Chapter 183: Resemblance

[Third Person's PoV] 

"Yo! Yo!" Peter called out as he entered the house, arms full of shopping bags, with Gwen following behind, also loaded down. They headed straight for the kitchen and set the bags on the counter, just as Aunt May appeared.

"Looks like you two went on quite the shopping spree," Aunt May said with a smile, helping them unpack and put everything away.

"So, Peter," Aunt May continued after stashing away the last of the empty bags, "what's this big news you're itching to share?"

Peter grinned proudly, webbing a nearby knife into his hand. "You'll find out when the time's right. I wouldn't be going through all this trouble otherwise."

Aunt May raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. "First of all, don't use your webbing on things you plan to cook with. And second, are you saying you only spend time with us when you've got something to announce?"

Peter rolled his eyes but smiled, flipping the knife in his hand before starting to chop vegetables. "You'll see," he said, dodging her pointed question.

"Can't you give me just a little hint?" Aunt May teased, trying again.

For once, Gwen came to Peter's defense. "I'm usually on your side, Aunt May, but I've got to back Peter up on this one. It's better if you wait."

Peter glanced at Gwen with mock offense. "Wait a second—what do you mean 'usually' on her side? I'm your boyfriend. You're supposed to always be on my side."

Ignoring him, Gwen and Aunt May shared a playful exchange. "Really? Well, if you're saying that, Gwen dear, I'll trust you. But on a scale of one to ten, how shocked am I going to be?"

Gwen considered for a moment before nodding. "A solid nine."

Aunt May's eyes widened. "A nine? Oh lord, now I'm getting anxious…" She suddenly turned toward Gwen with wide eyes. "Wait—you're not pregnant, are you?"

Gwen's face dropped, and she quickly looked down at her stomach. "Wha—No! Why? Do I look pregnant?"

Aunt May hurriedly waved her hands. "No, no! It's just that you seemed just as eager about this news as Peter, so I just assumed…"

Gwen chuckled, shaking her head. "It's not that. But I promise you'll have a reaction when you hear it."

The conversation continued as they cooked together, diving into various topics, laughter filling the room. Near the end of their preparations, Uncle Ben arrived home. He greeted everyone warmly before taking a quick shower and joining Peter to help set the table. As they worked, there was a knock on the door.

Uncle Ben opened it to find MJ standing there with a cake. "Peter didn't say if we were supposed to bring anything, so... I brought dessert just in case," she said sheepishly, holding the cake out.

Uncle Ben laughed, stepping aside to let her in. "Haha, come on in. Peter and I were just finishing setting up."

Soon, more guests started to trickle in. Harry and Lizzy arrived next. "This feels weird," Lizzy admitted shyly. "I've never been to a family dinner that wasn't my own before... it feels kinda personal."

Aunt May glanced around the room. "So, shall we get started?"

"Wait, the star of the night isn't here yet," Peter started to say, just as another knock came from the front door.

"Oooh, that must be them!" Peter said excitedly, practically skipping to the door.

Uncle Ben and Aunt May exchanged confused glances, while the others grinned knowingly, eager to see their reactions.

Peter returned with two people beside him—Felix walking between Peter and Felicia.

"Sorry for the intrusion…" Felicia said, stepping inside.

Aunt May blinked, looking at the newcomers. "And... who are they?"

Felicia raised her hand slightly. "Felicia Hardy."

Uncle Ben squinted, then nodded in recognition. "Oh, right! You're that girl from the hospital, aren't you?"

Felicia rubbed the back of her head, slightly embarrassed. "Yeah, that's me."

Aunt May and Uncle Ben then turned their eyes toward Felix, who casually gave them a two-finger salute. "Yo."

They both stared at Felix, tilting their heads in confusion. His mannerisms felt oddly familiar. Before they could say anything, Peter, chest puffed out with pride, patted Felix on the shoulder. "This is Felix Parker. My son... from the future!"



Peter grinned even wider, giving Felicia a look. She sighed, and both she and Peter squished Felix's face between their own faces with a beaming smile. "Can't you see the resemblance?" Peter asked proudly.

