Chapter 50

[Third Person's PoV]

The winner of their little competition was Gwen, when she started swinging and doing figure skating maneuvers leaving behind tiny little snowflakes.

Peter clapped his hands as he said "Bravo. I don't think I can beat that" but before they could continue, Arnny Interrupted them.

"In a few hours there will be a transaction at the downtown docks." Arnny informed.

"And the situation with the cops? Are they going to be there?"


"It looks like we will have a few hours to spare, what do you want to do?" Gwen asked.

"Wanna just do our regular routine and wait it out?" Peter asked, standing over a ledge of a rooftop

"Yeah, sure why not… Arnny, is there anything we can currently do?" Gwen asked, standing right next to him.

Arnny then showed them a video. It was a guy wearing a hood with his face covered, wrapping a rope to an ATM and getting inside a car and driving off, pulling the ATM from where it was sitting and driving off with it.

"Well Gwen, I know what we're going to do today"

"Was that a phineas and ferb reference?" Gwen asked while tilting her head.

"Yes, yes it was." Peter added proudly.

Gwen just snorted as she jumped off the room with Peter following quickly behind her as they followed Arnny's directions.

When they caught up, Peter noticed that the windows of the car were down and thought of an idea.

He turned towards Gwen and while smirking said "Watch this". Peter turned invisible and got on top of the car with a thump.

The driver hearing the thump looked at his mirrors and saw Ghost-spider following a few feet behind him.

"Shit, can't let them catch me" he said to himself as stepped on the gas. He then looked at the mirrors again and let out a sigh of relief.

"It looks like I got away." he said as the tension left his body.

"But don't relax yet, they could still be close and chasing us"

The man nodded his head but then put on a confused expression "They? But there was only one of them" he turned his head to say to the person next to him and when he did he saw no one there.

"Wait… who was I talking to?" He asked fearfully.

"It's me, your conscious. We haven't talked in a while… I gotta say I'm disappointed, you haven't made any good life decisions"

"... What?" The man asked, confused and scared.

"Just kidding… BOO!" Peter said as he undid his invisibility.

"AAAAHHHHHH" The guy screamed in fright, due to how scared he was he started steering the wheels frantically.

As the car started swerving all over the pace Peter shot a web towards the break pressing it down making the car slow down

Peter moved his let off the gas and started webbing him up in his seat "Stay right where you are and don't go anywhere, I have to make a quick withdrawal" he said as the car came to a complete stop.

He got out and started swinging away, Gwen then undid her invisibility and appeared next to him giggling "Ha, "your conscious" good one, I'm so taking that"...

They spent the last few hours going around and stopping all sorts of crime, until it was finally time for the drug heist.

As they were swinging towards their destination, Peter asked "So how do you want to do this, just go in and take them down or a stealth attack?"

"Stealth mode is always the best and it hasn't let me down yet, so let's go with that" Gwen said without hesitation.

"Says the Ghost-spider." Peter remarked.

"Oh shut it, and let's just go" Gwen said as they approached the docks.

Peter and Gwen then land on the nearest lamppost and turn invisible, a few feet ahead of them near the docks stood a warehouse with two men stationed outside with their hands in front of them standing guard.

"Hey wanna try out our gadgets? We really haven't had a chance to use them before" Peter asked.

Although one couldn't see it, Gwen nodded her head "Sure can I start"

"Go right ahead"

"So which one should I use first?" Gwen pondered out loud.

"How about the trip-wire?"

"Ohh good idea"

Both Peter and Gwen, have had a utility belt with the symbol of a spider right in the middle. Gwen's belt was white, with a pink spider symbol, while Peter's was blue with a red spider symbol.

Gwen reached to the side of her belt and pulled out a tripwire that looked like just the one from Peter's past life Spider-Man game.

She took aim and started calculating the throw and trajectory, after which she threw it like she was throwing a curveball making it spin.

As it was spinning, it landed right on the side of the thigh of the guy to the right. As the guy felt something touch his leg he looked down towards it.

"Huh? What the hell is this?"

The guy next to him turned to look at it but as he was turning the trip wire went off pulling the two together crashing into each other.

When they crashed into each other they bonked their heads together causing them to be unconscious. They laid webbeds up on the floor, not moving.

Both Peter and Gwen then went taking a peek inside and saw a couple of men and women inside standing by a large delivery truck with its back towards them.

There were two men standing in front of each other looking like the leader of each side.

The guy on the left then starts talking "So where's all the goods"

"I ain't showing you shit until you show us the money" The guy on the right responded.

The guy on the left turned his head to one of his boys and nodded his head towards one of his boys who went and opened the back of the truck…

Inside were stacks and stacks of cocaine and the sorts, the guy on the left then turned towards the guy on the right turned towards a female of Asian descent and nodded his head towards her.

She came in front with a briefcase but before that they heard of something rolling on the ground towards them.

When they turned and looked they saw a red and blue ball by their feet flashing red.

Their eyes widened in horror "A grenade!!! Get down!"

But before they could, the grenades exploded…

But instead of an actual explosion they were waiting for they were blasted with webs, hitting some of them and sending them flying. When they landed back on the ground they weren't able to get up as the webs kept them in place.

"SHIT, WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS, GET THIS SHIT OFF OF ME" Screamed out the guy that was on the right, who was now on the floor.

Some were able to dodge it so they weren't covered in webs and were able to get it off them.

All the people that were not on the floor and webbed up, pulled out their guns and started looking and scooping the entire area but saw no one.

"The hell? What is going on" They kept saying.

One of the guys that was on the floor fearfully said "I-I-It has to be spider couples, they're the only ones that use webs to do this kind of shit"

"Tsk, people know they can turn invisible, I bet they're here in the room as we speak…shit"

They all then started pointing their guns everywhere and as time went on they started growing impatient, so they started shooting every by the ceiling since to them that's their most likely hiding spot




What they all failed to realize however was that some of them were missing…

Little by little their group started dwindling….

"JUST GET ME OUT OF HERE ALREADY, THEY'RE MOST LIKELY GONE BY NOW" The same guy who shouted earlier said while breathing heavily from shouting and frustration.

"The guns must have scared them off by now" he said in a much calmer tone…

As they went to untie their boss more and more men kept disappearing without any notice until the guy there was the only one helping their boss up.

For some reason, the guys on the left didn't do much; they barely even moved and just waited…

Police sirens were then heard starting to surround the place.

Fuck, the guy cursed before he was suddenly struck across the face alongside his partner. The last thing he heard before being knocked out was the words of a girl

"And they say drugs are the ones hitting you unexpectedly"

Gwen and Peter both undid their invisibility and high-fived each other.

The woman who had the briefcase previously then interrupted their celebration, "We know your happy but can you get us out, we are undercover cops, and you just got in the way of a serious operation."

"Huh?" Peter said and looked towards her, "And who are you?" Peter asked

"My name is Yuri, Yuri watanabe"