Second section of the game

When eyes opened again, it was as if the world had changed.

Bai Leshui was originally in Car No. 13, which should not have existed. After the accident, Car No. 13 did not change much and was as dilapidated as before. But there are no more weird dead souls.

Bai Leshui stood up unsteadily, after walking out of Car No. 13, he found that the other cars had changed. The walls of the originally clean car were covered with bloodstains and rust spots, and the air was full of the smell of decay and a little burnt taste. Weeds grew lushly outside the broken windows, and long vines even climbed over windows and into the car.

It doesn't look like the inside of a carriage where an accident just happened. Instead, it looks like an old accident scene that has been abandoned for several years.

It was as if five years had passed when he closed his eyes and opened them.

Bai Leshui didn't ask loudly if anyone was there, there was no need to ask. He had already heard the sound in the car in front.

It was a very noisy quarrel.

Bai Leshui walked over and saw a group of people. Half of them were wearing work uniforms and half were wearing casual clothes. All of them were familiar faces.

The staff who once appeared to be dead in Car No. 13 are now acting more like living people. One of the men arguing was the police officer, he was grabbing a passenger's clothes and roaring angrily.

The person who was caught looked very familiar to Bai Leshui. He was the middle-aged man who was supposed to have committed suicide in Room 7 and was buried at the second mystery site.

How could he be here?

The body should have been left at the mystery site.

Not only this middle-aged man, but also the couple in Room 4, the people in Room 3, and the other two people in Room 6 besides Ma Letian, all should have stayed at the mystery site. But now, they are all present.

No, not all of them are.

The old man in room 2 is not there, but the nanny is.

The actress in room 8 was not there either.

"What on earth do you want to do! We have been trapped here for seven days, and rescue has not yet arrived. Water and food are limited, even electricity must be used sparingly. Wash hands? This kind of thing should be saved ba!"

"My child is injured. He must clean the wound, otherwise it will become infected..." The middle-aged man was different from the timid person in Bai Leshui's impression. He bravely raised his head and argued, "You know how dangerous is wound infection ma? I certainly wouldn't want to waste precious water if I could."

"Your son is not the only one who doesn't have any water to clean his wounds here!" The police officer pointed at others angrily, "Everyone is more or less injured, it's just luck that they didn't die like those unlucky ones the first moment!"

The middle-aged man sneered, his face full of disdain.

The police officer waved his fist angrily and was about to hit him, several other people immediately tried to stop him.

A simple dispute, Bai Leshui could clearly see and understand, that it was a backtrace.

A backtrace of the accident that happened that year.

Bai Leshui secretly observed Ma Letian. He was obviously still the original player, he was observing the surroundings with a face full of doubts and confusion. Incompatible with everyone else. Even Rong Zheng and Qi Chengxun had much calmer expressions than him.

The quarrel between the angry police officer and the middle-aged man was finally persuaded. Bai Leshui glanced at the boy who was crying and had a tabby cat face. There was a scar on his exposed left arm, which was seven or eight centimeters long, not deep, it didn't count as a fatal injury, but don't know where it was scratched. There was a lot of mud around the wound. If it really needed to be washed with water, it would also need to be disinfected with alcohol.

But everyone was in such a mess, Bai Leshui noticed that more than 90% of the bottles in the bar were broken, not much was left.

"Damn, this was originally a short trip." Someone on the staff complained, "Why did it become like this ne?"

"This have to ask you guys." The man in the young couple in room 4 asked angrily, "Why did a good train derail? This luxury trip ne, someone was killed two days before the trip. Not to mention taking the body on the road, your train driver actually got into a fight while the train was moving..."

"Didn't we said not to mention this topic ma?" The female chef shouted loudly, her face looking ugly.

Someone saw Bai Leshui coming, immediately their eyes lit up and asked, "How is it, Ren Si? Have you contacted the company's side, this time's communication?"

Bai Leshui shook his head with a sad expression: "No."

The originally tense atmosphere became even more solemn.

Finally someone couldn't help it anymore: "Let's get out of here ba. Take food and water and walk forward, just follow the track. We can always find a place to stay."

"Do you know where this is ma?" Rong Zheng suddenly asked.

The person who suggested leaving here was stunned.

The beautiful broadcaster who had been squatting silently in the corner spoke: "There are still more than thirty kilometers to the next stop. Before the accident, I heard what Xiao Zhou said. There are wilderness areas around here, and there may be few villages, maybe there's not, I haven't seen the map."