Felix, looking awkwardly squished between his parents' faces, waved halfheartedly. "Hey, Grandpa Ben. Grandma May."

Aunt May and Uncle Ben remained rooted in place, switching their gazes between Peter and Felix. Slowly, their eyes widened as they began to see the undeniable resemblance.

"WHAT!?" Aunt May screeched.

Uncle Ben, looking shell-shocked, glanced at Harry, Gwen, and MJ. "Are they... joking?"

The three friends shook their heads with smiles on their faces.

"They're telling the truth," Harry said.

"the future–" Uncle Ben asked in shock 

"Yes," Yes confirmed.

"He's from the Future–?"

"Yup" They all confirmed once more. 0

"The future future?"

They all nodded their heads once again, smiling.

Uncle Ben ran a hand through his hair, glancing up at the ceiling with a deep sigh. "This family is never going to be normal again, is it?"

Aunt May clenched her fists, her eyes narrowing as she looked at Peter. "Peter... is that really my grandbaby from the future? And I want you to answer carefully, because if you're lying, we're going to have a serious problem."

Felix awkwardly raised a hand. "I've got pictures to prove it," he offered with a small grin.

Aunt May's eyes snapped open, and Peter swore he saw flames flickering in them. "Show me..." she demanded, narrowing her eyes.

Felix reached into his back pocket, pulled out his phone, and made a few swipes. He swiped up, and a holographic screen appeared, showing an image of a younger version of himself being carried by Aunt May. He swiped again, revealing another image of him sitting on her lap.

Aunt May slapped a hand over her mouth in shock, then placed it on her forehead. "Good Lord…" she muttered, exasperation mixing with a growing smile on her face.

But then, she froze. Slowly, she turned her head to Felix, then to Felicia, then Gwen, then MJ. Back to Felix. Then Peter. Her gaze bounced between Gwen and MJ again before finally locking onto Felicia. After a slow, deliberate turn back to Peter, she asked, "Peter…"


"Why is she his mother?"

"I don't know, ask future me. Me and her aren't together."

Aunt May narrowed her eyes at Felix. "You... Felix, right? There's no better way to ask this but... Are you Peter's illegitimate child or something?"

Felix blinked, completely thrown off. "Huh? What? Are you asking if I'm his bastard? No, I'm not. He and my mother are together."

"As they always say, the future is full of endless possibilities!" Peter chimed in quickly, beads of sweat forming on his brow. "But you know what's not full? My stomach. So let's fix that problem and eat some of this delicious food before it gets cold." Peter marched ahead, hoping to escape the awkward tension.

"I agree. Everyone should sit down before the food gets cold, but we're not done here, young man," Aunt May added, motioning for everyone to take their seats.

Everyone complied, diving into the meal, but Aunt May's piercing stare stayed locked on Peter the entire time. He chose to pretend she wasn't glaring at him, as technically, none of this was his fault.

"So, why are you here... in the past, I mean?" Uncle Ben asked curiously, wanting to understand more about this unexpected grand-nephew.

"I was fighting a time-based villain," Felix explained casually. "I'm stuck here until he shows up again so I can bring him back to my time."

Both Aunt May and Uncle Ben sighed at how nonchalant Felix was about fighting villains.

"Two things," Uncle Ben began. "First, you seem pretty comfortable talking about this. I take it everyone here knows?" He glanced around at the others.

They all nodded, confirming his suspicion.

"And second... does this become a family business?" Uncle Ben asked, glancing at Peter with raised eyebrows.

Aunt May grumbled at the question. Now she not only had to worry about her nephew risking his life every day, but also her potential future grandkids.

"Kinda? Dad gives us the choice," Felix said. "None of us are forced into it. We all chose to be heroes... though some act more like villains," he muttered, recalling one of his older brothers.

"I suppose that's good," Uncle Ben said, nodding thoughtfully. "As long as it's a choice you've made for yourself, and you're happy with the direction you're going, that's what matters."

Felix smirked, appreciating Uncle Ben's words. It was comforting to see that the advice-giving grandpa he knew in the future was just the same in the past.


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