Chapter 3

[Third Person's PoV] 

It's been 3 years since Peter's parents were reported dead from a plane crash... 

Peter was seen doing push-ups with one hand and a book laying flat on the ground. Peter's face was all serious when exercising and learning. Once he made sure that his body could handle it, Peter has started to push his body to the limit. 

When he first started, it worried both Aunt May and Uncle Ben, but they had to reluctantly accept what he was doing. To them it looked like a little kid coping with the lost of his parents. 

Even though Peter's body was small, muscles already started to form, from the 2 years of exercise. 

Most of Peter's routine would be that after each number of push-up or whatever he was doing, he would flip a page. Making it hard for him to concentrate on two things at once. But thanks to that multitasking has started to become a technique he started teaching himself. 

"97, 98, 99, and 100" with one final push Peter finished his work out. He then closed the book and let out a sigh. "I finally finish all of my college courses, its going to be hard to find more advanced books. But I guess I can mostly focus on my hands on experiments but it's going to be hard to get parts. Nothing a little ol' dumpster diving can't fix" 

Peter picks up the book from the floor and puts it on his bed. He then goes and takes a shower when he realized he's all sweaty. 

When he finished and got dressed he went downstairs where he found Aunt May and Uncle Ben relaxing on their day off. 


They both turned and smiled towards Peter and said "Good morning Peter". Ever since his parent have been reported dead, they have taken care of Peter with unconditional love and support. They treat him like he is their own son and he couldn't have asked to be placed in a better family. 

Peter sat down and joined them for breakfast as he started eating he turned towards Uncle Ben and asked "Can you take me to the library again please?" 

Uncle Ben just raised an eyebrow at that "What happened to all the books we took out last week" 

Peter just shrugged his shoulder "They were easy to read i just finished reading the last book" 

Aunt May just looked at Peter in shock "Peter honey, they were college level books. I know you are a bright boy but you can't expect me to believe you finished those as well" 

Peter let out a sigh before saying in a serious tone "Aunt May, I believe it's time I tell you a secret I've been keeping from you and Uncle Ben..." 

Peter pauses letting the mood of the room turn heavy. They waited with baited breaths awaiting for whatever Peter is going to tell them. 


Peter paused once again making Uncle Ben impatient and worry "Well boy out with it, what is it?" 


"Yessss?" Both Aunt May and Uncle Ben say still waiting. 

"I'm... too smart for my own good. What am I going to do now, everything I read just comes to easily for me" Peter said with a clearly fake anxious expression. 

Uncle Ben seeing this starts laughing his ass off, while slamming his hand on the table. Aunt May seeing his little theatrics scoffs before playfully smacking him on the head "Don't scare me like that, you little jokester" 

Peter then started laughing as well with Uncle Ben. And they resumed back to eating. While eating Uncle Ben ruffles Peter's head as he said 

"If you truly need new books I'll take you to the library in the afternoon, how does that sound?" 

Peter just happily nodded "Sure and thank you Uncle Ben" 

Aunt May just shook her head before remembering something. "Make sure not to take too long, I heard there's new neighbors moving in across the street and I want all of us to be here when it happens so we could introduce ourselves". 

Peter although confused nodded his head but stopped halfway through 'It couldn't be, could it?' 

"I'll try Aunt May but I don't know if I could find what I'm looking for quickly but I'll try to" 

Aunt May just sighed before ruffling his hair as well "At least you'll try. I guess I can't ask for anything else" 

And thats how most mornings started at the Parker residence... 

In the afternoon Peter is seen in the library trying to find any book he hasn't read, after searching for a while he finds a book about biology he hasn't read yet. 

When he goes and reaches for the book another hand reaches out for it making both of them take a hold of the book at the same time. 

Seeing another hand on the book they chose they turned and looked at each other. They both raised an eyebrow at eachother when they noticed each other ages and at the same time asked each other 

"Can you even understand this?" 

"Can you even understand this?" 

As soon as they both spoke at the same time and said the same word they stood stunned for a minute before looking offended. 

And once again they both spoke at the same time. 

"Of course I understand this, I wouldn't have picked it up if I didn't" 

"Of course I understand this, I wouldn't have picked it up if I didn't" 

They both stood stunned once again at the ridiculousness of the situation before they both bursted out laughing 

They both then heard the librarian reprimand them for making too much noise "Shhhhhh. Quiet in the library" 

Which caused them both to cover their mouth to stop themselves from laughing any further. 

Peter than decided to introduce himself in a low voice while stretching out a hand "Hey, I'm Peter Parker, what's you're name?" 

The little girl infront of him then shook his hand as she introduced herself as well "Gwen, Gwen Stacy, pleasure to meet you"