Man: What the frick is this!!!

Regarding that man, the mysterious voice did not give more answers. After urging Bai Leshui to remember today's sacrifice, it became quiet, the ghost mask did not move too.

Bai Leshui wanted to ask more questions, but unfortunately no matter how he asked, he did not get any response.

After staying in the prayer room for an hour, Bai Leshui left. When he came out, the manservant outside the door immediately bowed to Bai Leshui.

"Lady, Mr. Si asked me to take you back to the room." The manservant said.

Bai Leshui nodded and followed the servant. After walking a few steps, he paused, said, "I want to go somewhere else now."

"Mr. Si hopes you can wait for him in the bedroom." The manservant turned around and said respectfully, every word was said clearly, there was no room for negotiation.

Bai Leshui: ...

In the castle, the orders of 'Mr. Si' seem to take precedence over those of 'Lady Maud'.

In order to meet the setting, he should obey at this time ba. After all, Lady Maud trusts Mr. Si so much.

"Where is he ne?" Bai Leshui asked.

The manservant said, "Mr. Si is waiting for you in the bedroom."

Bai Leshui: "Lead the way ba."

The manservant made no footsteps when he walked. Bai Leshui paid close attention to himself and found that no matter how light or heavy his footsteps were, there was no sound. The whole castle seemed to be quiet, as if there were no living creatures in the castle.

While thinking this, footsteps appeared. Bai Leshui looked up at the direction where the sound came from. The manservant made no footsteps, neither did he. Although he hadn't noticed it before, Rong Zheng's role shouldn't have any either. So it must be a guest?

Sure enough, the Mediterranean man with a small bald spot on his head came over with heavy footsteps. When he saw Bai Leshui, he seemed very happy.

Bai Leshui looked at him. Was this man an NPC among guests, or a player?

The Mediterranean man said, "Finally I saw someone. What's going on in your castle a? I just walked around, didn't see anyone. Where's that maid with red scarf ne?"

Bai Leshui looked at the man in front of him, a middle-aged man with a fat head and a fat stomach.

Doesn't look like a player.

Players who can reach the promotion dungeon, will not be so fat and panting every three steps, unless they deliberately make their image like this.

Morever this kind of image can easily affect escape. Generally speaking, no one would be so desperate to disguise themselves like this, and the game would not set up such a pitfall for the character setting.

"They all have their own duties." Bai Leshui replied calmly, "Guests who came here have gone out to look for treasures, don't you have to go ma?"

The Mediterranean man sneered: "What treasures to looking for? Go back after lookig for the treasures? Don't be ridiculous. I am not only in debt ne, but also..." His voice was a little lower. He looked around and asked: "The group of people who came with me, have all gone out ba."

Bai Leshui: "There is no one here except you and us."

"Ha, that's enough. I'm not afraid to tell you, Lady, I have a lawsuit on my back ne." The Mediterranean man sneered, "In fact, I didn't kill the person, but it was related to me. In the final analysis, it's all about money. It wasn't a big deal. As long as the man kept his mouth shut, there would be no problem. In the end, he had to say that I instructed him to do it. What a joke, where did I ask him to kill people? I just wanted to make some money. Forget it, let's not talk about these things. Anyway, there is no point in me going back after treasure hunt. This place is pretty good. I'll stay here for a few years and go back when the turmoil over there stops."

Bai Leshui: "I understand, but why tell me this?"

"You take care of me so much , we can count as friends, putting my cardson the table bei. "The Mediterranean man said to Bai Leshui, "Also, the guys who came with me are not good people. I am not the only one who carry a case like this, they are certainly not as honest as me. You'd better drive them all out of the castle. "

"Carry a case?" Bai Leshui asked in confusion, "In that case, who is so bold to send you all here?"

"Who else, Uncle Bei from Haikou a, Uncle Bei's family occupied the port dock a hundred years ago, they have the final say there." The Mediterranean man said, "If my subordinates hadn't made mistakes, I wouldn't be here now. I'm also famous in Haikou..."

"Were all of you sent by Uncle Bei?"

The Mediterranean man was very proud: "The ship that sent us here belongs to Uncle Bei, but I should be the only one who has contact with him. I'm different from them. I have a friendship with Uncle Bei and know that he will send people here regularly. I was sent here to hide. They are the ones who are here to hunt for treasure."

Bai Leshui: "Oh."

This person is not a player, but an NPC.

Morever the kind that can provide clues.

"Lady, how many years have you been here? Where is your husband ne?" asked the Mediterranean man.

Bai Leshui's face showed a trace of sadness at the right time: "I don't have a husband."

The Mediterranean man smacked his lips, thinking that Lady Maud's husband was dead. An idea came to his mind and he smiled: "Lady, wait a few years, I will take you to Haikou ba."

Bai Leshui: "Haikou?"

"That place is very prosperous, unlike here. The castle is quite spacious, but there is nothing else except the castle. It's so boring to stay here." The Mediterranean man chuckled, "After you leave with me, I will protect you and guarantee that your life will be better than now."

