Chapter 46

A/N: Okay I need yall to use your big brains for this (that is if you have any…which i doubt):

These two wonderful Kings: uploaded pics for the hideout, @JussMonty and @KingSpy25i

And they were really good so I need you guys to use your big brains and imagine the pictures imma use together as one big picture, if that makes sense, with one of my own.

(Pics here)


[Third Person's PoV]

Gwen was swing towards the speeding car that at a fast pace, while swinging she asked "Okay Arnny what's dangerous about this police chase"

"Base on the police report I've been able to gather, the reason the car is speeding is due to a bomb tied to its speed, if it stops the bomb would go off"

"I see, so it has no choice but to go fast… I'm on it" Gwen said as she picked up the speed, she started skating alongside the buildings to increase her speed.

After a few minutes Gwen was able to catch up to the car, she got on top of the roof of a police car that was chasing it and knocked on the window of the driver.

"Are you crazy! Get off from there! Can't you see We're busy"

Gwen rolled her eyes "Yeah I see that, I'm just here to warn you, I'm going to go up there and freeze the bomb"

Gwen didn't stick around; she shot her webs towards the car in front of her and pulled herself on top of the roof. She knocked on the window causing the female driver to lower the window.

"Please help me!" She cried with tears flowing down her face.

"I'm just here to reassure you that everything would he alright"

Gwen then crawled to the side of the car and looked under it. Under the car the bomb was with a speedometer going at 120 mph with flashing red lights.

Gwen shot a web towards it and brought it to her hands, once it was in her hands, she used her ice abilities to completely freeze the bomb, stopping it from exploding temporarily.

When she was done she informed the woman driving "You can stop now"

The woman let out an audible sigh of relief, which was followed by crying tears of joy "Thank you, thank you a million times." She said as she started slowing down and stopping at the side of the road.

Which the police followed promptly after, Gwen got off of the car and took the bomb towards the police.

As she approached the police all took out their guns and aimed it at Gwen, "You are under arrest, Drop the bomb now!"

"WHAT!" Gwen shouted, "I was JUST going to give it to you!"

One of the police officers while pointing his gun at Gwen reached for his radio and said "We are requesting backup, we have the Vigilante in sight, she is currently in possession of a weapon threatening us as we speak"

"WHAT NO I'M NOT, I JUST SAVED THAT WOMAN'S LIFE" Gwen yelled as she took a step forward but as she did a police officer fired a warning shot by her feet.

"Take another step and we would have to engage, Surrender Peacefully, or be prepared for the consequences."

Gwen killed her tongue, "you know what fuck this" she laid the bomb on the ground and as she did the police officers started firing at her which she easily dodge, she took a running start before swinging away.

While swinging the police started firing at her which she once again dodge using her Spidey-Senses. While swinging Gwen said "Arnny called Spider-Man"

After a few seconds seconds in the corner of her eye Peter's image appeared alongside him Harry stood with a smirk on his face.

"Yoooo Ghost-spider, what's swinging?" Peter said with a satisfied expression, finally able to use that quid.

Harry chuckled at that and patted Peter's shoulder "Nice one"

"I know right" Peter smirked as he briefly looked at Harry.

"Anyways, what's wrong?" Peter asked

Gwen sighed as she just said "It's better if I showed you, Arnny send him a clip of what just happened"

While Gwen made her way towards the other car chase that was her opposite direction, Peter and Harry watched the video Arnny sent over.

"The Hell?" the both said at the same time

"What do you think is going on?" Harry asked.

"Someone is probably trying to tarnish our reputation and name" Peter guessed while reviewing the clips.

"Huh? Why would they do that?" Gwen asked as she swung, Harry had to look away to not get dizzy from watching Gwen's camera angles.

"I can think of many reasons actually… Now for the most likely reason I don't know, we have to find that out. But it looks like they were willing to plant false evidence and get us incriminated." Peter said, rewinding the clip and watching it again.

"Is there a way to fix it? If they keep damaging your reputations, then it'll be really difficult to do your superhero thing"

"Ah, that's actually quite easy. You see, ever since we have built the masks Arnny has always been recording everything. Which is something no one knows.

I'll just make a Spider-Man YouTube channel where everyone can watch our daily activities and reasonably less gory fights.

They will be able to know and tell, that we actually haven't done anything wrong, and that we're being falsely accused"

"I see…" Harry said with a hand on his chin, thinking of all the benefits this could bring.

"When are you going to implement it" Gwen asked.

As she approached a high speed chase, as she got close she noticed that there weren't any guns involved and it was just a casual chase.

"What's going on Arnny"

"It appears to be a chase of an adrenaline junkie"

"Really? That's it?" Harry asked, hoping to see more action.

Peter just scoffed and chuckled at that "What do you think this was? An action movie or something. This is what most days are like, people doing stupid things and we coming along to save them"

Gwen chuckled at that as she went and started webbing the wheels of the car slowing it down until it came to a complete stop. She didn't stay and talk to the cops in case a similar incident like what happened previously happened.

"Reminds me of the time we had to save an employee from a store since he slept on the job and got stuck inside." Gwen said, looking for anything she could do to help.

"Or the time someone got stuck in a giant bowl that was used for advertisements and couldn't get out" Peter added.

Harry looked confused "So you're not fighting like super villains all the time?"

Peter looked at Harry like he was crazy "And where would they come out from? The only super villain we have at the moment is sandman. You would have most probably have heard of us fighting super villains if they appeared like every day"

Harry then grew embarrassed for asking that.

Peter turned towards Harry and gave him a teasing smirk "What is superhero-ing not what it's cracked up to be"

"I honestly thought they would have been more action if I'm being honest"

Peter shrugged his shoulders "Well it is a slow day today… actually want to see the fight with sandman"

"Hell yeah I do" Harry said enthusiastically.

Gwen groaned "Ugh boys. Arnny hang up the call"

"Show me all the cool action shots you got." Harry said excitedly.

"After the sandman fight, let me show you when Gwen and I jumped from the World Trade Center"

Which left Harry in shock and becoming even more excited to watch everything.