Accidentally learned a shocking truth.

On the first night of Survival Island, except for Bai Leshui and Rong Zheng, no player could sleep peacefully.

Some were worried about their own conditions, some did not close their eyes all night and kept alert to everything in the room from time to time, and some were thinking about Du Sa who had left, wanting to know what happened to her. However, Du Sa did not come back until the sun rose in the morning.

Dead ba, no matter if it's Huang Pi or Third Sister, both thought so.

It is not quite accurate to say that she died, it should be eliminated.

It is just a game, not to mention that this is a difficult promotion copy. This kind of thing is very normal and does not need to be taken too seriously.

After being sure that this person would not come back, people who were alert most of the night closed their eyes slightly and took a nap.

Bai Leshui slept very sweetly, with a soft pillow and a body temperature that did not belong to him around him. In such a strange environment, he slept soundly. Bai Leshui didn't even know when the person around him got up and left quietly. It wasn't until the heavy gauze curtains were opened and the room was immediately bright that Bai Leshui opened his eyes in daze. At a glance, he saw Rong Zheng standing in front of him in a black suit. He had an upright figure and no wrinkles on his clothes. He dragged the dinner plate with his white-gloved hands and asked in a very gentle voice: "My Lady, it's time to get up."

Bai Leshui rubbed his eyes and sat up: "Oh, what time is it?"

"About seven o'clock ba." Rong Zheng replied, "Do you want to have breakfast first, or change clothes first?"

"Change clothes." Bai Leshui lifted the quilt and was about to get up, but Rong Zheng held him down.

Rong Zheng whispered in Bai Leshui's ear: "Lady, I am your steward. It is the steward's duty to change master's clothes, so please leave it to me."

Bai Leshui: ...

"No need ba, now it's just us, the steward's settings are..."

"No matter the time, we must always remember our settings, this is the basic of the game."

"..."At this time, he is quite eloquent a.

"Lady, your figure is a little thin, so it is necessary to add some weight to today's lunch to be fine."

"Oh, whatever."

"Is this a corset? This kind of thing is very harmful to the body, Lady, please don't wear it again in the future."

"That thing was already in the closet. I have never worn it, let alone want to wear it."

"You pay attention to your body, I am very happy."

"Stop talking nonsense, changing clothes is slower than a girl putting on makeup. If you keep dawdling, you won't sleep here tonight."

"Okay, Lady, it will be ready soon."

It took about half an hour for Bai Leshui to change clothes. He (RZ) was just taking advantage of him (BLS) in the name of changing clothes. From then on, he (BLS) decided that he would never need this person to help him change clothes again, there's no need to talk about role setting.

"Don't need to be with guests in the morning ma?" Bai Leshui asked, looking at two breakfasts on the plate.

Rong Zheng: "No need, you have to pray after breakfast this morning."

Bai Leshui raised his eyebrows in dissatisfaction: "Again?"

"Hong said, you need to stay in the prayer room for an hour twice a day, after breakfast in the morning and before dinner in the evening." Rong Zheng said while eating breakfast, "I think there may be some reason for this. Nothing happened yesterday, but it doesn't mean nothing happened today. If you have nothing to do after you come out, wait for me here."

Bai Leshui blinked: "What about you ne?"

"I will be responsible for guests' breakfast after I send you to the prayer room." Rong Zheng said, "It was successful last night. She didn't come back after she went out."

Bai Leshui nodded: "I didn't expect it to be so simple."

"It's just the result of being well prepared and meeting all the prerequisites. The next one won't be so easy." Rong Zheng said.

Bai Leshui: "One less is one less."

After breakfast, Bai Leshui was escorted by Rong Zheng to the prayer room. The door slammed shut, a servant was still left outside the door. This time it was not Hong, but a thin and pale male servant, who lowered his eyes and looked at his toes, as rigid and silent as a robot.

"When Our Lady comes out, escort her back to the room." Rong Zheng ordered.

The male servant nodded mechanically without saying a word.

Rong Zheng raised his eyebrows and looked him up and down, then turned and left, returned to the ground floor and came to the restaurant.

Several servants were busy in the restaurant. Rong Zheng glanced at the number of chairs said to Hong: "How many guests are left in the castle?"

"Twelve." Hong lowered her head and answered. She had no opinion on being asked this question twice.

Rong Zheng: "Have the guests who left not returned?"


"No new guests arrived?"


"How many people were not in their rooms last night?"


Sure enough, Hong could get the answers to everything in the castle, including the number and movements of the guests.

It was as if she had been watching everything that happened in the castle.

"Then remove the extra chairs ba." Rong Zheng said, "There are as many chairs as there are people eating breakfast. No need for others, they are an eyesore."

Hong nodded in response and directed servants to change the tables and chairs.

Except for the master's luxurious chair, other chairs were reduced according to the number of remaining guests, then the plates were put back. After everything was arranged, Rong Zheng went to call guests for breakfast.

Starting from room 301, knock on the door one by one. If they stayed alone in their room, Rong Zheng would tell them to have breakfast with a smile. If there were other people in the room, Rong Zheng would ask them if they slept in their room. If they gave a negative answer, he would warn them. If they gave a positive answer, he would look at them with suspicion. If they were not in the room...

