Chapter 115

[Third Person's PoV] 

Molten Man, seeing their kicks coming his way, let them hit him. He slid back slightly before grabbing their legs. 

But before he had a chance to counterattack, Peter and Gwen dropped down, landing on one hand. 

And as if they were in sync, they both twisted their bodies, delivering a powerful kick to each side of Molten Man's face. 

He let out a curse and unconsciously released them as he staggered back, holding his face. 

Peter and Gwen rushed toward the Molten Man. Their Spidey-senses then rang, causing them to jump. 

The Molten Man punched both his fists forward, trying to get them. Both Peter and Gwen landed on his outstretched arm and both kneed him in the face. 

Gwen flipped back off while Peter flipped upwards, and as he did, he took hold of Molten Man's head and flipped him around before slamming him on the ground with enough force to shatter the road, causing him to sink into the pavement. 

Spit came out of his mouth, but the Molten Man gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand, taking hold of Peter's hand before he could let go. 

The Molten Man pulled on Peter and sucker-punched him across the face, which sent him flying back, landing against a cop car, destroying it. 

He let out a groan as he stood up and looked toward the cops, "No one is hurt, right?" 

They shook their heads, but before they had a chance to say anything, Peter rushed toward the now standing Molten Man. 

Gwen jumped over the Molten Man and landed, sitting on his shoulders. The Molten Man tried to shake her off, but Gwen held on. 

She put her hand over his eyes and started to surround them in ice, "What the hell are you doing? Get off me, you bitch!" 

"That's not how you talk to a lady. Didn't your mother teach you better?" Gwen then jumped back as Peter slid in. 

As he slid, he had a glowing blue fist to his side with a hand over it. Molten Man had his face down, trying to tear off the ice. 

"Hey Goldy, here's a scientific fact!" Peter then punched him in the stomach with enough force that it lifted him off his feet, "Gold is a highly conductive material." 

Molten Man's mouth widened as his eyes almost rolled to the back of his head completely. 

The sound of metal being hit resounded throughout the area, and the Molten Man then went flying back, crashing into the jewelry store, destroying it further in the process. 

Gwen and Peter then switched their webbing in their web shooters into one with stronger adhesive. 

They rushed toward the Molten Man and started to encase his entire body in the webbing. 

The jewelry clerk looked devastatingly at the damage done to his store. 

"Umm, do you have insurance?" Peter asked. 

The man shook his head with a sad look, causing Peter to just stand there awkwardly as Gwen dragged the unconscious Molten Man outside. 

"We promise to hold a fundraiser just for you! We'll pay you back," he said with a bit of an awkward smile while holding two thumbs up. (Although the clerk wasn't able to see his smile) 

The man just shook his head, "It's alright, I think I'll manage. Nothing was stolen." 

"I still feel bad…" Peter muttered as he started walking outside to Gwen, handing the Molten Man to the police. 

"The webbing should last for a while, close to 5 hours. That should be able to get you guys to get stronger material to hold him and put him in a cell," Gwen briefly explained.

One of the officers tipped his hat towards Gwen, "Thank you."

Another officer silently clicked his tongue while muttering, "Ever since these two showed up, more and more freaks keep popping up."

Gwen turned towards him and narrowed her eyes, her mask mimicking her expression, causing the officer to shrink back and hide behind his partner. "Sorry about him," the officer apologized with a sigh.

Gwen shook her head and headed down the road while Peter headed upwards. They then turned to look at each other and took a running stance. The officers looked at them weirdly, a bit confused by their actions. 

They started running towards each other with their hands held up slightly. They high-fived as they passed each other and simultaneously shouted, "Take care of yourself!" They didn't stop as they high-fived; they continued running and jumped up, using their abilities to boost themselves before swinging away towards their assigned villains.


MJ stood in front of the large building with a big red sign that read, "The Daily Bugle." She wore a brown open leather jacket over a white shirt, blue jeans, and a red scarf with a string around her neck, which was connected to a camera she had bought just for this occasion.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "You got this," she muttered, hyping herself up.

