Chapter 219: Upgrades (1)

[Third Person's PoV] 

Four days later…

Felicia stood beneath the hydraulic press, her arms raised as her face strained with effort. "Give me a number, Pete!" she exclaimed.

Peter let out a low whistle. "A good 120 tons… Look at you go! Way more than what my max was."

Felicia released the press as the weight decreased, rolling her shoulders and cracking her neck with a sigh. "It's probably making up for the lack of other abilities it gave me," she scoffed.

She then glanced at Peter with a smirk. "Does that mean I'm going to be stronger than you?"

"Ha! Babe, have you forgotten I can enhance my strength past my normal limit? I'll still be able to pin you down," Peter replied with utter confidence.

Felicia let out a soft purr, sauntering up to him sensually. She placed a finger under his chin and ran it along his jaw. "I like the sound of that~," she murmured, leaning in and locking lips with him.

MJ watched from nearby, her expression unamused. "If you hornballs could keep it in your pants for half a second, it's my turn."

Felicia broke the kiss with a teasing lick of Peter's lips and stepped aside, flashing MJ a mischievous grin. "No need to be jealous~."

MJ rolled her eyes and stepped under the press to begin her test. Felicia leaned her head on Peter's shoulder, her voice dripping with mockery. "Go on and try to beat my score."

MJ huffed. "Just watch. I'll blow your score out of the water without breaking a sweat."

A few seconds later...

"I've reached my limit! What's my score?" MJ asked confidently.


"Well?" MJ pressed when Peter didn't answer, his gaze shifting away.

Felicia, noticing his reaction, peeked at the display. Her face lit up before she burst into laughter, doubling over. "Pfft—Hahahahaha!! You said you wouldn't break a sweat, but the best you could do is 80? That's 40 tons off the mark! Hahaha!"

MJ's eyes narrowed, a purple outline forming around her irises. "Slap yourself," she commanded coldly.

Without hesitation, Felicia raised her hand and slapped her cheek. She glared at MJ, holding her stinging face. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!"

MJ glanced away with a pout, muttering, "For laughing at me…"

Cracking her neck, MJ turned to Peter, frustration etched on her face. "Why is my limit so weak? It doesn't make any sense!"

"Think of it like a video game," Peter explained. "You've got a mage build. What you lack in physical power, you make up for in mental abilities. For instance, you easily bypassed Felicia's mental shields and controlled her, something a normal psychic would struggle to do."

"I suppose that makes sense… but I don't like being considered the weakest one here," she muttered.

"The weakest, she says," Felicia scoffed. "How humble of you."

MJ ignored her, turning back to Peter. "So… upgrade time?"

Peter nodded. "Upgrade time," he said, raising his watch to his mouth. "Gwenypoo, darling~ You can bring the SSS now."

"...Call me that again, and I'll punch you in the throat," Gwen's voice retorted.

Peter smirked smugly. Felicia and MJ exchanged wary looks, but Peter shrugged. "Threatening each other is our love language."

Felicia tilted her head thoughtfully. "Do we have a love language?"

"Teasing each other," Peter replied without hesitation.

"Fair," Felicia admitted.

MJ also glanced at Peter curiously. He smiled and kissed her temple. "Small acts of affection… and food."

That earned a bashful smile and a chuckle from MJ.

Moments later, Gwen appeared, holding three vials, with Lizzy walking beside her, hands in her back pockets.

"Finally. Took you long enough to max out," Lizzy said, shaking her head.

Felicia and MJ looked at Lizzy, confused. Gwen explained, "She was waiting for you two to reach your peak so all three of you could take the serum together."

"What? Why?" Felicia asked.

Lizzy scratched her cheek. "We became heroes around the same time. It's an act of solidarity. I was eligible a while ago since I'm purely human. Maxing out my physique took months without regenerative powers like you two."

Felicia and MJ nodded in understanding. Felicia then ruffled her hair until it was a mess, shot a web from her web-shooter to her bicep, wrapped it around her arm, and held the end in her teeth. She tilted her head to the side, pulling the web taut as she presented her arm to Gwen with a crazed look. "Alright, hit me! Drug me up!"

Peter collapsed to the floor, laughing uncontrollably. He was on all fours, tears streaming down his face as his cheeks flushed bright red.

Gwen rolled her eyes. "I've upgraded them so they're ingestible orally now."

"Oh…" Felicia muttered, fixing her hair before flashing a sly grin. "Lucky for me, I'm an expert on that~."

MJ and Lizzy turned crimson at the implications.

Peter stood, wiping tears from his eyes, as they each took a vial and opened the caps. They exchanged glances, raised the vials in a mock toast, and drank them.