Rong Zheng read the room number in front of others, with an expression that said 'I remember it'. Many players were shocked and secretly recorded the time. They decided that at this time tomorrow, they would have to hold back even if they wanted to go to the toilet and wait for the steward to call their names.

This was Rong Zheng's purpose, because this time was the time when Bai Leshui went to pray. If they controlled this group of players not to walk around at this time, they would not run into Bai Leshui, the location of the prayer room must not be exposed.

Those who were not there were people in rooms 311 and 312. They might have gone to investigate in the castle. Rong Zheng ordered a servant to find them, taking other guests to the restaurant. There were two people missing, so Rong Zheng's expression was not good.

Ruan Qing was a very vigilant person. When the sun rose and it was confirmed that it was morning, he returned to his room as soon as possible. When Rong Zheng doing 'roll call', he was already waiting in his room. He was still a little uneasy after knowing that Rong Zheng had asked about this matter, and was whispering to Huang Pi: "It should be okay ba."

"It's okay." Huang Pi said, "Everyone is fine."

Soon they arrived at the restaurant. Huang Pi sat down in the back as usual, and Ruan Qing sat next to him. Then he found something wrong. After looking around the table, he found that except for two people who were "exploring" in the castle, only the chair of the host was empty.

Twelve chairs, the seat of the woman who left was removed.

"A guest left early." Rong Zheng said, "It's a pity that she didn't follow the rules."

Everyone's heart trembled.

"I remember I made it clear." Rong Zheng took out the key and showed it to everyone, "When you leave, remember to hang the key on the door, for easy collection."

Everyone: ...

No, that's not the problem ba.

"That... maybe she just left temporarily, and will come back ba." Someone said.

Rong Zheng frowned: "She didn't come for breakfast."


Rong Zheng: "There's breakfast in the morning and dinner before going to bed. Living here, there's no way to miss these two rare gatherings. There are still two guests who haven't arrived. Please wait for a while."

Someone wanted to take action, but put down their chopsticks immediately after hearing Rong Zheng's words.

"Does this mean that you can't live here if you don't eat ma?" Someone whispered to their partner.

The partner who was asked nodded hesitantly: "That's probably what it means ba."

Someone was impatient. A fat Mediterranean man in his forties slapped the table: "There are so many rules in this place. Can't go out at midnight, have to wait for someone to come for breakfast. I'm almost starving. Can't I eat first ma?"

After speaking, he picked up his chopsticks.

Rong Zheng frowned and looked at him.

The servant standing behind the Mediterranean man moved, quickly pinched the man's wrist, the man couldn't break free no matter how hard he tried.

"Guest." Rong Zheng's voice was cold and hard. "I'm kind enough to let you stay here. Please follow the rules. I don't want any inelegant behavior to pollute the eyes of Our Lady."

"Isn't that lady not here ma? It hurts, it hurts, I know, I'll wait, put it down!!" The Mediterranean man shouted.

Rong Zheng raised his eyebrows slightly and glanced at the servant. The silent servant let go of his hand.

The Mediterranean man muttered a few words in a low voice, but didn't yell again.

"He... shouldn't be ba." Shi Qiu asked Third Sister carefully.

Third Sister shook her head.

This kind of overly suicidal behavior is obviously not a player, but an NPC among guests.

With the man's lesson first, others became quieter. After waiting for a long time, they still didn't arrive. Someone started to mutter and asked Rong Zheng: "No one has come yet, do we have to wait forever?"

Rong Zheng replied: "We can only start when everyone is together."

That person wilted: "Okay ba, I know."

Damn it, if he had known this, he should have stopped the two people when he saw them sneaking away before. Now, as long as someone doesn't come, they can't have breakfast. If they don't have breakfast, no one can leave or start eating. This is basically controlling their movements here. If two people don't come back in three hours, do they have to sit here for three hours?

If they waste these days here, what level do they clear? Just game over together.

The more they think about it, the more anxious they become. Wishing they could leave the table and catch two people themself. Just when everyone's waists began to ache, Hong came back with two people behind her.

"Mr. Si, I brought the two guests back." Hong walked in front of Rong Zheng and said.

Rong Zheng glanced at the two people. The ones who left were a man and a woman. The man was tall and thin, but he had a square face and thick eyebrows, which made people's attention easily focused on his eyes. The woman was short and plump, with round cheeks, but from the fine lines at the corners of her mouth, it can be seen that she is not young, at least in her thirties.

"Hey, why are you here only now a!" The Mediterranean man shouted angrily when he saw two people appear.

The thick-browed man was startled, while the round-faced woman rolled her eyes: "Went to the toilet, isn't that okay a?"

The Mediterranean man was so angry that he was shaking, but he didn't dare to do it directly because of the rules Rong Zheng said.

Others were startled by the round-faced woman's rude words, and they all turned their heads to look at her. The round-faced woman seemed to be unaware, and sat down on the empty chair, picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

"Spoiled my appetit." The person sitting next to the round-faced woman whispered.

