No one wants to die, right?

The boy died, and so did the middle-aged female head chef.

Everyone fell silent and no one spoke. Of course, no one dared to provoke a father who had just lost his son and killed someone.

In the final analysis, the relationship between the dead middle-aged female head chef and other staff members was not good enough for them to take the risk of condemning the murderous crimes of a madman on the verge of collapse.

And the current situation is not the time for them to consider the life and death of others.

Everyone is afraid, the one who falls here in the next second will be them.

After being silent for half a day, someone finally couldn't bear any longer. The person who spoke was a strong male police officer. Perhaps because of his size, he consumed more water and food every day than the others.

In order to survive better, the water and food distributed to everyone every day are uniform, rather than distributed according to head and quantity from the beginning. Among all the people, the policeman surnamed Li is the strongest, so for him, a meal of three biscuits and a small glass of water is as good as nothing.

He couldn't bear this the most, he wanted to leave here most too to seek a way out, so he brought up the topic of leaving again.

This time, not so many people responded.

"It's only thirty kilometers. If we keep hurrying on the road, seven or eight hours will be enough." Officer Li said.

The person who spoke this time was Qi Chengxun. He raised his eyelids and said: "This is a deep mountain. Even if you don't need to climb mountains, just follow along the railway track, the straight-line distance is more than 30 kilometers. Do you know how long the sunlight lasts in the mountains during the day ma? At most just four hours. Do you know how cold it is outside ma? And are there any wild animals here?"

"There are." The young female chef whispered, "This is a wild forest, with wolves and bears."

"At least... at least the site is safe ba." The nanny said in a trembling voice, "Does anyone know where that mystery site is?"

"You are the deputy chief attendant, you should know ba." Someone turned to look at Bai Leshui.

Bai Leshui: "Huh? But this kind of thing... the chief attendant should know better ba." By the way, he only knew now that he was the deputy.

"What are you talking about a." The broadcaster asked him with tears in her beautiful eyes. "The chief attendant is gone a long time ago. You are in charge of this train, aren't you ma? Your are only temporary taking the role of deputy chief attendant. After the train reaches the end, you can officially become a regular member."

Bai Leshui:...

No wonder he wanted the train to reach its destination.

Ma Letian, who had been squatting in the corner silently, suddenly raised his head and looked at Bai Leshui doubtfully.

Bai Leshui sweated.

Look at him for what, he doesn't know about this kind of thing.

Catching Ma Letian's confused gaze from the corner of his eye, Bai Leshui forced his expression to be more natural and said, "But, isn't chief attendant Gao always with us ma? After the train was running, he even went to the restaurant with me to inspect the plate."

Bai Leshui only remembered the other party's surname. As for the first name, he remembered that he had seen it specifically, but he just couldn't remember it.

The last name was enough, it made all the staff present pale.

"Impossible, he died a long time ago." The train inspector whispered, his fingers trembling, "He died a month ago."

"Shut up!" Officer Li scolded him.

"What's going on?" Rong Zheng asked.

No one answered him.

Rong Zheng asked again, Officer Li said in a rough voice: "That matter has nothing to do with this accident, you don't need to ask..."

"Why doesn't it matter?" The male cleaner shouted, "A month ago, chief attendant Gao died on this newly repaired train! Till now we still don't know who did it!"

"That was just an accident!" Officer Li insisted.

The train inspector glanced at Officer Li and stayed away from him.

No one mentioned the dead chief attendant Gao again, on top of that another person died today, so everyone looked unhappy. No one said anything, the matter of going out to seek support was abandoned again. No matter what Officer Li said, no one dared to say anything.

At least today, no one has that thought.

In this way, a group of people stayed up for another two days.

Bai Leshui, Qi Chengxun, and Rong Zheng all agreed in a tacit agreement not to speak or make a sound or do anything, as if they were really desperate survivors, waiting helplessly for rescue.

It's just waiting, waiting for food and water to gradually become less and less, and conflicts to be further aroused.

Sure enough, on the third day, half of the drinkable water was gone, there was still a lot of food left. But without water, no matter how much food there was, it was in vain.

Originally, there should be enough water stored on the train. Unfortunately, due to the derailment accident, the water bucket cracked. Once the water flows to the ground, it is of course an irreparable loss. Unlike fruits and vegetables, if they are crushed, as long as they are cleaned up, they can still reluctantly be used.

Using the water in vegetables and fruits can still last for a while, but how long can it last ne?

At least so far, there is no way to contact the travel company, there is no hope that rescue will come too.

The passenger in Room 3 couldn't stand it anymore. He stood up and cursed irritably. He first asked about the travel company's side, then said irritably: "Even if there are still several days before arriving at destination, what about the next stop ne? Why don't they stop looking for us if we don't reach the expected location?"

