Chapter 141

[Third Person's PoV] 

The Police quickly arrived and the first thing they did was escort people out of the area. Some were running and screaming due to all the destruction. 

Luckily for them Spider-Man and the others knew how to control the fight and moved towards a less populated area. 

People were escorted out of their homes, they even cleared the area around the surrounding blocks, leaving Spider-Man and the others to fight against the enhanced individuals.

As Tigerwing and Nightwing stared at each other, Nightwing reached over his back and grabbed his Escrima Sticks, joining them together to create a bo staff.

"So tell me, why are you fighting us?" Nightwing asked.

Tigerwing, unable to stand still, flitted from place to place in the air. "To stop you," he answered, before turning into a blur and flying toward Nightwing. Mirages of his fists appeared as he launched a flurry of punches.

Nightwing twirled his bo staff, expertly blocking most of Tigerwing's attacks. He spun his staff once more and tried to hit his opponent, but all he struck was an afterimage.

Tigerwing's speed was incredible, making him nearly impossible to track. Nightwing narrowed his eyes, trying to anticipate his movements. Suddenly, Tigerwing appeared behind him, aiming a powerful kick at his back. Nightwing barely managed to twist and deflect the blow with his staff, but the force of the impact sent him skidding back several feet.

Recovering quickly, Nightwing launched himself into the air, bringing his bo staff down in a powerful arc. Tigerwing dodged with ease, his green shell gleaming under the sunlight as he zipped around, counter attacking with blinding speed. 

Nightwing's enhanced reflexes kicked in, allowing him to parry and dodge, though he struggled to land a hit. The streets of New York blurred around them as they moved, their battle an electrifying dance of speed and strength. 

Tigerwing lunged again, this time aiming a sharp, armored fist at Nightwing's head. Nightwing ducked and countered with a sweeping strike to Tigerwing's legs, but Tigerwing leapt into the air, dodging the attack and retaliating with a spinning kick. 

Nightwing's super endurance absorbed the brunt of the kick, and he used the momentum to roll back and spring to his feet. He assessed Tigerwing's movements, noting the patterns and slight delays between his blinding attacks. 

With a sudden burst of speed, Nightwing closed the distance, feinting left and then jabbing his staff to the right. Tigerwing moved to dodge, but Nightwing anticipated the move, striking where Tigerwing was going to be. The staff connected with a satisfying thud against Tigerwing's armored side, sending him crashing into a nearby building.

Tigerwing shook off the impact and growled in frustration. "You're good, but I'm faster." 

"Maybe," Nightwing replied, his eyes narrowing. "But speed isn't everything."

Tigerwing launched himself again, but this time Nightwing was ready. He used his bo staff to vault into the air, flipping over Tigerwing and landing behind him. In a swift motion, Nightwing swept Tigerwing's legs out from under him, following up with a powerful strike to the chest, pinning him to the ground.

Tigerwing struggled, but Nightwing's strength and skill kept him down. "Tell me, what are you trying to stop me from doing? Surely you don't mean being a hero?"

Tigerwing growled in frustration. "No, I'm supposed to stop you from fighting against our nation."

Tigerwing lifted the bo staff just enough to get it a bit off his chest. He used that opening to kick Nightwing off and fly toward the skies. Nightwing tumbled backward, quickly regaining his footing. With a determined look, he propelled himself upward, using his web shooter to give chase.

Tigerwing shot through the air like a bullet, crashing into the side of a skyscraper and bursting through the glass windows. Nightwing followed, his bo staff at the ready. Inside the building, office workers screamed and ducked for cover as the two combatants tore through desks and cubicles.

Tigerwing zipped around the office, trying to outmaneuver Nightwing. He launched a flurry of punches, but Nightwing skillfully parried each one, countering with precise strikes. The impact of their blows sent shockwaves through the room, shattering glass and toppling furniture.

Suddenly, Tigerwing tackled Nightwing, and they both went crashing through the opposite wall, plummeting several stories before hitting the ground. The asphalt cracked and cratered beneath them, sending debris flying. Nightwing rolled to his feet, just in time to dodge Tigerwing's next attack.

The street around them erupted into chaos as cars swerved to avoid the fight. Tigerwing seized a parked car and hurled it at Nightwing. With a swift motion, Nightwing sliced through the car with his bo staff, the halves crashing on either side of him.

Nightwing retaliated by throwing a smoke bomb at Tigerwing, obscuring his vision. He followed up with a series of rapid strikes, forcing Tigerwing back. Tigerwing, using his super speed, burst out of the smoke cloud and tackled Nightwing again, sending them both crashing through the side of a nearby building. The structure groaned under the impact as they continued their relentless brawl.

Inside, the building's support beams buckled under the strain. Nightwing managed to gain the upper hand, pinning Tigerwing against a wall. "Fight against your Nation?! Why would we do that?" he shouted over the noise of the collapsing building.