Qi Chengxun raised his head: "It would be great if the driver is still alive. At least he knows the situation around here."

Bai Leshui said nothing. he looked around the people inside and found that the two pilots and the chief attendant were not inside.

Because they all died in the accident, right ma?

If the broadcaster hadn't been there, he would have even thought that the staff who were able to move in the train actually died immediately...

Bai Leshui remembered that the broadcaster was different from them a few days ago, looking like a statue.

"Let's make a decision ba." Someone said, "Leave and ask for help, or stay and wait. How about everyone make a decision?"

Everyone looked at each other and finally nodded.

There was no need for troublesome voting, just a show of hands. The person who suggested leaving here was the train inspector. He reiterated on the spot that the train was damaged to the point of being beyond repair and use, so it was useless to rely on the train to run again, especially if the two people who knew how to drive train were both dead.

Those who want to leave raise their hands. After several days of waiting, most people here have lost their patience and have little hope of waiting for rescue. But not everyone can leave.

For example, the boy in box number 7 had an injured arm and was very weak. For example, another police officer whose leg was crushed was broken, or the woman in the couple in box 4 who had started to show signs of fever.

In the end, only seven people decided to leave, all of them were strong and uninjured.

"If we find a place with people, we will send the message there and tell them that there are people here who need rescue." The police officer who was basically uninjured said, "When the time comes, you will be rescued here."

Everyone else responded a good.

The chubby middle-aged female head chef was also there. She was also one of those people who was basically unhurt and decided to leave here. She said carelessly: "We are going out to find rescue. We need more food and water, just bring more with us."

"Bring more?" The man in the couple glared, "What are you kidding for? There are many people here, so we are the ones who need more food and water ba."

"You just need to wait, and if you don't move, you will eat less." The head chef waved her arms in a rough voice, "Now your lives hang on us."

"You guys leave, can." The middle-aged man in Room 7 also spoke, "You can't bring too many things with you. There are more injuries here."

"Don't know what will die..." the female head chef muttered in a low voice. This sentence immediately ignited the flames of war. After all, the majority of people were seriously injured. The female head chef's unabashed words made them feel angry and painful, they all accused the female head chef. The head chef couldn't bear to lose face, she couldn't find the shame to apologize, so she stubbornly argued with others.

The fierce conflict that broke out this time was by no means comparable to the quarrel between the police officer and the middle-aged man just now. Some people with a little sense wanted to break up the fight, but in the end they were also involved. Everyone was blushing and thick-necked, among them, the person who suffered the most anger and spit was the middle-aged female head chef.

She couldn't bear the attitude of being besieged like this, so she pushed the man closest to her out. The man stumbled and leaned back, hitting the boy hiding at the back. This was originally just a small accident. But at this time, the train compartment was upside down, and the decoration that was originally hung on the wall was now hanging high above the head. Perhaps because people were making too much mouvement, the decoration just fell down, and the sharp end cut the boy's throat like a sharp knife.

No one noticed this, everyone was still pushing and tugging, except the boy's father.

The middle-aged man hugged his son in fear and whispered his name, but it was of no use. The boy's eyes gradually became dull, until he lost his breath.

He was gone.

The middle-aged man held his child in grief and cried. Then, his eyes fell on the thing that killed the boy.

This is a decoration made of metal that looks like a sun. It has more than a dozen sharp corners, each of which is sharp enough to pierce the skin. What fell down was one of the corners.

The middle-aged man held the sharp blade, pushed away the people who were still arguing, and stabbed the sharp blade into the stomach of the middle-aged female head chef who was still spitting and cursing, opening an opening in her stomach.

There was silence.

The quarreling and pushing crowd finally calmed down because of this incident, everyone was shocked to the spot.

They had gone through difficults these few days. Although they had long thought that one day they would start killing each other if they continued like this, they did not expect that day to come so quickly.

"What are you doing?" Someone screamed.

The middle-aged man's eyes were red: "You killed my son."

After these words were spoken, someone finally noticed the boy who was pushed into a corner and died.

Bai Leshui didn't say anything. He remembered the huge wound on the belly of the female head chef he saw when he walked into Box 13 the first time.

The death of the female head chef is not the end, it is just the beginning of a new period of chaos.

This is also the beginning of their second section of the game.

It will be over soon, though.

  1. 花猫脸 (huā māo liǎn) a metaphor for dirty face.