Pill making.

Chapter 45:- Pill making.


In a building a few hundred paces away.

"Dammit! How could a member of the Vail family establish his dominance!?" Alli specter slammed his hand down the table which shook the building.

Next to him sat Tso lu ranked sixth. The two of them as seen the battle. At first there were going to watch this 'show', but the result was unexpected.

A youth who just entered the sect had beaten up Sato,who is ranked sixteenth and he successfully became the only disciple under the second rank grandmaster domain level to be ranked the top twenty.

"This kid is stronger than I imagined, but he won't be able to last ten move against me." Tso lu looked coldly at Lucian.

Alli specter wasn't suspicious of his words.

Those ranked eleven to twenty were still 'normal',but after entering top ten, they weren't 'normal' anymore.

Those high ranked outer disciples had the ability to challenged those of the next domain.

For example, Tso lu had challenged a cultivator who was at the first rank sky domain level.

Apparently, the number one ranked monster of the outer disciples had beaten a cultivator at the sky domain, even though he's only a peak rank four grandmaster domain level warrior.

A figure suddenly appeared behind the two.

"Vice head Mera!" Tso lu and Alli specter both stood up and bowed.

Those who were head had cultivation base were at least sixth to ninth domain of the sky level.

"This Lucian Vail, is pretty unexpected." Mera the Loli lady that accompanied Lucian to the outer sect hall.

She was slightly surprised as a smile appeared on her face.

She hadn't seen anyone who had such battle strength for a long time.

"Vice head Mera, you should know he's of the Vail family,why did you give him a task...." Alli specter's voice was slightly blameful.

The vice head had a good relationship with the Elder Tso, but has elder Tso started to rise in position, their relationship became slightly further apart.

"Lucian has a non-physique body,no matter how strong his battle conscience is, his future will be limited. Could he threatened a inner disciple? Will he be able to threatened a elder? It not a good deal to offend three vice heads at once. Even your elder will,elder Tso would think this through...." Mera said strongly.

"Three vice heads, you mean....." Alli specter's voice changed slightly.

"Vice head Shilla, vice head Bovi and vice head Carte .... are interested in Lucian Vail?" Alli specter jaw hung open and immediately felt helpless.

He obviously knew what vice head Mera said was true. He didn't show the Vail family physique, Lucian's battle conscience maybe strong, but his future is limited.

They even thought he joined the Azure Flower Sect was because he lacked physique and couldn't gain recognition.

Vice head Mera didn't hide anything and she told them how Lucian has been argued over by two vice heads.

Alli specter being a inner disciple,he obviously knew how much authority these two vice heads held.

These two were one of the array master and pill master respectively and they had contributed alone to the sect. In terms of authority and power, these two were just below elders, but when the two combined even elders have to think it through.

The most important point is elder Tso didn't tell them to suppress Lucian.

Being an elder of the sect, Elder Tso was at the Transcendent domain warrior level and he wouldn't purposely suppress a few disciples who had not so great talent.

As for Alli specter, all he did was agree silently. Without an elder support, Alli specter obviously wouldn't go against two vice heads, but this wouldn't be the end. He might not be able to take care of them straight on, but it will be simple for him to get rid of a few ants through tricky.


After the battle, Lucian let out a huge breathe and landed on his bed.

"Congratulations brother Lucian! You made me envy by becoming a substitute inner disciple already." Delora was the first to come over and congratulate. At the same time, he couldn't help but inspect the youth in front of him.

"Brother Vail, let us all let out a breath!"

"The battle just then was exciting! Brother Vail has already created a miracle."

Other newly outer disciples came over to flatter Lucian. The Azure Flower Sect has only taken in 20 new disciples in total and of the 20, Lucian was the first to become substitute inner disciple.

Obviously there were others who were resentful.

"So what if he's a new substitute inner disciple? He hasn't even reached the third rank of the grandmaster domain level yet. It won't be long before we overtake him. He has no physique." Fan fed who had the highest cultivation amongst the newly entered disciples, had recovered from the shock. Truthfully, even him had been stunned by Lucian's performance and he had to admit that Lucian Vail had establish his dominance. It was almost certain that not many people would offend him later on.

'What's that thing he pulled out the other time?"

"Bang!" He mimicked the sound again.

