Chapter 20

A/N: Two things i want to address

1. I'm truly sorry for my non English readers out there 😔 but some one the jokes and puns are only going to make sense in English, I honestly feel bad about this

2. This originally was supposed to be one long ass chapter but it made sense to cut it into two.

Enjoy 🥰(Part 1)


[Third Person's PoV]

"Shit, shit, shit. This wasn't how it was supposed to go, the boss isn't going to be happy about this. Those dumbasses just had to get caught by those freaks" said the driver of the main armored truck leading the group.

The driver turned his head and looked towards his buddy in the passenger seat and said "called the others it's better if we split up, it should increase our chances of escape with what we have currently."

The guy nodded and grabbed the walkie-talkie that was laying to the side "This is road 1, I repeat this is road 1, do you copy"

Different voices then came through the walkie-talkie

"This is road 2, over"

"Road 3, over"

"Road 4, over"

"We need to split up and engage with the cops and those mask freaks that are following us, in the next crossroad road 3 will go left with us. While road 2 and 4 will go right. Get to the base quickly or else the boss isn't going to be happy. Over and out"

All three confirmed their orders and made their way to the next crossroad.


Gwen and Peter quickly jumped and started following the 4 armored truck. They weren't the only ones following the trucks, the cops were following close behind while blasting their sirens.

The next chance they got the 4 trucks split up into two directions.

"I go left you go right, deal?" Said Peter

"Got it" Gwen nodded.

With that they both split up and started following the trucks. While Peter was following the trucks, the back of both door was burst open. Two robbers appeared, one on each truck, both of the robbers were on one knee with a rocket launcher on their shoulders.

They both just pulled the trigger without hesitation firing directly towards the cop cars. When the cops saw the rockets coming towards their direction they quickly swerved their car out of the way trying to not get hit but there was no need for such actions.

Peter seeing them fire quickly zipped towards the side of a building, he then fired his web towards the rockets, once it connected Peter redirected them towards the sky and into each other making them explode

The robbers reloaded it and were about to shoot another but Peter while in the air grabbed it with his webs and pulled it away from their hands disarming them. He re-adjusted himself and went back to swinging and chasing them.

They quickly pulled out their rifles and started shooting towards the cop and towards Spider-Man who was following close behind them.

While they fired Peter had trouble maneuvering through the air which cause some of the bullets to graze his suit making him wince in pain. Luckily the suit was difficult to penetrate but that didn't mean the bullets didn't hurt.

To get away from the bullets Peter pulled himself closer to the building and started to wall run. The cops weren't getting it off easy either, some of the bullets would break their windshield causing them to swerve and crash against one another.

Peter looked back and saw one of the cop cars lose a wheel causing it to flip. Peter quickly shot his web and pulled himself closer, he caught the cop car and repositioned it back the way it was supposed to, he then used it as a springboard and and started swinging once again.

The shooting soon stop as they needed to reload, which gave Peter the perfect opportunity. He shot his web and shot himself forward into the back of one of the trucks.

"I heared there was free candy so I helped myself in, hope you don't mind" Peter joked as he leaned backwards dodging the butt of the rifle that one of the robbers tried to hit Peter with.

While dodging Peter took a hold of the rifle and snatched it out the guy's hand "Sorry but I don't like to be the butt of the joke" Peter said, as he did what the robber wanted to do to him, he hit him with the butt of the rifle right on his face pushing him back making him hit his head with the inside of the truck knocking him out.

At the same time the other guy finished loading his gun and started to rapidly fire it at Peter. Peter position the gun he was holding where the bullets would hit it instead of him.

"Aww look at you shooting your shot. I'm honestly flattered, I really am, but unfortunately I have a girlfriend."

Peter said as he dropped the gun and stucked his hands on the ceiling of the truck, where he proceeded to kick the guy back with both his feet denting the truck and knocking him into unconsciousness.

Peter's spider-sense then goes off and moves his head to the side as bullets pass by his head. The guy in the passenger seat had turned around and shot a bullet from his pistol.

"Careful there, woman don't like a quickshot"

"JUST WHAT ARE YOU, YOU FREAK" the guy in the passenger seat shouted.

"Congratulations on being the first of many that's going to ask me that" Peter said as he grabbed the guy's head and slammed it to the side of the window breaking it and knocking him out.

The driver quickly went and tried to reach for his gun but Peter pushed his head onto the steering wheel causing it to blast the horn of the truck and which made him lose consciousness.

"Hope that doesn't make you 'Horn-y'... get it" Peter said to everyone that was unconscious. Peter then grabbed the leg of the driver and made him slam the brakes.

"I hate to 'Brake' it to you but this is your last stop"

The wheels on the truck screech as the truck came to a full stop, Peter then quickly exited the truck and turned towards the cops

"They're all yours now enjoyyyy" Peter said as he started swinging towards the next truck

The robbers already had their guns reloaded and were shooting towards Peter, Peter was jumping and swinging building to building avoiding the bullets.

Peter web-pulled one of the guns and swung it back knocking one of them unconscious. Peter then web-pulled the other guy that was at the back of the truck and threw him towards a building they passed by and webbed him to it.

As he did he couldn't help but make a quip "Be sure to stick around, the cops would get you I'm sure of it"

Peter then started shooting webs into the wheels of the truck slowing it down. Peter shot both front and back tires making it come to a complete stop.

Peter got infront of the now stopped trucks and with both hands on his hips he look towards the rest of the robbers and said "Well now, it looks like we got ourselves a sticky situation"

Both of the robbers clicked their tongue and took out their pistol and started shooting at him through the windshield.

Seeing Peter just dodging they unbuckled their seat belt and grabbed their rifles. They came out the door guns blazing towards Peter, Peter webbed the feet of one of the guys pulled him off his feet making him fall to ground.

"Don't fall too hard for me now, i only want to hurt your body, not your feelings"

While on the ground although he was in pain he still aimed his gun and fired it at Peter.

Seeing this Peter sighed while dodging. While still holding on to the webbed guys feet he asked them "You ever get so mad you hit one mother fucker with another mother fucker, cause I sure haven't"

Peter then swung the guy on the ground towards the other guy knocking both of them down and on top of each other. Peter then webbed up both of them, when he walked out up to them he started to pay close attention to them.

He noticed that both of them had the same tattoos on their necks. It was the picture of a red ogre, seeing this Peter audibly sighed and groaned "ughhhhh Great, it's my second day and I already have to deal with a gang. Knowing my luck it's not going to be a good thing"