Chapter 237: Fantastic Four (3)

[Third Person's PoV] 

"It was merely a thought, but it appears the Cosmic Storm really did mutate all of our DNA… giving us, well, in an unscientific term, superpowers," Reed said in disbelief.

"Alright, I understand that, but what's wrong with me?! Am I going to remain orange forever?!" Lizzy asked, looking at her skin worriedly.

"You think you're the only one with a problem, Missy?" Ben snarled. "You only have to worry about glowing skin. Try being me for a size! At least you don't look like a monster."

Lizzy shrank back slightly. "Sorry…"

Ben grunted and looked a bit apologetic. "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that."

"So, what are our superhero names going to be?!" Johnny asked excitedly.

"Superhero names?" Susan asked with a skeptical look. "Johnny, you can't be thinking…"

"Of course I am! Just imagine… people shouting my name, mostly girls, though. Johnny! Johnny! Johnny!" he said, cupping a hand over his mouth and mimicking the chants of a crowd.

Reed ignored Johnny for the moment and turned to Lizzy. "Your situation is a bit easier to explain compared to the others. It seems your cells have managed to store the cosmic radiation that mutated all of us, giving us our powers. That orange glow around your skin is pure cosmic radiation."

"Ah… That explains it, I suppose. Now I'll just have to release it, and my skin will return to normal, right?" Lizzy asked.

"Yes, but don't do it now. We don't know what might happen if you just suddenly release it into the air like that. It would be better if we find a way to store it," Peter interjected, stopping her from doing anything rash.

"W-W-We would b-be better back in our l-lab," Gwen said with chattering teeth.

"Hm?" Susan hummed in confusion, looking at Gwen.

MJ decided to explain for Gwen. "She means our hideout. We have all the gadgets there to do a full and thorough analysis."

Felicia let out a meow to join the conversation but realized she could only meow, which left her frustrated.

"Yeah, what Felicia said. We also have Aria; her help will be very valuable," MJ nodded.

They all turned to look at her weirdly. She looked back at them in confusion. "What?"

"What do you mean, 'what Felicia said'? All she did was meow," Harry said with a confused expression.

"No, she didn't… She spoke. That's what you said about Aria, right? That she would be helpful, right?" MJ asked, and the black cat nodded in agreement.

"MJ, my love, I think you've gained the power to talk to and understand animals…" Peter said with a smile.

"Cool~" she said, puffing her chest proudly. "I'm a Disney princess now."

"My love?" Susan asked, taken aback by the way Peter addressed her. She wasn't the only one who noticed; Reed and Ben also raised an eyebrow at that.

"That's right!" Johnny exclaimed, remembering. "You're dating both of them! I forgot about that!"

Felicia let out another meow, did her little catwalk, and jumped towards Peter, who caught her. She meowed towards Johnny with her head held high.

They all looked towards MJ, who had an amused look. "She says, and I quote, 'I think you mean the three of them~.'"

"Peter, my respect for you rises with each passing second," Johnny said with a serious expression.

Seeing that the others had questions, Peter looked at them in exasperation. "You can ask later. Can we focus on the task at hand?"

"Sure…" Susan said, but she was looking at Peter with a hint of disdain.

Peter only smiled awkwardly and lightly scratched Felicia's chin, making her let out a subconscious purr.

Peter looked at everyone for their opinions. "What do you all say? Shall we take them back to our hideout to properly handle this?"

The others nodded after exchanging glances. "Like Felicia said, we're gonna need Aria. Her help will be essential," Harry said.

"N-N-Not to m-mention, t-they already know about our identities," Gwen stammered.

MJ nodded. "There's no point in keeping it hidden then…"

"This hideout is becoming less and less of a hideout and more of a superhero meeting and resting base," Lizzy sighed, though she didn't object.

Peter scratched his cheek, realizing Lizzy had a point.

"Hell yeah! We're going to see a superhero secret base! That's awesome!" Johnny exclaimed.

Seeing the skeptical looks on Susan, Reed, and Ben's faces, Peter reassured them, "Trust us, we have the tools to test everything. How do you think each of us trains our super strength and abilities? We'll have everything we need there."

