Chapter 53

[Third Person's PoV]

A bit earlier…

As Harry pulled Felicia and MJ, everyone kept bumping into them due to their panic, discarding everyone's safety.

Due to the constant bumping Harry accidentally let go of MJ. MJ used this opportunity and snuck through the wave of People back towards the Lunchroom.

MJ saw a bunch of tables being thrown around and some were destroyed leaving big chunks of it everywhere which she used as the perfect covers, she hid by the tables so it was able to perfectly cover her body.

'Please be safe' She thought to herself while maneuvering through the broken tables as covers, she would peek through the side and watch as Peter jumped from table to table trying to stall the Lizard.

'He's so brave and fearless… He's just amazing' MJ thought to herself while looking at Peter's serious expression.

She has no idea why she snuck back into the Lunchroom but she knew she had to, she was way too worried about Peter. She wouldn't be able to forgive herself if something happened to him while trying to distract that monster while she just ran away.

But seeing the way Peter handled himself she realized that she had nothing to worry about.

'Wait… where's Gwen?' MJ thought while looking around the Lunchroom. 'I sure hope she left with everyone and isn't doing anything dangerous like I am'

Seeing nothing to worry about and the way Peter handled himself, MJ decided that it was best if she left. But due to how far she was from where she originally came from she went towards the other exit.

While making her way there she saw something that left her stunned. She saw Peter running towards a wall and run up it slightly and backflip off of it causing the monster to smash his head right through it breaking the wall and going to the other side. As it did, Gwen then randomly appeared making MJ's eyes widened in shock.

'Where did she come from?' She thought before she quickly made her way towards the exit following Peter and Gwen as they made their way towards the same exit.

MJ then noticed the Lizard come from the destroyed wall and run towards them with his claws arched back ready to take a large swipe at them.

She turned towards Peter and Gwen but just saw them smirking at each other 'These idiots they're not looking behind them'

MJ quickly got out from the side of the table and yelled out "LOOK OUT!" as her body moved on its own, she stood behind them with her arms wide open to protect them with her body from the giant Lizard's sharp claws.

And Now…

When Peter heard MJ's voice all color drained from his face as he surrounded himself with blue lightning making the world stand to a small crawl.

The Lizard's claws were slowly making its way toward MJ's body, Peter reached out and grabbed MJ's arm and pulled her towards his direction trying to save her life.

If he pulled her too fast she may suffer some whiplash breaking her neck killing and if he uses too much strength he may end up completely severing a limb.

As Peter pulled on MJ, he managed to get her out of the way from being sliced in half but not without any injuries.

Instead of swiping it's claws through her torso, it swipe at her back causing blood to spay out slightly

And in slow motion Peter saw MJ's face contort with agonizing pain, causing his pupils to dilate.

As MJ's face expressed her pain, Peter threw MJ towards Gwen making her take a hold of MJ. And as MJ was in Gwen's arm she whispered "Please take care of him" to Gwen's ear and proceeded to pass out due to the high amount of pain she was experiencing.

Gwen looked at MJ in shock and got frightened when she went limp in her arms. After a few seconds she let out a sigh of relief when she felt her breathing very slowly, and proceeded to start using her First Aid Webs.

Meanwhile Peter ran towards the Lizard and jumped in the air while spinning around to build momentum. Peter proceeded to use that momentum and kick the Lizard in the face with an angered expression, breaking off its Jaw and caving his face in slightly sending him flying, breaking through the walls and skidding across the ground kicking up dirt.

When Peter landed back on the floor he turned towards MJ and Gwen, turning off his electricity and ran towards the two of them, as Gwen was using her web shooters to cover her wounds.

Peter then went and grabbed MJ and carried her in a princess carry, and took off running through the exit with Gwen following close behind him. As Peter turned the corner he saw an empty classroom which he entered alongside Gwen.

Peter softly laid MJ on a table, when he did He and Gwen proceeded to take off their clothes and grab their backpacks and put on their Spider Masks, while hiding their clothes inside there.

Peter and Gwen then tossed their back underneath a table to keep it hidden and as they did the Lizard suddenly appeared. He went and sprang from outside and through the window destroying it, sending glass flying everywhere.

Peter went and shielded MJ while Gwen went and shot webs towards the walls in front of her and pulled herself towards the Lizard with a foot out.

Gwen used the force of her pull and kicked the Lizard right on his face sending it flying back from where it came from.

"I'll show you who out of the two of us is more Cold blooded" Gwen said as she made Ice appear around her knuckles like a knuckle duster.

Gwen jumped from the windows and shot a web towards the ground where the Lizard landed and pulled herself once again towards him and punched it in the face sending it sliding back destroying a couple of fangs, which just as quickly grew back in place.

The Lizard then got on all fours and propelled itself towards Gwen and made a slashing motion in her direction which Gwen dodge.

It made another and another and another and another and another but Gwen using her Spidey-Senses kept bopping and weaving, she then sent out an Icey liver shot causing it to Roar in pain.

Before going to what it was doing, trying to slash Gwen apart, after each slash Gwen would weave out of the way and send a punch right to the torso of the Lizard trying to tire it out.

What Gwen didn't realize however was that the Lizard was intentionally getting hit and slithering his tail sneakily towards Gwen.

Due to it not being an attack just yet the Lizard was able to surprise Gwen by wrapping his tail around her leg. And just as it was about to swing its tail to send Gwen flying, Peter appeared.

After making Sure MJ wasn't hurt any further Peter went out and saw the Lizard wrap its tail around Gwen's ankle, but before the Lizard could do anything else Peter shot his webs towards Gwen's shoulder and pulled her out, when she got out she did a flip in the air and landed back safely on the ground.

Peter then shot a web towards the Lizard's face and pulled towards him "Hey Lizard Face, I hope it's shedding season soon" Peter said as he pulled, "Since you'll be needing a new set of skin after I'm done with you"

Peter gathered a bit of electricity in his fist and punched the Lizard right on the center of his torso, when he arrived in front of Peter. It ended up leaving a scorch mark alongside a fist imprint right where it was hit.