Chapter 30

[Third Person's PoV]

After Peter finished getting ready, he did what he always did every morning. He waited outside on his bike for MJ. When she appeared, she sat right where she always sat.

Sighing, Peter said, "I see you covered it up with makeup..."

MJ simply nodded while Peter asked, "Did you bring it with you? What if you start sweating and it washes away?"

MJ playfully smacked his back. "You can't say that to a lady... and don't worry, I've got it." MJ then wrapped her arms around Peter's waist, and just like that, Peter took her to school.

When they arrived, they quickly joined their friends. "Yo, Harry," Peter said, greeting him with a dab and a fist bump.

"Hey, Peter," Harry replied. Meanwhile, Gwen and MJ started talking to each other, although Gwen seemed a little awkward at first.

As they walked to their lockers, Harry mentioned, "Hey, did you hear? We're having a guest lecturer today. They're talking about biology, so Gwen should really love this."

"Really? Do you know who it is?" Gwen asked curiously.

"I think he works for my dad..." Harry said, trying to recall the name.

'Uh oh, that can't be good,' thought Peter upon hearing that.

"I can't remember his name. All I know is that it starts with the letter C, and he's into studying lizards," Harry said, giving up on trying to remember the name.

"Ah, you must be talking about Dr. Curt Connors," said Gwen.

MJ tilted her head and asked, "You know him?"

"Yeah, I remember reading his research papers on the ability to regenerate lost limbs based on lizard genetics," said Gwen.

Harry snapped his fingers. "That's right! It's him, I remember now."

"I think I remember hearing about him when we went on that Oscorp field trip. It was right after the two of you disappeared and went who knows where," said MJ, pointing at both Gwen and Peter.

They exchanged glances, then turned back to their friends, offering awkward smiles. "Why didn't you know about him if he works for your dad?" Gwen asked, changing the subject.

Harry responded with an awkward smile, "Let's just say my dad and I haven't seen eye to eye recently and don't really talk much."

"Are you okay?" Peter asked, sounding concerned.

Harry shook his head. "Don't worry about it, you know how it is. Same old, same. I'm fine. Anyway, we should get going; class is about to start any minute now."

Harry closed his locker and waited. The others sighed with a hint of worry, closing their lockers as well. They headed to class, the bell ringing to signify the start of the lesson.

As they entered the classroom, they took their seats as assigned, with Peter settling in the spot near a window that seemed to be designated for the protagonist, and Harry seated right behind him.

As they sat down, Harry tapped Peter's shoulder, causing him to lean back in his chair and rest against Harry's desk. "What?" Peter asked.

"I forgot to tell you something. You wouldn't believe who's going on a date this Friday, and you'll never guess with whom," Harry said with a smirk.

Peter looked at Harry in shock. "No way... with whom?"

Harry maintained his smirk as he replied, "Liz Allen."

Peter playfully smacked him on the shoulder. "Seriously? That's amazing! Where are you planning on taking her?"

"I'm thinking of going to the movies and then having a nice lunch," Harry explained.

Before Harry could continue, the homeroom teacher gathered everyone's attention. "Alright, everyone, listen up. I have an announcement to make. We have a new transfer student joining us today."

As the teacher spoke, the door to the classroom swung open, revealing a girl with long silver hair. She walked in and stood next to the teacher, dressed in a black leather jacket and black jeans, her bag casually slung over her shoulders. She intermittently chewed gum, blowing and popping bubbles.

(Pic here)

"Why don't you introduce yourself?" the teacher prompted.

"Felicia Hardy," the girl said briefly, blowing a bubble and popping it. Then, she turned towards the teacher and asked, "So, where do I sit?"

"There's an empty seat next to Parker," the teacher said.

Parker raised his hand, and Peter, with a casual gesture of two fingers, calmly responded, "Right here." However, his inner thoughts were far from calm.


Externally, Peter maintained a bored expression. When Felicia took the seat beside him, she greeted him casually, saying, "You already heard my name."

