Chapter 222: Antarctica (1)

[Third Person's PoV] 

Peter used his chi to dry up the liquid that was surrounding his body from going inside the VR Capsule. 

"My 1s and 0s…" Aria cried slightly in pain rubbing her backside. 

Gwen shook her head as she let out a sigh, "So what did you find? I take it since you haven't said anything that there's no bad news, right? So what did you discover?" 

"Well I cross reference some information from what we had from Shield" Aria began as she went back to normal and stood by the globe, "Wakanda is built around a meteor called with is the source of the special Vibranium, which is one of the main things used in the creation of Captain's America shield. Wakanda practically built their civilization around this metal, it's thanks to this metal that they've reach where they are in technological development" 

"So what exactly is this Vibranium?" Felicia asked with a raised eyebrow. 

"Although I said it's a metal, it's more of an element with unique properties that make it unlike anything else found on Earth. Vibranium has an extraordinary ability to absorb, store, and redirect kinetic energy. Imagine hitting something, and instead of shattering or denting, the energy from the impact is absorbed entirely into the material. That's what makes Captain America's shield so remarkable—it doesn't just block attacks, it neutralizes their force."

Aria paused, glancing at her captivated audience before continuing.

"But that's just the tip of the iceberg. Vibranium isn't just durable; it's versatile. Wakandans have harnessed its properties to power their cities, develop advanced medical technology, and create incredibly strong but lightweight armor. It's also a key component in their stealth and cloaking systems, which makes Wakanda practically invisible to the outside world."

"That's incredible" Harry muttered, "If we had that type of metal or rather element we would be practically invulnerable" 

"Pretty much," Aria agreed. "But it's also extremely rare. The Wakandan meteor is the only known source of Vibranium, and they've guarded it fiercely for centuries. That exclusivity is part of what makes their civilization so advanced and why no one's been able to replicate their technology."

Gwen leaned forward, her curiosity piqued. "And what else did you find in Wakanda? Besides Vibranium, I mean?"

Aria smiled knowingly. "Well, you know how we're considered the protector and guarding of this city? Well Wakanda has one as well, They are referred to as… The Black Panther 

How they came to be is really fascinating. There's the Heart-Shaped Herb, which grows exclusively in Wakandan soil. It's infused with Vibranium radiation, and it's what gives the Black Panther their enhanced abilities—strength, speed, reflexes, heightened senses, and even a spiritual connection to an ancestral plane, which could be one of the many plains the Ancient One has taught you all. 

There are also Vibranium-based nanotechnologies, like their combat suits, which are stored in necklaces and can deploy instantly.

And then there's their archives—Wakanda has records of historical and scientific data that predates most of the world's known history. It's practically a treasure trove of knowledge."

Felicia let out a low whistle, her gaze sweeping across the group. "No wonder they're so secretive. If half the world knew about what they're sitting on, it'd be absolute chaos."

"Exactly," Aria said, her tone measured and firm. "Their secrecy is completely understandable, given the circumstances."

"The Black Panther, huh?" Lizzy muttered, her brows furrowing as she leaned back in her chair. "What is it with everything being animal-themed these days?"

MJ tilted her head, curiosity gleaming in her eyes. "Is Vibranium really only found in Wakanda? That kind of metal seems too revolutionary to be so scarce. If it came from space, shouldn't there be more out there?"

A smirk tugged at Aria's lips as she crossed her arms. "Caught on, have you? To Wakanda's knowledge, they possess the only source of Vibranium on Earth. But they're mistaken." She paused for dramatic effect, savoring the intrigue brewing in the room. "Thanks to the radiation sensor Dr. Banner and I integrated into the satellite system, I discovered traces of other Vibranium deposits. It seems more than one meteorite landed on this planet."

Harry's eyes lit up, his inner engineer and mechanic practically salivating at the possibilities. Peter, sitting beside him, mirrored the same spark of excitement, though his mind was already racing with potential applications.

"Wait," Gwen interjected, her brows knit together. "If there are other sources of Vibranium, why isn't it more well-known or widely distributed?"

