed, it was not something that Ma Letian could persuade after comming over with a few words.

Sure enough, Ma Letian went away for a while and came back angrily. Knowing that the drunk driver would cause a train accident, he was homewer completly at loss as what to do because he could not stay in the cab and stare at the captain's every act and move, there was no way to forcefully drag the unqualified driver out of the cab too. He can only go over and take a look from time to time to prevent accidents from happening.

Ma Letian originally wanted to have a good chat with the NPC just now and learn more about the situation, but no matter where he went, he couldn't see the young attendant in uniform, as if he had evaporated out of thin air. The chief attendant was there, but he turned a deaf ear to such topics.

No matter what happened, he felt angry, and the most troublesome thing was that Qi Chengxun, the passenger in box No. 5, actually wanted to play some kind of card game with him, right, there were also the person in room No. 1.

Are these two still players? Don't they feel that something is wrong ma?

"Now is not the time to play games at all!" Ma Letian was furious, "All understand human speach speak openly? You two of you both players, right?"

Rong Zheng raised his eyebrows and Qi Chengxun smiled, but neither of them responded.

"Very good, it's your business to talk or not. I'll just tell you one thing. I just found out from the attendant NPC that the driver here is actually drinking! There is a requirement to reach the end point among the customs clearance conditions. It must be because the train won't arrive on its scheduled itinerary. It's definitely the driver who was drinking and causing trouble that caused the train to derail!" Ma Letian looked angry, "That scoudrel, he even said that I was meddling other's business. This is related to my customs clearance, labor and management's life!!!"

Rong Zheng:...

Qi Chengxun's leisurely expression immediately turned serious: "Are you telling the truth ma? Will this train derail?"

Seeing that someone paid attention to his speech, Ma Letian said: "Of course, I have confirmed it with my own eyes. In short, it is good for us all to let this train reach the end point intact. After all, we are all players who have survived until now, you two should also pay more attention, survive and let the train reach the end, then we can clear this instance. This is the only way to go!"

Qi Chengxun agreed: "You are right, I thought the accident would happen after four stations, so what to do next?"

What to do?

The question was thrown back, and Ma Letian was a little confused. He thought for a while and said: "What else can we do? Just keep an eye on the cab. If it really can't be stopped, then find a way to make the train run again."

Of course, the possibility of getting the train running again after the accident is slim.

This is a difficult condition to achieve.

Rong Zheng looked at Qi Chengxun silently.

Qi Chengxun sighed: "Okay ba, let's take turns to watch ba. I happened have to sleep for a while, it's going to be night soon. I'll go on duty at night and keep an eye ba."

Ma Letian: "Okay, we can be considered a temporary team. You ne?" He looked at Rong Zheng and said.

Rong Zheng turned around and left: "Not interested, won't participate."

Ma Letian spat: "Must want to sit back and enjoy the benefits, pei! Forget it, leave him alone."

Qi Chengxun also followed Ma Letian and spurned Rong Zheng: "Sit back and enjoy the success, shameless, pei!"

Rong Zheng, who heard a little bit:...

He endures.

Sit back and enjoy the results? No, he just wants to be able to pit people at any time.

Also, if this guy hadn't teamed up with Xiao Bai, and his elimination would affect Xiao Bai's score, he would have voted out this guy long ago!

As a ghost, he can act so well, stilld disdan him with the anger of a common enemy with the player and despises him? Who is more shameless? !

Pretend very much like two-face.


Perhaps spurning an enemy together gave the two people a temporary illusion of being revolutionary comrades. The two chatted enthusiastically for a while before parting ways. Qi Chengxun got a lot of private information from Ma Letian. For example, they belong to a minor league. As old members of the league, the three of them are at the bottom of the league. They are already facing the dilemma of being kicked out of the league. As for Qi Chengxun, he had already started to lie that he was a white-collar worker in a certain company. After he came here, he couldn't play games at all, so he had to approche a rich woman with his good look. In the end, he was abandoned by the rich woman because of his poor qualifications, and finally had to muddle on his own kind of myserable experience. The only advantage is that his experience with the rich woman gives him the qualifications to advance to dungeon.

"If I can advance this time, I can continue to find an alliance to muddle in and relax for a while." This is what Qi Chengxun said to Ma Letian.

Because the story told has nose and eyes, and also told the details of having sex with the rich woman several times, Ma Letian believed it immediately.

Of course, it is easy to win people's trust. After all, it is adapted from the gaming experience of someone Wu Xuanyuan knows.

Believe was quickly believed, but Ma Letian soon thought of another question: "Aren't you a couple with the person in Room 1 ma?"

Qi Chengxun froze in place.

Tell me, what did those two guys do at the second site to make you think that?

Did they memeda ma?


"How can we be a couple a?" Qi Chengxun whispered, "Actually, I'm fine with both men and women. But that person won't work a."

"And he's a complete scumbag. He won't admit after using." Qi Chengxun looked sad, "Did you see him give me a few more glance just now ma?"

Ma Letian thought about it, shook his head.

Qi Chengxun said sadly: "Some men are like this. They don't cherish them after they get them. They cheat on them as soon as they say they cheat. That kind of man is really not a good thing. Is the world of flowers so fun ma?"

Ma Letian, who betrayed his wife in the original world:...

The heart is so painful.

What you said makes me unable to lift my head.

