Chapter 72

[Third Person's PoV]

Peter B looked around and got up from his seat, "Miles, where did you go?"

"I'm right here" He whispered loudly

"Where? I can't see you"

"I'm right in front of you." Miles then looked at his hands in surprise, "Woah I turned invisible just like Peter and Gwen, this is awesome. I didn't know every Spider-Man had these powers"

"That's because they don't" Peter B said with a sigh, "Now that's seriously unfair. Either this is rare and you guys were lucky. Or every Spider-Man could do this and I just so happen to miss out on the spider power lottery."

"It's rare…" They heard the whispers of Peter and Gwen.

"This world Spider-Man didn't have it either" Miles said.

"I mean seriously this is so cool, it's like a flight or fight mechanism" Peter B said while poking where the voice was coming from.

"Ah! My eye!, you just poked me in the eye!" Miles said as his part of his eyes blurred like part of the camouflage was coming undone.

"So it comes undone when touched, that's good to know." Peter B muttered towards Miles.

They then saw Dr. Olivia's silhouette making her way back towards her office as their earlier ruckus had attracted her attention.

Miles simply turned invisible causing Peter B to sigh, "Is there any ways you guys can help us out?" He quickly asked Peter and Gwen.

"Nope" they both said simultaneously popping the P, which caused Peter B to sigh once more and turn towards where Miles turned invisible.

"Remember this password, D G F A M P E S A N D"

"Slow down" Miles pleaded but Peter didn't listen and instead said it faster as Dr Olivia came closer to her office,

"4 $ 3 5 8 7 6 5 3 4 5 4 5 3 5."

"Wait I need to write it down"

Peter B handed him a new chip while saying, "I need you to download the schematic, while I turn on my charm" He said, running his hand over the top of his mask as if he was running his fingers through his hair.

"How do I do that?" Miles asked, pleading to give him a hint.

Dr. Olivia entered her office and was surprised by her unexpected visitor, "Spider-Man!?" She asked in disbelief.

Peter B was seen leaning against her desk, "oh hey there, I didn't see you there."

"Wow!" She said in amazement, "Okay, I'm kinda freaking out right now. I mean you're supposed to be dead."

"Surprise!" Peter B said awkwardly before Dr Olivia started reaching for his mask and started taking it off, "Okay- okay we don't like that"

"This is fascinating" she said with a fanatical look in her eyes.

She started commenting on his appearance and how similar he looked to this world Spider-Man, except for his gut which she assumed was a side effect of dimensional warping, which Peter B agreed with.

While that was happening Miles tried to type in the password, and when he couldn't remember the rest he picked up the monitor and showed it towards Peter B asking what's the rest.

Peter B tried telling him with his fingers, "Hey old are you? Cause you don't look a day over 35!" Peter B shouted, giving Miles a hint.

"Are you seriously not going to help us?" Miles whispered towards Peter and Gwen, while typing 35.

"No, this is training" Peter muttered right next to Miles.

"I'm going to have to agree with Peter, you're going to have to learn how to handle situations under stressful moments." Gwen also muttered on the opposite side of Miles.

"And they said I was crazy!" Dr Olivia repeated while still examining Peter B.

As Miles hit enter, the computer monitor showed a disorganized desktop filled with files scattered around on top of each other.

"This might pinch a little" Dr Olivia said before pushing Peter B who stumbled back and landed on a chair. As soon as he sat, the chair cuffed his hands and buckled him up, holding him in place.

She took a cotton swab open his mouth and took a saliva sample, before taking it towards a microscope.

"Organize your desktop lady," Miles mumbled.

"Wow" Dr Olivia muttered observing Peter B's DNA, "Complete cellular Decay"

While Dr Olivia was busy studying his DNA Peter B turned towards Miles' direction and saw a computer and a monitor floating leisurely towards the door.

"What are you doing?" he whispered.

"I'm taking the whole thing" Miles muttered, motioning towards the things he was holding.

Dr Olivia turned towards Peter B, "Obviously you've been glitching"

"Me? Glitching? No way?" Peter B scoffed before he started glitching… but he wasn't the only one.

Dr. Olivia heard two thuds on the floor and quickly turned towards the noise and saw two more Spider-Man pop into existence glitching as well.

"Fuck, we forgot to take glitching into account" Peter groan.

"I hate this" Gwen groaned alongside him.

Dr. Olivia's eyes widened in astonishment, "There's more of you" She whispered in excitement.

Her octangular glasses gave off a glint and her smile slowly turned sinister, "More experimental subjects to watch as they slowly decay!" her voice getting louder alongside her excitement.

Peter B, Miles, and Gwen slowly turned their heads towards heads in surprise as they couldn't believe what they just heard, while Peter sighed.

"Excuse me but what did you say your name was again?" Peter B asked nervously

"Dr. Olivia Octavius" She said as she stood up and dropped her lab coat to the ground, showing her wearing a green tight suit. She tied her hair in a messy bun and took off her glasses as 4 tentacle-like arms sprouted from her back. The tentacles reached her face and green Goggles formed.

Her four tentacle arms stretched and reached for everyone in the room. Peter and Gwen jumped up and back from the ground as the tentacles slammed where they once stood creating cracks on the ground. While Miles simply jumped back and avoided them causing the tentacle to grab onto nothing but air.

The only one that was able to get away was Peter B as he was unable to move, the tentacle grabbed his neck and practically choke slammed him onto the ground, still tied to the chair.

"Can I assume your friends call you Doc Ock?" Peter B struggled to say as he was being choked.

She just adjusted her gloves as she said, "My friends actually call me Liv. My enemies actually call me Doc Ock"

"Is this a good time to ask for help from you guys now?" Peter B asked Peter and Gwen.

"Yes… yes it is" they both said before they started running towards them.

Doc ock tried to stop them by widely swinging her tentacles making them unpredictable but Peter and Gwen let their spidey senses guide them as they jumped and slid underneath them.

Peter shot a web towards the middle of Peter B's strappings causing them to turn green and release him.

Peter B grabbed the tentacle off his neck, just in time as Gwen kicked her in the torso while Peter kicked her on her chin which sent her flying back crashing and breaking the screen window from her office. Which caused the alarm to sound.

While Miles looked unsure of what to do.

They shot a web which hit an electric lock, which opened the door, "Run Miles!" They all shouted as they all started running towards the exit.