Loss, Betray, and a Whole new beginning(Edited)

In a small and modest apartment lives a not so handsome young man around the age 24, who goes by the name of Chris Wiley. He wakes up in a dimly lit bedroom with two beds, he shares this cheap room and apartment with his girlfriend and roommate Jocelyn. He was wearing just his simple pajamas. He takes a few minutes to fully wake up only to remember this is a shared space, he should change into something more presentable. He didn't want Jocelyn, who was the same age and may still be at home, to see him when he isn't presentable. He gets dressed only to discover she has already left for work and will come home very late because she has been working a lot of overtime at work. Jocelyn was his best friend growing up and they were always by each other's side, despite his unkept appearance. He has been hoping to marry her as soon as he can, he just can't seem to believe he can afford to give her the happy life he feels she deserves.

Though they've been dating for so long there are lines that she refuses to cross with him, she says they need to wait till they are married and have a financial foundation. He respects her boundaries, but hopes he can have a breakthrough soon.

It wasn't a very luxurious apartment, but Chris was satisfied for now, he has been working hard delivering food and taking riders around with Jocelyns car, Chris was saving up for a special surprise date with Joselyn he's been planning for tonight; he's hoping to show his commitment to improving himself and giving her what he believes she deserves. Chris wanted to show Jocelyn just how important she was to him, she had agreed to be his Girlfriend and to cohabitate, but she seems to be too embarrassed to tell any of her family or friends just a few people at work know, and only because he occasionally with pick her up or bring her whatever she may have forgotten.

Chris is planning to take her to a franchise one of their favorite restaurants from when they were still children, it is very nice and they would go there on special occasions, The Golden Panda. The Golden Panda may sound luxurious, it definitely isn't, but Chris didn't know that. He hasn't really ever experienced luxury. It was a three-story building with the main dining and cooking on the ground floor. There were private rooms that offered privacy available on the second floor, and the third floor was a total mystery to him.

Chris is on his way to pick up Jocelyn, he plans on surprising her at work. Jocelyn works as a secretary at a Contracting company, White Group, which is owned and operated by the White family here in Tritonia. She is the secretary for the assistant General manager and heir, Gerald White. As he drives into the entrance of the office, everyone just ignores him and Jocelyn's sad excuse for a car.

Chris finds a parking stall and parks, when he gets out, he notices that everyone is giving him mocking glances. He is uncomfortable but this is not anything new for him. He just keeps his head down and makes his way inside. When he arrives at the front desk he asks the only person in the office who has ever been nice to him, the front desk receptionist, if she could let Jocelyn know he was here and wanted to take her somewhere.

The receptionist heard his request, but all she could do was look down with a sorry look on her face and tell Chris. "She isn't in the office; Mr. White took her to a meeting earlier. If I remember correctly it should be at the Golden Lotus Inn." This surprised Chris, he wondered 'why is she at an inn'. Chris knew that the White Group specialized in new construction and not renovations so there was no need to have a meeting in a cheap inn that was known to be popular for affairs.

Chris is visibly upset but he trusts Jocelyn and decides to head to their location, he thanks the receptionist and puts his destination in the navigation app on his phone and sets off. He gets to the Inn and asks the front desk worker for the meeting location and gives Jocelyn and Gerald's names. She directs him to the room and tells him the number, and reluctantly gives him an access card for the private room. As he approaches the room, he begins to hear strange sounds that make him feel irritated and uncomfortable.

As he gets to the door, there is no longer any doubt that Jocelyn and Gerald are the source of his discomfort. He slowly and carefully opens the door little by little and peeks inside. He gets a good and clear visual of his Girlfriend in the arms of her boss and apparent lover. Jocelyn was still clothed but Chris knows that there are ways around that to achieve what he is seeing. Jocelyns' lips were connected to Geralds, and she is straddling his lap moving up and down. Chris is immediately filled with a rage and depressing feeling.

Chris now knows, she did not care about marriage, the intimacy issues she has is only because she did not want to do them with him. From the looks of things this was not even their first time being intimate like this. Chris decides now is the time to confront her and end his sham of a relationship. He steps forward and forces the door open with his rage.

He asks, "Jocelyn, what are you doing this for?" but all he gets in return is a side eye from her as she is still locking lips with her lover. As she finishes kissing Gerald she says, "who are you to question what I am doing, I never once promised to be exclusive with you, you should feel lucky that I pitied you enough to even be your friend!" he is now suffering like never before as he questions, "aren't you my Girlfriend, how can you live with me and not see that I want so much more that. How can you be with someone else while claiming to still be with me."

The next thing that comes out of her mouth sends him through the coldest levels of hell, "I was only your friend because I pitied you, and I only agreed to be your Girlfriend because my mom told me I should while I look for a better options. So don't blame me for your stupidity in thinking any of this was real and that you actually had a chance; and seriously how you didn't know is beyond me. Who in their right mind would work so much over time. I've been having some pleasant evenings with my Gerald over here. We plan on getting married now as I am Pregnant with his heir."

That was all Chris needed to hear, his eyes went lifeless and asked himself 'what do I do now?' He now would have no home as their families lived on the west coast of The United States of Tritus. He at least had a motorcycle he could use for work. He immediately decided to walk out of the room and told her that he will be leaving her alone from now on, he asked if she could wait a while as he looks for a new home before he can move his stuff out, He made sure to promise not to return to the apartment till then.

Since Chris never seemed to have any backbone she didn't say anything to stop him or change his plans. He leaves the Inn in order to search for another cheap hotel or hostel to sleep for a few nights, 'at least she betrayed me before I spent all my money on her, it's not much but at least it's something.' He now needed to get his bike that was parked near the apartment and prepare for what he assumes is going to be a dreary and depressing future.

 At this point Chris doesn't see a point in trying to be happy or successful; the only women who's ever been by his side, other then his mother, has thrown him away as if he was trash.

Now he just plans to go through the motions of life and do just the bare minimum. As he is walking he feels his phone vibrate on his hip, he answers it without even looking as the only one who ever calls him is his mother. "How is my little baby boy doing, did you have a fun date with Jocy?" Jocy is the nickname that everyone back home had for Jocelyn. When Chris hears this he is brought back down to the pain he felt as he witnessed the end of his love life, all he says is "that's all over now, Please never mention her or anything about finding a girlfriend in the future." His mother had been a little pushy as he was growing up about him needing to find a girlfriend so he could have a family when he gets older, he was an only child so he was the only hope to continue to family line.

She immediately questions him why, "My baby Chris, what happened? Why is it over and why are you asking me not to try and help you find a future wife?" she is very upset by this. So he tries to explain all that happened to his mother while try to make sure he takes all the blame as he still naively loves her even though he knows there is no future there. She tries to push him to let go of these bad thoughts but know its going to take a lot of effort and for a lot of good to happen for him to feel happy again, the heartbreak was just to much and to sudden.

He finishes his phone call with his mom and stows his phone back in his pocket, then he feels this instant pressure in his head, chest, and his groin. He doesn't know it now but this is the beginning of the best thing to happen in his life. Nothing else was happening as he felt this pressure, he tried gathering what strength he had left in him as he entered a cheap hotel, The Jade Lotus, he had just enough money to pay for a week. He paid what little he had so he could have a roof over his head and went to his room.

He decided to lay down on the queen bed in the room to try and relax and relieve the pressure. As he laid his head on the pillow he passed out only to hear a strange almost robotic voice in his head say "Host found checking compatibility.