Aria tapped the table, and a holographic map flickered to life. Small purple dots appeared, forming a line across the expanse of the Atlantic Ocean. "Because it's here," she said, her voice dropping for emphasis. "At the bottom of the ocean."

Harry shot up, his hand thrust into the air. "I call dibs!"

The room turned to him, their expressions a mix of amusement and confusion.

Harry's cheeks flushed crimson as he slowly sat back down. Clearing his throat, he added, "I meant... I call dibs on the mission to dive down and retrieve it. Exploring the ocean floor and recovering something as incredible as Vibranium—it sounds amazing."

Peter smirked. "Harry, I was going to send you anyway. You've got the axolotl and lizard DNA. You're literally built for this."

Harry looked down, pumping his fist discreetly. "Yes!" he whispered to himself before standing again. "Aria, prep the jet! We're retrieving that meteorite."

Before he could take another step, Lizzy grabbed his shoulders and eased him back into his chair. "Easy there, adventurer. Aria hasn't even revealed all of her exciting discoveries yet."

Harry blinked, his excitement briefly giving way to curiosity. "Wait… what could possibly top diving to the bottom of an unexplored ocean?"

As Harry was still rather young, it hasn't been very long since he's become a superhero, so he had strived for an adventure. Especially one of his own, like when Peter and Gwen went towards another universe. And he believed this was his. So he was rather impatient to get started.

Aria smirked, spinning the holographic globe until it stopped over the Arctic. "What I'm about to show you is less of a hidden civilization and more of an undiscovered realm," she began, pausing for effect. Her fingers tapped a few keys, and a new image materialized.

"Deep under the Arctic ice lies a prehistoric ecosystem—untouched by time. Dinosaurs and other creatures thought to be extinct are still alive and thriving there."

"WHAT?!" the group shouted in unison, their voices echoing in the room.

"Dinosaurs?!" Gwen repeated, her voice rising in astonishment.

Aria nodded, her expression one of quiet satisfaction. "That appears to be the case."

Harry let out a long breath, shaking his head in disbelief. "Okay… I take back what I said earlier. Dinosaurs absolutely top an ocean dive. This... this is next-level."

The room erupted into a flurry of excited voices as everyone began talking over one another, theorizing and debating what this discovery could mean.

Peter clapped his hands together, the resulting shockwave silencing the room. All eyes turned to him, some glaring in irritation.

"Listen," Peter began firmly. "Talking over each other won't get us anywhere. Aria's given us a lot of incredible information today. Let's focus and decide what to pursue first."

The group exchanged glances, silent for a moment before nodding in agreement.

"For now," Peter said, his tone thoughtful, "let's put the Vibranium on hold. If it's been sitting at the bottom of the ocean for thousands of years, it's not going anywhere anytime soon."

Harry opened his mouth to protest but closed it with a sigh, nodding reluctantly.

"Atlantis can wait too," Lizzy chimed in. "We don't have the proper equipment or enough intel to navigate underwater civilizations effectively."

The group nodded again, narrowing their focus.

"That leaves Wakanda and the prehistoric realm," Gwen pointed out.

"Do we really want to alert Wakanda that we're aware of them?" MJ asked. "They'll want to know how we found out, and that could lead to complications we're not ready for."

Once again, the group nodded in agreement.

Felicia grinned. "That only leaves one option..."

The smirks on everyone's faces were practically contagious as they stood in unison.

"We're going to see dinosaurs!" they exclaimed, voices filled with excitement.

"Aria, prep the jet!" Peter ordered, his enthusiasm showing.

Aria saluted theatrically. "Aye-aye, abusive father!"

Peter froze, slowly turning to face the AI with a raised brow.

Aria coughed awkwardly. "I mean… At once, my lovely daddy! Oh, my, you're looking very handsome today."

Peter rolled his eyes, exhaling deeply. "Just get it done, Aria."

The group erupted in laughter, the room buzzing with energy as they prepared for their next great adventure.