Tigerwing snarled, breaking free with a surge of strength. "Isn't it obvious your military is trying to recruit you, you join, you fight our nation, people will suffer, and I won't allow that to happen!" 

With a powerful kick, Tigerwing sent Nightwing flying out of the building. Nightwing crashed into the street below, forming another crater. Dazed but undeterred, he stood up just in time to see Tigerwing descending rapidly, aiming to finish the fight.

Nightwing dodged at the last second, causing Tigerwing to slam into the ground with enough force to create a massive shockwave, shattering windows and causing the ground to tremble. Nightwing took advantage of the momentary disorientation, delivering a punishing blow to Tigerwing's midsection.

Tigerwing roared in pain, but he wasn't finished. He surged forward, grabbing Nightwing and launching them both into the air. They soared high above the city before plummeting back down, crashing through a series of billboards and landing hard on the roof of a moving bus.

The bus swerved wildly, passengers screaming in terror. Nightwing and Tigerwing exchanged blows atop the vehicle, each hit echoing with the sound of metal and bone. The bus careened through the streets, finally crashing into a building and coming to a halt.

Both combatants rolled off the wreckage, breathing heavily. Nightwing gave the bus a quick scan and saw that no one was seriously injured, but that didn't mean he wasn't angry. Nightwing got to his feet first, ready for the next round. "One, we never had any intentions of joining the military and two, you come to city and cause this much chaos, don't expect to make it back in one piece 

Tigerwing, battered but defiant, stood up. "It's either your people or its mine, that's is how war works" 

With a final, desperate charge, Tigerwing attacked. Nightwing met him head-on, their battle shaking the very foundations of the city around them. The streets cracked and cratered beneath their feet, buildings shuddered from their impacts, and cars were tossed aside like toys. 

As Tigerwing sent a blinding punch Nightwing still caught it, with one hand even, his expression wasn't exactly friendly either, they were both covered in blood as Nightwing punched him in the stomach with enough force to lift him off his feet while his eyes went to the back of his head, while puking out blood. 

Splinters from his armor flew everywhere as Tigerwing landed back on the road, he right to stand up while holding his stomach in pain but Nightwing slowly walked towards him holding his Escrima Sticks. 

He kicked Tigerwing back down before he started beating him with his sticks, "This isn't war and it never was. Your stupid assumptions but people in jeopardy" 

Nightwing stood over Tigerwing's bleeding figure, but he saw that was still awake, he looked towards the side and spit out blood. While looking at Nightwing with anger. 

"And one last thing that you need to get perfectly clear, we're heros not soldiers we don't start wars, we end them before they could even begin" Nightwing said before punching him with enough force that a small crater appeared under Tigerwing's head as he was out cold. 

Nightwing was catching a bit of his breath as he looked over his wounds but he saw there was no need as they were already healed, and those that weren't were slowly healing. 

Harry tapped his ear "Aria did you get all that? Send the information about the reason why they're fighting over to the others. And do you know what else is going on?" He asked as he tied up Tigerwing. 

As he was making sure no one was hurt and were taken care of, Aria informed him of what she found. 

"I have, I had to hack into S.H.I.E.L.D to get this information, it appears that the Soviet Union had learned about Thunderbolts attempts to bring you guys into the army." 

Nightwing looked at the tied up Tigerwing and nodded his head, as he listened to Aria go on. 

"Dr. Valkov has created a Technology named the DNA splicer, based on the name I guess who can already tell what it does. So the General and Dr. Valkov proposed the idea to create their own enhance humans by mixing the DNA an Animal and a person, the people you see here are those that have volunteered and survived that experiment, " 

"Survived? Does that mean there are those that haven't?" Nightwing asked, his brow furrowed.

"More like they're more animal than human thus they are considered failures." 

"I understand…" Nightwing nodded as he picked up Tigerwing and went towards where the others were fighting. 

Spider-Kat leaned back just in time to dodge Mantis' arm scythe. The deadly blade sliced through the air, missing her by mere inches. With cat-like agility, she sprang backward, landing gracefully on the hood of a parked car. Her sharp claws extended, glinting menacingly under the streetlights.

Mantis, his green arm scythes gleaming, moved with incredible speed and precision. His legs, powerfully built, propelled him forward in a blur. He aimed a vicious kick at Spider-Kat, who flipped into the air, dodging the attack effortlessly.

The car was crushed and crumbled under Mantis power. 

"You'll have to do better than that," Spider-Kat taunted, her eyes narrowing as she assessed her opponent.

Mantis growled, his eyes locking onto her. He lunged again, slashing with both scythes in a whirlwind of motion. Spider-Kat twisted and turned, her flexibility allowing her to evade the deadly blades with ease. She landed a quick swipe with her claws on Mantis' side, quickly drawing blood, tainting her claws with his blood. Which caused Mantis to wince. 

Mantis retaliated with a sweeping kick, catching Spider-Kat off guard and sending her flying into a nearby wall. She hit the ground but quickly got to her feet, her fast regeneration already healing the bruises and cuts.