"Hmph! He succeeded again!" Zuras snorted coldly.

Lucian who had won although he was weaker and he had let out a breath for all of them.

Only till the people leave did Lucian greeted Zuras and hoisle. Delora quickly deduce something was wrong.


After becoming a substitute inner disciple, Lucian moved out from where the normal disciples lived. Of the outer disciples, the substitute inner disciples received the best treatment and they had there own courtyards. On top of that, the resources they received from the sect also increased as well.

After organizing his stuff, Lucian returned to the pill pavilion.

...ian began his lessons with the alchemist. He learned the secrets of herbs and minerals, and how to combine them to create potions and elixirs. Vice head Bovi was a strict, but fair teacher, and Lucian absorbed everything he was taught.

As he progressed in his studies, Lucian noticed that his senses were becoming sharper.

He could smell subtle differences in the herbs he was working with, and he could see tiny details that he had never noticed before.

He could also feel a strange energy flowing through his body, and he began to suspect that he had increase the capability of his eyes.

But then, one day ...Lucian discovered that he was not the only one allowed to enter vice head Bovi private quarter . As he was working in the garden, he noticed a young girl watching him from the edge of the trees.

She had the same look of wonder and curiosity in her eyes as Lucian had when he first began studying alchemy.

"Hello," Lucian said, approaching the girl.

"What's your name?"

"I'm Adele," the girl said, her voice soft and sweet. "What are you doing?"

"I'm making a potion," Lucian said. "Do you want to help?"

Adele's eyes lit up ...with excitement. "Yes, please!" she said. Lucian smiled and led her over to the table where he was working.

He showed her how to measure out the herbs and how to mix them together. He explained the purpose of each ingredient, and he even taught her a few alchemical secrets that were beyond his own level of knowledge.

The girl was a quick learner, and soon she was making her own potions with ease.

They worked together for hours, laughing and talking as they mixed the ingredients and created new concoctions. It was the most fun that Lucian had ever had, and he felt a deep ...connection to the girl. But as the sun began to set, Adele suddenly looked sad.

"I have to go," she said, her voice tinged with regret. "My parents will be worried if I don't get home soon."

Lucian was disappointed, but he knew that she was right. "I understand," he said. "But I hope we can do this again sometime."

"Me too," Adele said, giving him a quick hug before running off into the trees.

As Lucian watched her go, he couldn't help but feel a sense of loss. But he also felt a ...deep gratitude for the time they had spent together. It had been a magical day, and he would never forget it.

Over the next few weeks, Lucian continued to study alchemy, but his thoughts kept returning to Adele.

He wondered what she was doing, and if she was thinking of him too. He longed to see her again, and to share another day like the one they had had. But he knew that it might never happen.

And then, one morning, he found a small package on his doorstep. It was wrapped in brown paper, and tied with a red ribbon.

He picked it up ...and saw that there was a note attached to it. It was written in a delicate, flowing hand, and it read, "For Lucian, with love from Adele."

Lucian's heart leaped as he opened the package.

Inside was a small vial, filled with a shimmering, golden liquid. There was no note to explain its purpose, but Lucian knew that it must be a gift from Adele.

He uncorked the vial and inhaled the scent of it. It was sweet and earthy, and it filled him with a sense of peace and joy.

He knew that this ...was no ordinary potion. It was something far more special.

As Lucian held the vial in his hand, he began to feel a strange tingling sensation. It started in his fingertips, and it slowly spread through his body.

His skin began to glow, and he felt a sudden surge of energy. He looked down at his hands, and they were glowing with a soft, golden light.

Lucian was filled with wonder and delight. He had become an alchemist, and he had a gift that he could use to help others.

And, best of all, he had a friend in Adele, who ...he knew would always be there for him.

The glow from Lucian's hands slowly faded, and he knew that it was time to get to work. He had a gift to share with the world, and he was determined to use it for good.

And so, he began his journey as a true alchemist, ready to change the world for the better.

And, in time, he would do just that. But first, he had to find Adele, and tell her how much she meant to him.

But that, as they say, is another story...


"Luci, you..."

"What are you doing here?" Lucian was stunned seeing Delora barge into his room.

"What have you been doing lately? I guess I got no idea your position is being eyed. You have three days, Fan fed issue a challenge...."


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