Felicia smacked her lips. "It tasted kinda sweet… Was that strawberry?"

"I got watermelon," Lizzy said, licking her lips.

MJ wiped her mouth with her thumb. "Cherry for me."

Seconds later, all three collapsed. Peter caught Felicia and MJ before they hit the floor, while Gwen grabbed Lizzy.

As they carried the girls to the resting quarters, Gwen asked, "Apart from testing their abilities after this, you've got something else planned, don't you?"

Peter nodded, carrying Felicia and MJ over his shoulders. "I had Aria stockpile anything cool she found while the satellite's been up. We'll check it out together."

"What'd she find?" Gwen asked curiously.

Peter shrugged. "No idea. I wanted it to be a team experience."

Gwen smiled, nodding in understanding. 

2 hours later…

Peter and Gwen were sitting in the main lobby of their base on a couch. Gwen was sitting on Peter's lap facing his direction, she had her hands wrapped around his head, both of them kissing passionately. Peter had his hands around her thighs pulling her closer 

Until they heard Aria's clearly embarrassed voice, "I don't mean to interrupt but the others have awoken…"

Gwen paused her head back in annoyance and let out a heavy sigh, "And just when it was getting to good part too" 

Gwen looked back down towards Peter, caressed his cheek and gave him a peek on the lips, "Let's go ahead…" She said before giving him another and getting off. 

As she got off and turned around Peter drew his hand back as his brows furrowed in concentration. 

"Don't even think about it–" 


Gwen winced and took a deep breath, Gwen looked up towards the heavens, "Lord give me strength before I kill this fool" 

Peter chuckled as they made their way towards the others. 

When Lizzy, MJ, and Felica appeared they all looked disoriented, mainly the two spider people. 

"Take a shower break, fix yourselves and meet us in the training room" Peter ordered, which they all nodded and agreed. 

They all looked refreshed and were wearing training outfits. 

Peter and Gwen looked towards them with a smile, "Is everyone ready to see what kind of enhancements they received?" Peter asked. 

All three of them nodded excitedly as Gwen explain what they were going to do, "We will have Aria scan you from head to toe before we will see personally the things you'll be able to do" 

An hour later…

Felicia, Lizzy, and Gwen were seen on the ground with a deadpan expression. 

Peter looked down towards Felicia, "Let's start with you wild Kat, a summary of what you are able to do" 

Peter rubbed his chin as he recounted what they found, "You my unlucky kitten, had everything double in strength I mean that quite literally, from your Strength which is now 240 Tons, to your speed, reflexes, coordination, flexibility, etc…

Now for your specific spider abilities, your bone claws, which have initially came out of your fingertips, shifted and merged with your nails. Which you are now able to harden making them as strong as steel." 

"Mama got herself a new set of claws" Felicia said looking at her nails. 

Peter continued, "You have also gained poison glands which you are able to secret from your claws and fangs. Which by the way isn't all that you are able to do since apparently you can quite literally siphon the good luck straight out of people from whomever you inject your claws and fangs at, but that's for a different tale. 

Your regenerative abilities, which were the strongest out of all of us, are now insane, you should be capable of regenerating limbs in a matter of minutes… Oh and I forgot to say, congratulations on finally getting Organic webbing" 

"Hehe, thanks" Felicia said looking at the two tiny holes in her wrist. 

Peter let out a sigh "Which by the way, are fused with your bad luck abilities, the longer they are trapped in those webbings of yours the unluckier they will be… and talking about getting new abilities although you aren't able to turn invisible fully you now have the power to decrease your presence making you almost undetectable. 

Your night vision has evolved giving you a heightened perception of motion, you'll practically be able to see the faintest twitch and predict with clear accuracy what their next move will be. 

Now then… For your Spidey-senses. Honestly it might be better than my Foresight. You are quite literally able to sense and see options for your next course of actions and what the results of those actions are. What you are literally seeing is the probable result… It's almost no different than sensing and choosing the different Causes and Effects" 

Peter pinched his nose, "Jesus fucking Christ Felicia… You're so fucking broken" 

Felicia was rolling on the ground giggling mischievously to herself. 

"What's worse is that I'm not even done" Peter grumbled as he gave Felicia the last report of her abilities, "Now for your broken ability, your Bad Luck Magic… It has evolved to the point it's not bad luck magic anymore, it's just straight up Probability Magic since you are now able to reverse the bad luck into itself creating good luck around you. 

Oh to leave it off on a good note… Your magic Quality and Quantity has freaking doubled as well. Aren't you quite the lucky person" Peter said almost bitterly, but he only had a grin on his face. 


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