The New Me. (Edited)

Host found, checking compatibility, determined to be acceptable. Host is depressed, Weak, and Spineless; Host does have potential thou. Binding to host.








100% binding complete. Initiating Universal Dominance System, issuing Starting Gift." And with this he lost all his strength and his consciousness finally faded to nothing.

The bright shining light of a new day illuminated Chris's now handsome and well-kept face, as he stirs form his long and relaxing sleep, he wakes to find himself soaked in a dark and gooey sweat. All he remembers from last night is a pressure like none other and this robotic voice. As he rubs his eyes to fully wake himself he hears a voice similar to last night but now it is no long robotic but is now a soothing and feminine voice. She says "My host, Chris, I am yours and you are mine; our destiny and fates are now bound for eternity. I am your system and divine guardian , you may call me Lilith, I was once the God of Lust but have decided to bind myself to you and change this sad and dreary life of yours.

Chris did not know how to feel about this, many emotions were flashing across his face. He was feeling confused, excited, depressed, but most of all exhilarated. Chris decided to ask Lilith "what do you have in mind, I honestly have no idea how to feel about this yet. I've read about these systems in novels before but you seem different from the others I've read before." he was thinking about how Lilith said she was a God, the God of Lust at that. He wasn't a handsome or very strong man so why him?

Lilith knew what he was thinking has she was a God and his system so she said "Chris I am in your head, there is no thought that you can hide from me. Don't worry about your appearance or strength, that problem has already been resolved for you. When you were asleep I gave you many gifts to help you start fresh. You should go and take a bath and then look in the mirror; but know that those aren't all that I've changed."

Chris decided that he was not going to question Lilith any further for the moment, he figured he could ask her when he was finished cleaning. The only reason for this was that he felt super uncomfortable due to the gooey sweat. He went to the bathroom attached to his room and started drawing a warm bath for himself. After finding a liquid soap and a decent skin cleansing sponge he washed away the dirt and goo from himself and instantly realized that his skin was now as white as snow and clear of blemishes as if he were a newborn baby, and he finally could clearly see the changes in his groin area, his size used to be average but now he was at least 8 inches long.

That wasn't the only surprise in store for him, as he went to rinse his hair in preparation to wash it he discover he has long flowing hair that went to the bottom of his shoulder blades, it was dark brown with hints of black on the ends. He was excited by all these changes as his body also had much better structure and muscle definition. He decided to use the shower after draining the bath just to help make sure all the goo was gone.

When he got out of the shower he decided now was the time to look in the mirror, when he saw the changes that occurred to him he was flabbergasted and his jaw was on the floor. He knew he was now a lady killer, the only problem that might occur is he was to handsome and may attract attention from other men, and he just doesn't swing that way.

Now that he had time to see himself and get used to these changes he felt he could adjust, he decided it was time to call the desk to get housekeeping to get new sheets for his room. He calls the front desk and hears a cute and sweet feminine voice say, "Front desk, how may I help you?" and Chris simply said "Sorry to call so early in the day and for something so embarrassing, but I just woke up and I was soaked in sweat, would you be able to bring some fresh sheets to my room?" The lady at the front desk immediately agreed and decided to bring them up herself as housekeeping was too busy.

The young lady was 22 years old, and the current owner of this shabby hotel, Her dad was a rich business man, but he taught her to always treat others with respect and that everyone involved in a business is important and a key part to its success. She was 5ft 9inches tall, extremely beautiful with a petite frame, and short pink hair that went down to her shoulders. When she got to Chris's room and knocked on the door Chris was about to open the door when he realized all he had on was a towel, he figured it was too late as he didn't have any fresh and clean clothes to wear.

He opened the door just a crack and immediately apologized while giving her a slight bow which gave her a good view of his muscular frame and build, she was slightly confused because he looked totally different from last night but not enough for him to be someone else. After realizing his situation after seeing him and remember his state when he arrived last night she blushed a light pink shade but tried to hide it and entered the room to deliver his sheets. She decided to ask him what size clothes he wore so she could go and buy some for him and charge it to his room. While she was there she requested to exchange personal phone numbers to make communication easier as she would be leavening the hotel to get clothes as her hotel didn't have any shops available at the moment.

He relayed his clothing size and phone number to her, and decided to discuss his financial difficulties with her since she was going to bill him for the purchase. As he was explaining this to her he could hear Lilith in his mind say "don't worry about the money my dear Chris, like I said you received a lot as your starting gift. To tell you the truth with me by your side you will only be limited by your imagination. You have received a system with its purpose to help you dominate in everything you do, I'm not some useless game feature, so use me.

He decided that since he had her he may as well use her for what he could, of course he's not some ass hole so he will try and take care of her and make her happy and be of use for her when he can. So he asks "what do you have for me?" and Lilith immediately feels excited and says "Call out status and I will show you what you want and need." So he thinks "Status!"






STG: 8 (10)

AGL: 6 (10)

STM: 7 (10)

INT: 10 (10)

Bank Balance: $1,000,000,000,000.00

All stats for humans have an average maximum of 10, but you are special and not bound by these limitations anymore.

As he looked at his status and saw to account balance he was flabbergasted and realized that this system not only made him good looking but it helped him become a trillionaire, now the work of protecting what he has, and earning more would begin; but he suddenly remembers there was someone in the room with him so he was going to put that all to the side for now. He apologizes for his ignorant behavior and decides not to tell her about his money situation just yet. He's just thankful that Lilith stopped him from speaking too soon earlier. They say their goodbyes and she left his room with a smile on her face, one that stayed on her face since the moment she laid her eyes on him.

He had to admit that he quite liked this young lady but in all the confusion he had forgotten to get her name, so he decided that he would ask her the moment she returned with the clothes. He decided to check his phone since he had nothing else to do at the moment. First thing he wanted to do was to verify the balance of his bank account, when he confirmed that it was true and accurate, he decided the first thing he wanted to do was to purchase a home, but he decided that it would be better to buy a property he could live off of and make a profit with; he didn't plan to let any of his new wealth go to waste.

He was doing research on his phone about the buildings and properties that where available and for sale but wasn't having much luck, has we was researching he heard a knock on his door, she had finally arrived with his new clothes. Chris let her in and asked her to sit on the couch in the room as he went to the bathroom to change, he found the clothes fit him perfectly and didn't hide his new figure and frame. He decided that he may just be able to trust this girl and seek her help.