Chapter 34

[Third Person's PoV]

Location: A regular old prison.

Date: February 23, 2007

*Warning sirens*

"We have a runner. I repeat we have a runner on the loose. All active personnel available please give chase, your help is acquired"

This message kept repeating over the intercoms of the prison, causing the other prisoners to become more rowdy.

"HAHAHA, at least one of us would be escaping today" said one of the prisoners as they all started banging on their jail cells.

Meanwhile, multiple prison guards started running and giving chase, they were flashing their flashlights and letting their guard dogs go ahead of them as they pointed their gun ahead of them.

"Stop resisting!" One of them shouting

In front of them a man wearing a dark green shirt with lighter green stripes was running away with all he could.

'This time I'll make it, this time I'll escape. Just wait for me Keemia' he thought while running without stopping.

One of the guards then reached over his walkie talkie that was on his chest and asked "I got visual on the target, permission to shoot?"

After a few seconds another voice responded "You have permission"

"Copy that" he responded and carefully aimed his pistol at the runner. They all started firing their guns, trying to get a hit on him that wouldn't be lethal so they would be able to incapacitate him.

Flint Marko, who was the runner, started running and dodging the bullets to the side while ducking his head. But while trying to escape he stumbled upon an iron fence preventing him from getting out.

The guards as soon as they saw him cornered stopped shooting but didn't lower their guns.

"Put your hands up where we could see them" one of them shouted but Marko didn't listen he started climbing the fence. To which the dogs went and started biting him on the leg.

To get them off of him he started kicking them on the snout. Due to high tense situation what Marko failed to notice however was the sign on the fence that said

"DANGER! Particle Physics Test Facility, PLEASE KEEP OUT!"

When he got over the fence the guards started shooting him again and this time one of the bullets hit him on the calf causing him to scream in pain and start limping in pain, another one shot him on the shoulder.

When he thought he got far away enough, another bullet hit him right on the back causing him to fall forward.

When he fell forward he fell in a large hole that was filled with sand, he went rolling down until he eventually stopped in the middle of it.

The guards that were chasing him saw him disappear and they were flabbergasted "What? Where did he disappear into?" one of them said while flashing their flashlights everywhere.

Meanwhile inside the testing facility, the main scientists and operators were making the final arrangements towards the machine and testing site.

"Donny, we got a little fluctuation on one" said one of the female scientists

"There's a chance on the silicone mass" donny informed the scientists next to him

But he just dismissed him "It's probably a bird it'll probably fly away once we activate it, don't worry about it"

After a few more button presses, the machine started to activate "Initiating demolecularization"

While the machine got started Marko was in the pit of sand panting heavily due to all the running and wounds.

While looking up he saw the machine light up and start slowly coming down, and there was nothing he could do about it.

The machine started brimming with energy which then started going in circles around Marko and picking up all the sand.

As more and more sand started to be picked up he held up his hands to his face to stop the sand from getting in his eyes.

But while he held out his hand he noticed something, his hand was slowly disintegrating. His fingertips were slowly turning into sand and coming off him into the wind just to be spinned around by the machine.

He looked at his hands with tears in his eyes, he wasn't afraid of death, what he was truly afraid of was not seeing his daughter anymore.

Slowly but surely his whole body turned into sand and was moved around by the machine until he was no more and the machine stopped.

In the pit there was just sand without any form of human life inside of it.

Meanwhile with Peter, after he finished his afternoon of superhero-ing, he went home and took another nap until late in the night giving him just enough rest where he could function properly.

After waking up, he pulled out his phone and started scrolling through it trying to find what to do, seeing that there wasn't anything he just sighed.

As he was about to throw his phone aside, he groaned out, "Arghhhh, I'm such a dumbass, I guess it's true what they say, intelligence doesn't always equal wisdom."

'I could have made so much money if I just made Facebook myself, how could I have been such an idiot. Luckily instagram isn't a thing and neither are phone games… I think I'm going to cry, billions of dollars lost because I'm such a fucking dumbass'

With a quivering voice Peter took a hold of his phone and said "Arnny, I need your help making a business and an app. For the name put it as Parkers industries."

Peter then sat up in bed and turned his phone into a hologram projector, he projected images and started designing how everything would look like how everything would interact.

Peter started explaining to Arnny what to code and what to do for the future such as in the case of advertisements.

When he was done Peter started thinking "Now how do I advertise it, if I do it the Spider-Man way it will be too easy for people to figure out I'm Spider-Man, so what to do… hmmm"

"Arnny I'll just leave it to you, you could use some of the money from the patent we got to advertise it. Now for what phone game to introduce… It has to be Candy Crush. I just don't see any other one that could make as much money so easily. Hispanic moms are about to go crazy on this"

Peter started giving Arnny more task and and things to code and design. He is going to let her do her own thing when she gets an idea on what he wants.

"How long is it going to take?" Peter asked

"It shall be done in a few hours at the latest and in a day at the most" Arnny replied.

Peter nodded but before he could think of anymore things to do Gwen called him,

"Yes?" Peter answered

"Are you ready?" Gwen asked, waiting for him on top of a rooftop dressed in her Ghost-spider outfit.

"Oh shoot" Peter replied, and quickly got up from bed, he put on his suit in a fast manner while scrambling everywhere.

When he was done he sent up his phone just perfectly and out came a hologram of him sleeping. Peter looked at it and nodded before turning invisible and jumping out the window to meet up with Gwen.