Chapter 103

[Third Person's PoV]

Peter and Gwen then started leading the others out from their underground prison. But as they were climbing out, Peter stopped them.

"Wait, I can detect more bio-electricity outside, and I didn't hear any police sirens, did you?" Peter asked Gwen.

The eyes of her mask narrowed, showing her emotions as she shook her head. "I didn't."

Peter and Gwen turned invisible, surprising the others. They then heard Peter's soft words, "Don't make a sound, and wait till we come get you."

They all nodded their heads in understanding.

Peter and Gwen stepped out and saw men with guns heading towards their direction. 'They must have been hiding or laying low in a direct place from the house,' Peter inferred.

The men, making their way towards the basement, heard the sound of rushing footsteps but didn't see anyone in front of them. Before they could make the connection to Spider-Man and Ghost-Spider, two of them were immediately knocked out cold.

"Normally I have a whole joke set up to tell you guys, but you kinda angered me, so just have the punch line instead," Peter said as he knocked another one out.

They started shooting at the place; one of their guys got knocked out immediately from where they heard Peter's voice. But he was already onto his next target due to his quick agility. Peter punched one in the stomach so hard he ended up throwing up.

Gwen went along and started freezing some of them in place before knocking them out; it quickly ended due to their great coordination. Just then, they heard the sound of police sirens, making Peter and Gwen scoff and giggle.

"They sure have comedic timing. I'll give them that," Gwen teased.

Peter just shook his head, undoing his invisibility. He went and got everyone out from the basement after making sure there wasn't anyone else who could have caused harm.

Some started crying immediately after stepping outside.

"I… *sob*… I was beginning to lose hope I would never see the outside world."

Hearing their cries and sobs, Peter and Gwen clenched their fists but didn't say anything and let them bask in their newfound freedom.

The police cruiser appeared, and out came George Stacy, accompanied by Yuri Watanabe.

"Spider-Cop reporting for duty," Peter said in a deep voice, doing a military salute.

Yuri rolled her eyes while George looked like he wanted Peter to spontaneously combust.

"There's another man in the basement; no need to worry, he's captured nicely," Gwen said reassuringly.

"You guys can rest assured; I can vouch for these officers. They'll make sure to get you all back safely," Gwen assured them.

They all nodded their thanks, "Thank you, Ghost-Spider and Spider-Man," they expressed sincerely.

The girl with the missing two front teeth went and hugged around his waist, tears in her eyes.

Peter hugged the girl and patted her head. "Be sure to be more careful in the future and not get yourself caught up in such situations, okay missy?"

The girl backed away slightly, giggling at being called "missy," and nodded before joining the others who were being escorted.

"There's still more. This just so happened to be the closest one to us at the moment we found out," Peter informed them.

"The biggest one is in a mansion a couple of minutes from here," Gwen said, recalling the information she had read.

"We'll quickly head over. We'll send the location to you guys later. Spider-Cop out," Peter said the last part in a deep voice and propelled himself away with his webbing.

"Uhhh… Ghost-Cop… No… umm, up up and away," Gwen said, unable to think of a name that suited the theme.

"Wait!" Yuri and George called out to them to share any other information they might have, but Peter and Gwen were already a mile away, causing them to let out tired sighs.

"Tonight's going to be a long night," George said.


"Hahahah, up up and away," Peter mimicked Gwen.

Gwen blushed. "Shut up. I couldn't come up with something unique, okay?"

Peter just laughed and kept repeating the phrase every time he shot his web.


They soon arrived in front of a mansion. "You know, we've never gone in guns blazing before," Peter said, standing perched on a light post.

"That's because it never ends well for us," Gwen replied.

"Want to give it a go?" Peter asked.

"No, not really," Gwen said with a sigh. "But I doubt you'll listen to me."

"I'll listen if you truly want to do it stealthily," Peter said, tilting his head.

Gwen nodded. "Good, then let's go with stealth."

They both turned invisible and sneaked inside the mansion. As they maneuvered stealthily, they became confused. The place was packed with people carrying high-level machinery.

All of their watches started flashing red, "INTRUDER!" repeatedly.

Peter's and Gwen's eyes widened. They hadn't expected such high technology.

As alarms flashed, the people became more alert. They took out their weapons, which glowed purple.

'Just what are they hiding here that they're so equipped?' Peter wondered.

Peter noticed they wore purple-colored goggles, which caused them to turn towards his and Gwen's direction.

"It looks like my judgment was wrong; we should have gone in guns blazing," Gwen said, undoing her invisibility.

Their Spidey senses flared as one of them threw what appeared to be a grenade toward them. Seeing this, Peter quickly reacted and shot a web towards it to send it away.

The object landed on the ground and opened up, revealing a tiny speaker. It appeared harmless, but Peter and Gwen dropped to the ground, holding their heads in pain as the speaker emitted a high-frequency sound designed to affect spiders.

Aria took control of their suits and blocked the sound, but by that point, they were being blasted by laser rifles.

Luckily, their suits resisted the damage, but it couldn't withstand it forever.

Peter shot an electro-web towards the speakers, frying them so they wouldn't affect them anymore. As they shook off the disorientation, their Spidey senses warned them of danger, causing them to jump away with flips.

In their places, a purple glowing gauntlet broke through the floor before rushing towards them.

"Is this an intervention?" Peter yelled, dodging laser bullets and gauntlets.

"No, but we are well-equipped in case you ever showed up, Spider-Man!" one of them yelled, throwing a punch.

Peter caught the punch, but as he did, his spider senses warned him of danger. The gauntlet created an outward blast, sending Peter flying back and destroying the wall.

"Okay, this just turned unexpectedly serious," Peter muttered.

Gwen, seeing that, started turning the floor into ice to try and trip some of them. She jumped to the side, and from above on the second floor, flamethrowers rained down, destroying the ice she created.

"Okay, someone is definitely creating weapons to deal with us," Gwen said in annoyance.

"I'm surprised it took them this long," Peter said, webbing himself towards her.

They stood back to back and moved around, surveying their surroundings.

"You were expecting this?" Gwen asked as she watched some of them throw away a cartridge and insert it back into their laser rifles.

"Yeah, and based on the purple-colored weapons, I have an idea who it is," Peter replied as they both started dodging the lasers coming their way.

Peter and Gwen rushed in opposite directions towards their opponents. Peter covered himself in lightning while Gwen covered her hands and feet with ice.

Gwen went fist to fist with a gauntlet before sending a wave of ice towards it, freezing it up before it could do anything, and then kneeing the guy in the stomach, causing his eyes to roll back.

Gwen jumped out of the way as a laser shot towards where she stood. "And who is it?"

"The Tinker," Peter replied as he charged his fist and jumped, smashing the floor and sending a blast of electricity everywhere. Unfortunately, all it ended up doing was damaging some of the weapons, since their outfits were resistant to electricity and cold.