Chapter 18

[Third Person's PoV]

When Peter and MJ woke up, like usual Peter would always laugh at her.

"Hahahahahahaha your bed hair never fails to make me laugh"

MJ had her red hair all over the place in a crazy manner. MJ was barely even awake, she kept nodding off while sitting upright on the bed.

"I really didn't miss you laughing at me everytime I would wake up here" MJ said in a groggy voice

"Sorry sorry I really can't help it"

"Yeah you say that everytime."

MJ then got up and went to exit through the window like she normally does.

"What are you doing Aunt May and Uncle Ben know you're here, you don't have to sneak out"

"Huh? Oh right sorry force of habit" MJ said embarrassed.

When they went downstairs, Aunt May was in the kitchen cooking. "Oh good morning you two"

"Good morning Aunt May" both of them greeted

"Are you going to stay for breakfast, Mary Jane?" Asked Aunt May peaking out from the kitchen.

"I would love to but my mom probably got home from work and I want to see her"

"That's a shame then, Peter make sure to walk her home"

Peter nodded and walked MJ across the street where she waved goodbye and went inside.

When Peter returned he sat down at the table with Uncle Ben as they waited in silence for Aunt May to be finished with breakfast.

Uncle Ben then broke the silence "When we eat, go get ready and meet me in the car. We will be going for a drive" he said sternly and with authority

Peter just meekly replied "Yes sir"

'WHY IS HE SO SCARY. By the great weaver, I thought Uncle Ben was supposed to be a wise old aged man, not this scary looking behemoth with muscles. I'm supposed to be the one with the Superpowers, so why does he terrify me'

When Aunt May brought breakfast they started eating in silence until Aunt May started gossiping about the Watson's situation

"I feel bad for that little girl I tell you, her father's useless, her mother has to work very long hours at the hospital to support them, and her sister got married too quickly and left. So she's basically all alone. Be sure to take care of her Peter"

Peter just nodded seriously before continuing eating. When he was done he went and got ready, after a few minutes he went down and went towards Uncle Ben's car.

When he sat down, Uncle Ben didn't say anything and just started the car and drove away. While driving Uncle Ben didn't say anything for a few minutes and neither did Peter, they just drove in silence.

After a few more minutes Uncle Ben started talking "Sigh, I'm both proud and disappointed in you Peter. I'm proud because you defended your friend when she was experiencing an unfortunate situation.

I'm proud of you for looking out for her and always making sure she was alright. But I'm also disappointed on how you handled the situation.

Although he deserved what was coming to him, that wasn't something for you to do. I'm disappointed in the fact that you let your rage and anger consume your rational thinking.

You're a very smart boy, that much is obvious, but not when you're angry, when you're angry you make very stupid decisions.

MJ came running to the house looking worried and terrified, you may not realize it but that girl relies heavily on you. So seeing you like that scared her, you should never let the people you want to protect and want to keep safe be scared of you.

I don't ever want to see you in that state again, do I make myself clear" Uncle Ben said calmly but sternly.

Peter lowered his head and sighed "Yes sir"

Uncle Ben looked at Peter from the corner of his eyes, and nodded without ever taking his eyes off the road.

Uncle Ben put a hand on his shoulder "Peter, the only reason I'm this harsh on you is cause I worry and care about you.

Do you know what would have happened if Mr.Watson decided to press charges, you would have gone to jail for breaking and entering, and assault"

Peter looked at Uncle Ben in confusion "You mean he's not pressing charges?"

"Let's just say I made a few calls to a buddy of mine and got everything sorted out. Mr. Watson would be the one going to prison for child abuse and won't be able to press charges. He would be in there for only 6 months since the harm was of a lesser decree."

Peter was silent for a few seconds "...I see, thank you Uncle Ben"

Uncle Ben just nodded his head as he continued to drive around the block in silence. When they arrived back home and Peter exited the car Uncle Ben reminded Peter once again "Remember, Don't let anger consume your thoughts and guide your actions"

Peter seriously nodded his head and went inside to his room. When he got inside he started putting on his Spider-Man suit with clothes over it, he grabbed his bag and started walking out.

When he was leaving Aunt May called out to him "And were do you think you're going this early in the morning mister"

"I'm going to be with Gwen"

Aunt May narrowed her eyes slightly before nodding her head and saying "Alright but don't stay out too late, you have school tomorrow"

Peter nodded and soon left to meet up with Gwen. He went and waited for Gwen inside the hideout, he took off his clothes leaving only his Spider-Man attire on. While waiting for her he just sat down and looked towards the ceiling and went into a deep thought.

Gwen soon arrived and saw Peter deep in his thoughts, while getting ready she called out to him snapping him out of his thoughts "Peter are you okay?"

"No not really"

"What happened?" Gwen asked worriedly

"I just got scolded for the first time by Uncle Ben... and let me tell you, it really doesn't feel good"

"Is it about what happened with MJ"


Gwen just smiled at him before going over and kissing him on the side of his head to make him feel better. Which worked a little.

When Gwen was done she showed him her masked and asked "Ready?"

Peter went and grabbed his mask putting it on his head. He then nodded and pulled down his mask saying




UNCLE BEN GOT THAT DAWG IN HIM... I really like how i portrayed him here

And uncle Ben got secret connections, oooooh I wonder who they are.