MJ then walked inside and headed towards the main office. She found a woman with brown hair in a bob cut sitting behind a desk, checking her nails. 

As the woman looked up and saw MJ, she smiled politely. "Nice to meet you, I'm Betty Brant. What can I help you with?"

MJ smiled and held up her camera. "I'm here for my internship."

"Ah yes, there were two of you. Mr. Jameson is already inside with the other one. I'll phone you in."

Betty picked up the phone and hit a button. "Sir, the other intern is here... alright, I'll send her in," she said, putting the phone back in place.

"He's expecting you inside," Betty said, motioning to a white glass door.

MJ thanked her and started walking in. 'So someone else is interning. I hope they're friendly.'

As she entered, she saw a boy around her age with a green flannel shirt. He turned around to look at her, revealing a black shirt underneath. He had blond hair and bright blue eyes.

He smiled charmingly upon seeing her. 'Holy smokes, she's a total babe!' He extended his hand towards her.

"Hello, I'm Eddie Brock, a fellow intern."

MJ smiled politely and shook his hand. "Mary Jane, but people call me MJ."

"Alright, enough with the introductions. I didn't get you two just to chitchat in my office," Jameson said, taking a pull from his cigar.

'I didn't even want to hire kids in the first place. It was all that stupid new company policy… but hey, I get cheap labor, so I call that a win in my book,' he thought with a smile as he took the cigar from his mouth.

He then pointed at them with it. "You two are just in luck. I'm in need of two reporters, and I have two stories lined up with no one to follow them. I just got word that Oscorp and Times Square are being attacked as we speak by two weirdos." He smirked, thinking about how it would appear on the front page.

"I need you two at the scene. Think of this as your debut, a way to make a name for yourselves in this business."

'That should motivate them to get me good pictures and a good story.'

Jameson then pointed to Eddie. "You, Eduardo, are assigned to Times Square."

"It's Eddie, sir," he awkwardly corrected.

Jameson ignored him and pointed towards MJ. "And you, Marley Wayne, go and scout Oscorp."

"You can just call me MJ. I said that earlier," she said, her eyebrow twitching.

"Doesn't matter. What's important here is getting me a good story. So what are you standing around for? Go! Go! Go!"

"Yes, sir!" they both said as they rushed out.

"Well, he's just a ray of sunshine…" MJ grumbled.

This caused Eddie to chuckle. "May the best story win," he winked as he walked out.

When MJ walked out, she reached for her phone and dialed a number.

"What? Shouldn't you be interning right now?" Felicia said over the phone.

"If I remember correctly, someone was begging me to take them on my first story," MJ teased.

"You already got a story!? It hasn't even been 30 minutes… *sigh* I just got home too, and now I have to go out… very well, where should I meet you?"

"Oscorp building. It's getting attacked, apparently."

"Nice…" Felicia said but then remembered that Harry was their friend and coughed. "I mean, oh no, poor Harry. Luckily I'm not that far off."

MJ scoffed. "Just meet me there," and with that, MJ got on the bike Peter lent her and started cycling her way towards Oscorp.


A/N: Alright getting hit by the cosmic storm wins! Yay to the winners, sucks to be the losers

Here's what I saw as suggestions which I really liked and are now cannon things to happen.

Harry while getting the SSS serum would be receiving Black whip [from MHA], I saw this suggestion and fell in love with it. Especially since I like the image of Deku when he looks like a whole ass Demon with black whip covering his body.

MJ would be the pink lantern, the one of love, saw this suggestion and to me it made perfect sense. I mean here's why: through out this entire fic I have shown how she has a deep love for Peter from silently crying while clinging onto him because she couldn't be with him to willingly throwing her live away just to save him. It just makes sense to me that she becomes the Love Lantern.

As For Felicia, the whole beast woman cat thing with the bad luck manipulation aspect as well.