Chapter 36

[Third Person's PoV]

Peter continued sleeping through most of his classes getting the much needed sleep he needed.

lunchtime arrived, and Peter was sitting with all of his friends. Felicia was the first one to speak, "The app you made is really good, I personally like the idea of filters."

Felicia took out her phone and grabbed both Mj and Gwen and started taking pictures together.

'It looks like Felicia got curious about it, when she heard me talking with Harry and decided to try it out, I'm glad she liked it' Peter thought while eating his lunch.

They started testing out the different kinds of filters and laughing hysterically, while bringing Peter and Harry into the mix. They spent the rest of the lunch period just talking and laughing together.

They then had to go back to class together, and just like that the school day quickly ended.

When they were leaving Peter pulled MJ aside and told her to get on his bike. Although confused she obeyed and got on, once she was on Peter pedaled away.

"What's going on Peter? Home's the other direction" she asked.

Peter sighed as he continued pedaling, "I'm treating you to something to eat, as an apology"

"What? What are you apologizing for?" Now MJ was getting really confused.

"It's for scaring you… with what happened a few days ago with your dad, I haven't really had the chance to properly apologize. So I decided that to apologize I'll take you to your favorite place to eat."

MJ, hearing that they were going to her favorite place, gasped in excitement "Really!"

She then suppressed her excitement and said with a sigh "Peter you don't have too, that's not something you have to apologize for, you were only protecting me"

"Just cause I was doing it to protect you doesn't make it right for me to scare you"

MJ hearing this sighed one more time wrapping her arms around Peter much tighter than before and leaned her head on his back.

'This big dummy! He's making it hard not to fall in love with him more, he's way too good to me'

But as she hugged him tighter she started noticing his muscles under his sweater and shirt. 'Woah. I know he works out and all but woah'

To get her mind away from dirty thoughts she asked "What about Gwen, won't she get mad that I went out with you alone…"

"Ah, don't worry about that. I already asked her about it last night, she was okay with it, she said and I quote "That's very generous of you Peter, go ahead, I don't have any problems with it. Thank you for asking me about it first" end quote."

"You sure she wasn't lying about it so she wouldn't hurt your feelings or appear controlling… some girls would hide their feelings on the matter you know"

"Don't worry about it, I plan on making it up to her and take her on a date."

"I see…" was all MJ said.

After a few more minutes of riding around they soon arrived in front a Mexican restaurant called "Joey Q's"

Seeing where they stopped MJ got excited once again "So you do remember! I thought you were just saying that to make me say my favorite restaurant and take me there"

When they sat down MJ started kicking her feet like a little girl while looking at the Menu "Hmm so many good options, it's hard to choose"

"Wait" MJ said as she stopped kicking her feet "What's the budget"

Peter looked at her in confusion and smirked at her teasingly "Budget?!?!? Honey there's no such thing as a budget when I'm around. You can call me Peter 'Sugar Daddy' Parker for this outing"

MJ's face went as red as her hair, she reached over the table and started beating Peter up with the menu "You rogue! Don't say just weird things so casually, don't you have any shame"

Peter just laughed as he defended himself from the attacks. When she was done, MJ was huffing and puffing, which she then pouted and buried her head in the menu

She then peaked over the menu and cautiously asked "Are you sure there isn't a budget?"

Peter just softly nodded "Order whatever you want, remember this is my treat to you"

MJ shyly nodded her head and buried her head in the menu once again having trouble deciding.

After a few minutes the waiter was called overed and asked for our order.

When MJ and I placed our order, the waiter nodded and said "It shall be done shortly"

While waiting for the food Peter asked "So when do you plan on starting your journalist career?"

Hearing his question MJ smiled widely "I'm glad you asked, I already put in an application for an internship at the Daily Bugle. I'm just waiting for it to get accepted"

"What? Why didn't you say anything? That's big news!" Peter asked with a smile clearly happy for MJ.

MJ grew shy as she said "Um, well I wanted my name to appear on the paper so I could show it to the others, I want it to be a big surprise."

While they continued talking their food quickly arrived, when it was placed on the table the waiter just smiled and said "Please enjoy!" and went on his merry way.

As soon as they started eating and MJ took a bite of her burrito she sank on her seat "Shwooo Gwoood" she said with puffy cheeks.

The more she ate the puffier her checks became, it looked like she was storing them for the winter. She just ate while kicking her feet with her eyes closed while swaying side to side.

Peter just shook his head while looking at her antics, smiling at her direction softly.

Meanwhile, while they enjoyed their food they didn't notice someone watching them, That someone being Gwen, since the beginning she was following them paying close attention while staying invisible.

When they sat at the restaurant, Gwen was lucky enough that they chose a window seat. Gwen was watching their interaction from across the street while sitting on the rooftop by the edge.

She was able to get a good look at them thanks to Arnny, as she was able to zoom in onto them. And as she looked and saw the way they interacted with one another, the tighter her grip got on the edge of the rooftop.

When she saw MJ happily eating and the way Peter smiled at her, she heard something crack.

At first she thought it was something within her but as she looked down, she saw pieces of the edge of the rooftop in her hands. Seeing them she let out a sadden sigh as she threw the rubble back on the roof.

'Am I… Am I seriously going to lose him, am I going to lose Peter' Gwen thought to herself with her head down, as she let out a sigh.

She then shook her head and slapped both her cheeks 'Snap out of it Gwen! Peter wouldn't do that! He wouldn't leave you… Right?'