He has to strike first

The second day after the food was distributed, two more people died. This time it was the attendant who had a crush on the young female chef, and the woman in box 4.

The cause of the woman's death was very simple. She had not received good treatment due to wound infection, and she continued to have a fever for several days. She became more and more unconscious day by day. It was normal for her to have no breath until now.

The attendant was actually killed. Using the lever-style guillotine used in the kitchen to chop bones, his body was cut into two sections starting from the waist.

There was food scattered around the attendant's body, which was trampled to pieces. It was obvious that the person who killed him walked away in panic and did not even take away the loot completely.

The person who discovered him was Qi Chengxun, he "kindly" told everyone who was still alive about this fact. Then, as expected, most people here had no whatever reaction.

Police Officer Li, for example, simply ignored the bloody corpse and would even come forward to pick up the food on the ground, keep it for himself.

No one protested his behavior. Even if they gradually faced a desperate future and death, not everyone had the courage to approach this corpse.

The atmosphere of fear and depression coerced everyone. Maybe because the man in room 4 have lost his lover, he was already mentally abnormal. The day after his girlfriend died, this man left everything behind, including food and his girlfriend's corpse, smiled and rushed out of the abandoned train, running madly into the wild.

Never came back again.

In order to fight for the food he left, several people present formed groups. The broadcaster, who usually looked weak, even had the courage to pick up the scissors and poke three holes in the chest of the female chef who was competing with her for the food.

Killing people on the spot, of course no one cares about this already.

Guarding your own things is the most important thing.

Only five days have passed since the train derailed, less than half of the survivors have gone. Among the remaining people, there are still a few who are injured and lingering, it seems that they will not live much longer.

There are already people guarding and waiting around such people.

However, Bai Leshui trio had been quietly staring at Ma Letian.

He was the only other player besides Rong Zheng, so they naturally had to keep an eye on him.

Ma Letian's condition was very good, he seemed not to be affected much, which disappointed three people who were waiting to see if he had an emotional breakdown.

"In terms of temperament, he is a good seedling. He is suitable here." Qi Chengxun secretly sighed to Bai Leshui, "It's a pity that his computing ability and mobility are insufficient."

Based on the clearance conditions he learned, under this situation, Ma Letian had only one way to pass the level: survive fifteen days until the end of the game, and find out all the truth hidden under the train.

Both are indispensable.

Let's not mention the latter, the former is a troublesome thing. There are still a few days left before the fifteenth day. Based on the food and water currently available, Ma Letian may be the only survivor.

As for the latter, the more people die, the fewer ways there are to find out the news. All NPCs are gone and only players are left. Does it mean that all the truth has to be guessed ma?

These are almost two contradictory clearance conditions, it is extremely difficult to achieve them at the same time.

Players need to choose targets in a planned way, whether to snatch food or obtain information, and proceed in orderly manner.

The dungeon was made like this, is already very difficult. Most players who have been in intermediate dungeons for a long time cannot do it, advanced players may have some hope.

For Ma Letian, it was a very difficult thing. Perhaps he himself had thought of this. Ever since the train derailed, he had looked embarrassed and had been squatting in the corner without saying a word, guarding his little food, almost as if he wanted to give up.

After eating at noon, Qi Chengxun saw that he was still squatting in the corner alone, so he stepped forward and whispered: "Don't you want to pass the level ma?"

Rong Zheng stood aside and watched, while Bai Leshui stayed among other two staff NPCs, lowering his head and eating. He doesn't seem to pay attention to what's going on over there.

Ma Letian looked up at him, with a bit of resentment in his tone when he spoke: "If you could keep an eye on the train, maybe we wouldn't be in this predicament."

Qi Chengxun chuckled: "Didn't I just took a nap ma."

Ma Letian snorted coldly: "You want to get information from me ba."

Qi Chengxun: "Discovered by you."

Ma Letian: "Do you think I will choose to cooperate with you now?"

