Chapter 124

[Third Person's PoV] 

As Harry returned, he held a plate with multiple sandwiches in hand. "So what were you guys doing?" he asked, stuffing his mouth.

"Testing their Spidey-senses," Peter said, shaking his head at Harry.

Before Peter could continue, Aria appeared. "Due to what the two of you went through yesterday, criminals believe you two are too injured to apprehend them, so they are developing heists as we speak," Aria informed Peter.

Her figure disappeared, replaced by multiple cameras showing people making plans all over the city, with a confident smirk.

Peter let out a sigh. "Alright, I'll go handle them. Gwen, can I ask you to keep testing them?"

Gwen nodded. "Yeah, leave it to me."

"I'll join you," Harry said.

"No," both Peter and Gwen said simultaneously.

"What? Why? I now have the ability to help," Harry said.

"I'm going to agree with Harry on this. We can test our skills later. We can help out. Fight a couple of bad guys, how bad can it be?" Felicia said.

"It's not about you guys that I'm worried about; it's more for them. You guys just got your abilities, you don't know how to control them properly," Peter said before turning towards Harry. "I bet you 100 dollars that if I go back there, the kitchen will be a total mess because you didn't know how to control your strength."

Harry looked away, not wanting to confirm or deny Peter's accusations. Peter then looked around. "None of you truly know how to control these abilities, or how to fight regular people. It took Gwen and me an entire month before we actually went out and started doing superhero work."

"But I know how to fight, My dad taught me before he disappeared," Felicia said.

They all raised a brow at that little piece of information before Peter let out a sigh. "Here's some advice that'll make you realize you don't truly know your own powers and abilities yet: when a regular person punches you, you're supposed to roll with it. If not, you could end up breaking their wrist and causing unnecessary damage" 

Harry let out a sigh. "Alright, we see your point. No hero works until we learn."

Peter nodded before surrounding himself in lightning and running out to get changed.

"Aria, put the room back to default. We'll test Harry's strength and speed first before testing all of their reflexes together," Gwen said with her hands in her lab coat.

The room once again began to shift, the walls started to open and expel machines.

"But I'm still eating," Harry whined.

"Just hurry it up," Gwen sighed. Her expression then froze as she saw Harry's hands and jaw turn somewhat blurry due to the speed at which he was eating, something he didn't realize until he cleaned the plate. "What the hell did I just do?"

"That's what we're about to find out," Gwen said.

Harry nodded as he went and stood under the hydraulics. "Alright. I'm ready to begin."

Gwen went back towards the control panel. "Alright, I'll start it at 1,000 pounds since I believe you can handle that much."

As she hit a few buttons, the machine started coming down towards Harry. Harry raised his arms and held the hydraulic. "This feels light, like I can hold it with one hand."

"I'll now increase it to 1 ton," Gwen said, increasing the pressure.

"Still light," Harry said confidently.

"5 tons... 10... 15... 20... 25... 26... 27... 28... 29... 30."

"Not light! Not light!" Harry said, with his knees on the ground pushing upwards.

Gwen stopped the machine and retracted the hydraulic, causing Harry to let out a sigh of relief.

"That's unbelievable," Gwen said in astonishment. "That's twice as strong as when Peter started."

Harry stretched out his arm and started kissing his biceps before flexing, which caused them all to roll their eyes.

Harry went towards the treadmill. "So do I just start running?"

Gwen nodded.

Harry subconsciously leaned forward, making himself more aerodynamic, and began to sprint. His arms and legs were starting to blur, his expression focused on what's in front of him.

"Your top speed maxes out at 200 mph (321 km/h)," Gwen said in amazement as Harry got off the treadmill.

"Harry, try climbing the wall. I want to test something."

Harry was confused but still did as he was told. To his shock, it worked. He was able to climb up the walls. "Holy moly, this is amazing. How am I able to do this?"

"I believe you received two gifts from each animal DNA I used. From the gorilla, you received tough skin and super strength—the tough skin needs to be tested to see if it's bulletproof, I had to use some of my strength when drawing out your blood. From the lizard, you received a regenerative factor and the ability to climb walls. From the cheetah, you received super speed. You might have received super-fast reflexes or a sense like ours; that needs to be seen," Gwen said with a nod.

"Aria, go back to sense training mode," Gwen said as the room reverted to its previous state with the laser guns.

Gwen motioned for MJ and Felicia to stand next to her as she leaned against the wall. "Aria, aim all the guns at Harry and fire," she said with her arms crossed and a pensive expression.

"Wha—?" Harry didn't get a chance to question it as all the guns aimed at him and began firing immediately.

Harry moved quickly, twisting and turning his body in awkward directions, almost like he was in the Matrix. He leaned back and spun his arms like he was doing a backstroke.

"Aria, stop."

The guns ceased firing, and Gwen asked, "So, how did it feel? Did you get some kind of warning signal when dodging?"

Harry shook his head. "I just knew where to move. There was no ringing like how you and Peter described; it felt all instinctual."

Gwen nodded. "I see. That most likely means you have some sort of hypermotility."

"Hypa-what?" Felicia asked. "English, please."

Gwen sighed. "Hyper...motility. Basically, his reflexes are on steroids. He can react and maneuver at incredible speed, fluidly and without any problems."

"Just say he has fast reflexes, no need to be all sciency on us," Felicia said sarcastically.

"I'm using the scientific term because it's more than fast reflexes. It's enhanced speed, agility, and precision. He can run, swim, or climb much faster than normal humans. His reflexes are lightning quick, and he has incredible stamina and endurance to keep going. His metabolism is supercharged, so he heals quickly too. Plus, he can perform complex actions with perfect control and balance. In a fight, he's nearly unbeatable with rapid attacks and evasive maneuvers," Gwen explained.

"It's that badass?" Felicia asked in amazement.

"Anyways, we have other things to test out, so you two can go back in. Aria, you can continue where you left off with Peter."

"Commencing Stage 4."

They heard the sound of the guns crackle with more electricity, making them more brutal and stronger than before.


In a famous watch store, a man wearing a Kevlar mask pushed through the door, pointing his gun at the cashier and shoving a bag forward. "Put the money in the bag! PUT IT IN!!"

At first, the man noticed how frightened the cashier and everyone else were. Then he grew confused when he saw them all breathe a sigh of relief. He felt small taps on his shoulder and began to shake before lowering his gun with a sigh. "He's right behind me, isn't he?"

The masked man saw the cashier smile amusingly and nod his head.

When the masked man peeked over his shoulder, he saw Spider-Man standing behind him with a raised hand. "Hey there! I don't need to say more, do I?"

"No... I'll hand myself in, Spider-Man," the masked man said, deflated.

Peter patted the man on the head. "Good boy," he teased as he webbed up his hands.

"Aren't you supposed to be injured?" the masked man grumbled as Peter was exiting.

Peter leaned back and pointed a thumb to himself. "It'll take more than a building to keep me down, mister robber."

The cashier chuckled. "Thanks for the help, Spider-Man."

"Anytime, man," Peter saluted before walking outside and swinging away.


A/N: Here are some pictures for you to enjoy.