"You're tough," Mantis admitted, his scythes gleaming as he approached.

"And you're annoying," Spider-Kat shot back, her body tensing for the next move.

Mantis charged, and this time Spider-Kat met him head-on. She ducked under his initial slash, her claws raking across his abdomen. Blood flew as her claws met his skinny but strong frame. Mantis roared in pain and anger, swinging his scythes wildly.

Spider-Kat flipped over him, landing a series of rapid strikes on his back. Mantis spun around, his powerful legs propelling him into a high kick that connected with Spider-Kat's midsection. She was thrown back, crashing through a shop window and landing amidst shattered glass.

She groaned, but her wounds healed almost instantly. She stood up, brushing off the debris. "Is that all you got?"

Mantis leapt through the broken window, his scythes ready. He slashed downward, but Spider-Kat caught his arm, her claws digging into his flesh. With a swift motion, she pulled him off balance and kicked him in the chest, sending him sprawling across the floor.

"You should know better than to pick a fight with a spider or a cat," Spider-Kat said, advancing on him.

Mantis struggled to his feet, panting. "I'm not done yet."

With a powerful leap, he closed the distance between them, his scythes flashing. Spider-Kat ducked and weaved, her movements fluid and precise. She landed a hard kick to Mantis' knee, buckling his leg. As he stumbled, she slashed at his arms, her claws cutting deep.

Mantis roared in fury and pain, but Spider-Kat was relentless. She leapt onto his back, sinking her claws into his shoulders and dragging him to the ground. Mantis thrashed, trying to shake her off, but Spider-Kat held on, her sharp claws tearing through his flesh.

Finally, with a final, desperate swing, Mantis managed to dislodge her, sending her flying into a nearby wall. He staggered to his feet, blood dripping from numerous wounds. Spider-Kat landed gracefully, already healing from the impacts.

Spider-Kat then grinned as she rushed towards him and kicked him. He tried to block it by crossing his arm scythes, but the force sent him flying back outside, crashing through the shop's shattered window and rolling onto the street.

Without missing a beat, Spider-Kat came rushing towards him, her arms and claws out to the side, a large grin on her face. Her eyes gleamed with predatory excitement as she closed the distance between them.

Mantis barely had time to react before she was upon him. The two engaged in a deadly dance, their movements a blur of speed and precision. Sparks flew everywhere as her claws met his arm scythes, the sound of metal clashing with metal echoing through the deserted streets.

Spider-Kat dodged a vicious swipe from Mantis, her body bending impossibly as she slid beneath his guard and raked her claws across his abdomen. Mantis grunted in pain but countered quickly, slashing at her with one of his scythes. Spider-Kat leapt into the air, flipping gracefully over him and landing behind him.

She aimed a kick at his back, but Mantis anticipated the move, twisting around and blocking with his scythes. The impact sent shockwaves through their bodies, but neither backed down. Mantis retaliated with a series of rapid slashes, each one more desperate than the last.

Spider-Kat parried his attacks with ease, her claws a blur as she deflected each strike. She spun around, her leg sweeping low to knock him off balance. Mantis jumped, narrowly avoiding the attack, and used his powerful legs to propel himself into a spinning kick. 

The kick connected with Spider-Kat's side, sending her skidding across the street. She rolled with the impact, her rapid healing already mending the damage. She sprang to her feet, her eyes blazing with determination. "You're persistent, I'll give you that."

"And you're infuriating," Mantis growled, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

With a roar, Mantis charged again, his scythes flashing in the sunlight. Spider-Kat met him head-on, their clashes sending sparks flying in all directions. They moved in perfect sync, their fight resembling a deadly ballet as they struck and countered, each looking for an opening.

Spider-Kat found her moment when Mantis overextended on a swing. She ducked under his arm and delivered a powerful uppercut, her claws digging deep into his chest. Mantis staggered back, gasping for air, his scythes hanging limply at his sides.

"You can't win" Spider-Kat said, her voice calm but firm.

Mantis looked at her with a mixture of rage and fear. But before he could react shot out a web towards his chest. 

Before he had a chance to cut them off of him Felicia sent a tazed him through the webs which made him start spasming making him unable to cut the web. 

Spider-Kat ave him one powerful tug pulling him off his feet and flying towards her before she twisted around in the air and kicked him across the chin with enough force that sent blood and a few of his teeth out of his mouth 

He landed on the ground face first and skid to a stop by her feet, blood slowly escaping his mouth as his eyes were crossed and unfocused due to his loss of consciousness. 

Spider-Kat looked at his body and blinked, "As fun as that was I think I was suppose to interrogate him" 

Aria then appeared, "Don't worry, Nightwing already found out their objectives…" 

As Aria finished explaining all she found Spider-Kat nodded, "You're a lifesaver Aria" 

Aria only giggled, "Always happy to help, and I recommend tying him up." 

"Oh right, good call" Spider-Kat said as she started doing just that. 
