Chapter 43

[Third Person's PoV]

Harry continued spaying and wrapping around the first aid webs around Peter and while doing so Harry asked "So who's Arnny"

"My A.I I created, her full name is A.R.A.C.H.N.I.D"

"The hell? You have a fully functional A.I? Where have you been keeping her all this time and for how long have you had her?"

"3 years now, I finished making her when I was 12 and I started making her since I was 7" Peter said while still lifting his arms.

When he finished he lowered his head slightly and nervously asked "So who else knows?"

"Hmm?" Peter hummed questioningly, while he went and grabbed his backpack from the floor and took out a spare shirt he always carries.

"Who else knows that you and Gwen are Spider-Man… spider people" Harry asked with an awkward expression on his face.

"Believe or not, you're actually the very first person to ever know about it" Peter said, he then looked at Harry and saw him smiling to himself.

Peter then gave Harry a teasing expression "Oh? Are you glad you're my first"

Harry's gained a tiny blush on his cheeks as he says "S-Shut up, We're best friends, You know literally everything about me, although I'm kinda sad you haven't told me what has been going on with you guys, I can understand why. So to be the first person you actually share this with is kinda nice"

Peter turns to Harry and puts a hand on his shoulder and gains a really serious expression which makes Harry slightly nervous.

"Yeah?" He asked with a bit of apprehension.

"I'm already in a serious relationship with Gwen and I'm not into guys, and you just got into a serious relationship with Liz, you shouldn't cheat on her, so I'm sorry I can't accept your feelings"

"Wh-" Harry stood stunned for a moment before slapping Peter's hand off his shoulder "Fuck you! That's not how I meant it and you know it!" Harry said blushing.

"Bastard" he says as he watches Peter start doubling over in laughter.

Harry just scoffed at Peter, Peter then started shaking his head while still laughing, he then started picking up the blood soaked webs and the blood tainted shirt he wore before.

He then put everything together and webbed it up with his other web shooter and put everything in his bag, he then took off his glasses and put on his spare shirt.

While Peter was bent over washing his face in the sink, Harry hesitantly called out. "Um, Peter"

"What's up"

"Sorry about what happened"

"Oh don't worry about it, it's wasn't your fault, no matter how much I wanted to punch you in your face when you did it, I know you didn't have malicious intent behind it"

Harry let out a sigh of relief, and was glad Peter wasn't actually mad at him. Peter then went and grabbed a few napkins from the dispenser next to the sink and started drying his face.

Peter then held out his hand towards Harry, Harry just looked at him in confusion, "webshooters" Was all Peter said.

"Ah" He said, realizing he still had them on, he then took it off and tossed it to Peter who just casually grabbed it with one hand and put it on his wrist.

He then went and grabbed his backpack and glasses and made sure there was no evidence left behind.

As they walked out of the Bathroom Harry couldn't help but ask in a really low voice "Wait aren't you like an enhanced human or spider or something. Do you really need glasses now"

As they made their way to lunch, Peter just casually just replied with a "nope"

"Then why where then? Is it to hide your identity?"

"Nope" Peter said he then gave Harry a smirk and put a under his chin "I still wear then cause I look fantastic in glasses"

Harry just gave Peter a deadpan look before rolling his eyes, but then once again curiosity got the better of him "So how did it happen, how did you become you know"

"Remember the trip the trip to Oscorp"

"You mean the one where you and Gwen left ea- no way, is that why you two left early"


"Holy shit, it's all starting to make sense, before it was only rarely that you would come to school tired and falling asleep every step of the way, but ever since HE started appearing it has become more frequent.

Honestly I thought the two of you finally did "it", and that's why you two have been so tired"

Peter just looked at Harry weirdly, while Harry just shrugged his shoulders.

When the two of them arrived at the cafeteria, they went and got their lunch and sat down with the rest of the girls.

Felicia looked at both Peter and Harry weirdly. Peter noticing her look lifted a brow and asked "What"

"Oh nothing it's just suspicious" She said with a teasing smirk.

"What is?" Harry asked while eating

"I Just you know… the two of you suddenly disappearing, for who knows how long then Peter returns with a different shirt, it just makes one wonder what the two of you were doing?"

Harry nearly choked on his food when he heard that and started coughing, 'Seriously, it hasn't even been an hour and my sexuallity has been questioned twice'

"Harry?" Liz, who has started joining them at their lunch table since she started dating Harry, asked worriedly and with a little accusatory tone in her voice.

Harry looked at Liz in shock not believing that even his girlfriend was questioning it. "Are you serious?"

Liz scoffs and pats his arms, "No silly"

"But I am curious why you're wearing another shirt?" MJ asked while looking at Peter weirdly.

"All I'm going to say is that it's difficult to pee with a boner." Peter couldn't come up with a better lie, so to protect his secret he chose to incriminate himself.

"PETER!!!" They all said at the same time. Even Harry smacked him lightly on the arm "Dude" he says

Peter just shrugged his shoulders "What? It happens to best of us"

"Peter" Gwen calmly called out.


"Please shut up"

"Yes ma'am"

After they finished eating, they were just casually talking, but while they were talking, Peter and Gwen were communicating with morse code by slightly knocking on the table while pretending to just be boredly drumming on it.

"What really happened?" Gwen tapped.

"Harry slapped my back." Peter responded.

"Are you okay?" Gwen tapped while giving Peter a concealed worrying look.

"Yeah, don't worry, although he found out about us and who we are"


"Shit indeed"

"What are we going to do then"

"I was planning on taking him to the hideout"

"Really? Isn't it like our Sanctuary for the two of us"

"It is?" Peter gave Gwen a nervous look.

Gwen rolled her eyes, "I mean we've known Harry since we were little, so I don't mind if he comes by. But don't make it where he comes everyday and interrupts our time along"

Peter nodded his head.

Gwen then reminded Peter "Don't forget we have detention"

"Shit, I forgot about that"

The bell then soon rang and they started walking out of the cafeteria, while Peter and Gwen were walking in front of everyone they failed to notice someone behind them looking at them weirdly.

Felicia who was a bit behind with MJ looked at Peter's back then looked between Harry, Peter, and Gwen.

'Just what were they hiding that they needed to talk in morse code?. What happened to Peter's back that Gwen had to make sure if he was alright?, and they have a secret hideout, seriously?'

"Just who are they?" Felicia muttered to herself.

"What?" MJ who was next to her asked.

"Nothing, just talking to myself." Felicia said while shaking her head.