Chapter 145

[Third Person's PoV] 

As Spider-Man and Nightwing moved around the lab workshop, humming as they worked, they were actually having a secret conversation using the Neural Link in their masks.

("This entire place is bugged,") Spider-Man said as he mixed some vials together.

("Seriously? Why would their own place be bugged?") Nightwing asked.

("That's what I'm going to find out. I've already got Aria accessing files she normally wouldn't get just by hacking through the internet,") Spider-Man said smugly.

Nightwing held an arrow, examining it with a smirk as he looked toward Spider-Man. ("Here they are asking for our help, and you go and steal all their secrets.")

"Pass me one," Spider-Man said out loud to avoid suspicion, and Nightwing handed him the arrow as they continued their conversation.

("Hey... we kinda left Lizzy by herself... and I feel horrible for lying to her...")

("Then don't,") Spider-Man said as he took off the arrow tip.

("Are you saying I can tell her?") Nightwing asked, looking at him in surprise.

("Listen, we've known Lizzy for a while. She's a bit ditzy but she's trustworthy, otherwise she wouldn't be your girlfriend. Also, being a superhero is okay and all, but it should never be at the cost of your personal life. Well, be sure to ask the others as well, since you'll not only be revealing your identity but ours as well,") Spider-Man advised.

Nightwing nodded. ("Thanks, Pete.")

("Who's that?") Spider-Man smirked, causing Nightwing to scoff and smirk back.

**1 hour later...**

"Christmas came early," Spider-Man said as he and Nightwing reappeared where everyone else was training and warming up, carrying clothes and weapons.

Nightwing handed a quiver of multiple arrows to Hawkeye. "We gave them a bit of an upgrade. Some of them are tranq darts strong enough to knock down about five elephants.

There are also arrows with extremely high voltage, powerful enough to kill a regular person but highly effective against their kind.

There are net arrows that release a net to entangle enemies, with an added shock option.

A smoke screen arrow with a tear gas option.

A sonic arrow, which releases a high-frequency sound wave that disorients and incapacitates enemies, with adjustable frequency control.

A flashbang arrow with a timer, but be careful as it can blind someone.

A tracking arrow that embeds a tracker in the target so they can't remove it.

A cryo arrow, which releases a freezing agent on impact, immobilizing the target.

And the really thick arrows are multi-shot arrows, which split into a barrage of smaller ones for wide-area impact."

Hawkeye stared at Nightwing and the quiver of arrows in shock, speechless. "I don't... I don't know what to say... thank you."

Nightwing waved him off. "Forget it, don't worry about it. We'll send you the instructions on how to mass-produce them later."

Spider-Man walked toward Natasha and handed her some gear. "Here," he said.

"These are...?" she asked, slowly taking them.

"Upgraded gear. See the padding on the fingertips of the gloves? They allow climbing walls and have an electroshock function, so when you strangle someone, you can shock them too. They also have hidden retractable blades for defense, a holographic interface for quick hacking, and communication.

The boots are similar to the gloves for wall climbing, allow for silent movement, and are shock absorbent, letting you land from high places without injury. They also possess retractable blades, they're towards the back and front of the boots. 

The utility belt includes a grappling hook, a black and red drone shaped like a black widow spider for reconnaissance, flashbangs, smoke screens, knockout gas, pepper spray, you know, the usual.

For your outfit, I reinforced the armor, making it somewhat bulletproof and resistant to extreme temperatures, but a sniper could still kill you, so be careful.

Be cautious with the dual pistols; they release high voltage bullets, and the longer you hold the trigger, the stronger the voltage becomes, making them quite deadly..."

"Thank you..." Natasha said, unsure what to say as she was really impressed with everything.

"You know..." Spider-Man said, pulling out a card, "you can receive more upgraded equipment if you just join today."

Natasha looked amused as she picked up the card.


Join The Spider Family!


Phone #: 555-678-930


At the bottom of the card was a chibi picture of everyone with their thumbs up.

Natasha looked amused as she glanced up at Spider-Man. "I thought you guys only came up with the name today?"

"We did. I just quickly made this in the back a few minutes ago. Be sure to call when you're ready to join," Spider-Man said with a grin.

Natasha laughed as she wiggled the card toward him. "Sure, I'll send in my application later," she teased, pocketing the card.

As Natasha went to get changed, Spider-Man looked around. "Where's Red?"

"She's talking to Ursula? I think her name was? Mama bear," Spider-Kat answered.

Spider-Man nodded in understanding and then began loitering around, not having much to do now that he had upgraded their gear.


**3 hours later...**

Spider-Man pulled up a holographic interface of the military area below. "From what I was able to gather, their experiments mostly occurred underground. It is heavily guarded. Nightwing and I will be at the forefront, rapidly taking them down and making way for you guys.

Once you make it down, they'll likely already be aware of our presence and will probably release everyone from confinement to overwhelm us. It will be up to Scarlet, Kat, Widow, and Hawkeye to take them down and safely secure them.

While they're being restrained, Ghost will sneak past everyone and find the DNA splicer. She'll be able to reverse engineer it and undo all that has been done to them.

When that's over and done, it will be Nicky's job to stop the leaders, as they are just as accountable for giving the go-ahead to the project. Does everyone understand their roles in the mission?" Spider-Man asked, looking around.

They all nodded. "Go in, kick ass, go home. Got it," Spider-Kat said, pointing a finger gun toward Spider-Man.

They all walked out and lined up at the edge of the Helicarrier.

"Give us a few minutes to make room, then follow after Nightwing and me," Spider-Man instructed.

"You ready?" Spider-Man asked Nightwing, lifting a fist to the side.

Nightwing scoffed as they gave each other a fist bump. "Whenever you are."

They both kicked off the Helicarrier and began diving down.

"WOOOOH!!" They both shouted as they laughed.

As they felt the wind against their tucked bodies, they continued to laugh, diving through clouds.

"We're building some crazy dad lore right here!" Spider-Man yelled.

"Dad lore!? What's that?" Nightwing yelled back as his hair flapped in the wind.

"Stories we'll tell our children! How Daddy and Uncle Nightwing jumped from a big plane and fought off an entire military."

Nightwing found that hilarious. As they began seeing the ground below them, he laughed. "Hahahaha! I think I get it, and I love it! Hahahaha!"

They spread their arms, activating their wingsuits, and began getting shot at, causing them to maneuver through the air. Nightwing was still laughing.

They did a flip in the air and landed in the middle of the military airstrip in a superhero landing, the ground beneath them cracking.

Slowly, they lifted themselves from the ground. In front of them, tanks, armored trucks, and vehicles appeared, with men yelling in Russian and aiming their weapons at them. Machine guns, rocket launchers—they had everything pointed at Spider-Man and Nightwing.

Nightwing turned to Spider-Man and smirked. "You're absolutely right. Our dad lore is going to be absolutely crazy."

They slowly began walking toward the army in front of them as the soldiers began firing everything they had.
