Chapter 9

[Peter's pov] 

After I finish setting everything up I look at the phone I made in my hands and asked outloud "How is it Arnny? Can you have access to my phone" 

A spider logo then appeared on the screen and the voice of Arnny was soon heard  

I nodded at that, that's good. I then realized what time it was "Shit, Gwen it's late we have to go home unfortunately. I also added Arnny to your phone, your position to her is second only to me. So she will see you as someone very important" 

Gwen stopped what she was doing and checked the time "You're right, dad is gonna kill us if we get home this late. Heh, I can already imagine him freaking out over the money we earned" 

Hearing this I immediately started freaking out "uh oh" 

Gwen looks at me with concern "What do you mean uh oh" 

"We got too excited about the money and our discovery that we forgot to tell them. When they get the notification of the unexpected and unexplained amount of money they're going to be freaking out" 

Gwen eyes went wide in shock "shit" 

"Shit, indeed" 

We both just looked at eachother before grabbing what we came with and running out of the hideout. We both got on our bikes and quickly pedal ourselves out of there. 

While escorting Gwen home I took out my phone and commanded my brand new A.I "Arnny put the hideout in disguise mode" 


I didn't even doubt it, that it did what I told it. Afterall I made it, the lights and everything else should be powered down, the light base projection should be covering everything. 

We quickly arrived in front of Gwen's house. She came and kissed me on the cheeks which just made me blush. She then ran inside probably embarrassed or probably so her father doesn't freak out. I would never know. 

When I saw she made it inside I started pedaling away and made my way towards aunt May and uncle Ben. While I was riding my bike I thought about the kiss. 

'Am I weird for liking it, we're both 12 so it shouldn't be weird. But I'm mentally older, God I can of course tell she likes me. I'm not that dense that I couldn't tell she has feelings for me. 

But I'm hesitant because of my mental age... hope there isn't an inter-dimensional fbi that goes after reincarnators. But seriously what am I going to do, my feelings for her are developing as well... my mental age shouldn't matter. 

This is a new life for me, I am now Peter Parker a 12 year old boy from Queens, And the future neighborhood spider-man. I feel like I'm overcomplicating things that I shouldn't.' 

While I was deep in thought I soon realized that I made it home rather quickly. Nervously I made my way inside and it's just as I feared... they were overreacting. 

Aunt May was on her seat crying while Uncle Ben was just rubbing her back comforting her. 

[Third Person's PoV] 

Peter just looked at everything with a weary smile and as soon as he entered he announced his presence "I'm home" 


'I really got to remind Arnny to set up a secret bank account for future uses' thought Peter as he sighed and took out his phone. 

He then pulled up his research and what he presented to Norman "I went and sold my patent to Mr. Osborn, my ideas with Gwen were so great he bought everything for 1 million dollars, giving 500,000 to me and another 500,000 to Gwen. 

That's not even the good news, the good news is that this is yearly. Due to how much these would sell Mr. Osborn thought that it was a reasonable price. 

So now every year Gwen and I would be receiving 500,000 dollars yearly. So you guys don't really have to worry about money as much. I know how much you guys are having difficulty paying the bills, so I thought I would help you guys out and just invent something. 

And here we are." 

Silent tears just kept pouring down Aunt May's face, while Uncle Ben got up and pulled Peter into a tight hug. 

"Our bills isn't something you should be worried about. A kid your age should just be worried about having fun and school. I want you to promise me something, I want you to promise to stop worrying about things an adult should be worried about and just have fun" 

"But..." Peter started protesting but Uncle Ben just cut him off 

"Promise me Peter" Uncle Ben said. 

Peter just shook his head "I'm sorry I can't promise you that, I could say that I promise but that would be lying to you. I'm always going to be worrying about you guys, plus who said I didn't have fun. I enjoyed my time researching different ideas with Gwen, it's just that these ideas make money" Peter said the last part with a sly smirk. 

"Sigh, your right when you sometimes say that you're too smart for your own good, this is one of those instances. And just to be clear we're not touching that money, that money is going right into your college funds" 

"Were you even listening to what I said previously, I'm going to get that amount of money annually. Which means even if you save the necessary funds, I'm still going to have alot left over, so instead of it just collecting dust in the bank, it's better you use it and make all of our lifes easier" 

"You are one stubborn child, you know that?" Uncle Ben said 

Peter just gave him a large smile "What can I say being stubborn is a Parker trait and a way of life" 

They both just started laughing at that. They all then sat down and started to really talk about their future and what they were going to do with that money. 

Peter had to really pressed them in order for them to use it. Although really reluctantly they agree, they only agree when Peter threatened them to withdraw all that money and burn it infront of them. 

They just continued discussing all the way onto the night, where they all had dinner and went to sleep. 

While in his room Peter was on his phone talking to Arnny 

"I want you to make an untraceable bank account. Make decoy ones so when money is transferred it couldn't be found where it went into" 

While Peter was giving further instructions to Arachnid he heard the sound of pebbles hitting against his window. 

With a sigh Peter got up and opened his window, slowly a figure started to climb up the side of the building and with the help of Peter managed to get inside. 

Peter just looked at her exasperated "Again?" 

The figure just nodded with her head slightly down. 

Peter just sighed before patting her head "MJ this is the third time this week that your dad has gotten violent when drunk. I'm seriously about to go there and do something myself." 

Mj just softly whispered "can I stay the night" 

Peter just scoffed "Why are you even asking me. You know the answer to that is always yes. But I swear MJ, if I ever see you with a bruise..." Peter didn't finish his sentence and let the threat hang in the air. Mj did understand the message though and just smile softly at Peter's concern. 

Peter just went back into bed, as Mj followed him and went to sleep while snuggling close to him. 

Peter just looked at her hugging him and silently sighed before going to bed as well