The real NPC, the backtrace of the game character in Room 6, Shan Qiaoqiao was also present. She was injured and suffering from a low fever. Ma Letian, this player, was not in the mood to care about her, an NPC who was a backtrace. No one cared about her, so she just went to find medicine by herself. When the man in room 3 was yelling angrily, she just returned from searching other rooms and said feebly: "No one at the next mystery station will know that something happened to us."

Everyone else looked at her.

Shan Qiaoqiao waved her discovery: "I found this notepad in the corner of the cockpit. It has the addresses of the next few stops written on it. The next stop is Wild Forest Park."

"Someone should take care of the Wild Forest Park ba." Someone said.

Shan Qiaoqiao sat down and leaned weakly on the side of the collapsed cabinet: "I know this park was recently renovated and is not fully open to the public at the moment. So I think, maybe not many people are in charge."

The guests in Room 4 widened their eyes: "Then how can we visit?"

"Go and see by ourself." Shan Qiaoqiao said, "Wild Forest Park, isn't it just like this ma?"

If the forest park was free, maybe there wouldn't even be anyone there. They only come regularly to repair the trails and clean up the trash.

Such an answer is simply despair.

"Then the place after that mystery site, is where?"

Shan Qiaoqiao casually threw the notebook on the ground and was too lazy to answer.

No one picked it up. Rong Zheng and Qi Chengxun looked at Ma Letian. Ma Letian picked it up and read: "On the way to Qingshi, stop at S12 station."

"Qingshi, it takes two days of train driving to get there." The train inspector whispered, "About five hundred kilometers ba."

By that time, they had already left this deep mountain area.

"There are jade mines in that city, there are a lot of beautiful jade." The young female chef whispered.

No one cares about that.

What about having an emerald mine, what about knowing that the next next site is a place where they can buy buy buy, there is no way they can get there.

There was no way to ask for help, the wait was filled with despair. Gradually, someone set their sights on the last bit of food.

By surviving, they can always wait for rescue.

But now that there are too many people, the food is reducing rapidly. Some people suggest to directly dividing all the food instead of rationing it per person every day as before.

When it was first proposed, it was rejected by most people.

When proposed for the second time. Nearly half of the people chose to remain silent.

The last time it was brought up, everyone tacitly agreed.

The water was easy to divide, but the food was difficult to ration. In the end, they had to break everything. Even if there was only one piece of bread, it had to be carefully cut into more than a dozen portions. Each person only got a small bite.

After things were divided, some people began to look at others in a wrong way.

The smarter ones hugged their belongings and found a safe place to stay, while the stupid ones left their food in front of them and sat there blankly.

The first day after the food was distributed, everything passed quietly. At night, because there is no electricity, everything is hidden in darkness.

Bai Leshui found a corner to sit guarding that thing. He did not choose to find a safe place, but stayed where he was. Rong Zheng and Qi Chengxun stayed silently not far from him, making sure that if anything happened to Bai Leshui, they would rush over in time.

It's much safer to have three people in a group than to hide.

At least late at night, the person who makes move did not choose to attack three of them, but found the softest persimmon to pinch.

The woman in room 4 has a fever, but obviously her boyfriend has been guarding her and never given up. The other one was not so lucky.

There were two people who came with Shan Qiaoqiao, they were both strong men. But at this time, Ma Letian, as a player, was too lazy to pay attention to her, while the other one who claimed to be her younger brother only cared about himself. Shan Qiaoqiao, who was also frail and started to have a fever, became the best target.

No one knew what happened during the night, only a few sounds were heard. No one asked or cared. It wasn't until dawn that they saw Shan Qiaoqiao lying on the ground with only one remaining vegetable leaf in her hand.

She was dead, with a broken metal pipe poking through her back and penetrating her body. It was this thing that was dismantled from somewhere that killed her. It was obvious that the murderer was at least a man, and a very strong man.

No one asked who did it, at the same time, everyone is clear about the reason.

There is no point in questioning the murderer.

At this time, everyone present may be future murderer.

The overt and covert fight for food and water will really begin from now on.

Everyone carefully put away their things and looked at others as if they were wary or looking at prey.

Bai Leshui suddenly had an idea. If he took away Ma Letian's water and food, let this person starve to death and be eliminated, would it be considered a direct attack on player ne?

It probably doesn't count ba.

Taking away water and food is very suitable for his current status and situation.

No one wants to die, right ba?

  1. The word used is 回溯(huí sù) which mean recall/ look back into. I know that backtrace is probably not used like this but I don't know a word for this.
    Maybe illusion of the past or phantom (someone help).
  2. Green marcket