This time everyone was there, Rong Zheng didn't need to say anything, they all picked up the chopsticks consciously, but their appetite was more or less affected, the food was not fragrant and sweet at all.

Rong Zheng said 'wish everyone a happy meal', then left the restaurant with Hong.

"Where did you catch them?" Rong Zheng asked after walking for a while.

Hong: "Tower."

Rong Zheng paused, turned to ask: "Did they go in?"

"No, that's a place only you can go in." Hong replied, "All the keys are in your hands. They didn't go in, they just walked around outside for a few times."

Rong Zheng: "Oh, Our Lady won't go in either ma?"

"Our Lady doesn't like it there." Hong replied.

Rong Zheng: "I see."

Thirteen people, one less, twelve left.

Among these twelve people, there are currently nine suspected players.

The people who lived together last night were basically all are, the ones who just quietly left must be, the Mediterranean man is not.

However, according to the setting, it doesn't matter whether they are players or not. People who come to this island are thrown into the devil's lair. How can anyone get close to the devil and leave alive ne?

In the restaurant, the Mediterranean man was whispering to the thick-browed man. After knowing the whole story, the thick-browed man kept apologizing and looked guilty. Maybe he was full, the Mediterranean man didn't pursue anything. After breakfast, he went back to his room by himself, without any intention of going treasure hunting.

Except for him, everyone else was going out. Just in case, they asked if they needed to come back at lunch time. As a result, the servants who was asked did not even look at them, but only lowered their head to look at their toes, like a sculpture. Fortunately, Hong came back in time and told them that they only needed to come back at dinner time at 5 o'clock in the evening.

After getting the confirmed return time, everyone left the castle with peace of mind.

Third Sister and Shi Qiu were the last to leave. Unlike the others who went straight to the forest, they walked around the castle half a circle and headed south.


Prayer room.

Same furnishings as last night, it seemed that there was no difference, but Bai Leshui noticed the difference. When Rong Zheng knocked on the door last night, he was still reading. Hearing that guests had arrived, Bai Leshui, who was anxious to go out, then put the book on the couch. He locked the door himself when he left last night, and clearly remembered that the book was still on the couch.

Now, it is staying on the bookshelf, just in its original position.

Someone cleaned up here.

No, something changed this place back to its original state.

Bai Leshui was a little nervous when he thought about it. He looked around, finally his eyes fell on the ghost masks hanging on the wall.

It seems... one is missing? He remembered that there was a ghost mask with a red background and white patterns on the lower right corner next to the bookcase, but now it is gone.

He counted the remaining ghost masks, there were still fourteen.

Don't know if it was because he stared at it for too long, but the eyes of one mask seemed to move. No, it really moved. It was originally looking at the front, but now it stared at him without blinking.

"Hello?" Bai Leshui didn't know why he was still in the mood to greet the mask.

[Sacrifice.] A voice sounded.

Bai Leshui: "Mmh?"

[Ic am very satisfied. ] The voice said.

Bai Leshui: "Sacrifice? About the person from last night?"

[For thou wish, thou must work harder.]

Bai Leshui: "My wish?"

[Ic and thou are one mind and a whole. Ic am powerful, so are thou.]

Bai Leshui: "How can I make your power stronger?"

[Sacrifice, more sacrifice.]

Bai Leshui: "How to sacrifice?"

[Souls who died on this island, will all become mine food.]

Bai Leshui: "It's a bit difficult a."

[Thou can do it. Don't forget, the one who revive thou and brought thou back to the world after death was Ic, mine power is the source of thy life.]

Bai Leshui: ...

Hmm? Am I dead ma? Am I dead again ma?

Even if I'm a ghost, can I be set up as a normal living person? Isn't it good to be alive ma?

Bai Leshui: "So my wish is to live a."

[Live? That is indeed one of thy wishes.]

Bai Leshui: "Do I have a second wish?"

[Of course there is.]

Bai Leshui: "What is the second wish?"

[Let a man be obsessed with thou forever.]

Bai Leshui: ...


Ah! !

So, was Mr. Si, the steward,'s deep affection for Lady Maud, a lie ma?

Accidentally learned a rather shocking truth.

The author has something to say:

4188: Did you change the setting?

1069: Yes!

4188: Why?

1069: Because this setting and background are more suitable for them!

4188: .........

What kind of image do my host has in your eyes a? A big boss who plots even against great devil ma!

  1. RZ sometimes use only 'Lady' and sometime 'My Lady'. To differnsiate the 2, I'll use 'Our Lady' or simply 'Lady' for the former.
  2. Because I can only put words in bold or italic (and bold stand out too much), I choose to put the polite form of you in italic.
    If I ever edit this webnovel, I'll have to look at the raws just to find where there's polite you...
  3. Corsets are not harmful when worn proprely and with the correct size, afterall women needed to work on these.
  4. 吾 (wú) = old term for I
    'Ic' wac apparently used until about the 12th century then was shortened into 'I'.
  5. Old way to say 'you'.
  6. Apparently this was the old term of 'my'.
  7. = your