Qi Chengxun scratched his head: "Well, I'm a bit unreliable. Alright ba, then we won't cooperate. How about a deal?"

Ma Letian looked up at him.

Qi Chengxun: "There are still four days and half left in the game. You don't have much food in your hand ba. This game is very real. If you don't eat, you will have no strength. If you don't have strength, you won't be able to block other people's attacks. If you save a little on eating, of course you can survive until the end, but there are still a few survivors here, especially the policeman surnamed Li, who is not easy to deal with. For us, everything will be over in a few days, but for survivors here, no one knows when rescue will come."

Therefore, the more food, the better.

Morever the sooner you plunder, the better. One day later, the person holding the food will consume part of the food in their hand. The food snatched is one point less.

It's hard to say for others, but at least the fierce look in Officer Li's eyes became more and more intense, everyone automatically learned to stay at least three meters away from him, for fear of being robbed if they got too close.

Not only him, but everyone now keeps a distance from each other. Even Rong Zheng few people, in front of others, don't get too close. On the contrary, it seemed that Qi Chengxun, who was now sticking next to Ma Letian, became specially the center of attention.

Unfortunaly they were far away, couldn't hear what they said.

"What deal do you want to make with me?" Ma Letian asked.

Qi Chengxun lowered his voice: "I will exchange food with you for some water, there's also information."

Ma Letian: "Do you still have a lot of food?"

"It's enough to exchange for it. I don't eat much at ordinary times." Qi Chengxun lowered his voice and said, "I'm just short of water. I don't need too much. Half a cup is enough. I don't even have enough water here to last three days." If a person does not drink water for two days, their life will be in danger.

Ma Letian looked sullen. He didn't have much water. Of course, four or five days would still be enough. think and whispered, "What information? Tell me first, I'll see if it's worth half a glass of water."

Qi Chengxun raised his eyebrows: "What if you don't give me water after hearing ne?"

Ma Letian: "I don't have the intention to pit you. Even if I lose half a glass of water, I can survive. Don't worry, as long as your information is valuable enough."

Qi Chengxun pursed his lips: "Okay, trust you once."

He quietly turned sideways and looked at the survivors over there. His eyes swept over many vigilant faces, he lowered his voice and said to Ma Letian: "Let me tell you a little about the secrets of these staff members ba. I'll tell you..."

Qi Chengxun picked and choosed, told Ma Letian some of the things he learned about when he and Bai Leshui exchanged roles. Most of them were gossip news and superficial interpersonal relationships. But for Ma Letian, who only saw the staff after the train derailed, it was all content he didn't know.

"Also, about the matter mentioned before about chief attendant Gao, I also asked a little bit." Qi Chengxun said in a low voice.

Ma Letian immediately widened his eyes.

"I heard that Chief Attendant Gao is someone who talk a lot. He often smiles on his face and talks about people's right and wrong behind their backs. But he is very serious at work. Not many people like a boss who blow apart hairs to find fault about his work and talks bad about people behind his back. He didn't deal with all the staff here, especially the train inspector. I heard that his accident was related to this group of staff."

Ma Letian looked at him in shock.

This obviously has everything to do with the hidden truth.

"What's specific ne?" Ma Letian asked.

Qi Chengxun shrugged: "Who knows. I just asked if there was something wrong with the train, Chief Attendant Gao died just as he was getting on the train. Maybe you can ask the train inspector."

Ma Letian looked in the direction he pointed at the train inspector. The thin train inspector was looking at the two people like everyone else, when he saw them turning to look at him, he suddenly trembled in shock. He hugged tightly the remaining food in his hand.

He had calculated the amount of food, everyone was gradually running out, so was he being targeted ma? Because he is the skinniest among the rest?

No, he had to strike first.

The author has something to say:

Bai Leshui: Are what you just now said true ma? Where did you find out?

Qi Chengxun: Remember, there is no need to tell the truth to hostile players.

Bai Leshui:...

  1. 吹毛求疵 (chuī máo qiú cī) = to be fastidious / nitpick