Chapter 187: Our Purpose

[Third Person's PoV] 

Peter sat awake for the rest of the time before Gwen's alarm sounded. She groaned as she reached over and turned it off. Then, she returned to her spot on Peter's chest, closing her eyes and enjoying the moment. Neither Gwen nor MJ wanted to get up.

But MJ glanced at Peter in confusion, thinking, 'What's this feeling of shame? Is he ashamed to have had a threesome with us? I thought he'd be the happiest.'

"I'm not going to lie, this is really weird..." Gwen said awkwardly, her eyes still closed.

"I don't know, I really enjoyed it," MJ said, sounding pleased.

"Of course you did. This was mostly your idea, you weirdo," Gwen teased, opening an eye and glancing across Peter's chest at MJ.

"So, when are we planning the next one?" Peter asked with a smirk, looking between them.

Gwen patted Peter's chest. "Sorry, big guy. Only on special occasions."


Both Peter and Gwen looked at MJ, raising an eyebrow, which made her blush and clear her throat. "I mean... uhhh... it was a special moment for all of us. I feel like we've grown closer because of it. It would just be a shame to limit it to four times a year or something."

"Just to be clear, this doesn't mean you guys can do this without me around. That would be cheating," Peter said.

"Obviously," Gwen and MJ scoffed.

"We only did it because we were with you," Gwen said, rolling her eyes.

MJ nodded and kissed Peter on the cheek. "The one we love is you, not each other. We did what we did because we love you."

They both smirked at each other as they noticed Peter's ears turn slightly red. They began poking his cheek and chest, teasing him for being embarrassed.

MJ sighed as she lifted herself up, sticking to the wall and jumping over Peter and Gwen to get off the bed. "We have to leave early if we don't want to be late."

Peter groaned. "Why do we even go to school? What's the point?" He whined, hugging Gwen tighter, making her smile as they both watched MJ get dressed, putting on her bra and underwear.

"Because some of us aren't as smart as you, Parker, and you said it yourself. This is mostly for the high school memories," MJ said as she finished hooking up her bra.

"It was a rhetorical question..." Peter mumbled, shooting a web at the ceiling and pulling himself up, quickly putting on his underwear and pants.

MJ put on her shirt and shoes before fully buttoning up her pants, while Peter paused, halfway into putting on his shirt. He noticed Gwen biting her lip as she looked at him from under the blanket.

Peter flexed his muscles and winked at her, making her roll her eyes, though a smile grew on her face under the covers as she watched him finish putting on his shirt. He gave Gwen a final kiss before he and MJ turned invisible and jumped out the window.

As they swung home, MJ glanced in Peter's direction and used her spider-telepathy to communicate, *"So what was that earlier?"*

*"What was what?"* Peter asked, confused, as he ran alongside a building and parkoured around it.

*"Earlier, you were feeling ashamed. I was wondering what you were ashamed of... It wasn't about what we did, right?"* MJ asked cautiously.

*"Oh god, no. That was fantastic, 10/10... I was mostly ashamed of myself,"* Peter said, reluctantly.

*"Ashamed because of us?"*

MJ sensed Peter's hesitation and quickly reassured him. *"You don't have to share if you don't want to. I'm not forcing you. I was just curious."*

Her earnest tone only made Peter feel guiltier as he debated whether to tell her or not.

When they arrived at MJ's place, Peter surprised her by entering with her. Undoing his invisibility, he hung upside down in her room. "I had a wet dream."

"Huh!? Pfft!" MJ couldn't help but stifle a laugh, covering her mouth. "Okay?"

"It was after we, you know, finished, and I fell asleep. I had this wet dream, and I woke up because of your oral skills..."

"Pfft, I can't believe I'm saying this, but Peter, having a wet dream isn't something to be ashamed of..." MJ said, holding his upside-down face. 

"Especially when I was the one who caused it," she teased, caressing his face gently.

"That's the thing... Even though you were the one who caused it, it's who the wet dream was about that I'm ashamed of..."

"It was Felicia, wasn't it..." MJ smirked in amusement and couldn't help but chuckle as she saw Peter wince.

He covered his face. "I feel so ashamed, honestly. I have two gorgeous goddesses by my side, and then I have a dream about Felicia. What's worse is that I feel like I betrayed her slightly just by thinking about her like that."

MJ slowly caressed Peter's face, trying to calm his turbulent emotions, which surprisingly worked as he began to calm down a bit.

MJ chuckled again. "Peter, your son from the future just came to see you, and his mother is Felicia. It's no wonder you're thinking about her like that. That's basically saying you two are guaranteed to have sex. So, it's not that strange for you to have a naughty thought or two about her."

"Tell me honestly, are you some kind of spider therapist? Because you always know what to say to make me feel better..."

MJ giggled in amusement before the two shared an upside-down Spider-Man kiss. "Well, it certainly helps to know what you're feeling, that's for sure."

Peter then got down, shaking his head as the blood rushed to it. "I always feel like I'm dumping all my emotions on you..." Peter said, feeling a bit guilty.

MJ moved closer to Peter, pressing her body against his, making him subconsciously pull her close. "That's the thing... I feel like that's what I'm supposed to do." She smiled as she caressed his confused expression.

"You see, as someone who's so closely connected to spiders, I think each one of them chooses us for a specific reason and a specific role we're supposed to fill. Like, it wasn't a coincidence that we were bitten by the spiders that bit us. Let's take us, for example..." MJ said, closing her eyes and pressing her forehead against Peter's, making him close his eyes as well.

"You were bitten by a spider with electrical abilities, which makes perfect sense when you think about it. Electricity is all about energy, power, and connection. It surges through everything, just like you. You've always been the kind of person who brings people together, who leads and connects with others. You're the one people turn to in a crisis because you have that spark, that energy that draws people in and makes them feel safe. You inspire others to follow, to act."

Peter blinked, taken aback, and MJ smiled softly. "It's more than just powers, Tiger. I believe the electric spider chose you because it saw a leader. Someone with the strength to keep everyone grounded, but with the ability to light the way forward when things get tough. That's why you've always felt this need to be there for everyone—you're meant to be a leader."

MJ smiled softly, keeping her forehead against Peter's. "And as for me... the spider that bit me wasn't just any spider either. It gave me the ability to understand and communicate with spiders, and I think it happened for a reason too. It's not just about controlling them or sensing them around me—it's about understanding them, and in a way, understanding you."

She paused for a moment, running her fingers along Peter's cheek. "You've always had this way of carrying so much on your shoulders, more than anyone should. You try to process everything on your own, and I get it—it's hard for you to let people in, to share what you're feeling, especially when you feel like you have to be the strong one all the time."

Peter stayed quiet, his expression softening as MJ continued.

"I think the spider chose me because my role is to help you with all that, to understand the parts of you that are hidden—the emotions you struggle with but can't always say out loud. That's why I can feel what you feel, why I can read your emotions even when you try to hide them. It's not a coincidence. I was given this ability so I could be there for you in a way no one else can. That's my role—to help you process what's too much for you to handle alone."

"You've seriously put a lot of thought into this, haven't you?" Peter asked with an awkward smile.

MJ smirked as she shrugged. "You were the one who taught us Rule 13, remember? In this world, if it seems like a coincidence, then it most likely isn't. And let me tell you, all of us getting bitten by spiders is one hell of a coincidence if I ever saw one. What's even more of a coincidence is that the spiders that bit us were enhanced."

She grinned, quoting him, "Like the unofficial title you had for this rule: Coincidence!? I think not!"


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