Chapter 55

[Third Person's PoV]

After a few minutes both Peter and Gwen parkour themselves down the building and run at a moderate speed towards the hospital.

When they arrived they went to the front desk, "Hello we're looking for a female Patient that has arrived a few minutes earlier. She's a redhead…" Peter then proceeded to describe Mary Jane's features to the receptionist.

The receptionist nodded "She has just arrived and is currently being treated, her injuries aren't fatal but they could have been if Spider-Man didn't bring her here on time.

She is being treated as we speak she is going to be needing some stitches and a couple of blood transfusions due to the amount of blood she lost but other than that she will be okay.

In fact if you wait for a couple of minutes she should have the go ahead to be receiving visitors."

Peter and Gwen nodded graciously towards the receptionist and went and took a seat next to each other.

When they sat down Peter leaned his head back onto the wall and closed his eyes while Gwen snaked her arms around his took a hold of his hand and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"Do you think it was a good idea to let it go" Gwen said, keeping it ambiguous so people don't know what they're talking about.

"No… that was a horrible judgment on my part" Peter said pausing before continuing what he was saying, "I… Whenever someone close to me gets hurt, I just seem to freak out, I'm sorry" Peter clenched Gwen's hand feeling grateful to have her by his side.

"To me during that situation my mind narrows down on two things, the problem or the solution, whichever seems most efficient while completely discards the other.

Like what happened with her father, he was a problem so I dealt with him at time and discarded what I could have done differently, like ignoring him and making sure MJ was alright. I discarded that since I knew she wasn't seriously hurt, which wasn't the right thing to do.

While in this case…" Peter then leaned towards Gwen's head and whispered what he was going to say "While in this case, the problem was MJ's injury. My mind completely focused on that and discarded everything else involving the Lizard Axolotl hybrid.

There's also the fact that this entire situation couldn't have happened if we took a different approach"

"Are you seriously blaming yourself for what happened?" Gwen said whispering right back, sounding shock and annoyed, "This isn't your fault, it's that Lizard things fault, he was the one who hurt her while she was trying to protect us"

"That's the thing, she wouldn't have tried to protect us if she knew what we were. If we were more honest with her she wouldn't have thought We needed help" Peter whispered with a solemn expression.

Gwen moved her head and kissed Peter on the cheek and went back to resting her head on his shoulder, "We have a good for keeping everything a secret, if we told everyone we knew what we were it could put them in danger"

"And if we don't it could do the same" Peter retorted back.

Gwen said as she said "Yes but by a lesser amount. So please stop worrying about this, plus you said we were going to tell my dad, uncle Ben, aunt May, and MJ, eventually.

I think it's time we told them, we have been planning on it but have never found the perfect opportunity and have been delaying it due to our worry"

Peter sighed and nodded his head, he kissed Gwen on the top of her head when his phone unexpectedly buzzed.

When he took it out he saw that it was Harry calling him, he showed it to Gwen and said "I'll be right back"

Gwen nodded as Peter stood up and turned towards an empty hallway, he stood by a wall as he answered the phone.

"Hello?" Peter said

"Where are you? Is everything okay" Harry asked sounding worry

"*sigh*, I'm at the hospital…" Before Peter had a chance to explain, Harry started bombarding him with questions.

"What happened!? Are you okay? Is Gwen okay? Who's injured? How bad is the injury? Do you want me to be there? What about the Lizard thing?"

"Hmm I don't know, maybe someone forgot to take a hold of someone and take care of them like I told them to." Peter said with a bit of an edge on his voice.

"Oh God MJ… I- I'm sorry, I know this is no excuse but due to the chaos People kept bumping into us making us separate, I tried looking for her but I couldn't find her" Harry explained sound guilty.

Peter just sighs "No you don't need to explain, I shouldn't be taking it out on you. I'm just stressed with the whole situation, I'm sorry"

"No, it was my job to take care of them but I couldn't even do that huh? So how did she get injured? Is she okay?"

"*Sigh*, she tried to protect us from the Lizard thingy not knowing we were just fine and almost died but I managed to pull her away slightly. Her back ended up being slashed through, they said she needs a couple of stitches and blood transfusions and everything would be okay"

Harry let out a sigh of relief hearing that, the last thing he wanted to hear was that one of his close friends had lost their life.

"Do you need me to go over there?" Harry asked to which Peter just replied with a no.

"There's really no need just relax and we'll talk later about what you wanted to talk about earlier"

To which Harry hummed in affirmation but before he could say anything else Peter say a doctor heading towards Gwen's direction

"I have to go, a doctor is coming" Peter said as he hung up and went towards Gwen.

"She is allowed to have visitors but be aware due to the medication she will be quite drowsy"

Gwen and Peter nodded their heads and thanked the doctor for their services which he seems appreciative about and told them her room number.

They both almost ran towards her room and as they entered, MJ was seen in a hospital gown with droopy eyes looking like she could fall asleep any minute.

"Heyyy sleepy head" Peter said softly

When MJ looked over she let out a sigh of relief "I'm glad to see the two of you are safe and sound."

"That should be our line" Gwen said "We're very glad to see you alive and well"

"I could be better" MJ replied with a tired smirked

Gwen then turned towards Peter and said "Actually can you give us a few minutes alone, I need to talk to her about something important"

"What? But I just got here" Peter said, looking at Gwen weirdly. Peter then look at MJ who just said

"It's okay I don't mind"

Peter then looked at Peter and softly asked "Please" sounding a bit vulnerable.

Peter sighed "Very well, just call me back in when you're done. I'll respect your privacy" and left the room.

After Peter left Gwen turned towards MJ and asked "Why? Why would you do something so stupid"

MJ awkwardly smiled "I can guess you already know why"

Gwen nodded her head "That's true but I want to hear it from you"

It was MJ's turn to sigh as she said, "Very well, since you want to hear it. There is just one simple reason…" MJ paused slightly before continuing.

"I'm completely in love with Peter Parker"