"That's like it ba, I'm going to sleep first. The driver's side...please ask you." Ma Letian, who turned out not to be a good guy, said to Qi Chengxun awkwardly, then hurried away.

Qi Chengxun looked at Ma Letian's back, recalled the conversation just now, and clucked his tongue: "Not a good thing."

"You are not a good thing either." Rong Zheng, who came out of hiding, said to Qi Chengxun with a cold expression.

Qi Chengxun turned around: "Eavesdropping?"

Rong Zheng: "To prepare for what's to come, I just wanted to know your 'rescue' plan, but I didn't expect to hear something very interesting."

Qi Chengxun glanced at his 'watch': "Aiya, it's time. I should go to the cab and keep an eye on it. Goodbye."

Rong Zheng:...

Pretend a bit more realistic, your wrist is bare, where is the watch?

It's best not to meet in the parallel world. Otherwise, he would definitely step on this person's face and crush him hard.

Car No. 13.

After Bai Leshui told Ma Letian about the driver's drunk driving, he hid here directly and chatted with 'people' here.

Seriously, it takes a lot of courage.

He just needs to develop the courage to adapt to this. His intuition told him that there would only be more copies of this type in the future. He has a long way to go back home.

By the way, he counted the 'human' personnel of carriage No. 13.

There is a cook, a cleaner, two train police officers, a train inspector, and an attendant.

If we add the missing head chef and a cleaning staff, plus Bai Leshui and the chief attendant, a broadcaster and two drivers, there will be a total of thirteen people.

Thirteen staff members, thirteen carriages.

In the East, there is nothing special about the number thirteen. In the West, thirteen represents betrayal and disaster.

This train is decorated in a luxurious European style, whether it is the restaurant, bar, or private rooms.

Bai Leshui also went out of his way to understand the interpersonal relationships here.

First of all, as the co-pilot Xiao Zhou said, everyone hates the old driver surnamed Wang.

He is greedy, lustful, lazy, and mean. All the bad words can be said about him, there is almost no advantage at all.

The conflict between the two pilots and the broadcaster was just like that conversation. Captain Wang spread rumors about him and the broadcaster. All the staff knew about it, but no one told the broadcaster, morever a loud-mouthed young female chef spread the gossip. The broadcaster's boyfriend knewing these false reports were the female chef's fault. She liked this kind of gossip and would never explain it even if she knew the truth.

After all, spreading rumors is more interesting than telling the truth. How many would like to hear the truth ne, but such rumors and gossip can easily find an audience, then the young female chef can enjoy the feeling of being surrounded by everyone and proudly tell the news she knows.

By the way, his character, Ren Si, is friends with this gossipy female chef, the kind of friendship that is more than a romantic relationship.

Because the original middle-aged head chef disappeared, his friend now took over the head chef's job. When chatting with Bai Leshui, she held up a kitchen knife and asked Bai Leshui several times if he wanted to eat something. She can do anything.

As the new head chef, she has the right to handle any ingredients and open a small stove for herself and her friends.

Bai Leshui glanced at the three bloody holes on her chest and shook his head to reject her.

After seeing bloody stuff, he really had no appetite at all.

After Bai Leshui refused, the attendant in Car No. 13 was very dissatisfied. After making some insinuations, he found out that this attendant (male) liked the female chef who had just claimed to cook for him and had a hole in her chest. By the way, this attendant had his waist cut in half. When walking, his body would fall to the side from time to time. His spine was broken, it was only connected by the remaining half of skin and flesh. In order not to fall completely, his hands always grabbed his waist, but he didn't feel it at all. He scolded him whenever he needed to, and moved around whenever he wanted.

Bai Leshui no longer had the eyes to see.

In addition to these two people, there are also some emotional entanglements and interest disputes among the other dead souls. Bai Leshui is convinced that once the train was in an accident, if these people did not die immediately but survived, and were not rescued as soon as possible, internal disputes will inevitably occur due to anxiety, fear, boredom, or even scarcity of food and water.

Bai Leshui wandered around for a while, and finally his eyes fell on the male police officer with a fruit knife stuck in his chest. This man, who was as tall as Captain Wang, was shouting for the train inspector to play cards with him, and the train inspector was a short and thin man, with several blood streaks on his thighs. Looking at his apparence, there's no fatal injuries. He was probably the most well-looking among the group of people. When the policeman grabbed his neck, he muttered something softly, with a cowardly look on your face.

Sure enough, not all the people here died from accidents, some of them were caused by internal fighting.

When the accident happens again, the situation should be very bad.

Some things really come as when said come, Bai Leshui thought in his heart. Suddenly, the carriage under his feet shook violently then turned over. Bai Leshui was like a poor thing thrown into the roller, and kept also following him spinning, he only held his head to protect himself. He couldn't see what was going on around him at all. He could only hear the shrill wails, which killed his eardrums.

It all happened so quickly, and ended quickly too. When he opened his eyes, the accident had already happened and was over.

The train derails, they are stranded in the middle of nowhere.

The author has something to say:

Qi Chengxun: Men, few are a good things.

Rong Zheng: Are you not a man?

Qi Chengxun: (Proud) It just so happens that I am one of the few good people.

Rong Zheng:...

  1. 都是明白人说句敞亮话?你们两个都是玩家吧?
    I don't understand the 1st sentence.
  2. With every detail vividly described