Peter simply nodded and replied, "Peter Parker."

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"Okay, everyone, take out your book and turn to where we left off yesterday," the teacher said.

Felicia raised her hand, stating, "I don't have a book."

"Share with Parker," the teacher instructed.

Peter rummaged in his bag, retrieving the book and handing it to Felicia. "Here, I don't really need it," he offered.

Confused, Felicia looked at him and asked, "Are you sure?"

"Believe me when I say Peter really doesn't need the book," Harry intervened.

Turning towards Harry, Felicia inquired while reaching for the book, "Why? Does he not do any of the work or something?"

Harry lightly tapped the top of Peter's head with his own book and remarked, "This smart-ass already has it memorized."

"Harry, Harry Osborn," Harry introduced himself, nodding toward Felicia.

Felicia reciprocated the nod, saying, "You already heard my name," to which Harry nodded in acknowledgment.

Turning towards Peter, Felicia inquired, "So, what's the page?"

"Oh, right, it's page 57. You'll have to follow along for now and catch up on the pages before that when you have time," Peter explained.

"Thanks," Felicia replied as she opened her book and began following the teacher's reading.

Peter removed his glasses, leaning back, resting his head on Harry's desk. Amused by Peter's antics, Harry smirked, lifting his book and placing it on Peter's forehead as he continued following along with the teacher.

"So, have you decided where you're taking her for lunch?" Peter asked Harry.

"I don't know. I still haven't decided," Harry responded.

"How about taking her to a pizza place? You can never go wrong with pizza," Peter suggested.

"Hmmm," Harry pondered. "I don't know, it doesn't seem like a good place for a first date."

"You're probably right. Alright, listen well, you newbie. You're about to receive lessons from the great Love Master," Peter teased.

Harry chuckled mockingly, "Oh, Great one with infinite wisdom of love, please teach me your ways and impart some of that wisdom onto me."

"Okay, here it is. For a first date, as you're going to the movies, on the way there, start getting to know her better. Start talking, asking her questions, slip in a question about her favorite food. Are you following?" Peter explained.

Still mockingly, Harry said, "Yes, old great one, I'm even taking notes."

"Good," Peter said before continuing, "once she mentions her favorite food, keep the conversation flowing. After the movie, take her to the place that serves her favorite food. You know the saying: the way to a guy's heart is through his stomach, and it's the same for a female, if not more so. Girls love food. Not only will she enjoy eating her favorite dish, but it'll show her you're a great listener."

Hearing their conversation, Felicia giggled to herself and turned to them, amused. "Sorry, I couldn't help but overhear. Is that really the advice you're giving him?" she asked.

Laying his head on Harry's desk, Peter replied with his arms slightly spread out, "What? Am I wrong? I know for a fact that what I said is true – girls love food, and they love a guy who listens to them."

Felicia pondered for a moment before smirking and chuckling, "I guess you really are a love master. What you said is true!"

"And the love master strikes again, spreading his knowledge and wisdom to the clueless lambs of love," Peter quipped, causing Felicia and Harry to shake their heads in amusement.

"PARKER!" The teacher's sudden yell startled all three of them.

"Yes, sir," Peter responded, saluting the air with Harry's book still on his forehead.

"Since you love talking so much, why don't you continue from where I just stopped?" the teacher demanded.

Felicia was about to pass the book to Peter, but he began reciting the text word for word without missing a beat, surprising her. She looked at him in shock, realizing, 'Wait, did he really memorize the entire book? It wasn't just to impress me or get with the new girl... Oh, how embarrassing.'

The teacher clicked his tongue, annoyed. "I'll get you one of these days, Parker, just you wait," he muttered.

Peter waved at the teacher, replying, "I'll be waiting."

"Just be quiet and stop being disruptive," the teacher ordered.

"Aye aye, sir," Peter replied.

The teacher resumed teaching, and that's how time quickly passed and first period came to an end.