"And how do you plan to get there without being seen or causing a scene? I can't exactly be out in public," Ben said deeply.

Peter and the rest smirked. "I'm so glad you asked~" Peter said proudly. He held his watch to his face and said, "Aria, bring out the jet, and warn Bruce of our arrival and what just occurred."

"Alright, you're quite lucky too; I just finished the repairs," Aria's voice responded.

"Who's this Aria? Another girlfriend of yours?" Susan asked coldly.

Peter had a look of disgust that made Susan taken aback. "No, ew, that's disgusting. That's my AI daughter you're talking about."

"You have an AI!?" Both Reed and Johnny asked excitedly.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'EW THAT'S DISGUSTING'?" Aria exclaimed from the watch, appearing with her hands on her hips.

"Because, like I said, you're my daughter, so ew," Peter scoffed in disgust.

"YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE SO MEAN ABOUT IT! A LITTLE 'Ah no, she's my daughter' WOULD HAVE SUFFICED. NOT 'EW THAT'S DISGUSTING.' YOU'RE EW AND DISGUSTING! Phtugh!" She spat to the side and disappeared with a huff.

Harry covered his mouth, shaking with laughter, while Peter looked embarrassed. "Sorry about her, she gets her attitude from her mother."

Gwen glared at Peter, even though she couldn't stop shaking, making it look like she was shaking with anger.

"See?" Peter pointed to Gwen, chuckling at his own joke. "Come on, let's go. We should wait for Aria on the rooftop…"

Everyone was on the rooftop of the Baxter Building, waiting. Peter had handed Felicia to MJ, while hugging Gwen, who was snuggling up to him tightly, trying to find warmth.

They all saw the jet appear before them. It wasn't exactly visible, but it gave a brief flash to show its presence, which they all noticed.

"Come on in," Peter said, leading everyone inside. He sat down with Gwen on his lap, her head resting on his shoulder.

"Cool~" Johnny muttered as they got in.

Ben looked slightly hesitant but, after reassurance that it could support his newfound weight, he got inside.

And with that, they took off toward the hideout. The four of them were extremely curious to see where the secret hideout was and were more than surprised to learn that it was an underground subway station repurposed as their base.

"Awesome…" Johnny muttered as he looked around, Reed and the others wearing fascinated expressions as they observed the high-tech environment.

"So, you opened an interdimensional portal and paid the price, huh?"

They all turned toward the voice to see Bruce walking toward them, clad in a hazmat suit.

"What are you wearing?" Harry asked, amused.

"Protection. Against you lot. I don't know what kind of interdimensional radiation is leaking out of you, and I don't want to find out what happens when it mixes with mine. Anyway, follow me," Bruce said, leading them to the testing room.

"You have your own personal superhero doctor?!" Johnny exclaimed in disbelief.

"What? No," Peter scoffed. "Bruce is so much more than a doctor," he said, shaking his head as he followed Bruce.

The facility was incredibly high-tech, beyond anything the future Fantastic Four had seen—aside from the portal. Spider-bots suddenly appeared, flying into the room, scanning everyone from head to toe before flying away as if their job was done.

A few spider-bots returned, causing everyone to flinch and wince, instinctively slapping the areas where the bots had extracted blood samples before moving away.

"A warning would have sufficed, don't you think?" Reed said, rubbing his arm.

"Aria is being moody at the moment, so please bear with her," Peter explained with a sigh.

Ben looked annoyed as a spider-bot lazared off a piece of his rocky exterior, carrying it away for examination.

"How efficient…" Susan nodded, noting how quickly the bots worked compared to the earlier lengthy procedures.

Aria's voice then filled the room. "As I am always recording everything Father witnesses, we can analyze what has occurred. For example, Ms. Storm, it appears that due to the containment shield shattering, a few pieces merged with you during the cosmic storm exposure. This has led to your ability to turn invisible and create forcefields, as we've seen so far. If you have any additional abilities, they remain to be seen and tested."

"I suspected as much," Reed nodded.

"What the others have or have developed, I can only speculate until I finish examining all of your samples. As for the limits of what you can currently do, well, we're about to find out, aren't we?" Aria said rather excitedly.