Bai Leshui: "...Really ma? Do you know Uncle Bei's name ma?"

"Name? Full name?" The Mediterranean man tilted his head and thought for a while, "Don't know, everyone calls him Uncle Bei."


The Mediterranean man: "Lady, you can think about my words carefully." He was about to reach out his hand.

Then the fat hand was blocked by the silent manservant standing next to him.

"Please be respectful to Our Lady." The manservant said without changing his expression.

The Mediterranean man smacked his lips: "I didn't do anything too ba, okay, I got it."

Bai Leshui smiled: "I'll wait in the bedroom after midnight."

The Mediterranean man's eyes lit up: "Really?"

Bai Leshui: "I have something else to do, see you at dinner time."

"Okay, goodbye." The Mediterranean man laughed, "See you then." He left with satisfaction.

As Bai Leshui turned around, the smile on his face disappeared in an instant.

The sacrifice for tonight has been chosen. Although it is not a player, to erase an NPC who provides important clues, is also a good thing.

Uncle Bei, who regularly sends people here, don't know what relationship he has with Lady Maud.

When he returned to the bedroom, Rong Zheng was waiting in the room. After hearing Bai Leshui tell about the encounter with the Mediterranean man, he said with a gloomy face: "He's dead."

Bai Leshui: "We tentatively made an appointment, but unlike the one last night, he won't leave the castle. How can we kill him after midnight?"

After all, the rule of not going out after midnight is just a request made casually by Bai Leshui, not a death trap.

Staying outdoors at night, is the real death trap.

"Just give orders to the servants." Rong Zheng said, "Lady Maud's orders, servants will abide. If you ask no one except me to approach the bedroom, he won't be able to come over. If he insist on conflicting with servants, the servants will kill him for your order."

Bai Leshui: "Are you sure?"

Rong Zheng looked at him helplessly: "They are all servants of the devil's apostle. Do you think they will have the patience to advise and show mercy ma?"

"Devil's apostle?" Bai Leshui was startled, it made sense after thinking about it.

The servants are definitely not human, morever himself should be a devil. A servant who obeys the devil is definitely a devil's envoy.

"And sneaking out of one's room in the middle of the night and wandering around the castle is definitely not a safe choice." Rong Zheng said, "Don't forget this is a promotion copy."

Death traps in promotion copies are at least three times more than those in ordinary copies. How can it be safe to wander outside the room late at night, which is obviously easy to fall into pits?

Bai Leshui nodded in understanding: "By the way, what have you been doing since just now? Buying cards?"

"I had a few cards before I changed camps, they were all converted into game coins after I changed camps, so I just used those game coins to buy two cards." Rong Zheng stretched out his hand and pinched Bai Leshui's cheek while speaking, in a good mood, "One [Death List] and one [Mark You]. [Death List] can display the characters that have died, whether they are players or NPCs. One card can only be used once in a copy and disappears after leaving the copy. [Mark You] randomly marks three targets and confirms their positions on the map."

"Oh oh, how many people died?"

"One person, but just now there was one more." Rong Zheng said, "I just marked the one who died, the location is on the east side of the island."

Rong Zheng stood up, pulled Bai Leshui to the window, pointed outside and said: "Look at the low-lying area over there, there is a cave hidden in the bushes. You can see a little bit at the top of the tower."

Just don't know what's inside.


East side of the island, outside the cave.

A man sat on the ground, sweating profusely. He and his partner had walked to this place on the first day of the island and saw a place that looked like a cave from a distance. Because the sun was setting soon, they were afraid that it would be dangerous to stay in the jungle at night, so they had to leave and rush to the castle.

Even so, it was a little late. He and his partner were the last two guests to arrive at the castle. In order to save time, they kept jogging in the jungle, managed to cut a sorry figure.

Unlike most players, he and his partner have always been adventurers and decryptors. They believe that there is no point in being cautious and surviving. Only by daring to explore and take risks can they get the greatest benefits and grow rapidly.

It has only been three months since the crossing, they can reach promotion dungeon. They are also very powerful.

However, the first time they had gone through a promotion dungeon, they were still inexperienced.

They thought that as long as they hung the lucky card and it was during the day, they could go into the cave even if it looked dangerous. However, who could have thought that when his partner in front of him stepped into the cave, a black shadow quickly rushed out, rolled up his partner and took him into the cave.

Then came his partner's painful howl, which stopped abruptly after a few seconds.

The man didn't go in, but he guessed that his partner had been eliminated from the dungeon. Because the scream was too real, he was so scared that his legs went weak and he sat on the ground.

Then, something even more terrifying happened. This cave seemed to be alive. After swallowing his partner, it trembled slightly and sprayed a foul smell, like a satisfied burp.

Man: What the frick is this!!!

The author has something to say

Bai Leshui: Helping kill an NPC, should not be a problem ba.

Rong Zheng: That's the castle's guest, players source of clues, devil's food.

Bai Leshui: Oh, then there's no problem.

  1. Haikou prefecture-level city and capital of Hainan Province